Newspaper Page Text
The Wiregrass Farmer, October 22, 2008 - Page 7
... for □ visible, accessible leader,
a leader with vision and energy.
If-s lime far John Tibbetts,
Vole Tibbetts For State House Nov. A
State House
Tift County native
Husband of 23 years
father of two
Choir member
Sunday school teacher
High school history teacher
West Point graduate
Decorated combat veteran
tim nastftanrt 3 i&iEiB ?
celling 100 Brills - 50 Females
Farm Sale Facility
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(Continued from Page 4)
Did he sit there to bolster
his support from inner city
blacks in his ascension to state
There is his association
with William Ayers. William
Ayers was a cofounder of the
Weather Underground in the
1960’s, a domestic terrorist
group who opposed the conflict
in Vietnam. This group was
responsible for the bombings
of the U.S. Capitol, Building
on March 1, 1971, the
Pentagon on May 19, 1972,
and the Harry S. Truman
Building on January 29, 1975.
In September of 2001, during
an interview with a New York
Times reporter, he was quoted
as saying, "I don't regret setting
bombs" and "I feel we didn't do
enough", and, when asked if he
would "do it all again" as say
ing "I don't want to discount
the possibility."
In 1995, Ayers and his wife,
also a member of the Weather
Underground, hosted a gather
ing at their home in the Hyde
Park neighborhood of Chicago.
This is also the neighborhood
where the Obama’s live. It was
in their living room where
Obama had his political com
ing out party.
Today, Ayers is a radical
college professor at the
University of Illinois at
Chicago. He has founded The
Chicago Annenberg Challenge,
where Obama served as the
President of the Board of
Directors. They also served
together for three years on the
board of the Woods Fund of
I have three questions as to
this relationship. One, why did
Ayers feel that Obama was a
good candidate to serve on the
board of these blatantly social
ist organizations? Two, why
did Obama feel it appropriate
to accept the positions? Three,
why did Obama feel the need
to lie about his relationship
with Ayers?
When the Ayers relation
ship first began to surface,
Obama said he was just a guy
who lived in his neighborhood,
then he was an occasional asso
ciate, then he was a guy who
he served on a board with.
Now, the excuse is that Obama
was 8 years old when Ayers
committed these acts, but he
was in his 30’s and 40’s at the
time of his association with this
terrorist. Would Obama have
these associations with
Timothy McVeigh if he were
still alive? My guess is yes, if it
benefited his ascension to
It may be unfair, but you
are judged by the company you
keep. This is a question of
judgment for a man wanting to
be leader of the free world.
Lot’s of people believe
Obama is a Muslim. I, for one,
will withhold judgment on that
theory until there is a smoking
gun. What is true, and scary, is
Obama’s open support for
Raila Odinga. Odinga is the
current Prime Minister of
Kenya who lost his bid for
President. He is a Muslim
extremist who has promised to
turn Kenya into an “Islamic
Republic” ran by Sharia Law.
Why would Obama openly
campaign for this man to the
point that the sitting President
complained of interference
from a sitting U.S. Senator?
Could it be because he is
Obama’s cousin? It has been
reported by Time Magazine
that "Obama has had near-daily
conversations with the U.S.
Ambassador in Kenya or with
opposition leader Raila
While I’m not a fan of
either candidate, I will be vot
ing for John McCain. As a
POW in Vietnam, he was
offered early release by his
captors. He turned it down
because there were other pris
oners who had been there
longer. McCain has proven that
he will do what he feels is right
before doing what’s in his best
interest (even if I don’t agree
with him). Senator Obama has
shown me he will associate
with anyone to benefit himself,
and that is not what I want sit
ting in the White House.
I think every informed
American should vote and
every voter should be
informed. Please, if you’re
going to vote, do some
research on your own and cast
an informed vote.
Kevin Cox
TCES celebrates Red Ribbon Week
Thanks to the community
We want to thank everyone in Turner County
for all of your love and concern for my husband
(Lowell) Brock and myself. We had a fire loss
back in June of this year. We are almost ready to
move back into our home. The contractor did a
great job in restoring our home and we are very
thankful. I have helped my husband paint a lot
of homes in Turner County and I told him many
times that the people of this county are so pre
cious. Over the past years, we have come to love
you people even before our home burned. We
prayed for many of you even as we were paint
ing your homes and I know many of you have
prayed for us.
My husband is also the Pastor of First
Apostolic Pentecostal Church in Sycamore. The
youth of the church wanted to have a community
appreciation day and we were certainly happy to
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Red Ribbon week will be
recognized at TCES on Oct.
