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Page 8 - The Wiregrass Farmer, December 24, 2008
Wiregrass Farmer Classifieds
$30 - 30 words.
Ad runs UNTIL IT SELLS. Call for details
Private Party Classifieds $3
it for less than $300 and your ad is FREE! Private party ads only
Commercial and Professional ads $5.
(Up to 20 words)
Deadline for ads is NOON MONDAY
Call Robin at 567-3655
Fax it 567-4402
email it
mail it 109 N. Gordon St. Ashbum 31714
For sale: 8 acres of planted pine,
located on Tift Turner line. Ex.
building site. 388-0615 or 386-
Homesites and building lots now
available on "NEW Paved
Street". Beautiful Lake view,
REDUCED prices on 1/2 acre
lots. Call local cell #229-206-
Commercial Lot 50ftX75ft
(across Ewing Buick)
Washington Ave. For Sale by
Owner. Call 229-206-0449
local cell number.
Want to Buy
Want to buy a rifle, .30-06; .270
and .300. Call 229-484-0606.
Will trade a Yamaha double
seater jet ski & trailer w/less
than 100 hrs. for an aluminum
horse trailer (must be in ex.
cond.). Can be seen in Tifton,
call 229-402-1759
House for Sale
4 BD, 2 BA, new roof, new cen
tral heat & air conditioner, large
kitchen, hardwood floors, large
shaded corner lot & big back
yard, outside deck, remodeled
inside & out. 1800 sq.ft. 256 E.
Monroe Ave. REDUCED! 229-
CDL Career Training w/Central
Refrigerated. We Train, Employ
w/$0 Down Financing. Avg.
$40,000 1st Year! 800-521-9277
For Rent
3 or 4 Bedroom House on Lamar
Avenue $750. per month Central
H & A Call 229 273 0991 After
Six. Show by Appointment
Only. Available 1/1/2009
2 BD 1 BA house with central
H/A, big lot. $450 month. Call
for more information 567-3765.
For Sale
2007 Ford Explorer Sports Trac
XLT 2WD 4D truck, has Tundra
cover on truck bed, factory war
ranty, ex. cond.; serviced every
3000 miles, 30,000 miles on
truck. Asking $15,000. Call 567-
4441 or 567-7726
1998 40 Ft. Gulfstream
Tourmaster Motorhome w/2
slideouts, 450 Cummins Diesel
pusher, 2 rooftop A/C units, 3
color TV’s satellite, 10 CD
changer AM/FM cassette stereo,
corian kitchen countertops, con
vection/microwave, sleeps 6,
For Sale
Queen size bed, cedar lined clos
ets, private bath w/whirlpool-
shower, awnings over every win
dow, under bay storage
w/throughway tray, 2 door side
by side fridge, ice maker, all
leather. Air ride!! Top of the
line!! Much more. 229-206-0449
3 year old small female horse; 5
mos. old mustang & painted
male horse; 3 year old dwarf
donkey, all for sale. Call 229-
567-2161, ask for Tommy.
6.5 x 55 Swedish military rifle
for sale, $250 OBO. Call 229-
567- 0345
Motor 5 HP, 100 ft. pipe, also,
chicken fence, approx. 100 ft.
for sale, call 567-3527
Wedding dress, size 12, pearls,
lace, crinoline, long train, $200,
originally $1800. 567-2391
Sears Pro-form Electric/Digital
Treadmill with incline. Records
distance, EKG pulse, calories
burned. $300 firm. 567-3896 or
567-9413 (after 5).
Purebred Jack Russell puppies,
tails clipped, 1st shots &
dewormed, will be 6 wks old on
Christmas. $100 each. Call
Chuck Majeski at 567-4822 after
6 pm.
Treadmill $150 and Cardio glide
type exerciser $100, for sale.
Call 567-2981. Good buy, looks
brand new and would make
great Christmas presents.
8 pc. Mapex drum set, 6 mos.
old paid $900 asking $500. 229-
567-0345 after 5 pm.
Free puppies
Free to good home, small Lab
mix puppies, 8 mos. old,
wormed, good with children.
Also some 7wk. old puppies.
Thrift shop
Kim’s Second Time Around
Thrift & Variety Store (consign
ments welcome), opening Jan.
