The Courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1889-1901, December 12, 1889, Image 7

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SHORT CROPS I Co,,se <lMMy Money is Scarce and Everybody is • Looking out for the Best Bargains. Nortn Georgia Gtieap Furniture House to tlte Rescue! " f 1 T wo Mp NTHS AGO EVERYBODY FELT ASSURED THAT THERE I we are which"^"*"* 15 ' the CHEAP FUR C NrnjßE C HOI t I h Sp 1| h ‘ ted fu ! ,d il a , float ' the NC >R TH GEORGIA absolutely guarantees thejr sa?^ SE haS marked d ° Wn a “ its goods to prices that BARGAINS IN FtIRNITCRE. GEORGIA K COtton P ros Pf cts > the NORTH ™ d down Bar the aL? U 1 W ,u Y ? ur reputation is made in that respect, and North reoimG rhpL f deserted the foreign markets and now patronize the mdv T delnXe House-having come to the conclusion that it was nl\ a delusive idea that fine goods could not be had at home. UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. Stnrknf l^ n d| rtak h 1 g department is filled with a fine and well-selected Stock of Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. All orders in this line will be given prompt and careful attention. 12. L. PEACOCK Proprietor North Georgia Cheap Furniture House. THe Hovarb BARK 0F Gartersville. Buys and sells Exchange, available id all parts of the world. Receives Deposits subject to check. Issues Certificates of Deposit, payable on demand; or at a specified time, on which interest is allowed. Ibis Bank having been tried In the crucible and having proven its claim upon the confidence of the public, solicits its patronage and promises a faithful dis charge of Its duties to its customers. Desirable accounts solicited and all usual accommodations extended. aug22-ly W. H. HOWARD, Solo Owner. J. R. WIKLE, President. J H. VIVION, Cashier. Directors : J. R. Wikle, J. C. Wofford, .?. H. Vivion, L. S. Mumford, W. C. Baker, Hiram Blaisdell, J. A. Stover. • THE • First national bank OF GARTER3VILLE. Cartersvillk, Ga., May Ist, 1889. This bank is now ready for transacting any legitimate Banking business upon the most liberal terms and principles consistent with absolute safety and protection to the interests of the Bank and its customers. We, therefore tender oui services to the public and bolieit patronage upon the foregoing sound basis, and will endeavor to make our business relations pleasant and satisfactory to all dealers and our institution a real benefit to this city and the surrounding country. Respectfully, J. H. VIVION, Cashier. Emerson Malleable Iron Company, EMERSON, BARTOW CO., GA. The Only Malleable Iron Works in the South. The extensive works of the company have been com ploted, and they are now ready for business. Gray and Malleable Castings Made to Order. Machine Work and Jobbing of all kinds done prompt ly, cheaply and as well as any other shop in the country . Estimates given on any kind of work, on application Address, Emerson Malleable Iron Cos., Bep2s-3m EMERSON, CA. Gerald Griffin. * FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY. * Represents Leading Companies. juiy 19-ly Cartersville Planing Mill, (GALLOWAY ife FREEMAN OLD MILL.) Cor. Leake & Skinner Sts, CARTERSVILLE, GA. Lumber, Shingles, Flooring. Ceiling, Siding. FULL STOCK KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND Moulding and Turned Work of all the Latest Designs. MS-COTTON GINNING. With the best of machinery and ample facili ties tor the buslnes, will give prompt attention to this class of work, and solio;. the patronage of the public. MJLNEP. & MILNER, Proprietors, . .. - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. M. Neel, Attorney-at-Law. Special attention given to litigation in real estate, in the ad ministration of estates of deceased per sons, and in cases in equity. Office : On Public Square, north Ht. James Hotel. feb24-]y Douglas Wikle, Attorney-at-Law. Practices in all the courts ot tlio Cherokee Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims and the abstracting of titles. Office : In the Court House, ____ J. H. Mayfield^ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Chfonic Diseases a Specialty. OFFICE