The Cartersville courant-American. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1888-1889, November 29, 1888, Image 5

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    *U S E
o J%l
. „uik and , *>rtain cur*' for Eczema, Scald
„ 1 letter. licit, St. Anthony's Fire, Pimples.
p.wtiilfH. Salt When in, Eryaipelua, Heat, Milk
'Chafe*, Dandrnff. and all affeetionn of
1 ui*ch all diseases of the Feet caused
Heat and Perspiration.
Sole proprietors, - - - ATHENS, GA.
for sale by M. F. Word and J. It. Wlkle &
Cartersville, Ga.
ilanufacturers, ■ Attention!
hk it ordaixed, By the Mayor and Aldermen
f ’.j,,. fit.v of Fartersville, That any party or
' arties who shall in future invest in property in
I' 1,1 ~jfy for the purpose of conducting any mitn
!i(i'ctnrin>' enterprise, and shall actually operate
the Hairie. shall be exempt, from all city taxes
iiiion such property and all machinery and irn
.,n>vt*riietits thereon of every character, for the
mrin of five years from the purchase of such
property. Approved Nov. 1, 1888.
Finance —j. A. Crawford, Chairman, A. M. Will
injfbain, Moses Scheuer.
Cemetery’ —G. W. Waldrup, Chairman, A. R. Bar
ron, W. A. Bradley.
street *_A. Collins, Chairman, A. L. Barron, L.
B. Ms 11 hew l.
Relief —IMatthews, Chairman, O. W. Wal
drop, A. Collins.
Public buildings —W. A. Bradley, Chairman, A.
Collins. C. B. Matthews. .
Ordinance—A. L. Barron, Chairman, A. M. Will
ingham, Moses Scheuer.
Joe M. Moon, J. C. Wofford,
Clerk. Ma.*or.
If. J. McCormick, County Surveyor, P.
0. Stilesboro, (in.
Thanksgiving Day.
It is iu order to don flannels.
Mrs. V. M. Alexander is paying a visit
to her parents near Calhoun.
The prettiest days of the fall were the
last of Inst and the lirst of this week.
The work of putting anew roof on
the Methodist church was began Monday.
Several Cartersville lawyers attended
Superior Court at Cedartown last week
and this.
Mr. John T. Owen left yesterday for
Athens, where he goes as a delegate to
the Presbyterian Synod of Georgia.
Messrs. Miles Dobbins and W. 11, Cos
by, of Cartersville, took in the Chatta
hoochee Valley Exposition, at Columbus,
last week.
It is estimated that the city’s popula
tion has grown several hundred since
the authorities took the census a few
months ago and now numbers actually
about 8,000.
Miss Emma Norris’classin stenography
in West End Institute is increasing in
interest. She proposes to teach at SB.OO
per pupil per month, if the class reaches
ten in number.
Hon. A. \V. Fite and Mr. James Tumlin
went to Calhoun last week to take the
oath of office in their new positions, So
licitor oftlie Cherokee circuit and Deputy
Collector of internal Revenues, before
Judge Fain.
Get up a club of five subscribers at
SI.OO per year for theCouRANT-A meuican,
and secure one of those valuable books
which every farmer and horticulturist
ought to have, “Peeks’ Orchard, Farm
and Garden.”
Mr, H. E. Wolfe, who lias just returned
from the Augusta Exposition, places up
on our table a piece of the new pine straw
bagging. It has proven a genuine curi
osity to all except the few who have seen
the commodity before.
The number of buildings finished in the
last lour months and now in course of
erection—big, little and all—will number
about twenty. There are numerous
others in contemplation. This is a show
ing that Cartersville people may feel
proud of.
Clever Charles Patterson shows us a
genuine curiosity in the shape of a white
partridge he killed in Haralson county
last week. It was one of a covey lie ran
upon in his rambles. He intends carry
ing the bird to a taxidermist and having
its hide stuffed.
Maj. Chas. H. Smith last witk bought
for $1,300 the house and lot fronting
the \V. &A. Railroad south of Main
street and known as the Poole plane, lie
was offered the price he paid for the
whole lor halt of the lot a few days after
he made the trade.
