The wiregrass farmer. (Ashburn, Ga.) 1984-current, November 19, 2008, Image 5

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    The Wiregrass Farmer, November 19, 2008 - Page 5
Handling the holidays
It seems unreal that we are
just days away from
Thanksgiving and only weeks
from Christmas. Where did all
that time I love the holiday
season because of the very
special meaning that it holds
and because of the many
opportunities it offers to share
time with family and friends.
There is a special area of
concern for many during this
season that brings with it some
extreme challenges during
what should be a happy time.
It is that of grieving the death
of a loved one. Grief is never
an easy part of life, but for
many, it becomes even more
difficult during the holiday
season--it does not take a
break during Thanksgiving ,
Christmas or any other holi
Perhaps a few thoughts
along this line of need will be
helpful to both those who are
grieving and those who are try
ing to help a friend or relative
through this trying time of life.
A good place to begin is to
be reminded that grieving the
loss of a loved one is a normal
process. As we are often
reminded from Scripture as we
discuss this topic, even Jesus
Christ grieved when He
learned of the death of His
dear friend Lazarus: “Jesus
wept” (John 11:35, NIV).
An important characteristic
of the process of grieving is
that it is often not something
that follows a nice straight
line. It is normal to swing back
and forth along the journey of
emotional healing. With the
many memories that the holi
day season holds, it is not
uncommon for those who are
grieving to take several steps
back in the grieving process
during the holidays. This, too,
is normal and should not take
one by surprise.
So being reminded that
grief is a normal response to
the death of a loved one and
that the grieving process often
follows a crooked and bumpy
path that can take a long time
to travel might be of some
value, but what are some spe
cific things that can help an
individual to effectively cope
with grief during the holiday
A good place to begin is
taking care of yourself. Take
care of yourself spiritually by
spending time with God in
prayer, meditation and
Scripture reading. Take care of
yourself physically and emo
tionally by eating properly,
resting adequately, and exer
cising regularly.
Planning ahead can also be
of help. Rather than just allow
ing the stress of the season to
pile up on you, think ahead
about the things that you really
need to do, and perhaps the
things and places you need to
Church news
Fall Revival
A time for Spiritual refreshing. Mt. Zion
COGA, 436 West Monroe Ave., Ashburn,
invites you to attend our Fall Revival, Nov. 19-
21, 7:30 nightly. Our guest speaker will be Dr.
Henry Brown of Albany. Come expecting your
break through. Pastor Bishop Elbert L. West
Parade of Hats
New Providence Baptist Church invites you
to attend a praise and worship service as we pre
sent a “Parades of Hats" event on Sunday, Nov.
23, 2008 at 2:30 P.M. The guest speaker for this
occasion will be Minister Charity Smith, a
Turner County High School class of 1991 gradu
ate who now resides in Winter, Garden FL. The
pastor of New Providence is Rev. Marvin
Brown. Please come out and help us celebrate
this magnificent occasion.
Youth Fundraiser
High Hill Baptist Church Youth is having a
fundraiser. Boston Butts or Turkey Breast $20
each, Nov. 26, they can be picked up in the park
ing lot of Ashburn Auto Parts & South Georgia
Bank (Cordele) from 4:30-6:30. Proceeds will be
used for youth to attend the Youth Evangelism
Conference in Macon in December. For info call
Teresa Stubbs 567-2129, Eric Smith 273-4840,
Mike Reed 567-1464 or Brenda Gravitt 567-
4032. If 10 or more are going to the same place,
we will deliver!
Church Fundraiser
The Church of God of Prophecy at 227 South
Cleveland is having a fundraiser selling RADA
Cutlery. The knives are 100% American made
and have a lifetime guarantee. They sell them
selves because of their high quality and excep
tional value. These knives and other merchan
dise come in gift sets or individual pieces and
are great for weddings and Christmas. Please
contact any of our members or Gwen Bridges at
566- 5895 or 567-4458 to place an order or to see
our catalogue.
Bible study at CUCOG
Joyful Hearts Fellowship & Bible Study (For
ages 45 and over)
We would love to have you come join us
here at Christian Union Church of God, for a
time of fellowship and Bible Study. We will
meet on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6
P.M. there will be refreshments and door prizes.
Please make plans to be a part of this new min
istry and bring a friend.
