The wiregrass farmer. (Ashburn, Ga.) 1984-current, October 08, 2008, Image 8
Page 8 - The Wiregrass Farmer, October 8, 2008 Ca\l-A-Pm 6 weeks 1 sq - $30 2 sq - $60 Any questions? Business Directory call Linda or Robin S Sf Gu\dc p f \ "7 p p- 567-3655 Precision Auto Repair 229-567-1707 80 LaBelle Ave. Sycamore, GA 31790 Foreign & Domestic Service A/C Service • Brakes Complete Engine Service Tire Repair & Sales Family Owned & Operated Towing Service A vaiiabie lOl Ddw*V M«4*lcunry net - Fititforald, Oa. Fitzgerald Shoe Hospital Red Wing • Justin • Georgia Boots • Wolverine Carhardt • Belts • Bailey Hats Leathers: Chaps, Coats, Vests Shoe repair - Boots - Shoes 113 E. Central Ave. Fitzgerald 229-423-3888 Legal Notices Deadline is NOON Monday. Holiday deadlines will be announced well ahead of time.... NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF TURNER In regards to the estate of Cleveland T. Hobby, deceased. All creditors of the estate of Cleveland T. Hobby, deceased, late of Turner County, are hereby notified to render their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to the estate. This 15th day of September, 2008 Cleveland Scott Hobby 2486 GAHwy. 112 W. Ashbum, Ga. 31714 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Georgia, Turner County Please be advised that Tina D. Pate and Kim R. Pate whose address is 407 Gilmore Street, Ashbum/Turner County, Georgia 31714 in the following trade name, to wit: L & A Designs and the nature of said business is Retail. This statement is made in con formity with O.C.G.A. 10-1-490 et. seq. requiring the filing of such statement with the Clerk of Superior Court of the county. This the 9th day of September, 2008. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF TURNER In regards to the estate of Hilda Hobby, deceased All creditors of the above named deceased are hereby notified to render an accounting to the undersigned of their demands against her estate as provided by Official Code of Georgia Annotated §53-7-41. Failure to render said accounting within the time provided by law may cause the loss of certain of your rights as provided in said Section. All persons indebted to said dece dent are hereby required to make payment to the undersigned. This 12th day of August, 2008 Emory Royce Hopkins, Co- Executor Estate of Hilda M. Hobby 144 Island View Drive Lizella, GA 31052. NOTICE Georgia, Turner County Probate Court Sabrina Bozeman has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of Joyce Ann Teague, deceased, of said County. (The petitioners has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A §53-12-232.) All inter ested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objec tions to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before 10:00 a.m. on Monday, October 20, 2008. All plead ings/objections must be signed before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court per sonnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted with out a hearing. Penny E. Thomas, Probate Judge PO. Box 2506 219 E. College Ave., Room 4 Ashbum, GA31714 229-567-2151 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF TURNER By virtue of the Power of Sale contained in that Security Deed executed and delivered by Nora Ruth Mariscal to Union Planters Bank, NA, dated October 11, 2005, and recorded in Deed Book 201, Page 349, Turner County Records, there will be sold at public outcry before the Courthouse door in said County by Regions Bank, as successor by merger to Union Planters Bank, NA, during the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November, 2008, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, as follows: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being located in Land Lot 69 in the 2nd Land District of Turner County, Georgia, being all of Lot 55 containing 1.00 acre, more or less, as shown on that certain plat of survey for Wanee Lake Country Club Subdivision by T. W. Ash, Registered Land Surveyor, dated February 14, 2001 (revised on July 11, 2001) and recorded in Plat Slide B-62, Page 7, in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Turner County, Georgia, said plat being incorpo rated herein by reference for descriptive purposes. Also Conveyed: A perpetual nonexclusive easement over, through and across all subdivi sion roads and turnarounds for ingress and egress over and across said easement for the pur pose of providing public road access from the property con veyed by this deed in Glynn Cook Road and Cannon Road . Said subdivision roads and turnarounds being more particu larly described on that certain plat of survey for Wanee Lake Country Club Subdivision by T. W. Ash, Registered Land Surveyor, dated February 14, 2001 (revised July 11, 2001) and recorded in Plat Slide B-62, in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Turner County, Georgia, said plat of survey being incorporated herein by ref erence for descriptive purposes. Upon information and belief of lender, said property is com monly known as Lot 55, Wanee Lake Country Club, Ashburn , Georgia 31714. The said debt secured by the said Security Deed being in default, said sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses in connec tion with this foreclosure includ ing but not limited to all accrued and unpaid interest, attorney's fees and expenses of sale. Upon the best information and belief of Lender, the above- described property is in the pos session of the Borrower, and/or tenants of Borrower or other per sons or entities in possession with the consent or acquiescence of Borrower. Said property will be sold