east side Public Square. ( ar tersville,Ga. aug22-6m The Booz Hotel, CEDABTOWN, GEORGIA. Recently enlarged, ample accommodations for the traveling public. novl4-tf Public Hauling. EGBERT MOODY. Prepared to do all kinds of Hauling—carefullv, safely and guaranteed satisfaction. Movingpiuno, safes, etc., according to weight ; baggage, 15c. flour, 15c.; guano, l>£c.; household furniture, 25c. Call for Egbert Moody. junel-lv * GOALi! ♦ Call on us for good coal. Full weights reasonable prices. Aubrey & McEwen, AGENTS FOR' CLEN MARY AND LEHICH COAI,. novl4-tf _ Real Estate! ALEX M. WILLINCHAM. PARTIES HAVING REAL ESTATE of any character for sale can do no better than by placing it in my hands. I will pay strict attention to FARMING LANDS, CITY PROPERTY, MINERAL PROPERTY. All property placed in my hands will be ADVERTISED FREE OF COST to OWI 6", and every effort made to bring about a sale. ALEX M. WILLINCHAM nov2l-tf SOUTHERN NEWS. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM VA RIOUS POINTS IN THE SOUTH. k CONDENSED ACCOUNT OF WHAT 13 OOINO ON 0 nePOUTANCK IN' ME SOUTHERN STATES. Governor Lee, of Virginia, delivered (Headdress to ex-Oonfedcrate soldiers a. Clinton, N. C., Thursday. The First National bank of Rockwood, Tenn., has been authorized to begin bus iness with a capital of $50,000. The farmers’ convention in session in St. Louis has appointed a to bring about, a union of all the farmers’ organizations. In the United States circuit court in Columbia, S. C., Daniel 11. Chamberlain was made permanent reoeiver of the South Carolina Railway company. The North Carolina Steel and Iron company lias been organized at Salisbury, with a capital stock of $1,000,000, to build a Bessemer iron furnace of 150 tons daily capacity - The will of the late Mrs. Charles Crocker, of San Francisco, was filed for piobate Tuesday. She bequeathed her entire estate, valued at about $11,000,- 000, to her four children. The board of survey on the United St tes steamer Brooklyn, now at Norfolk, Va., has reported that she cannot bo repaired within the 20 per cent, limit, and she will therefore be condemned and appraised for sale. A large hardware company from Con necticut has finally signed contracts with the Fort Payne, Ala., Coal and Iron company, to remove their woi ks to Fort I’ayno at once. This company employs sno skilled mechanics. The buit of Dr. Nathan R Goiter against Robert Garrett for $25,000 for professional services, which lias been pending in the Baltimore court, was set tled Thursday. Dr. Gorier offered to compromise for SIB,OOO, and the prop osition was accepted iindtho money paid. A special from Florence, Ala., says: Fire broke out Thursday morning in Peyton’s livery stable and burned the building and twenty-one horses. Loss $6,000. No insurance. The fire com municutcd to an adjoining store, burning down the store building and stock. Loss $12,000. The general assembly of Virginia con vened at Richmond, on Wednesday. Both branchts re-elected their old offi cers. Governor Lee sent his message to the legislature. It really is a re-aflit[na tion of the provisions of the ltiddleber ger debt bill, and contains a mass of figtireo on that inexhaustible topic. The Central Elevator company, of Chattanooga, Tern , filed a lull of as signment in the*chanceiy court Tuesday. Tneir schedule shows $169,298 liabili ties, and about an equal amount of assets, consisting of grain in elevator, real es tate, etc. The failure is the largest that has ever occurred there, und was precip itated by the depreciation of grain in the elevator, and by the inability of the company to meet drafts on them. At a large meeting of the New Eng land capitalists at Denison, Texas, on Thursday, nearly $200,000 was sub scribed to the stock of the 1 enison Cot ton Manufacturing compinv to complete the capital of $5U0,000, which was re quired to build and complete the mill. The mill will have 25,000 spindles; will employ 800 Lands and w ill cause an ad dition of at least 3,001) persons to the population. GENERAL NEWS, CONDENSATION OF CURIOUS , AND EXCITING EVENTS. :■ I.WB FROM EVERYWHERE—ACCIDENTS, STRIKE!, HUES, AND