Newspaper Page Text
The Wiregrass Farmer, January 14,2015 - Page 3
A new year
Happy New Year from the
Ashburn-Turner County
Chamber of Commerce! I can
honestly say that I couldn’t be
more excited about the upcom
ing year, the direction of the
Chamber, and all the great
things in store for Turner
County. I am humbled and
proud to be a part of this com
munity and chamber.
On January 22nd the Cham
ber will host the 59th Annual
Banquet. It will be a night of
awards, celebration, reflection
and a look towards the future.
The Chamber’s three year
strategic plan will be presented
as well. We are honored to
have Captain Tommy Clack as
our key note speaker and
Walker’s will provide a deli
cious meal of bacon wrapped
filet mignon, sides and dessert.
Tickets are $30 and available
at the Chamber.
We will also be conducting
a Membership Blitz during the
month of January to encourage
continued participation with
the Chamber and new mem
bership. A Farm Family and
Home Business rate will be
added to the dues structure and
individuals are encouraged to
become members to help sup
port the Chamber’s ongoing ef
forts. Feel free to contact me to
find out how being a Chamber
Member benefits you and your
Be on the lookout for up
coming hiring fairs, resume
workshops, business develop
ment seminars, exciting an
nouncements and much more.
It truly is a great time to be a
member of the Chamber!
As always, my door is open
and I appreciate your contin
ued support as we all work to
gether to make Turner County
a great place to be, live and
Birth certificates
Need a certified birth cer
tificate? If you were bom in the
State of Georgia, the Turner
County Probate Court may be
able to provide you with a cer
tified copy. For more informa
tion call Probate Court Judge
Penny Thomas at 567-2151.
Animal control
Anyone who needs the
Ashburn Animal Control de
partment should call 567-0313.
All calls routed through the
dispatch center. This applies to
Ashbum residents as well.
Chad Walker above and Lorraine Brown at right were the recent winners at the Piggly Wiggly bicycle giveaway.
Crisp Academy Honor Roll
First Grade: Zoi Christmas, Ella Coun
cil, Landon Crenshaw, Laura Evans,
Khloe Fraser, Hannah Harman, Mack
Hawkins, Charles Hurt, Isabella Jordan,
Eva Lowry, Mollie Oliver, Dustin Penney,
Walker Peters, Ansley Simpson, Sara Beth
Spires, Camilla Wade, Luke Worley, Na
talie Wright
Second Grade: Maddie DeLoach,
Braxten Goddard, Elly Griffin, Celia
Hardin, Ike Hobby, William Katz, Reese
McPherson, Ansley Newman, Ariel Pea
cock, Cate Raines, Isabella Rainey, Anna
Bay Sowell, Izzy Stephens, Riley Jane
Stillwell, Olivia Veal
Third Grade: Anthony Beck, Camden
Durham, Dalton Durham, Scott Ergle,
Trinity Goddard, Graham Harrod, Emily
Hill, Dallas Howell, Dalton Howell, Mag
gie Oliver, Cayden Sudduth, Kay Kay
Wadford, AnnMarie Wooldridge, Audrey
Fourth Grade: Abigail Brown, Emma
Council, Tristan Crenshaw, Lane Fiveash,
Beau Floyd, Libby Manning, Grade Mor
gan, Bethany Posey, Mia Purvis, Sara
Ruth Raines, Wade Rainey, Will Rhodes,
Carter Smith, Izzy Ward
Fifth Grade: Maggie Bullington,
Ainslee Forsythe, Savannah Harrod, Rylee
Little, Mary McCabe, Ava Pless, Daniel
Stull, Lizzie Williams
Sixth Grade: Zach Atherton, Allie
Brown, Ethan Council, Garrett Gravitt,
Greer Hawkins, Alla Hurt, Hunter Moore,
Raegan Peebles, Jennifer Pham, Marley
Seventh Grade: Macy Brown, Kather
ine Carpenter, Carson Chambers, Julian
Floyd, Billy Hardin, Hayden Hart, Rachel
Hopper, Maddie Milani, Alannah Peters,
Maddie Reed, Loren Seabolt
Eighth Grade: Aubrey Brown, Austin
Cobb, Griffin Gravitt, Lauren Lee,
Michelle Lee, Gaige Little, Trey Williams,
Nathan Willis
The owner of the old Rebecca General Store has deeded the building over to the
City of Rebecca. Mayor Don Collins said he’d like to restore the building so it can be
Ninth Grade: Molly Ann Bullington,
Charlie Carpenter, Meredith Culpepper,
Donovan Dorough, Stephanie Fraser,
Olivia Howard, Landon Jacobs, Sam
Latham, Mary Claire McGarr, Julie Me
lendez, Taylor Milani, Bobby Ray
Mitchell, Peyton Odom, Zach Pate, Ravi
Patel, Gage Reed, Lev Smarr, Aaron Tit-
shaw, Allison Youngblood
Tenth Grade: Mackenzie Brown,
Olivia Folds, Ben Greene, Peyton Lee,
Bailey Manning, Julia Owen, Chandler
Posey, Amanda Smith, Terri Thompson,
Sydney Wells, Josey Wessel, John Hunter
Eleventh Grade: Grace Atherton, Mag
gie Atherton, Brooke Bickhaus, Mary
Margaret McGarr, Carson Pack, Lindsey
Twelfth Grade: Savannah Brown, Bree
Carpenter, Mandie Foster, Katherine Mc
Garr, Grant Owens, Reeya Patel, James
Looking for a unique vol
unteer opportunity?