as the property of Nora Ruth Mariscal, and subject to any out standing ad valorem real proper ty taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matter which might be disclosed by an accu rate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordi nances, restrictions, covenants and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conduct ed subject to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U. S. Bankruptcy Code and Brock’s Painting Interior • Exterior Free Estimates Lowell F. Brock 567-0920 Golf Car Parts, Accessories & Service is now at Port-A-Tech Auto Repair Service 220 N. Main St. 567-9507 Norma Raines Beauty Salon Watkins Products sold here • Hair Products • Hair Cuts & Perms 567-4048 to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Regions Bank, as successor by merger to Union Planters Bank, NA, as attorney in fact for Nora Ruth Mariscal MICHAEL D. PAYNE, Attorney for Regions Bank McCullough, Payne & Haan, LLC 171 17th Street, N.W., Suite 975 Atlanta, Georgia 30363 (404) 873-1386 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, TURNER COUN TY THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Joshua S. Nipper and Tonya L. Brown to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated September 2, 2004, recorded in Deed Book 193, Page 606, Turner County, Georgia Records and as modified by that certain Loan Modification Agreement recorded in Deed Book 193, Page 713, Turner County, Georgia Records, as last trans ferred to Wells Fargo Bank, NA by assignment recorded in Deed Book 224, Page 779, Turner County, Georgia Records, con veying the after-described prop erty to secure a Note in the origi nal principal amount of SEVEN TY-FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY-SIX AND 0/100 DOLLARS ($74,856.00), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at pub lic outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Turner County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November, 2008, the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebt edness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorneys fees (notice of intent to collect attorneys fees having been given). Said property will be sold sub ject to any outstanding ad val orem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accu rate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordi nances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mort gage with the debtor is: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc., PO NOWINSIOCK! A GkI Gourmal Goat Meal 1 Fr«6 Chop!, Sausog* and Ewit $ A 00 ^ $050 « $r Itoast * $35 w A 5/J WE ALSO HAVE UUUHMET POHK (lEiiiT-friEJT Sin 423*3040 SHniiy ten-Soon SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drain lines. Septic system installed. Lamar Robinson 445-4552 567-0092 Box 10335, Des Moines, IA 50306, 1-800-416-1472. Please understand that the secured cred itor is not required by law to negotiate, amend, or modify the terms of the mortgage instru ment. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the proper ty is Joshua S. Nipper and Tonya L. Brown or a tenant or tenants and said property is more com monly known as 527 Legg Road, Ashburn, Georgia 31714. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Wells Fargo Bank, NA as Attorney in Fact for Joshua S. Nipper and Tonya L. Brown McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www. foreclosurehotline .net MR/yjr 11/4/08 Our file no. 51752308-FT5 EXHIBIT A All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 177 of the 2nd Land District of Turner County, Georgia, and being all of Tract Eight (8), con taining 4.93 acres, as said tract is shown and delineated on that certain plat of survey, prepared by Roger A. Medders, Registered Land Surveyor, dated December 22, 1995, captioned survey for James K. Brady. Said is recorded in Plat Side B-28, in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Turner County, Georgia. Also included in this con veyance is that certain housing unit which was formerly person alty but is now or will be perma nently annexed and affixed to the real property described herein, as a permanent improvement and which is further described as that certain 2004 fleetwood 28 x 48 Mobile Home, Serial Number 2342A/B MR/yjr 11/4/08 Our file no. 51752308 - FT5 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER PRIVATE GEORGIA, TURNER COUN TY By virtue of Power of Sale contained in Deed to Secure Debt from CLEVELAND BROWN, hereinafter GRANTOR, in favor of AMERI CAN GENERAL FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., dated the 6th day of March, 2008, and record ed the 13th day of March, 2008, in Deed Book 220, Page 69, Turner County, Georgia records; said Deed to Secure Debt being given to secure a Promissory Note of even date in the original principal amount of Thirty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Four and 84/100ths Dollars ($33,724.84), with inter est from date as stated therein, there will be sold by the under signed at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door at Turner County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER, 2008, the fol- >A* Gravitts Florist & Turner ^ County Nursery ^ Trees, Shrubs, Flowers & Arrangements ™ ■i 567-3807 80 Wardlow Road \ lowing described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Ashburn, Turner County, Georgia, and being known as Lot No. 8 of Block 2, of the Dallas Fudge Subdivision. The lot fronts fifty (50) feet on Fudge Street and runs back an even width approximately 140 feet to a ten (10) foot alley. The lot is bounded on the east by Fudge Street; on the south by Hardin Street; on the north by Lot Number 9, and on the west by a ten (10) foot alley running north and south. Subject to easement, restrictions, and covenants of record, if any. This is the same property con veyed by Warranty Deed from Arlean Brown to Cleveland Brown, dated 10/14/1998, recorded 11/5/2003, in Deed Book 188, Page 86, Turner County, Georgia Records. The debt secured by said Deed to Secure Debt has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, non-payment of the monthly installments on said loan. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, including attorney's fees. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes, special assessments, unpaid utility bills constituting liens against the property, and all Deeds to Secure Debt, liens and encumbrances existing when the above-described Deed to Secure Debt was filed for record. To the best of the undersigned's knowl edge, information and belief, equitable title to this property is held by CLEVELAND BROWN. This property is locat ed at 912 MLK, Jr. Drive, Ashburn, GA 31714. AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. as Attorney in Fact for the above-named GRANTOR AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. by Robert W. Broome, Attorney 1800 Peachtree Street, NW, Suite 445 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 404-350-8349" NOTICE OF SALE GEORGIA, TURNER COUN- TY By virtue of the Power of Sale contained in that certain Purchase Money Deed to Secure Debt executed and delivered by Jerry A. Yawn and Cinderella Yawn to Worth Mortgage Co., Inc., dated July 28, 2004, and recorded in Deed Book 152, Page 646, in the office of the Clerk of Turner Superior Court, there will be sold at public out cry before the Courthouse Door in said State and County by the undersigned, during the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in November, 2008, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 308 of the 12th Land District of Turner County, Georgia, and being all of Tract Seven (7), con taining 9.858 acres, John Pate Road Subdivision, as said tract is shown and delineated on that certain plat of survey, prepared by Atlas Surveying Co., Registered Land Surveyor, dated July 1, 2002, captioned "Survey for: Worth Mortgage Co., Inc". Said plat is recorded in Plat Slide B- 55, Turner County, Georgia Land Records. Reference is made to said plat for the purpose of incorporating the same herein. To the best of the undersigned's knowledge said property is vacant and has not been assigned a street address. The debt secured by said Sycamore Upholstery Oliver Millwood Decorators or Individual 229-567-3626 (c) 229-938-0349 Purchase Money Deed to Secure Debt has been and is hereby declared due because on nonpay ment of monthly installments on said loan. The debt remaining in default, then said property will be sold for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said deed, and the proceeds of said sale will be applied to the pay ment of said indebtedness and the interest and all charges and expenses in connection with this foreclosure as provided in said deed, and the balance, if any, will be paid over to the persons entitled thereto. Said sale will be made subject to all easements and restrictions and all other matters of record. The notice required by the Official Code of Georgia, Section 44-14-162.1, et. seq., has been given as provided by law. Worth Mortgage Company, Inc. As Attorney in Fact For Jerry A. Yawn and Cinderella Yawn P.O.Box 430 Sylvester, GA 31791 (229) 776-5374 NOTICE OF SALE GEORGIA, TURNER COUN TY By virtue of the Power of Sale contained in that certain Purchase Money Deed to Secure Debt executed and delivered by Theman Webb and Linda C. Webb to Oldman Investment Company, Inc., dated September 1, 1996, and recorded on September 3, 1996 in Deed Book 146, Page 37, in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Turner County, Georgia, there will be sold at public outcry before the Courthouse door in said State and County by the undersigned, during the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in November, 2008, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 202 of the 2nd Land District of Turner County, Georgia, and being all of Tract 14, containing 3.38 acres, as said tract is shown and delineated on that certain plat of survey, prepared by Harold G. Harper, Registered Land Surveyor, dated November 28, 1994, captioned "Survey for: Oldman Investment Company, Inc". Said plat is recorded in Plat Slide B- 22, Turner County, Georgia Land Records. Reference is made to said plat for the purpose of incorporating the same herein. The debt secured by said Purchase Money Deed to Secure Debt has been and is hereby declared due because on nonpay ment of monthly installments on said loan. The debt remaining in default, then said property will be sold for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said deed, and the proceeds of said sale will be applied to the pay ment of said indebtedness and the interest and all charges and expenses in connection with this foreclosure as provided in said deed, and the balance, if any, will be paid over to the persons entitled thereto. Said sale will be made subject to all easements and restrictions and all other matters of record. The notice required by the Official Code of Georgia, Section 44-14-162 et. seq., has been given as provided by law. Oldman Investment Company, Inc. As Attorney in Fact For Therman Webb and Linda C. Webb P.O.Box 430 Sylvester, GA 31791 (con’t on Page 9)