('apt. F. G. Abell, of California, has
opened a first class art Gallery in Car
tersville, where can be had photos all
sizes from card to full life, as tine as a
thorough knowledge of the art science of
photography can produce. Call early it
you want some tine photos. ,
Cartersville is certainly getting there
in the matter of offices. Mr. -fames Tum
lin, of this place, was last week appointed
deputy collector of internal revenues for
this district, the position resigned by
Hon. A. W. Fite. Mr. Tumlin will make
a pushing, competent, and trustworthy
Will somebody lend us a hat for our
tears? It is saddening to contemplate
that the ides of January are so soon to
find the leap year of 1888 pushed into
the vast and dismal space of the subse
quently, and so many of'our magnificent
male catches left in the blank, bleak
realm of single cussedness.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. VunDevander, who
have just returned from their bridal trip,
stopped several days the past week with
the latters* parents, ( apt. and Mrs. John
J. Calhoun. They left by the K. A \\ .
for Prior’s, their future home, Tuesday.
They were accompanied by Miss \ anDe
vande'r, of Williamsburgh, Pa.
A citizen pointed out to us the other
day two small dwelling houses that cost
him sll7 to erect and ho had been
offered $240 rent per annum for them.
There is nothing pays any handsomer
percent, onthoinucstmentthan hr uses
to rent, and those with means ought to
put up more. The demand is still great.
Dr. Fred M. Ib’eves, of Calhoun, who
places his card in our columns this week,
has had opwortunities to push himself iu
the advanced sciences in his profession,
has closely applied himself, and is capa
ble of practicing with success in a general
way and in the several specialties he
names. fie is worthy of patronage
throughout a wide range.
A young negro mi n from Chattanooga
attempted to “beat” a board bill by
skipping the town last Saturday. Mar
shal Wilkerson was notified and spied
tlie negro who gave him the slip, and was
found making his way at a lively gait up
the railroad, by Mr. Bob Jones, who soon
overhauled him in a briar patch, and he
was brought to town where he was com
mitted to jail.
Major L. It. Hurst, grandfather of
Miss Lula Hurst, the electric wonder,
now Mrs. Atkinson, was found dead in a
well on his farm near Cedartown last
Wednesday. His hat and a quid of to
bacco he had thrown from his mouth
were found near the well. It is unknown
whether he committed suicide or fell in
the well accidentally. There is no known
cause for his suiciding.
There has been, more real estate
changed hands in Cartersville in the last
four months than tor any period of two
years iu the past ten, says a citizen who
has been a close observer and professes
to know what lie is talking about.
This activity fn Cartersville property
augurs well for the immediate future,
as it is born of confidence that didn't
exist until recently.
A large chicken hawk a few days ago,
flew down into the yard of one of our cit
izens in the thickliest settled portion of
the town. Seizing its prey, a good sized
chicken, it was preparing to bear it off in
its talons, when a lad of the family rushed
to the scene with a broom and with a
blow broke the prowler’s, wings. It at
tempted to fly, but failing, darted into
the dwelling, where it was soon caught.
Hurrah! for the pumpkin industry!
The people of Bartow county .hail with
delight any new avenues that are opened
to her in the great field of commerce.
Dick Jones, one of our clever and wide
awake merchants, the other day shipped
a car load of pumpkins to Atlanta. This
is the initiatory in the pumpkin indus
try, but there will now be pumpkins and
pumpkins, and Bartow pumpkins will be
in extensive demand.
Col. Stiiart T. Martin has just returned
from a visit to important centers of cap
ital in the North and from a conversation
with him we are prepared to say the pre
liminary matters have been arranged
whereby not on’y Georgia, but Carters
ville, especially, is promised the early
benefits of an industrial scheme and a
concentration of capital that is greater
than announced for any Georgia town in
years. We hope to be able to give some
details in our next.
Col. G. S. Smith, representing the Age
of Steel, of St. Louis, attracted by the
wonderful stories of the undeveloped
mineral wealth of our section and town,
is hei-e for a few days. After in vest igating
so me vv hat oursu rr o u lid in gs heex p r esses
himself as convinced that we have, veri
tably, one of the most promising towns
in the South. He will doubtless give us
some of the benefits of his ready pen, as
he intends returning in a few weeks to
canvass for subscriptions.
Last week Mr. 11. C. Pentland, as agent
sold 3/2 acres, about one-lmlf, of the
property known as the Arbagast prop
erty lying in the city’s suburbs on the
Rowland ferry road, for $3,700. The
purchase was made through Messrs.