1st, New Years Day, 10 AM, 541
E. Washington Ave.,(old
Badcock bldg.) Come in & reg
ister for a free door prize table
top chandelier
947-1027 or 567-4638
Giving away a piece of my mind
regularly to those who don’t
have any brains whatsoever.
Don’t call me. I’ll find you.
Real Estate
YOUR HOUSE! Mortgage
rates are 4.5 percent. There
are buyers out there. They
just need to know you are
selling a house. Call 567-
3655 to advertise your house
for sale today!
Legal Notices
Deadline is NOON Monday.
Holiday deadlines will be
announced well ahead of
among other possible events of
default, non-payment of the
monthly installments on said
loan. The debt remaining in
default, the sale will be made for
the purpose of paying the same
and all expenses of the sale,
including attorney fees (notice of
intention to collect attorney fees
having been given).
Said property will be sold as the
property of Cary L. Moore and
Sheryl T. Moore and subject to
unpaid ad valorem taxes or liens
for taxes or street assessment, if
any, and liens for taxes due the
United States of America, if any.
SN Commercial, LLC
As Attorney in Fact for Cary L.
and Sheryl T. Moore
Post Office Box 352
Albany, Georgia 31702
To be Advertised: December 10,
All that-tract or parcel of land
lying and being 35.6 acres, more
or less, of Land Lot Number 134
in the 2nd Land District of
Turner County, Georgia,
described as follows:
Begin at a point on the South
boundary of State Route 32,
which point is the point of inter
section of the East land lot line
of said land lot with the said
right-of-way, which point is also
in the center of a road known as
Leary Road; thence along the
South boundary of said right-of-
way a chord distance of 448.5
feet to a point; thence continue
along said South boundary North
88 degrees 21 minutes 30 sec
onds West 1037.4 feet to a point
on the South boundary of said
right-of-way; thence due South
2744 feet to a point on the south
land lot line of said land lot 134,
which point is also on the center
line of a County maintained
road; thence due East 114.25 feet
to an iron pin and a fence; thence
north 00 degrees 12 minutes East
along said fence 637.99 feet to
an iron pin; thence North 89
degrees 28 minutes East 138,97
feet to an iron pin: thence North
01 degree 49 minute East 846.66
feet along a fence to an iron pin;
thence South 89 degrees 24 min
utes East along a fence 1,231.89
feet to a point on the East land
lot line in Leary Road; thence
North 00 degrees 06 minutes
East along said East land lot line
to a point on the South boundary
of State Route 32, the point of
tract or parcel of land in land lot
134 in the 2nd Land District of
Turner County, Georgia, con
veyed by warranty deed from
Cary L. Moore to Lillie Pearl
and Tyrone Taylor dated October
12, 1982, and recorded in Deed
Book 91, page 328, Turner
County Public Records, (A01-
016) (0.33 acre).
that tract or parcel of land in
Land Lot 134 in the 2nd Land
District of Tuner County,
Georgia, conveyed by warranty
deed from Cary L, Moore to
Milton Holley dated July 29,
1982, and recorded in Deed
Book 91, page 182, and recorded
in Deed Book 91, page 183,
Turner County Public Records.
(A01-09) (0.46 acre).
That tract of land containing
0.68 of an acre in Land Lot 134
in the 2nd Land District of
Turner County, Georgia, con
veyed by warranty deed from
Cary L. Moore to Frankie L.
Ezell dated October 26, 1982,
and recorded in Deed Book 92,
page 135, Turner County Public
Records. (A01-15) (0.68 acre).
that tract or parcel of land lying
and being in Land Lot 134 in the
2nd Land District of Turner
County, Georgia, and being all of
Lots 10, 11, 12, and 13 accord
ing to plat made by Earl D,
Raines for Cary L. Moore, dated
January 11, 1985, and recorded
in Plat Slide C-51, conveyed by
Warranty Deed from Cary L.
Moore to Roy Martin dated
November 30, 1987 and record
ed in Deed Book 109, Page 205,
Turner County Public Records,
(A01-01; A0101A; A01-02; and
A01-03) (0.82 acres).
0.25 acre in Land Lot 134, in the
2nd Land District of Turner
County, Georgia, conveyed by
warranty deed from Cary L.
Moore to Jerry Mobley dated
May 2, 1988, and recorded in
Deed Book 111, page 286,
Turner County Public Records.