HAPFENINOS OF INTEREST. Dom Pedro is opposed to the proposed American zolvereign. It is officially denied that Fiance has any intention to withdraw from the LatiD union. The Pullman Car 7.' , 'rkf<, at Pullman, 111., suffered a loss of |IOO,OOO from fire on Wednesday night, A heavy northeast gale, accompanied by a bliuding snow storm, has prevailsd on Lake Ontario for two days. Tlie total amount of insurance involved in the Thanksgiving fire in Boston offi cially reported to date is $2,340,000. Mr. Gladstone made a speech at Man chester, England, Tuesday, in which he predicted success for the Liberals in the next election. The Turkish government has in structed its delegates in the African conference to oppose any intervention in the trade in Circassian women. On Tuesday, in the menagerie attached to Barnum’s circus, in London, the larg est elephant belonging to the show be came enraged and killed his keeper. The general executive committee of the world’s fair at New York, held s meeting Thursday and adopted a bill which is to be presented to congress. The benefit tendered to Mrs. Parnell by Comedian W. J. Scanlan, took place Thursday afternoon at the Star theatre, New York. Eight hundred and seventy seven dollars was realized. The national wool growers’ meeting organized Tuesday, electing ColiimbUi Delano, of Ohio, president; G. H. Wal lace, president of Missouri Wool Grow ers’ association, secretary. Vienna is snowed up. Provisions ars from fifteen to twenty-five per cent, dearer on account of impeded communi cations. Postal service is dong on sleighs. Robbers are active in the coun try distrsets. A dispatch from Pittsburg, Pa-, -saysi Homer L. McGaw has made a statement regarding his expulsion from the Knights of Labor, in which he charges Lit* hman and Powderly with crooked ness. The editor of the Waterford, Ireland, Abitis has been sentenced to two months’ imprisonment for printing in his paper opinions contrary to the views of the government, which is called intißtida* lion. Food in its Relation to Health. Dr. Atwa’er, in the paper rend by him before the la t c<nve:iti< n of the American Public Hea th Associa ion, dwelt on the evils of o-er t a’ing, and showed that in thiscouatiy pw pleove - eat enormously, spec ally in the nm'te - of meat and swi etmeats. v ith the i\ s It of undermining thei health to a degree. Dr. Jerome Walker ga e fee s to prove that m at < n -e a dav was < noirgli f< rimy o dii a y j.arson. J)r. Atkinson shewed the impo. tan e of bnter eook ng for .he nas es Ho considered that a great ob s'rnciion to improvement in the ait of cooking is the n'most universal m's con ejition the liner cuts of me it aie more nn'.nti >. s than the corner portii ns, oouphd with an almost in superable prejudi e among w rk ng people against 1 1 -we I food. This pe jadice is do ibt oss cue to the asteless quality of boiled n eat; bo Ing to. gh ens fcao’i of the tne (lines an 1 de ri es the nn at almost wholly of its distinctive flavor. All tl ese bunder and mis ts rnceitiom must eiid ntly he ris moved ’ 'fo:e any tne art of cooking u a ban me i omm> n j ruatice. The n.or ■ ne-essavy, however, does it become to invent anjaratus in whiili meal i nr. o dv lie sire, i ed and cinn t boil, as in the Al- ddin c ok -r, ; n I also to inv. n 1 a stove or ove i .n which neitln r meat nor brea 1 1 an 1 eove rook and, dtied up, onende oil ind'ge nil le b .• too mu -h l'.eit, as in the AlndTn oven. Next, ] e >pie must be i o Minded tha 1 a1 e ler at and mo o n it* ikons b eak att < att be rna le o idy to ea‘, a t soon as the fa oily are on <f be.l, Ity pu’mg meat boas. tatmeil, b own hrtad and n any kin Is o" i u Id ng i do the cooker, and simmer in i all night by the use of a single sa r e lamp, than in any o luv w v. Not Heady. The phonograph his not yet hecti re duced to that simplicity and perfection of operation necessary for its general sale and introduction. It is true, several ex amples have been produced which are in use, and many inti resting ixperiments have been made. At the Paris exhibi tion the instruments were shown in op eration, and the perfection of the