Hoke and Burton Smith, of Atlanta, for
some New York gentlemen, it is under
stood, who contemplate the erection on
itofseveral nice residences for rent. Thus
we see another-evidence of the city’s ad
vantages, which are such as are attract
ing outside capital to be invested in dif
ferent judicious ways. _
The big bargains at E. Strickland &
Bros., are the most frequently talked of.
Everybody argues that never within the
quarter of the century has there been such
a display of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Thousands of dollars worth of new goods
are now on sale. Come and see our as
sortment. Fruit Preserves in glass and
wood the best brand extant. We are over
stocked in many lines and for the next
Luv days will offer some special bargains.
Tripe, pigs feet, lunch tongue, chip beef,
shrimps, sardines, and a thousand delica
cies to be had at Stricklands at rock bot
tom prices. Our new oatmeal, ouck
wheat flour and mince meat have arrived
nicer than ever before. Come and try a
pine apple cheese made from pure Goshen
cream. Our pickles, sauces, french mus
tard and imported spices, fine teas, cof
fees, macaroni, chocolates, gelatine and
olives are of the best brand. Maple
syrup, ginger preserves, Dove brand
hams, breakfast bacon and dry beef, new
crop New Orleans syrups, raisins, citron
currants and lemon peel lor fruit cakes.
Everybody knows that E. Strickla:;d &
Pro. keep everything put into a fruit
cake. Remember for fresh and nice goods
Strickland's is the place to buy them.
We are receiving new crops New Orleans
sugars and syrups by the barrel or ; n
less quantity, and weeau save you freight
by buying from us.
0 f
m — r " -
li i
This powder never varies. a- of purity,
strength and wholesomem*. . >■ eonomieal
than the ordinary kinds, am a oe sold in
competition with the mnltitu • lest.short
weight ulaui or nhosphate pi, s. Sold only
iu cans. Royal. Baking ! - ; ©.,
I- :i St., N. Y.
By special arrangemen , orenmn-
Mortoti Combination v. ; resent the
Cuban Spy and the Hen t he Opera
lionse on Dec. 14-th and
Those who are on the 1 : for bar
gains would do well to r* lie- adver
tisement of the Bargain md lose
no time in paying the pi a -it, where
things are offered dirt and the
stock embraces a wide r articles
iu the line of dry goods. ■ ock will
be sold regardless of cost.
Mr. Martin Collins, the f weigher,
has kindly summed up for . ■ total of
the number of bales of cot I received at
Cartersville market this mson, and
comparing them with the I . : s of last
year up to this time, !i< is, that the
leceipts of this season are hundred
bales ahead of last. Tak Cm short
ness of the cron and the e ''urge per
centage of the product tlm : held back
and the shortness of recei: : at other
points, and this is a m ratifying
showing for the town, win ns to be
rising steadily at every poT .
The R. IT. Jones & Sons' J umfactur
ing Company, one of the lr t known and
most successful manufaeU ■: firms in
this section, place an at t’ fa adver
tisement in their home pa • .Ids week.
The character of work urn out
needs no wild platitudes or -ofuse en
comiums to give sale for 11. I. products,
fora popularity is alread ' aim'd of
which many concerns who < not roach
them in merit, would be p to boast.
The Jones vehicles are rec( . -.zed as the
best in this country, and we gratulate
the worthy firm that it is so.
Wes Daniel, a colored -a. *>oufl thir
teen years of age, was arre, Saturday
for cruelty to animals. Mr. aneey, from
the country, rode into tov. i , iid hitch
ing his horse to a rack, all udrd to his
business, and when ready 1 go borne,
found his animal was gee e. He told
Marshal Wilkerson, who by n an inves
tigation, and himself kept a lookout and
soon discovered his horse Hi the lad
astride him, the animal : l owing the
effects of the greatest fatigue. It was
ascertained that the boy lei ridden it
three miles in the country an. back at a
break-neck speed. The bov ml to jail.
Your darling little one is liable to an
attack of Croup at pny tin. i Do not
poison it with Ludanum or ; iregoric, of
which most cough mixtures arc compoaed.
