The wiregrass farmer. (Ashburn, Ga.) 1984-current, January 14, 2015, Image 11
The Wiregrass Farmer, January 14,2015 - Page 11 Sports Zakiyah Office cuts a fast break around a Lanier County defender. Rebels and Lady Rebels go 2-1 on week Shaquille Baldwin appears to be using a Lanier County Bulldog as a ramp to drive in for two. LETTERS Is America a Christian country? by Brad Christian The Turner County Rebels and Lady Rebels had three games on the docket last week, with trips to Echols County and Calhoun County sand wiched around a home date against Lanier County. First up was a long trip to Statenville last Tuesday. The Lady Rebs found themselves in a fight early against a scrappy Echols squad. In fact, the Lady Rebels only led the Wildcats by a score of 37-33 after three quarters. But Turner County turned up the head in the last quarter, outscoring the Wildcats 22-6 en route to pulling away for a 59-39 victory. Mylashia Yancey scored a season high 32 points in the victory. Also scoring in double figures were Zakiyah Office and Brishuana Barnes with 10 points each. The boys game wasn’t as close. The Rebels jumped all over an overmatched Echols squad to lead 36-16 at the half en route to a 63-31 victory. Shaq Baldwin continued his strong play of late with 17 points while Tamarrion Terry finished with 16 points. The two teams were back home Friday night to take on Lanier County in a region clash. The Lady Rebels were up first and with the visitors from Lakeland not having one of their better teams, it was ex pected to be an easy victory. That’s essentially what it was. The Lady Rebels jumped out to a commanding 25-8 lead and halftime, and with every one on the active roster getting to play, the girls were able to cruise to a very easy 45-23 vic tory. Yancey led the way with 22 points and 13 rebounds. The nightcap featured a re match with Lanier County from the Christmas tournament which turned out to be quite the battle. This game was the same way. The Rebels seem ingly had control most of the way but never were able to pull away from a game Bulldog squad. But the Rebels kept the Bulldogs from making that big push in the fourth quarter as they held on for a 56-45 vic tory. Baldwin finished with a season high 23 points while Terry finished with 10 points. Saturday night saw the teams make the long trip to Edison to take on Calhoun County. The girls game was sloppy and low scoring from the get go but as bad as things seemed to be in the first half, the Lady Rebels only trailed 14-13 at the half. The Lady Cougars, behind a loud home crowd, used a strong fourth quarter to pull away for the victory. They outscored the Lady Rebels 25-15 in the fourth to win 48-34. Yancey and Office both finished with 11 points. In the boys game, the Cougars, who like the Rebels came in with only two losses, came out smoking hot and threatened to blow out the Rebels in the first half as they led 38-21 at halftime. Aridicu- lous run by the Rebels in the third quarter cut the deficit to one and set up a very exciting fourth quarter in front of a packed house at the Cougar Den. The Rebels actually built up a five point lead with less than four minutes to go but some missed free throws and foul trouble were costly down the stretch as the Cougars pro tected their home court and es caped with a 63-60. It was a valiant effort by the Rebels to not mail it in during the second half. Baldwin finished with 20 points while Terry and Ced Leggett also finished in double figures with 15 points and 12 points, respectively. The Rebels (13-3) and Lady Rebels (14-2) have two games this week with both coming on the road. Tuesday night they will be on the road in Ocilla against Irwin County while Saturday night brings a trip to Homerville to take on Clinch County. The action tips off at 6:00 both nights. You know I was troubled about a recent commentary that I read about this country. It ask a question about this coun try's Christianity. You see ah the trouble that goes on here people and other country's are watching and seeing how our government let the Judicial system breake law's it created. Let me just count the ways it red. It confirms that America is a Christian nation by tolerating religious criticism. That is turning the other cheek. (Luke 6:29) There are non-Christian nations in the world where in sulting religion could warrant death or imprisonment. The author tried to discredit Chris tianity by listing human short comings but she highlighted the magnificence of Christian ity. A11 humans have fallen short of the grace of God. Thankfully God is merciful. God so love the world that he gave his only son that whoso ever believe in him shah not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). That is the reason for the season and the reason for our hope and joy. I agree the pilgrims did not found America but if one reads the writing of the men who did found the United States. It is evident they were deeply reli gious. Not only in their per sonal writings but God is referred to several times in the Declaration of Independence. They believed God is the source of our liberties and providence every state Consti tution makes. Reference to God: Our presidents are sworn in with hand on Bible to indicate their recognition of the ultimate au thority. Few people are aware that following George Wash ington's inauguration he led the first Senate and House of Rep resentatives to St. Paul's Chapel to pray, most likely for God's guidance over our coun try. The United States is not a Theocracy, but was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Moses holding the Ten Com mandments is on the facade of the Supreme Court building. The Symbolism is obvious as stated in what I read. Sin is not illegal (in most cases). Christi anity teaches repentance and forgiveness. Similar to the working of our judicial system. Those who stop their illegal/sinful behavior, after making amends, are forgiven. Just as Christ who said to a sin ner, neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more (John 8:11). Contrary to what was stated in what I read. The con cept of equal rights and free dom for all is a biblical in origin. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and fe male, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galations 3:28). This was the initial teaching that led to freedom and equal ity for ah. Many times America has sent its young men and woman to war to protect others from oppressive nations and the tyranny of some non Chris- tianed regimes. Not to conquer but to free. Peoples in the U.S. are being oppressed and killed every week nothing is being done. The judicial system. God is going to fix it and when he fix it brother it will be fix. I have most of the time been right. C. 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