(A01-4) (0.225 acre).
0.422 acre in Land Lot 134 in
the 2nd Land District of Turner
County, Georgia, conveyed by
Warranty Deed from Cary L.
Moore to Jerome Lowery dated
June 28, 1988, and recorded in
Deed Book 111, page 642,
Turner County Public Records.
(A01-08) (0.422 acre).
All that tract or parcel of land
lying and being a portion of
Land Lot 134 in the 2nd Land
District of Turner County,
Georgia, conveyed by Warranty
Deed from Cary L. Moore to
Sammy L. John dated June 1,
1988, and recorded in Deed
Book 112, page 4, Turner
County Public Records. (A01-
05) (0/205 acre).
0.216 acre in Land Lot 134 in
the 2nd Land District of Turner
County, Georgia, conveyed by
Warranty Deed from Cary L.
Moore to Vivian Ferguson dated
July 1, 1988, and recorded in
Deed Book 112, page 6, Turner
County Public Records. (A01-
06) (0/216 acre).
0.229 acre in Land Lot 134 in
the 2nd Land District of Turner
County, Georgia, conveyed by
Warranty Deed from Cary L.
Moore to Artis Thornton and
Lula Thornton dated July 18,
1988 and recorded in Deed Book
112, page 302, Turner County
Public Records. (A01-07) (0.229
that tract or parcel of land lying
and being a portion of Land Lot
134 in the 2nd Land District of
Turner County, Georgia, con
veyed by Warranty Deed from
Cary L. Moore to St. Luke
Baptist Church dated October
30, 1998, an recorded in Deed
Book 157, page 491, Turner
County Public Records. (18A-
5A) (5.00 acres).
(The property remaining in this
35.6 acres tract is designated in
the Tax Assessor’s Office as
parcels 18A-7 contains 9.72
acres, more or less; 18A-6 con
tains 5.49 acres, more or less;
18A-5 contains 6.69 acres, more
or less; and 18A-21 contains
5.17 acres, more or less, The
total remaining acres in this tract
is 27.07 acres, more or less. This
is all the property remaining in
the original tract of 121 acres.
Only an accurate, recent survey
would designate the exact
By virtue of the Power of Sale
contained in a Deed to Secure
Debt from Cary L. Moore and
Sheryl T. Moore to Marvin J.
Davis and Faye D. Davis, dated
August 18, 1995 and recorded in
Deed Book 140, Page 698,
Turner County Land Records;
subsequently assigned to SN
Commercial, LLC, said Deed to
Secure Debt being given to
secure a Note in the original
principal amount of One
Hundred Seventy Thousand and
No, 100 Dollars ($170,000.00);
there will be sold by the under
signed at public outcry to the
highest bidder for cash before
the Courthouse door at Turner
County Georgia, within the legal
hours of sale on the first Tuesday
in January the following
described property:
The debt secured by said Deed to
Secure Debt has been and is
hereby declared due because of,
among other possible events of
default, non-payment of the
monthly installments on said
loan. The debt remaining in
default, the sale will be made for
the purpose of paying the same
and all expenses of the sale,
including attorney fees (notice of
intention to collect attorney fees
having been given).
Said property will be sold as the
property of Cary L. Moore and
Sheryl T. Moore and subject to
unpaid ad valorem taxes or liens
for taxes or street assessment, if
any, and liens for taxes due the
l hnted States of America, if any.
SN Commercial, LLC
As Attorney in Fact for Cary L.
