The Weekly Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 18??-1867, April 24, 1866, Image 3
If oc a 1 Head . ii)^% Special Notice. Wanted.— TWO FIRST CLASS TEA .VISTERS —Liberal wages offered Come well recommended. Apply to R. H. ROWLAND. Cartersville, April 24. interested are hereby potified that, in future, the Legal Advertise* incuts of Gilmer. County will be pub lished in this paper. many friends of JESSE It. WIKL.E announce him as a Candidate for the position ol Judge ol' the County Court authorized by late Act of the Legislature, at ensuing election. March 20, 1860. tde are authorized to announce the name of HH. 11. PRITCHETT as a Candidate for Solicitor of the County Court, at the election on 2d May next. the earnest solicita tions of my friends, 1 present my name to the Public as a candidate for Judge of-the County Court ol Bartow county, at the election on Wednesday, the 2d of May next. T. H. TRIPPE. fcS-We are authorized to announce name of ANDREW H. RICE, Esq., as a candidate lor the office ol Solicitor ol the County Court. April 10, 1806. lsL&*\Ve are authorized to announce the name of ROBERT C. SAXON as a candidate tor Solicitor ol the new County Court of this county. are authorized to announce the name of JOHN JOLLY as a candidate for Judge of the County Court of Bartow County. are authorized to announce the name of WILLIAM J. CONYERS as a candidate for Solicit or of the new County Court of this county. ff E W AI)V ER IMS I’M £ NTH. MrMessrs. A. L. Pills # Go., have just opened another Grocery and Com mission house in this place. See what inducements A. K. Rpago, of Atlanta, is offering purchasers in Corn, Oats and Hay. The firm of M. M. & J. H. Johnson, Atlanta, has undergone a change to that of Johnsons <s' Gordon, hot the change injured no one, an Col. Gordon is as clever a gentleman as anybody, and rhe Johnsons can’t he excelled. The Jefferson insurance Company is said to be perfectly reliable and re” sponsible. Jno. W. Wolford, is agent in this place. Kramer’s J/ttir lieaturulive has won a great reputation wherever it has been used, for restoring hair and all disease* of the scalp. W'e have known it used | by individuals to good effect, am! can | add additional testimony to its efficacy, j Kead the advertisement. The W heat harverl is last approach- j ing, when Threshers and Reapers will be called into requisition ; and those who intend to purchase them had bet ter call on John J. Howard at once. The Messrs. Alexanders, hardwaro merchants, Atlanta, are proposing to sell farmers cotton and grain plows, on good terms. MyWn announce, this week, the name ol John Jolly as candidate for Judge of the County Court. Mr. J. possesses, without doubt, all the requi site qualifications for a good Judge, will give entire satisfaction if elected. We also announce th* name ol Win. J, Conyers as a candidate for Solicitor ol the same Court. Mr. C.. too, is, in every respect, well qualified to fill the responsible duties ol the position. If elected he will, doubtless, render good and efficient service. we have, thus tar, failed ;o •ay anything respecting the qualifica tions of "Win. 11. Pritchett, who was the first candidate who announced his name lor Solicitor ol the County court, in order to pursue an impartial couise with all the candidates, we will say that he is fully competent to discharge the duties ol the office. If the voters of the county see proper to repose this trust in him, they will never have cause to regret it. A Violent Sroan passed over this place, on Sunday night last, prostrating trees, fences, chimneys, Ac., and spat tering the Icavea and tragiuenis ol bro ken limbs ol trees over the face ol earth. For about one hour the w ind raged wall great fury. Owing to the natural de fenses around this place, not much in jury was done to person or property, but we dread to hear the report Ironi sections where the wind had lair sweep. Scott‘a Monthly, for