remits in recording and delivering speech was marvellous. But in most cases, in order to get really satisfactory results, experts are required to watch, adjust and work the instrument. When the phonograph becomes entirely nutiimiic its future is assured. Tli* People arc not slow to undcr.stand tjbat, in order to warrant their manufacturers in guitrunfeelnff • hem to benefit or cure, medicines must jos ns-s more than ordinary merit and curative properties. Dr. l*Wsrce*R Oo’den Medical Dis covery is the only blood medicine sold, • hroujdi druggist#* under a positive guarantee tint it will benefit or cure or irtonov paid for it will h returned. In nil blood, skin and HC.ilp din cases, and for all scrofulous affections, it is HpeCifid. SSOO Reward offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sago’s Catarrh 11 medy for an Jpdhrablc case. __ Ui*c*sh a tree bears blossoms in Spring, we nuij Took in vain 4br Autumn fruit. Last Winter I was troubled ao badly with rheumatism in my right shoulder and joint* of my leg as not to be able to wain. 1 took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and now I don’t feel any aches or pains anywhere. I sell newspapers right In the middle of the street every day in the year, and have been doing so for five years, and standing on the cold stones ain’t no picnic, I cfln tall you. And If Hood's SarsipariU i cured me it certainly ought to b good far thos * people who don*t stand oh the cold stoned. I can be seen every day in the year at corner Tompltin ahd DeKalb Avenues.—William W. Howard, firboklyfl, N. Y. tr. B.—lie sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar JP.RIEND" SSHBSbSS* *2CTMBnIp OV n^j I hay feverLj#! 50 Cts. COLD-HEAD ELY BHOTHEttS, 5 Warren Si., New York. I F YOA' WISH A RE vVmV?E l( purchase one of the ceie- Yb’JT-/* bra ted SMITH k WESSON arms. The finest xmall arm • // YY~*fNISKV ever manufactured and the )J Bw first choice of all experts. VW Manufactured in oalibr*s 32. :and 44-1 U). Sin- eKE* gle or double action. Safety Hamtncrhws and Target models. Constructed entirely of beat qual ity xvi ought sleet, carefully inspected for wori mansb pand stock, t bey are unrivaled for finish, dut nliilii y nnd ncciirnex* Ik* not be deceived by cheap mn lien hie eaMt-ii-oii imitation* which are often w*l4 for the ge).M‘ne article and are not onlv umviiai >. but dangerous. The SMITH k WESSON Kevolvers are all stained upon tfcehar ri with firm’s name, address an 1 <late-i of paints and are gnu runt red perfect in • very detail. In sist uj*on having the genuine article, and if your dealer cannot supply you an order s- nt to address below will receive prompt and careful attention Deacrptivacpiialorne a 1 l orient furuishel noon ap- SMITH ic WESSON, PTMention thi* pap r. Springfield, >la*a, n .(BUSINESS Liillrf COLLEC6, \IHP’ NASHVILLE, TENN. If This College, though yet in its Infancy. I L has more than *>oo former student.occu- I § pyiiig pst*ton., many of them r*. / I ueiviiig salaries ranging from SOHO to • II 500 jair auuncQ- For circular', address 1/ B. W. JESiJiIXGHs, Pr*i. OPIUM HABIT. A. Valuable TrootUo Giving roll Information of no £aay and Socedy cue frti to tM (BtctedT P. *. C. Bird Seed. Bird feed forms a considerable item in tire expert trade of tome of the Moorish por s The vice-consul at one port states that (his se< and is never sown apart by the Moorish farmers, nor is any spicial at tention paid to its (ultivaiion. It is al ways sown with wheat, and when reaped and thrashed it is separated by the coun try women in sieves. The reason of this practice is that there is a general super stition among the Moors that in very wet seasons the wheat is in part converted into bird seed, and hence they sow the two together. 