The wiregrass farmer. (Ashburn, Ga.) 1984-current, November 19, 2008, Image 6

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    Page 6 - The Wiregrass Farmer, November 19, 2008
Mr. & Mrs. Brandt Corey Brown
Brown-Taylor exchange vows
Brandt Corey Brown of Sycamore, Georgia and Tina Marie
Taylor of Douglas, Georgia were united in holy matrimony on
September 1, 2008 in a quaint wedding chapel in Pigeon Forge,
Tennessee. The double ring ceremony was held at 7:30 p.m. in a
lovely candle light setting. Reverend Dewayne Welch conducted
the ceremony. Blake Brown, brother of the groom, served as Best
Man and Sabrina Payne, best friend of the Bride from Douglas,
Georgia, served as Maid of Flonor. During the lighting of the
unity candle, “Butterfly Kisses” was sung in honor of the bride’s
deceased father.
A wedding reception for the happy couple was given immedi
ately following the wedding ceremony at the Gatehouse Resort in
Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
The bride is the daughter of Bonnie Taylor of Douglas,
Georgia and the late Larry Taylor. The groom is the son of Paul
& Janice Brown of Sycamore, Georgia and the grandson of Leon
& Faye Carter of Sycamore, Georgia, Jean Barrett of Lebanon,
Tennessee and the late Gerald Brown of McRae, Georgia. After a
brief honeymoon in Pigeon Forge, the couple will reside in
Sycamore, Georgia.
Walls Factory Outlet Inc.
3730 Highway 280 E. • Cordele • 273-5299
(1-75 Exit 10) • 4 miles east on Highway 280
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Gifts for the whole family
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John Deere
Daisy Tison celebrates her 90th birthday
Daisy Tison
Daisy Tison of Ashburn,
life long resident of Turner
County, reached 90 years of
age Friday, Nov. 7, 2008. A
drop-in was given for her at the
Ashburn First Baptist Church
fellowship hall the afternoon of
Nov. 8.
Mrs. Tison was born in
Rebecca to Mr. and Mrs.
(Emma Gorday) William
Wallace Lane, Sr. She was one
of nine children. Her grandfa
ther, James Henry Gorday,
served as the first treasurer of
Turner County. When she was
born, Woodrow Wilson was the
President of the United States.
She was baptized in the
creek behind Pleasant Hill
Baptist Church in Rebecca. She
graduated from Rebecca High
School in 1936.
Mrs. Tison recalls the
beginning of World War II. She
also remembers when ice
cream cones and sodas were 5
cents each, when bread was 10
cents a loaf and when gasoline
cost 7 cents per gallon.
In 1941, she married Frank
Marion Tison, Jr., whose
grandfather was the first medi
cal doctor in Ashburn. Daisy
and F.M. had three children,
Frank Marion III; William
Lane, and Norma Jane. She has
10 grandchildren and 12 great
grandchildren. She has one liv
ing brother-in-law, Joe Perry
Tison, and numerous nieces
and nephews living in Georgia,
Florida, Illinois, Mississippi,
Louisiana, Tennessee and
Germany. Her husband died on
May 29, 1979. He was the last
in the long line of Tisons to be
affiliated with the Wiregrass
Farmer, which he sold in the
early 1970's.
For 63 years, she has been a
member of Ashburn First
Baptist Church where she
belongs to the Good Samaritan
Sunday School Class and to the
Joyful Messengers.
Rotarian Mary Lee Green had Chamber of Commerce
President Shelley Zorn as her guest at Rotary.
Board members needed
The Turner County Board of Commissioners will be making
appointments to boards, committees, and commissions at various
times as the terms expire for individuals currently serving. If you
are interested in being considered for appointment to serve on one
of the various citizen boards appointed by the Commission,
please contact the County Offices at 567-4313.
Allen's Tire
New & Used Tires
Auto • RV • Truck ‘Trailer*
Open 6 days ‘Sycamore,GA
1-75 & Exit 80 Bussey Rd
3 locations in South and Central Georgia
1814 Hwy 41 N., Tifton GA 229-386-8737
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802 S. Grant St., Fitzgerald GA 229-423-2100
1-800-416-2225 •
New Construction 3/bed 2/ba 2-story home
located on 5.38 acres. Shared POND with
fish. Room for animals, gardens etc.
(115764) Call Jeanette Scoggins at 848-2269
AND SEWER READY. (114925) Call Stacy Selph at 238-
Gracious southern living with modem updates.
Plantation shutters, wood floors, fireplace with
insert, built-ins, walk-in pantry. Eat in kitchen
with french doors overlooking a large Pagola.