April, has just reached us, laden with rich stores of useful knowledge, and interesting B®.'Ve overheard a conversation between two strange gentlemen on the cars, a few days since, in regard to the, country through which the Western Atlantic Railroad passed. One re. marked to the other that he could see no inducement whatever for con struction of such a great thoroughfare' through such a poor, broken country as Cherokee Georgia, to which the other gentleman agreed. We thought of the old adage “if ignorance is bliss ’tis folly to be wise.” From what standpoint these gentlemen arrived at this conclu sion we are at a loss to determine. If it was simply from passing through on the cars, they were evidently poor judges ol land, for no man who profes ses to be a judge of land would risk his judgment from such a standpoint. It is an established fact that this mode of traveling gives one no opportunity for correct observation, and more esoecial" ly at this time, as the lands lying con tiguous to railroads were far worse de vastated, thaiVthose a little remote from them. If they reasoned from hearsay, or arrived at that conclusion from pre judice, they “ reckoned without their host.” for men differ in their notions about what constitutes a pleasant coun try or good lands. The South Sea Is lander thinks his country the garden spot of the Globe, but an American would call it an earthly pandemonium. The lbelander thinks his bleak and barren land the most desirable oi all countries, but an American could see nothing in it but starvation and death. Men’s tastes vary as much, in this re spect, as their color or features —God so designed it; if it were otherwise, and everybody saw as we see, and fell as we feel, they would all sell out, if they could, and move t >, and settle in, Bartow county, Ga., and what we say of Barlow :ouniy is eminently true of Cherokee Georgia. But what is the truth in the premises. 'The best evidence of good land is agood crop growing upon it. Had these gen tlemen but folk wed us for one hour we could have convinced them of their error* in regard to the poverty of our lauds. We could have taken them but one mile due West Irom this place and pointed out to their entranced vision, as lovely a sight as mortal eye could wish to behold—a vale in whose bo som the bright waters meet. Yes, were we possessed of the poetic fire of Tom Moore, we could picture to their imagination Ja more beautiful landscape scene than they have ever dreamed ol seeing in this vale of tears —and the picture would be a reality. This little vally embraces several thousand acres of the most fertile bottom and meadow lands—one, in viewing it, would be ir resistibly forced to exclaim— **Oh the transporting, rapturous scene, That rises to my sight; Sweet fields arrayed in living green, And rivers of delight.” There are two beautiful brooks that come together in its very centre, and then bounds off into the rippling Eto wah. Or. either side are the receding mountains all robed in verdant green and bedecked with flowers, whose low* •ring summit is cneircled with smoke commingled with the blue eihreal sky. Go with us to the highest peak and look down upon the valley below with its meandering and murmuring brooks, its out-spreading fields of green, and meadows bestudded with the speet scented crab and symmetrical elm, and you will admit that our picture is not 100 highly colored. Here, to-day. we CHn show you clo ver half-leg high and wheat that will cover your hips and-just commencing to head out. The grasses, too. com* pletely carpet the earth, and the stock luxuriate to their stomach’s content. — But this is but a little spot contrasted with bodies of land, equally as good, lying along the mtay water courses and vallies in Cherokee Georgia. We have just as good land in North ern Georgia, as ran be found in East Tennessee, or West Virginia, or in the great Valley of Virginia. We can raise any product