1 here is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all oilier disease, put together, mill mi II the last few years was supposed to he incurabe. Kora great many years l)oc to!s pronounced it n local di case, and pro scrihed local remedies, and by constantly tailing to cure with local treatment, pro ; liounccd it incurab c. .Science has proven ca tarrh in be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. .1. t heney & Cos., Toledo. Ohio, is the only con stitutional cure on the market. It Is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a tea. spoonful. It nets directly upon too blood and mucus surface of the system. They offer one hundred dollar’s for any case it faiis to cure. *cnd for circulars and testimonials. Ad dre... F. ,T. CHKNEY & ' 0., Toledo, O. {w.''o)d by llruggists, 750. "Lucy moron.” Hark ! the sound of mauv values, wulii ant to gladdest SOI.-,, And full many a hoars rojotoo* Ah the chorus floats along: “Hail the Queen of all Tc'ixoeos" Huiv the happy voices bland, "Finest and purest among her fellows - Man’s staunch and true friend.” Ilrrsoit, ilic I'lirndlao of Farmer*. Mild, equable climate, certain and abundant • lops, hi nt fruit, grain, gnus, nnd stock coun try in the world. Full Information free. Ad ditss Ureg. Im’lgra’tn Board, I’ortlaiKl, Ore. Die Mother’s Friend, used a few weeks be fore confinement, lessens Hie pain and m >kes labor quick and comparatively easy. Sold by all 111 u ;glsts. —— —-* The old smoker’s delicht*~“Tauii'H’s” Punch, America’s finest sc. Cigar. If a filleted .with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp son's Eye-Water Imiggistssell at 145 c per bottle ',lvlK yaVSMIUA SMITH’S BILE BEANS Act on the liver and bile; clear the complexion; cure biliousness, stele headache, coatlveness, inalarla and all liver and stomach disorders. We arc now making smstt site Bits Beans, especially adapted for children and women— very small anil easy to titke. Price of either size 25c per bottle. A panel size PHOTO-GRAVURE of the above plcturo, “Kissing at 7-17-70, mailed on receipt of tto stamp. Address the makersof the great Anti Bile Remedy-‘’Blle Beans.’’ J. F. SMITH it CO., St. U>uiß. Mo. Double Action revoTver. Unequalled for S.v rumetrr, Beaotr, Ma- terlal. and Workmanship With oMfety Catch, imposslbl# to throw barrel open wh#n dis charged. New patent. 38 calibre, using 8. A W. €. r. Cartridge. Do not bvy until you hams examined this. If you buy a genuine Swift Double-Action Revolver, you are sure to have at perfect a Pistol as can be made. Sent postpaid on receipt ttf price, < stamp* for our 100 pope t Uustr&teH Mttatoyue of Guns. Rifles. Rerolocrt. Police Good*, etc. John P.’Lorell Arms Cos., Hfrs., Boston. Ham. t JONES assfe Tara Beam and Ream Box for -060. Every fixe Scale. For free price list mention this paper and addrene JONES OF BINGHAMTON, 111 Mill A MTU \ , N. Y. ! after all others fail consult DR. LOBB ; 3iil North Fifteenth Ht„ Philadelphia, Pa, for i the treatment of lilood Poisons, Skin Eruptions, Nervous Complaints, Bright's Disease* Strictures, , Impotency and kindred diseases, no matter of how i long standing or from what cause originating. . MT‘Ten days medicines furnished by mali fnep bend for Book on Mi*El'IAL Xllwennea. I nfcfc* I— in ' II HIM JOHN t. bTHA i TON 4t SOM. TmnorterA of at’ kinds of Moutli. Ilarmouiom 43 A i.i V\ ulMCi* at., New k ora, $7 Drei|.LN4rf. 44 • Iff Atheafer Rifles, 011 1* 111 flreprkt.lofll* f Rifle*. • #12.00. 9fll4irkln ltefolffr*, flki'l.|*l(lFt, fl?.00. If, stxtip fr r iO-pacr* Catalogue *t i ur fli per *est Griffith a simple, 6<2t*. m*m, Louivw, CHICHESTER S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS RCO CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. //“L'N fcafs au.l aiarays reliable. Ladle*, A 6, S\ C-jW • s, ‘ Druggir' ' r fHamoud Brand, iu Lf* -fed, metallic boxes, With bluf A*Tm7Yflbb<>n. Take no other. All ptllc\wfHr j OH* MH'y.lP pasteboard bo*e. pins wrapper*, are \Y / ! ; “ fff ditngrroii* counterfeits. ■sad 4e. v { Jr ('•tames) for particulars, testimeoial* and ‘ *p* Bf “Keller for Ladle*,* in lent, by retara If mull. Same P<\p*r. *-r iblrhMter i krnmt C#„ Raillma • . rwia.. Pa* COUTHERN PRINTERS’ SUPPLY CO. Rw WF CARBT IK STOCK Type , Cases. Stands, Presses, j Paper Cutter* AND EVERYTHIN*! USED IN A PRINTING OR PUBLISHING HOUSE. rr-Call an u find HAVE *IONKY!j*J 34 West Alabama Street, ATLANTA, GA. I , (iH.TN BONANZA. Hill’sOb.mpinn STEAM . V COOKER Nice wurii. I, urge Profit., HILL, | WHITNK.Y i CO , M*. Man-. nnillßl IIAIIIT. Only Certain nnd nPiII fM cn.l CURE 111 the World. Dr. UlIUIt! J. L. feTEI'HKNH, Letnnon 0 nttiiiniiiis ~ N BRYANT & STRATTON Baslness College louisville. ky. P ISO’S REMEDY FOR CATARRH.