This year's theme is "Elect
to be...Drug Free!" Red Ribbon
Week is a nationwide event in
which teachers, school admin
istrators, parents, and commu
nity leaders work together to
spread the message about the
dangers of drug and alcohol
Red Ribbon Week began as
a way to honor a former drug
enforcement agent, Enrique
"Kiki" Camarena. Kiki lost his
life in the line of duty as he
fought to seize drug traffickers
in Mexico. Red Ribbon Week
is a national way to remember
his life and help stop the
destruction caused by drugs.
Each year, schools try to make
Red Ribbon Week a fun time
while spreading an important
At TCES, there will be dif
ferent themed days for students
to participate in while learning
the dangers of drugs & alcohol.
Special visitors coming to the
school to inform students about
the dangers of drug/alcohol use
include the Sheriffs Office and
Rural Smiles Dental Clinic.
We want all of our parents to
support their children by
encouraging them to participate
in activities each day. In addi
tion, prizes will be awarded
daily! The daily themes for
Red Ribbon Week will be:
• Monday -"Wear Red &
Put a Cap on Drugs!"-everyone
encouraged to wear as much
red as possible with an interest
ing hat.
• Tuesday -"Elect to be
Drug Free!"-everyone encour
aged to wear red, white, & blue
to show that they've cast their
vote for a drug free lifestyle.
• Wednesday -"Pair
Up/Link Up Against Drugs "-
Everyone encouraged to dress
as twins showing how friends
can support each other when
saying "no" to drugs.
• Thursday -"Fight the War
Against Drugs"-Everyone
encouraged to dress as
soldiers in camouflage
• Friday -"Team Up Against
Drugs"-Everyone encouraged
to wear jerseys/school colors to
show that they are team players
against drugs.
be a part of this appreciation. We would like to
personally invite everyone to come out and let
us serve you. We will have food, prizes, draw
ings, music, dramas, and tons of fun for the kids.
We plan to be at Heritage Park, behind Colony
Bank from 11 a.m. -4 p.m., Saturday the 25th.
I want to also encourage everyone to really
pray for the upcoming election and go out and
vote. After praying from a sincere heart, and
asking God to speak to our minds and heart, let
us do the right thing. It is not if we are a male or
female, or the color of our skin. It is the love for
America and the freedom that we have enjoyed
for so many years. We do not want that taken
away from us. If we pray and seek God, he will
direct our path.
Barbara Brock
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October 2008 Term, First Session, of Turner County Superior Court
We, the Grand Jury serving at the First Session of the October 2008, Term make the follow
ing presentments:
1. We wish to thank the Honorable Bill Reinhardt, Judge, for his able instructions to this body,
District Attorney Paul Bowden and staff, including Assistant District Attorney Brad Pierce,
Chief Investigator Jamie C. Griner, Sheriff Randy Kendrick and his department, Chief of
Police Bryant McCard and his department, Mid-South Drug Task Force and the Georgia
Bureau of Investigation and our Bailiff, John Dye.
2. The Grand Jury, considered evidence presented concerning 33 offenses, returns 33 True
Bills, 0 No Bills, and 0 Tabled.
3. We respectfully request that the court order the within recommendations and presentments
to the Grand Jury to be spread upon the minutes of the Turner Superior Court and be published
in The Wiregrass Farmer and that the Clerk of Court send a copy of these presentments to the
Turner County Commission,
This the 13th day of October, 2008.
Randall Ray Mitchell, Foreperson
Pamela Sue Gay, Clerk
Georgia, Turner County
It is ordered that the within recommendations and presentments of the Grand Jury be spread
upon the minutes of the Turner Superior Court and be published in The Wiregrass Farmer.
This the 13th day of October, 2008
Honorable Bill Reinhardt, Judge, Turner Superior Court, Tifton Judicial Circuit,
I, Linda House, Clerk of Turner Superior Court of said State and County, do hereby certify that
the within and foregoing is a true and original copy of the presentments of the Grand Jury
returned at the October 2008 term, First Session of Turner Superior Court.
This the 13th day of October, 2008.
Honorable Linda House, Clerk, Turner Superior Court
A sheriff that is fair, hard working, experi
enced, professionally trained and dedicated?
Then, write-in ANDY HESTER. When you
vote early or on Nov. 4. you will see on the
ballot “FOR SHERIFF (vote for one).”
Touch the box “Write -In.” A key board will
appear on the screen. Touch the letters
If you make a mistake,touch the “backsp” to
erase, then touch the correct letter. Poll work
ers can help if you need help. When finished
touch “record write-in.” You just finished vot
ing for ANDY HESTER - a man who will
make you proud of your sheriff‘
(Paid for by friends of Andy Hester for Sheriff).
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