Is purely a vegetable c impound; contains
neither opiate narcotic nor mineral of any
kind, and is therefor • the s Test and at
the same time the mi c 4 cure for and pre
ventive of this most tread complaint of
anv known remedy
For whooping cough * is a certain and
positive cure. For Cough < Cos ds, Qu usy,
Sore Throat , Iloccrsencx, Inf uenza Bron
chitis and Asthma it is ; severe igu cure.
Sore Throat and T V;,roping Cough Cured
Atlanta, (Lv, Jan. 16, 1888.
Hunnicutt Medicine Cos.:
Gentlemen —My two-year old child had
whooping cough in its sever-st form, and
Iceuldfind noth ng t relieve it, until I
procured a bottle of Ilunnicutt's Throat
and Lung Cure. After taking about one
fourth of Bfttii", the dear little one was
cured, completely, and has not had the
slightest cough since,.- I have used the
remainder of the botf < in my family since
for colds and’ coughs, and in every in
stance a cure wms affected, especially in
my own case. I had an aggravated sore
throat and hacking cousih of three weeks’
standing, and was cured with four doses.
Wishing you success, respectfully,
Mus T. K. Fuller,
No. 26 Martin St.
Ask your druggist f r it, and if he does
not keep it, we will-rend it to you on re
ceipt of price—one dollar per bottle or 6
bottles for $5.00,
Huraicatt Mm Cos.
P. O. Drawer 30. Atlanta. Ga.
Send for book of testimonials free.
— • ■
—suThe Greatest Array of Bargains in the History of Oar Business.-H
The Big Rush of Last Week aTestimony of Our Success.
We have surely outdone ourselves with attractive styles and still more attractive prices* No wonder people say Scheuer
Bros,’ s’vles and prices are unmatehable,
~| X T CT* CT* /'“'A Our Dress Goods department, in point of magnitude, variety, style
1 If -y f If I I and price is unsurpassable. It contains everything tln.t fashion d*ic
-—J J- —JL-y wV /v / J —J states. Broad GloU>s, Henriettas. Sehastopula, Armures, La Toscas,
Whip Cords, Habit Cloths, Alhambra Flannels, plain and plaid Tricos, etc., in every imaginable shade.
It fairl Wglisteus wittTtUelTchTstflff.Q FflQ f Iffli/ff Wfl h 13 European novelties. If you want
flue,mediooGorlow priced trim-y * AiiTUTUHU MllUl 1 |vUil]| I |™ ing<v> FjT
Here w<‘are absolutely rulers. Such a thing as competition isnot to/TI q It-q J ? PlnolrC! f
be thought of. It is an acknowledged fact that; we are doingthe cloakv/iUfldlO • V-/J.LJ CfLxxkJ • VJIU dllk) •
trade of Cartersville.
TAT TTO TT f FIT) I\/T IT AT HT O ° nr Blush Modjcskas, Plush Short Wraps and Plush Jackets are simply beautiful, and
1 JLUOiI CJiAIV IVIJL IN 1 O.the prices are extremely low.
Our stock of JACKETS, NRWMARKETS, WRAPS and CIRCULARS is larger than ever and our prices
cannot be matched anywhere. 250 Misses Garments at halt their value.
Overflowing. ()U j> SHOE DEPARTMENT Prices.
Leaders of Styles and Low Prices.
125,000 Acres Timber Land!
3,000,000 Acres Florida Land, 5,000 Acres Iron $ Manganese
Real -*• Istate, *Coal, Insurance,
Choicest City Property on the Market. Farms, All Sizes.
Call at Maffett’s for fresh fish. tf.
25,000 Rolls Wall
Paper and 800 Win
dow Shades at C. J.
Daniel’s, 42 Marietta
St., Atlanta. Send for
samples and prices.
Our facilities for jobbing are unsur
passed. We buy at the right time and the
right place. Strickland & Buo.
Select oysters all the time at Maf
fett’s, tf.
Parties buying in unbroken packages
will consult their interest by pricing our
goods. We meet all competition.
E. Strickland & Bro.
Time is limited in which thoserare bar
gains are attainablethat are uovv offered
at the Bargain Store.
Tate your baby to Abell and get it
No such opportunity to buy goods at
appalling sacrifices in price has been be
fore offered the people of Cartersville as
now are offered at the Bargain Store.
Abell’s baby photographs are immense.