—Best. Easiest to use. Cheapest. Relief is irair.cdiate, A cure is certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equal. CAT A R RPf Ttis *a Ointaicnt, at whksb * htorU jurtklp.ii applied - c pm ENJOYS Bothy he method and results when Sjru* of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and i freshing to the taste, and acta gentl yet promptly on the Kidneys, Live j and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem f factually, dispels colds, head achet and fevers and cures habitual const pation. Syrup of Figs is the only emedy of its kind ever pro duce , pleasing to the taste and ac cept! >le to the stomach, prompt in its a tion and truly beneficial in its effect i, prepared only from the most healthy and agreoatn* substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60c and 51 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA F/6 SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL UtnmU. KY. N£W YORK, H.Y. .f&AMHTS WANT C %£? R ™‘ 'tw* WAR STOUT book throughout theßouthern States than "Strsar or X.oufoNaar.” Many year, have passed aloce the thrilling aceaes haroin recounted ol the deede of valor of (ha Confederate Soldier, yet the Interest, by these who fought with A-hby. Stuart Johnston. Beauregard. Jaekeon and Let In Ihacauae for which they so desperately and bravely battled, wilt never grow leae. This thrilling atory Jiloturaa Betal<vJoyandeorrow, and a lovn aweetly told, but la filled with htatoro Incidents of the great contest between the South tad the North. Here tea book for tbo eld Kr. Confederate, to recall to bln: the vivid acenva of the greateat 01-11 War evor known, to call back Alt ovm campaigns, and toll him of the mighty Chiaftaina. dear to the memory of every ona who wore tbo Gray, - Surry of Eagle’s Neat" will find a welcome In ovary S nthern home. That it may bo within the reaoh of every one. tt So published at tlienow tawou or Ik though a naaou. baxpsowp. voixrwu. aautrjmiu.l ibtraTUiTXE aw SLaoiSiLTUosau. SOLD ONLY BV SUBSCRIPTION. i As the demand for thia orx r.voam aoos At<y. hat Um out of print so long, will be Jxi ga, and applications for agencies vrre numerous, all whodeaire to aot aa Scents should write for terms and quick It oociro oh.ioo of territoiT. O. W. DILLINGHAM, Publisher, 33 Wost 73d St., Now York- ThWTmmntßr 6e!ow Freezing aud a tierce tu.m *ja i..cei which Burntea iu face like a thousand needlaa. Wind forty miles an hour. V'ou say a man couldn’t stand such ex poaur* ? No, he couldn’t, without just the proper e.'dthiyg And there’s only one outfit that fan k#ep a man both warm and dry at such a time, ai .l that is the “ Fisli Brand Slicker.” The/ are guaranteed storm-proof, waterproof, and tvind proof. Inside one of them, you areas much out of the weather as if indoors. They are light, but warm. Being re-eufcrced throughout, they never rip: and the buttons are wire-fastered. No rail road man who haa once tried one would be with ut it for ten times its cost. Beware of worthless im itations, evsry garment stamped with “ Fish Brand'* 1 rads Mark. f)6 n’t accept any inferior coat when you dan have the ** Fish brand Sticker ” delivered without extra cost. Particulars and illustrated cat alogue free. A. J. TOWER, - Boston, Maas. ■%■■■■■ ”•< WHISKEY HAH 4§gj® U 3 if 9 WLjm ITSonrcd ar home wlh |ll 8U m REE. WITIMOa.' Ota •* WUtJkwi 8L IFfIUC NTl’llY. Book-kcrring,Bu*lnret* l ormts, fid U fflC renuianship, Anthmetic, Short hand. tc., II thoroughly taugnt by MAIL. Circulars fine. Bryant's College, 457 Main St., Bullalo, N. Y. * I prescribe and folly ea donte Big G as the only JBmJ/r Cur— i q epecltic for tliecsrta acurt TO k of thisdleeafe. not mM Q. H.INHKAII AM.M. D . EH mm Z£Z* n Amsterdam, N. Y. rJ ltrfl *aij by the Wo have 6f>id Big G for n.n(Hl fl* many years, end it hat wnuuctl riven the best of saiia- faction. OUo jri lK ll ' D iCJ \ F * CO i i! a. N*u. 7777777777777. . .777777... 777. si.