Newspaper Page Text
Page 2 - The Wiregrass Farmer, October 22, 2008
(Continued from Page 1)
price is $20, pickup Nov. 1, 2008 at American Legion US Hwy 41
South, Ashburn, from 11 am - 2 pm. contact any Boy Scout or
Tunnels of Terror 2008
We need volunteers for the Tunnels of Terror that will be held
on Oct. 17,18, 24,25 & 31 in Turner County Please call NOW if
you’re interested or for info 567-8075, ask for Frankie or April.
Christmas Parade
Saturday, Dec. 13 6:00 Parade, line up at 5 at Civic Center
Christmas Open House to follow downtown with merchants
Theme - Home for the Holidays.
(Continued from Page 1)
There was a brief spell last
year when the amount on
checks did drop precipitously,
but that turned out to be a
change in the formula at the
state level. When this was
adjusted, revenues returned to
the normal, Mr. Jordan said.
Sales tax figures have
stayed above the amount bud
geted locally, with a few dips
that reached close to that bud
geted amount.
So, where is the money
coming from?
Local officials are not sure.
“You don’t get a lot of
breakdown for items and point
of sale,” Mr. Kinney said.
L|<i>Farm & Garden
2008 CR0P
Paying Top Prices
858 Highway 32 W, Ashburn • Mon-Fri 8-5 Sat 8-12
Emergency Siren test 1st Wednesday at noon
TCMS School Council, 3rd Monday 4 p.m.
TCDA 2nd & 4th Monday 8:30 a.m. Chamber
County Commission 6:30 p.m. 1st Tues, School
Board Bus Shop
Ashburn Council 7 p.m. 1st Thursday City Hall
Board of Ed. 2nd Monday 7 p.m. Bus Shop
Rebecca Council 1st Monday, 6:30 City Hall
Sycamore Council 2nd Thurs., 7 p.m. City Hall
TCHS Council 1st Monday 4 p.m., TCHS
Community Relations Board, last Thursday,
7 p.m. Ashburn City Hall
Chamber 3rd Friday noon Chamber
Fire Ant Festival Wednesday noon, Shoney's
Rotary Noon, each Thursday, Shoney's
Exchange 7 p.m., each Monday, Club Building
Kiwanis Noon, each Tuesday, Shoney's
Sycamore Lodge #210 Masons 1st and 3rd
Monday 7:30 p.m, Lodge
American Legion 2nd Tuesday 7 p.m, old
Legion Hall
Child Abuse Prev. 3rd Thurs. 6 p.m. Special
Services School
A.A. Tuesday & Friday 7:30-8:30 Alt. School
Cub Scouts every Mon, 7 pm at First United
Methodist Church. Ages 6-11
Boy Scouts every Tues. 7 pm at American
Legion. Ages 11 & up.
Community Calender Deadline: Noon FRIDAY!
To be listed, call 567-3655
THE PRIDE OF TURNER COUNTY - The Marching Rebels. The Drum Section brought home a Superior rating
from the recent competition in Fitzgerald. See Page 1B.
Ashburn finances tight; city still in black
by Ben Baker
Ashburn’s cash flow is
extremely low right now and
Allen's Tire
New & Used Tires
Auto • RV • Truck ‘Trailer*
Open 6 days ‘Sycamore,GA
1-75 & Exit 80 Bussey Rd
money in the bank is dropping,
which is to be expected, said
City Manager Ben Taylor.
Property tax revenue, which
is the largest single source of
revenue the City has, won’t
come in for a while yet. When
it does, it comes in all at once.
The City then banks that
money and spends it gradually
over the next 12 months.
“This time of year your
only revenue you’ve got com
ing in is water and sewer,” said
Ashburn City Council
Experience Counts
November 4, 2008
Turner County Civic
You 9 re Invited
to join us for
“Look Good... Feel Better”
Monday, October 27
3:00-5:00 pm
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required by October 24,
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City Manager Ben Taylor.
As of close of books for
September, the City had a -
$197,461.95 cash flow.
“This should even out as
property taxes start coming in.
This is typical this time of
year,” he said.
The City has about
$505,000 in the bank, a figure
the City Manager says is a bit
low for his taste.
“I’d like to see that (larger).
I’d be much more comfortable
with $700,000 this time of
year,” he said.
Gas revenue, from natural
and propane gas, has not start-
(Continued from Page 1)
is OK, he said.
Assistant Principal Bernice
Martin from the Middle School
said the staff has been dis
cussing winter clothes.
“We started early trying to
get kids in the routine of wear
ing (clothes) in the appropriate
dress code,” she said.
In other business:
Board member Phillip
Crawford asked about disci
pline issues, especially in the
6th grade.
Mrs. Martin said the 6th
graders have improved “drasti-
ed coming in strong yet
because the weather has not
turned off cold yet.
In other business:
• The recent repaving on N.
Gordon and the first block of
E. College was done by the
Department of Transportation
(DOT). The City asked the
DOT to use Local Assistance
Road Paving (LARP) money
for that work instead of another
City road because recent
drainage work had badly dam
aged the asphalt.
• No citizens were on the
agenda to speak to the Council
in the October meeting.
cally.” Part of the middle
school’s efforts toward better
behavior has included more
parental involvement, Mrs.
Martin said.
At the alternate school,
Mrs. Hargress also said behav
ior has improved.
“It was very rocky,” she
At the elementary school,
things are equally bright, said
Principal Tim Huff. He said
discipline referrals are the low
est in years.
“I really believe it is our
focus on academics,” he said.
“Y’all have a difficult task.
I appreciate it,” Mrs. Office
Charles Bobo
for City Council