that they can produce, and it will be just asgood and abundant, un der the same system of ullage ; and we can, in addition, raise the great staple —cotton. Our lands, both mountain and valley, are susceptible of a very high state ol cultivation—both of the grains and grasses, and admirably a olapted to the raising of stock. Volun teer grasses arc springing up over onr forests and fields from seed deposited during the war by slock fed on North ern h.iv, w hich will soon afford a range for stock sufficient to keep them fat without feeding from the barn. This is not mere idle coojeciuie, nv no means. The truth of what we af firm has been abundantly proven, by actual experiment; and if any one doub*.s is, wc simply ask them to come and see for themselves—and not under take to judge from the rapidly moving cars, or hearsay, cr from sectional pre judice. *gk,’£he Southern General Method Confert*#te is now in in Among the changes sugg^ hi Church Economy we find :—Name of the church to‘dlethodisf Church,' or Wes leyan Methodist E. Church’—Dispen- sing with Class Meetings as a test of membership, and making the attend ance at such meetings a privilege, and instituting monthly meetings as a lest —To abolish the Probationary system and receive members upon a profession of their faith—To organize colored so cieties and ordain colored preachers— To extend the Pastorate. These are among the proposed changes. As the Northern Con. are extending their wing over portions of the South, it is the in tention of the Southern Church to ex tend hers over the .North, and to this end, the Baltimore Conference has ap plied lor admission into the Conference South. Some efforts are being made to re-unite the Church North and South A proposition has been made to ordain six more Bishops. It is said that none of the Georgia Delegation are aspi rants. BgL.THE Wheat Crop, of this sec tion, never loosed better than at the present. If it escapes the present or deal, and no mishap occurs to it in the future, an abundant harvest will be re alized. in the future, will only be taken, at this office, in exchange for subscription for the Express at three cents a pound. This is what we are authorized to pay by paper manufac turers. IQrWhai lias become of the South ern Christian Jldvocatt? We were promised an exchange, some weeks a go, but, as yet, it has failed to come to come to hand. For the Express. We hate old sins and scabby shins, And cloth that is moth-eaten ; And love that’s cold, and secrets told, And friendship weather-beaten. Acwokth. Doctor's Fees. I must rxjtress, and nothing less, I’hf moving* of the spirit ; [wills, ’Bout Docdo; ‘ bills and dead men’s And what their heirs inherit. Farewell to pills and Doctor’s bills My thoughts I cannot smother ; Young Sam and me can’t stand the fee. I’ll never be a mother. Old Maid. Harriet, On the 18th inst, at Stone Mountain, Ga., bv Rev. H. C. Homady, Captain JAS. 1.. RICE, of Nashville, Tennes see, and Miss ADA J., daughter of Col. Lewis Tumlin. M' BRIDE, DOSSETT & CO., #* ww CORNER OF HUNTER AND WHITEHALL STREETS, Atlanta, ca. Importer* and wholesale Dealers in £ r o t It tx 5 , China and Glass Wares. Tull lines of C. C. CHINA AND GLASS 'WKSSk t price* si low s* any hour* in the country, W* ray no jobber* or importer* profit*, but bring our goods directly from the Fotteries of Europe, and Manufactories of America, and can offer goods upon as favorable terms as any house in the South. Goods carefully repacked for the country trade. A fine assortment for sale in the original package. Assorted Grates very low. april 10.3 m celebrated Clothes Washer and If'ringer, On hand and for sale, in Atlanta, by * spr in. T M AB. C. CLARKE. liipley & Wood, Agents [Successors to TANARUS, R, RIPLEY.] Dealers iu CROCKERY. CHINA, andglass wahe S . And House Furnishing Goods. ~ u' Also Agents for BUR* CZjji ""J GLAR AMI) FIRE ■ PROOF SAFES . Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga * April 17, 1806. . ■■ ... ■ ~fy. , - ■ The New Furniture Store OF GEO .IP. 3'RAZER, Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, .GEORGIA" Over Eddleman & Banks’ Shoe Store, Extraordinary Inducements Offered™ Purchasers- A large taX of new and tasty articles of Fur niture and Carpets —fine Brussels Car pets at $2 to $3 per yard—now being received which I will continue to sell at the Lowest Figures. FARMERS! FARMERS! Look to your Interest. To the Wheat Farmers of Middle Georgia and Alabama, I have orders for 50,000 bushels of Wheat, for which the highest cash prices will be paid. I also call attention ofFarmersto have their fields cleared of stumps and rocks, as I shall have the beat Reapers, Made for sale, or to Reap on Sheree- This caution is necessary, as no Reaper will suffer his Machine to enter fields only at the risk of the farmer, where these obstruction* are in the way. Now is the lime to do this without dam age to the erop. apr. 171 m Kentucky Threshers, Reapers, Straw-cutters, Corn-shcllers, Wagon, carriage, and buggy MATERIALS. Inn still Agent for the sale of those cele brnted Threshers. 4 tniiiiiiiiVhilifSAin and 2 Horse Power, and can furnish any and all parts of them new which may have been broken. Also Reapers can be furnished or any part of them, together with a splendid Corn-Nheller and Straw-Cut ter, made on the moat approved plan for dura bility and usefulness. Also all Materiils for V\ agon*, Carnages, and Buggies, iu whole or in part —Hubs, Felloes, Shafts, and Poles, Wheels, Bodies, fee., all mad of the best sea soned timber. Call and examine the prices, and let your orders go on st once so as to he ready for the Harvest and the incoming crop. JOHN J. HOWARD. march 27 tin n. P. Z'MMRriMA*, 8. A. ▼tEttIRRT, bate of Scranton A Zim- ; Late of Jackson, merman, Augusta, Ga.; Miller a Verdery, Augusta, Ga. ZIMMERMAN l VERDERY, Grocers, Produce and commission merchants. Corner Broad and Marietta Streets, ATLANTA, GA. Prompt atteusion given to con.ignmenta and orders. * march 27. Im VAN EPPS & TIPPIN, Wholesale Dealers in Grocerle*> And Provisions, Alabama Street, nsar Whitehall, v ATLANTA .GEORGIA} HA V Ein Store end to arrive : 50 bags Rio Coffee; SO bags Java Coffee, 20 bbls A Sriigar, 20 bbls Extra C Sugar, 10 bbls Crushed Sugar, 20 bids Porto Rico Yellow Sugar, S boxes Browa Sugar, SO bbls 6olden Syrup, 20 kegs Reffned Syrup, 20 bbls Mackerel, 100 kits No. i Mackerel, 5 bbls Pickled Herrings, 10 boxes Cod Kish, 20 kegs Soda, 50 boxes Candle*, Pepper. Spice, Ginger, Mustard, Oyster* in car*’ Catsup, Pepper Sauce, Lemon Syrup. Pickles, Sardine*. Concentrated MHk. Figa. R arts ins. Prune*. Alanoads, Bmnl Nuts. English Wal nut*. Pecan Nuts. Filberts, Frrncb Cbe-tnuts, Jellies. Soda Cracker*. Butter Crackers. Peach es in cans. Black and Green Tea. Soap. Cop peras. Extract of Logwood, also Corn. Bacon, Lard. Cheese, tec. spr 1? lm FOR SALE. A NEAT, -omfortable HOCBE. with out house*, and four Acre* of Land at I* c bed, situated about one mile from Cartersvilie.— For further particular* apply to Marrfi ** J. A. HOWARD. Psoricus ! Fsoricus! Psoricus !! Will certainly curt* the Itch ! IF you have ITCH, us* Psoricus ! ! DON'T Scratch too much, use Psoricus and be cured of the ITCH ITCH is troublesome, get a box of PsOri- CUS and be cuied. PSORICUS will cure TETTER OR RING WORM. PSORICUS is prepared by S. R. KRAMER & CO.. Drafts, Atlanta Ga. For Sale by W. L. KIRKPATRICK fc CO. Druggists, Jan. 15. Cartersville, Ga. The Public are hereby notified that W. L. Kirkpatrick & Cos, j HA VIC JCBT UCCKiriD A LABSK STOCK OF TUB Best Drugs and Medicinesever before offered in Cartersville, consisting, in part, of the following articles : AU the preparations of Murcury, Iron, Opium, And lodine ; Extracts, Acids, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Putty, Glass, Paint Brushes, Varnishes ; ; German, Fancy, Castile, and Toilet Soaps; Candles, Borax, Black