4BR/2BA over 2300SF. (116280) $153,000
Call Stacy Selph at 238-1899
$729,000 243 acres of mostly planted pines, complete with
Hunting Lodge, Shooting Range, Deer Stands and trails for
your ATV. Close to 1-75 on paved road. (115716) Call Thad
Paulk at 392-2175
LARGE Brick 4/bed 3/ba, over 2900 SF 2-
story. Many new up-dates. 1.84 ACRE!! F.L.R.
with fireplace, F.D.R., Kitchen with Built-in
China Cabinet, separate breakfast room over
looking large Camellia, Dogwood, & Azalea
garden with walking trail, Sunroom,
Sportsman Den or office with built-ins.
Hardwood floors. (116152) Call Jeanette
Scoggins at 848-2269 $140,000
$675,000 Apx 39980 square foot building on 12.98 acres
bordering interstate 75... Building features: one loading dock,
four bay overhead doors, 3 restrooms, fire sprinklers, 6 vent
windows, 2 offices, halo lights, assembly line tract system,
87x39 shelter, 2 paint rooms, air lines throughout, over office
storage, and roof access. (116194) Call Jordan Pope at 392-
3951 or Stacy Selph at 238-1899
•aredhwy. (116396) Call Rose
$250,000 4 store fronts and a top floor that needs a little
TLC but is absolutely beautiful. Amazing woodwork through
out. Potential re-zoning for upstairs apartments. (115736)
Call Camille Taylor at 272-0502
Brenda Wood
GRI, Broker
Ron Branch
Albertha Sneed Stacy Selph
Camille Taylor Thad Paulk
272-0502 392-2175
e>Farm & Garden
► 2008 CROP
Paying Top Prices
858 Highway 32 W, Ashburn • Mon-Fri 8-5 Sat 8-12
Mrs. Tison is quite active
around the house, and enjoys
being with her friends and
shopping. She still loves to
cook and read recipes, always
trying and sharing new ones.
She has sewn many pretty
dresses and has refurbished
countless dolls. She still makes
beautiful Christmas decora
tions, crafts and gifts. She is an
avid gardener and enjoys tend
ing a variety of flowering
plants in her yard.
Mrs. Tison and her family
extend many sincere thanks to
the numerous friends and rela
tives who helped them enjoy
Daisy's 90th birthday.
What a wonderful 90 years!
^ 1st Birthday)
The Ashburn Chapter #287 Order of the Eastern Star Past Matron's Club members
had lunch Oct. 25 at Shoney's for Mrs Jewel Watson Phillips, 90th birthday. We all
wished her a very happy birthday. Those attending were "OUR SPECIAL GUEST" Mrs.
Jewel Phillips, C.A. and Hortense Burdett, Mary Ann Nolan and Imogene Wells.
It's time again to get your
child's picture in our Christmas
edition. Please bring a picture
of your child to the Wiregrass
Farmer or email them to us at
Call us for any information,
567-3655. Deadline is Dec. 12.
Class of 88
The Turner County High
School graduates of Class of
1988 will celebrate their class
reunion voyaging on a 4 day
cruise to the Bahamas. They
will sail from Jacksonville, FL
to Freeport and Nassau,
Bahamas from Oct. 8-12, 2009.
We are looking for all class
mates, family and friends of
the Class of 1988 to join them
and get a chance to reunite
with high school classmates
and enjoy some much needed
time with family and friends.
Please contact Precious Boyd
at 229-457-1429 or Antonio
Boone at 580-583-5089.
Layla Rayann Joyner
Joyner 1st
Turning 1 on Wednesday,
Nov. 19. Layla will be cele
brating her big day with a
Ladybug Party to be held
Saturday, Nov. 22 at 2:00 p.m.
All family and friends are
invited. Layla is the daughter
of Derek & Sandra Joyner of
Cordele. Her proud grandpar
ents are Joey & Teresa Wiggins
of Ashburn, Fred & Barbra
McLeod of Florida, Johnny &
Jamie Joyner of Alabama and
Sherri Joyner of Cordele. Layla
has one brother, Logan Joyner
of Blakely. Happy Birthday
Class of 99
The Turner County Class of
1999 will be having their class
reunion meeting on Saturday,
Nov. 22 at Shoney' s in
Ashburn Ga. at noon. Anyone
that would like to participate in
the reunion please come to the
meeting or give Vanessa Coley
a call at 229-567-0365!
Thanking you in advance and
hope to see you there.
Toys for Tots 4 08
Turner County Connection
has partnered with the U.S.
Marine Corps Reserve and
United Way of South Central
GA since 2005 to provide
needy children with gifts.
SADLY there will be children
who will not receive one pre
sent from Santa under the tree
on Christmas morning.
YOU can help put a smile
on a child’s face this Christmas
by donating a new unwrapped
toy. Drop boxes for toys will
be located through out Turner
County. Thank you for helping
make the holidays more joyous
for children in Turner County.
Toys may be dropped off at
a number of areas businesses
and The Wiregrass Farmer.
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