Go at once and get someof those goods
that are offered so cheap at the Bargain
Mr. H. V. Kingsbury, who has spent a
number of weeks among relatives and
friends in this part of Georgia, took the
train at this place Monday for North
west Texas, which section he has claim
ed as his i home for a number of years,
being engaged profitably in the cattle
Next Sunday at the Methodist church,
the service will consist of a general re
view of the year's work Reports from
pastor and all officials, and close with
the Lord's Supper. At night Rev. H. J.
Adams will preach his farewell sermon.
One of Abell’s lull life size Bromide
photos, elegautly framed, will be given
with the first twenty-five sittings for
cabinets, one-hall dozen each. Don’t
delay. Commences Friday morning,
Nov. 30th.
Boots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing*.
Buy your goods where you can find all you want for your family. No house in
the South is better prepared to fill your bills more completely and satisfactorily than
ours. \\ e keep everything for clothing men, women and children from the crown ot
their heads to the soles of their feet.
Great Bargains in Dress Goods!
175 Cashmere Suits (12 yds.) with trimmings, buttons and thread, for $2.15.
75 lovely Wool Seree Suits, double width (10 yds.) with trimmings, buttons, thread
and linings, for the small sum of $3 25,
2,000 yards beautiful Wool Henrietta Suitings, in all the new colors, at 25 35 40
and 50c. This is the best and cheapest line of Dress Goods in Georgia.
Silks, PlushesandVelvets.
35 lovely Silk and Plush Suits, $35.00, $50,00, S6O 00 and $75.00 each. Fit for a
queen to wear,
Millinery, Hats, Bonnets/— —
We are headquarters for latest styles in Ladies’ Hats and Millinery.
Store is the Great Trading
Here you can find everything you want in Dry Goods, Exits, Shoes, Hats, ClothiDg
Clo Ks, Milliner 3 r , &c„ and at rock bottom prices.
The largest, prettiest and cheapest stock of Cloaks an Wraps in the State.
Flannels, Cassimeres, Jeans and Woolen Goods
in all grades and at lowest possible prices, It will pay you to come fifty miles to bv 1
} our winter bill of dry goods, tfce., of 3
H. B. PARKS & CO.,
Broad Street, Home, Ga.
20spp.‘rn. YKSD-Agents for Butteriek’s Patterns.
Don’t forget thnt T. C. Burton is man
ufacturing hand made harness and pav
ing highest cash price for hides. Repair
ug a specialty. \T*s Main street, o-tf
Wanted at once One Thousand Fence
Posts —post oak or chestnut —delivered
in Cartersville. Apply to
Aaron Collins.
Cieve and is Beat,
But Burton’s haud-made harness isn't
Public School Notice.
I will pay teachers and enumerators
on Friday and Saturday, 7th and Bth
Dec., prox.. at the court house in Car
tersville. R. C. Saxon,
County School Commissioner.
Oysters and fish —fresh and fine—kept
constantly on hand at Maftett’s. tf.
Value Received,
When you buy Burton’s lmnd-made har
All indebted to me for goods or fertil
izers are given notice that their notes
and accounts are due, and to meet my
obligations I must collect. Please call
at once and settle up.
n22-3t J. K l Rowan.
The choicest foreign and domestic fruits
always on hand at Maffett’s. tf.
Bartow Powder Won
Having had 12 years experience, is prepared to.
and will mrnish explosives that will viv,- enti.v
satisfaction. When desired will furnish for extra
heavy or dangerous work fixe necessary skilled,
assistance. Address
BOX 1, Cartersville, Ga.,
Or, 4 VOL. DUNNING, Agent.
2au3m. 1C S. Forsyth Sr.. Atlanta*. Ga.
I suffered with rheumat sm in the
shoulder for months and the on.y thing
I found that did me any goo? V was Sal
vation Oil. It cured me and I recom
mend it to all sufferers with said disease.
N. Ulman, 1 Pearl St., Baltimore, Mcl.
M hat is it makes George Fdmonds so
cool and placid, ami sow he do such
deep thinking? It is because he never
allows himself to be harassed with colds.
He takes Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup, he
does. ______ “
A fine gold watch given away with the
first 40 sittings for one-half dozen Bou
doir photographs at Abell’s Palace Tent
Gallery. Comeenriy on Friday Nov. 30th.
Y\ ith eacli order for a full life size
Bromide, Abell will give half dozen cabi
net photos.