Lead, Starch, Sulphur, Soda, Potash, Sozodont, Bay Rum, Cologne, French Brandy and Wines for medical purpo ses ; a large lot of Patent Medicines, Ayer’s, MeJ.ane's and Radway’s Pills ; J eady Relief, Cherry Pectoral, Sarsaparilla, Ambrosial Oil, Vermifuge, Godfrey’s Co-dial, Bateman’s Drops, and a large number of articles not enu merated. to which we invite the attention of physicians and the public generally. When In Town, call around and see our stocK. In addition to the above, we have on hand a largo lot of fine Smoking Tobacco, and as splen did asaortment of Kentucky made Leather as Is at the South. We will fill orders from Physi cians promptly, anu flatter ourselves that we can sell as low as any party South. Prescrip tions faithfully eom| ounded. Terms, Cash. Be sure to enquire for W. L. Kirkpatrick & co’s DRUG STORE. CARTERSVILLE, Ga. Martih 13, WO. Keep it in miiitl, THAT THE BEST LISTS Is burned at the Ro gers Kiln, by J. F. LEAKE & CO. A LARGE supply kept on hand. Orders promptly filled. Address us at Cartera viite, Ba/low county, Ga. March 13. Central HoteL, IVY STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Rear of Masonic Hall, near Maiket House Call for Clerk or Porters on arriving. A NEAT three story building, newly and neatly furnished. Kept on the principle of pleasing its patrons to pay its proprietor.— Its established character for good fare and ni<-e lodging* shall be maintained. Board by the mouth furnished with and without lodging, at reduced rate*. Rsv. J. W. HINTON, Merch 20. 3m Proprietor. A HOME FOR SALE. That very desirable tract ■jfSjßSfß? of Land, 285 known as the Col. Milner place, is now offered for Sale. A large, beautiful Creek run* through this tract. It ia bounded on one side by the Western Sc Atlantic Haßroad, and lying about 1} and 1J miles from Carter*vilie. Bartow (formerly Catu) County. Ga. It will be sold on reasonable terms. Applv to mch 27 liu JOHN J. HOWARD. W. L. GOLDSMITH, Attorney at Law, Atlawta, Gxoboia. Will practice in Pulton and adjoining counties. Office at City Hall, with the Ordinary. Refer* to Hon. Joseph H. Lumpkin, Athens. r Wm. Hope Hull, Esq., “ Hon. Warren Akin, Caitcrsville. Hon. Wm. 7. Wofford, “ Judge James Milner, “ Hon. L. J. Gartrell, Atlanta, Ga. Hon. Wm. Exxard, “ Hon. Jared I. Whitaker." Hon. M. A. Chandler. Decatur, Ga. J. B. Stewart, Esq.. Stone Mi., Ga. March 20. FRESH Cotton Seed, for Sale, or Will be exchanged for Lint Cotton and Dried Fruit, at the highest market price, by J. ELSAS & CO. Cartersvilie, Feb. 13. T.M. 1 R. C. CLARKE. Successors te T. M. CLARKE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in En glis h AND American Harlrtoar t, QONSISTING, in part, of 21),000 lbs Plow Steel, 100 Bars Tyre Iron, Hoop, Band, and Horse Shoe Iron, Nail Rods. Horse .Shoe Nails, Trace Chains, Plows, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Carpenters’ Tools, Building Material. Bellows and Vices, Mill amfCross-Cut Saws, Files of all kinds, Leather and Rubber Belting, Hemp and Gum Packing, Pocket and Fable Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, Flasks, ic., and all other goods kept in the line. Also Agents, in Atlanta, for PI AT FORM AND COUNTER SCALES which we .ell It Factory prices, Freight added. T. M. &R. C. CLARKE, , a., ,vm r , Peachtree and Line streets, ATLANTA. GA., Feb 27. 6m W. W, CHAPMAN, J. W, RUCKER. . CHAPMAN l ROCKER, W holesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, (West side Whitehall Street,) Atlanta, Ga. co,,fine ourselves strictly to the y Wholesale trade, and, from lotigex perienc in business, hope to share a liberal patronage. We would especially in vite the attention of Merchants visiting our city, to the examination of our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We have now, in Store, and are daily re ceiving, a large stock of GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, &C., consisting, in part, as follows: 800 bbls. Flour, (all grades.) 