The Historic Crime and
Punishment Museum is where
you need to be! Volunteers to
lead tours throughout the jail
and share it’s rich history are
needed. Training will be pro
vided. Contact the Chamber of
Commerce 567-9696.
Dress exchange
A Prom Dress Exchange is
an effort to ensure any girl can
attend her prom, or homecom
ing without the burden of high
fashion prices. The Wiregrass
Farmer is collecting dresses
and will store them. If you
have such dresses you do not
want or need, please consider
donating them to this program.
Dresses may be swapped and
young ladies who can’t afford
a dress can have one at no
Speak up
for a child!
Coastal Plain CASA, Inc. is
seeking volunteers! CASA is
a non-profit agency that uses
volunteers to work with chil
dren in Tift, Turner, Irwin and
Worth counties who are placed
in the foster care system. The
reason these children are in
foster care is through no fault
of their own, they are there be
cause of parental substance
abuse, mental health issues or
some sort of abuse and/or neg
The children go into foster
care and then a CASA volun
teer is appointed to their case
at that point. The agency does
n’t issue legal advice of any
sort, but it does have attorneys
who volunteer.
CASA volunteers donate
their time to learn about a
child’s situation, presenting
recommendations to the judge
and seeking to help the court
arrive at an informed decision
regarding the best interests of
each child. CASA volunteers
work closely with the Depart
ment of Family and Children
Services and advocates for
services that will increase sta
bility for a child’s care and, ul
timately, lead to a safe
permanent home for the child.
The volunteers are sworn in
as officers of the court and as
signed to serve the needs of a
specific child or sibling group.
The volunteers interview the
child and parents, review all
records related to the child, and
seek information from rela
tives, teachers, and others.
CASA volunteers are sup
ported by staff members who
answer their questions and as
sist in the preparation of court
We have retired profession
als, stay at home moms, busi
ness people, pastors and many
others who serve as volunteers.
Our volunteers are of a variety
of ages and professions. Most
volunteers have no previous
social service experience but
simply bring a love for chil
dren and a desire to help the
Anyone who wishes to vol
unteer as a CASA must attend
30 hours of training that in
cludes courses on court infor
mation, family dynamics and
child development. The classes
for certification meet two
nights each week for five
weeks starting on Feb. 9 at 6 at
the CASA office.
The need for volunteers is
great! Every child deserves a
voice. Will you speak up for a
Anyone interested in volun
teering or who would like
more information can call
(229) 386-9765 or email kmor- The CASA
office is located at 126 1st
Street in Tifton.
Call TODAY and schedule your
Free No Obligation Screening
At Southwest Georgia’s Premier
Outpatient Vascular Center
Dr. Tripp Morgan, MD
2300 Dawson Rd • Albany, GA
it’ll be a check.
The contest starts
Businesses! Get involved in the contest
Call 567-3436 or 567-3655
for information
*Yes, our editor is evil.
on purchase of a new Kubota Standard L3301/3901/4701 tractor
and two qualifying implements.
Perrin Farm Equipment, Inc.
703 East 5th St.
Tifton,GA 31794
(229) 382-9821
'Cuslomer instant resales (C.I.R.) of $3,000 are available on purchases of new Kubola L330I/L390M.4701 Series with two or more qualifying new
Kubota or Land Pride implements to qualified purchasers from participating dealers' in-stock inventory through 12*31/2014. Dealer subtracts rebate
from dealer's pre-rebale selling price on qualifying purchases. Not available with promotional or low-rate financing. Sales to National Accounts or
Governmental customers do not qualify. C.I.R. not available alter completed sale. Offer expires 1231/2014. Optional equipment may be shown.