Moore and Sheryl T. Moore
Post Office Box 352
Albany, Georgia 31702
To be Advertised: December 10,
All that tract or parcel of land
lying and being in Land Lot 107
of the 2nd Land District in
Turner County, Georgia, contain
ing 104.78 acres, more or less,
and being more particularly
described as follows: To reach
the point of beginning, com
mence at the intersection of the
south right of way line of Hardin
Avenue with the easterly right of
way line of State Route No. 112;
thence run South 38 degrees 20
minutes 16 seconds West for a
distance of 324.88 feet to a point
located on the easterly right of
way line of State Route No. 112;
thence run South 33 degrees 31
minutes 18 seconds West along
the easterly right of way line of
State Route No. 112 for a dis
tance of 240.54 feet to an iron
pin marking the POINT OF
BEGINNING of property herein
described; thence run South 84
degrees 19 minutes 12 seconds
East for a distance of 1,366.82
feet to a point and comer located
at a fence; thence run South 00
degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds
West along a possession fence
line for a distance of 1,410.33
feet to a point and comer; thence
run North 88 degrees 20 minutes
12 seconds West along a posses
sion fence line for a distance of
785.01 feet to a point and comer;
thence run South 17 degrees 11
minutes 27 seconds West along a
possession fence line for a dis
tance of 130.89 feet to a point
and corner; thence run South 07
degrees 11 minutes 42 seconds
West along a possession fence
line for a distance of 161.57 feet
to a point and corner; thence run
South 01 degrees 23 minutes 09
seconds West along a possession
fence line for a distance of
757.47 feet to a point and corner;
thence run North 89 degrees 11
minutes 46 seconds West along a
possession fence line for a dis
tance of 412.04 feet to a point
and corner; thence run North 74
degrees 17 minutes 19 seconds
West along a possession fence
line for a distance of 70.58 feet
to a point and corner; thence run
South 28 degrees 02 minutes 15
seconds West along a possession
fence line for a distance of
226.05 feet to a point and corner;
thence run North 89 degrees 09
minutes 38 seconds West along a
fence possession line for a dis
tance of 1,238.52 feet to a point
and corner located in the center
and run of a branch known as
Ashburn Branch; thence run in a
northeasterly direction up the
normal run of Ashburn Branch as
expressed by the following
courses and distances, to-wit:
North 15 degrees 09 minutes 02
seconds West - 204.91 feet;
North 33 degrees 29 minutes 02
seconds East 206.30 feet; North
28 degrees 00 minutes 30 sec
onds East - 376.73 feet; South 86
degrees 00 minutes 26 seconds
East - 165.39 feet; North 62
degrees 15 minutes 54 seconds
East - 170.95 feet; North 04
degrees 07 minutes 04 seconds
East - 130.81 feet; thence run
North 23 degrees 36 minutes 51
seconds West along the normal
run of Ashburn Branch for a dis
tance of 411.70 feet to a point
and corner located on the easter
ly right of way line of State
Route No. 112; thence run North
33 degrees 19 minutes 33 sec
onds East along the easterly right
of way line of State Route No.
112 for a distance of 1,727.64
feet to the point of beginning.
Being all of Tract "A" according
to that certain plat of survey pre
pared by Jerry J. Lee for Marvin
J. Davis dated August 16, 1995,
and recorded in Plat Slide
Cabinet B-26 in the office of the
clerk of the Superior Court of
Turner County, Georgia.
lake notice that:
The right to redeem the follow
ing described property, to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land
lying and being a portion of
Land Lot 93 in the 2nd Land
District of Turner County,
Georgia, described as being all
of Lot 2 of the Subdivision of J.
L. Wilson, all according to a plat
of survey prepared by Earl D.
Raines for J. L. Wilson, a copy
of which survey is recorded in
Plat Book 3, page 192, in the
Office of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Turner County,
Georgia. Said plat is made refer
ence to and incorporated herein
as a part of this description. The
lot herein described is 100 feet
by 150 feet and is also described
as being located at 641 Denham
Road, Sycamore, Georgia, will
expire and be forever foreclosed
and barred on and after the 6th
day of January, 2009.
The tax deed to which this notice
relates is dated the 6th day of
November, 2007, and is recorded
in the Office of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Turner County,
Georgia in Deed Book 217, at
page 526.
The property may be redeemed
at any time before the 6th day of
January, 2009, by payment of the
redemption price as fixed and
proved by law to the undersigned
at the following address:
Marcus Turner, 151 Bishop
Lane, Fitzgerald, GA 31750.
Please be governed accordingly.
Marcus Turner
611 Gorday Drive. Ashburn, GA 31714 Phone/Fax: 229-567-8071
Elevators & many other amenities
Tour a Brand New Apartment
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Housing Choice Vouchers Accepted
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The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in real estate related transactions, or in the terms of
conditional of such a transaction, race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national
origin. The Federal agency that is responsible for enforcing this law is the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development. If a person believes that they have been discriminated against
in violation of this law, they should contact the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, Washington, DC 20410 or call (800) 669-9777.