500 bush, white & yel. corn, 10,000 lbs. new (clear sides) Bacon and Hams, 50 Bags Rio coffee, 75 bbls. Sugar (dif. grades.) 30 Doz. Planters’ steel hoes, 150 Kegs Nails, and all other goods usually kept in the grocery line. March 6. 3in McCAMY & CO„ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealem in medicines, paints, oils, DYE-STUFFS, GLASS, PUTTY. &C„ Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ga. Country orders filled promptly and at the lowest prices. Prescriptions carefully prepar ed day and night. Feb 27. 3m James D. Buice, A. P. Wood. Buicc & Wood, DEALERS IN COOKING, PAR- O X yJ V LOR.nd OFFICE. A large lot of Tin Ware, ON HAND; ALSO, MANUFACTURERS OF TIN WARE, of *ll sort*. figagWork done in Sheet Iron. JiaAlso, ROOFING; * T ' l GUTTERING, and all kinds of job work, Orders for any thick on hand promptly filled. Orders for any kind of work will be faithful ly and promptly executed. Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA. Feb. 27, 1868. 3m call and sec us. BLACKER, HANCOCK & CO.. TAKE pleasure in announcing to the citi zen* of Cartersville and vicinity, that they have on hand, a good stock of Family GROCERIES, and a selected assortment of tin ware, which they offer to the public at Reduced prices. Give us a call before making your purchase*. The highest CASH prices paid, or Goods, at th* Lowest market prices, exchanged for Country Produce. Oastwes'dle. 3m FURNITURE, Cottage and Teaster BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, WASH-STANDS, Cane-seated CHAIRS, Tin Safww Just received and for sale, orv reasonable terms, bv LOE WENS'I ELN * PFEIFER. Cartersville, Ga., March 27. TANARUS, M. COMPTON, Dealer in DRY-GOODS <fc GROCERIES, Hardware, Crockery, BOOTS AND SHOES. ZEE A. T S &c qXZPS, 11IN WARE, Drugs and Medi- ipSiSS icines, Dye Stuffs, Factory Stationery, Meal, Flour, Bacon, lard Medical Liquors, Cotton Cards, and, in tact, a general assortment of leading 81 . on west side W’estern & opposite Dspotjjn the ' C a rt e rs vTfleT J. M. HARDIN^ Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES. Confectionaries, Tobacco and Llgarn 7 AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, Which he will either buy or sell. Next door to the Post Office, March 5. Carteksvillk, Ga. L. L. Abbott, W. T.. Abbott, B. F. Abbott. ABBOTT & BROS., Commission Merchan ts, Whole Sals Dealers in produce AND groceries, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. (Established in business in 1858.) WOULD respectfully tn* nounce to the people of Northern Georgia, that they have now on hand, and will keep con* slantly, a large slock of CORN, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, MACKEREL, CHEESE. COTTON YARNS, BAGGING AND ROPE, SYRUP, PEPPER, SPICE, CANDLES, Sugar and Coffee, VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA TOBACCO, Leather, dealers and planters, Who are in need of Corn, Bacon, Flour, fee., in large quantities, can have their supplies shipped direct to them from the west by send ing their order* to us. ABBOTT* BROS. mill stones, We are agents for the sale of tho celebrated French Burr and Esopus 91 111 Stones, and are prepared to fill all ordera for the various sizes on the most favorable terms. Feh. 27. ABBOTT * BROS. A. W. MITCHELL & 8T.0., commission merchants, Comer af Whitehall and Iluntaf dtreets, Atlanta, On. All Produee, Cotton, <te., consigned to them will receive personal attention, and prompt returns made on all trans* actions. Jan, 8,18 W, Circular Saw Mills, AND STATIONARY AND Portable Engines. TTTE are very largely engaged in the ninn- YY u fact ure of the a!>ovc Machinery. Our Mill* are tlie first Premium Mills of the great State* of Ohio. Indiana and Illinois. Those wishing to purchase address us for price and description at Hamilton. Butler County, Ohio. We are but twentv-five mile* from Cincinnati. OWEN*, LAN*, DYER A CO. Aet 1 9* 9m