For more information or to call and make
sure the meeting is being held as scheduled,
please call Emma Britt at 567-2358 or Kitha at
567- 9442.
LAG ministries
LAG Ministries: The Living Almighty God
Ministries invite each of you in the community
to a God annointed informative teaching work
shop on Biblical layman teaching. There will be
a new topic each month. If you are teachable and
not ashamed that you do not know, this is the
place for you. The classes are free, and will start
on each 3rd Saturday in each month from 4:30
pm til 6pm at the City of Ashburn Youth
Resource Center. Ages adults, young adults,
teens 13-18 years old.
TURNER COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL students have the opportunity to vote
on a student in their grade that represents T.C.M.S. - Trying, Caring, Motivated
and Successful - each nine weeks. The students for the first nine weeks of
school are: Front Row -L-R Jessi Rice, Madison Smith, Christian Anna Coker,
Antozio Dawson, Ethan Laughman Back Row - L-R Cierra Lawson, Clara
Grace Coker, Brooklin Grimes, Eryn Kelly, Zenia Coley
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avoid to prevent excessive
emotional strain.
Then give yourself permis
sion in some areas: permission
to cry when you need to, per
mission to turn down some
invitations, permission to do
things differently than you
have in the past, permission to
hope for a better tomorrow.
And of great importance, give
yourself permission to seek
help in dealing with your grief
if needed. Ministers, doctors
and other professionals are
there to help you—take advan
tage of what is available.
Grief is never easy, but it
can be especially difficult dur
ing the holiday season. But
with God’s help, self determi
nation, support from family
and friends, you will make it.
I do not know who origi
nally penned the following
words, but I leave them with
you for your encouragement:
When our vision is clouded
by circumstance. . . God sees
clearly. When our understand
ing is shadowed by ques
tions . . . God knows perfectly.
When our path is shaded with
uncertainty . . . God leads
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Attend the Church of your choice this Sunday
Ashburn First Baptist -302 McLendon
Ashburn First United Methodist - N. Main St.
Bethel Baptist - Hwy 32 E. Sycamore
Christian Union Church of God - Industrial Dr.
Church of Christ - Industrial Dr.
Church of God By Faith - W. Madison
Clements Chapel United Methodist - Sycamore
Dakota Baptist - Hwy 4IN.
Double Run Bapt. - Hwy 159 N
Dayspring Church of the Nazarene - 983 North St.
Friendship Baptist - Story Rd
Grace Fellowship - 133 N. Gordon
Harmony Baptist - W. Turner County
Haw Pond Baptist -1511 Hawpond Rd. Arabi
High Hill Baptist - 5 miles N of Ashburn
Inaha Baptist - Hwy 41 S.
Independent Faith Baptist - Sycamore
Jesus Temple of God, 194 Pate St.
Living Waters Fellowship - 417 E. Madison
New Providence Baptist Church - W. Washington
Morningside Baptist - 215 E. Monroe
Mt. Zion Church of God - W. Monroe
United Pentecostal - Sycamore
New Hope Baptist - Bussey Road
New Mt. Olive Baptist - E. Washington Ave.
New Mount Zion Baptist - Jefferson St.
New Prospect Freewill Baptist
Oak Grove Baptist
Piney Grove Baptist - Rebecca
Pleasant Hill Baptist - Rebecca
Rebecca Baptist - Rebecca
Rocky Mount Baptist
New Hope BaptistChurch-222 HC Willaims Rd. Sibley
S. Ashburn Holiness - Pearl Ave
Sycamore Baptist - Hwy 41 S
Sycamore United Methodist - Sycamore
Terrell Baptist - Hwy 112 W
Trinity Baptist - Pineknot Rd
Rebecca United Methodist - Rebecca
Wideman Chapel - Rebecca
Zion Hope Baptist Church - 521 Joe Lawrence Rd
Emmanuel Missionary Baptist - Sycamore
Amboy Baptist - Hwy 159 N
Israels Temple - 635 W. Washington
St. Luke Missionary Bapt. - North Leary Rd.
New Mt. Pleasant - 200 Dunlap Circle
El Shaddai Ministry 536 Carlos Ave.
Greater Faith C.O.P. Ministries - 250 Adams St. New
Jerusalem Freewill Baptist - Lee St.
New Jerusalem Holiness Church- 210 Carlos Ave.
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