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The Wiregrass Farmer, January 14,2015 - Page 5
Harris services at Perry Chapel
Funeral services for Betty Frances Jacque
line Powell Harris, 75, of Sycamore, GA, were
held at 2:30 P.M., Saturday, January 10,2015 at
Perry Funeral Chapel in Ashburn, GA. Rev.
Roger Blanchard officiated. Chrisy Taylor sang
"Well Done" and Dean McKinney sang "We
Will Ride". Serving as pallbearers were Carl
Harris, Clay Harris, Justin Harris, Travis Harris,
Jarrett Harris and Wayne Powell. Interment fol
lowed at Rose Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Harris went
home on Thursday, January 8,2015 at her resi
dence in Sycamore, GA.
The daughter of the late David and Elizabeth
Hancock Powell, she was bom in Cook County,
GA on May 30, 1939. She was retired from
Coats and Clark and was a homemaker. She was
a member of the House of Prayer, Ashburn, GA
where she served as a prayer warrior for West-
side Ministries. She was on the 1st trip with
Westside Ministries to Russia and Honduras.
She made 40 trips with Westwide Ministries to
Honduras, Russia and Turkey.
Survivors include her husband John Carlton
(J.C.) Harris, Sr. of Sycamore, GA., two sons,
Clay (Tammy) Harris of Sycamore, GA, Carl
(Sheila) Harris of Sycamore, GA, one daughter,
Regina (Charles) Fortson of Sycamore, GA.
Surviving also are 6 brothers, M.C. (Jewellean)
Powell; Charles (Lizzie) Powell; Jack (Linda)
Powell; Alvin (Shirley) Powell; Wayne (Patsy)
Powell; Dale (Amy) Powell all of Worth Co.,
GA. and two sisters, Laverne (Harmon)
Marchant, Tifton, GA, Harriett (Michael) Avery,
Sycamore, GA, nineteen grandchildren and one
The family received friends Saturday, Janu
ary 10, 2015 from 1:00 PM until the hour of
service at Perry Luneral Chapel.
Page services today at First Baptist
Funeral Services for Rayford Carroll Page,
74, of Ashburn, Ga will be held at 2:00 P.M.,
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at
First Baptist Church of Ashburn.
Interment will follow at Rose Hill
Cemetery in Turner County. Mr.
Page passed away at his residence.
The son of the late Thomas Page and Jimmie
Yearty Gill, he was bom in Moultrie, Ga on Jan
uary 12,1940. He served his country in the U.S.
Army 82nd Airborne and was the owner and op
erator of Carroll Trucking Co. He was retired
from Rexam Beverage Can Corporation in
Olive Branch, MS. He was attending Harmony
Baptist Church in Turner Co. In addition to his
parents he was preceded in death by his sisters
Patricia Bence and Louise Hayes and a brother
Buck Page.
Survivors include his wife Roslynn Huf-
stetler Page of Ashburn, Ga., two sons Michael
(Suzanne) Page of Tifton, Ga, Donzell Little of
Ashburn, Ga, five daughters, Caroline (Ras)
Smith of Sycamore, Ga, Mary Anne (Jeff) Jack-
son of Tifton, Ga, Ember Page of Ashburn, Ga,
Stephanie (Robby) Royal of Sycamore, Ga, Lisa
(Derek) Jones of Gainesville, FI, one brother
James Wallace (Maggie) Page of Albany, Ga,
two sisters Linda Eubanks of Albany, Ga,
Brenda Sanders of Prattville, Al, thirteen grand
children, Hunter Page, Kelli Page, Dustin
Smith, Chase Page, Chance Jackson, Haley Nel
son, Elaina Nelson, Nichole Daughtrey, Michael
Little, Jake Little, Hunter Little, Jade Holton,
Cameron Jones, and seven great-grandchildren.
The family received friends Tuesday
evening, January 13, 2015 from six until eight
at the Perry Funeral Chapel.
Fun at Sycamore Baptist
We’re having Fun, Fun, Fun singing and
learning about Jesus every Wednesday night at
Sycamore Baptist Church. For ages 2-youth
from 6:30 - 8pm.
Women in Black
“Am I My Sister's Keeper”. The Dea
coness Ministry of Madison Avenue Church of
God by Faith, Ashburn, cordially invites you
to their 500 Women in Black Program. This
event will be held on Jan. 18,2015 at 5pm.
Men are welcome to come as well. Pastor
Larry W. Coffee. For more information you
may call the church office at 567-4008.
Anniversary sing
The Faithful Servants 7th Anniversary
Sing is Saturday, Jan. 24,2015 at 6pm at Vic
tory Baptist Church, 3917 U.S. Highway 319
S., Tifton. Gary, Brenda, Steve and Pam invite
you to celebrate with us seven years of singing
the gospel. An appreciation meal will be
served in the Social Hall immediately follow
ing the sing. Everyone is invited!
Bethany registration
The Bethany Divinity College & Seminary
of Dothan, Ala., the Albany Campus and, the
Ashburn Satellite are pleased to announce the
upcoming Spring Semester Registration which
takes place at The Friendship Baptist Church
Annex, Pastor, Rev. Dr. Marvin Cuffie at 8:30
a.m. Our Registration will be ongoing for the
next 3 weeks. If you want to be equipped in
the work of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ
this is the College you should attend. We offer
Associate, Bachelor, Master's and Doctoral
Degrees. We do not discriminate against race,
color, creed. For more information you may
contact Dr. Bill Edge, Sr. Dean of Schools
and, Dr. Gwendolyn Mathis 229-567-6003.
Church events
The New Providence Missionary Baptist
Church invites Turner County and all sur
rounding counties to its mid-week, mid-month
church services Wednesday, Jan. 14. Prayer
services begin at 6pm and preaching at
6:30pm. Come join us as we lift praises and
prayers to our Lord and Savior. On Sunday,
Jan. 25 at 11:30am we will celebrate our Dea
cons and Deaconesses Day. Everyone is in
vited to join us in worship and service to our
Savior. The church is located at 531 W. Wash
ington Ave. Rev. Dr. Marvin Brown, pastor.
Revival at Bethel
ary 25-28. Brian was radically saved in 1992
and surrendered to full time ministry immedi
ately. During the past two decades he has
served in many capacities including full time
pastorate, and has served nationally as the
President of the Conference of Southern Bap
tist Evangelists, served on the Committee of
Nominations from Georgia for the Southern
Baptist Convention and Georgia Baptist Con
vention Committee of Nominations. He is cur
rently serving his 3rd term as President of the
Conference of Georgia Baptist Evangelists.
Traveling Mission Bible
The Traveling Mission Bible Study held
every Mon., Wed., and Fri. from 11 am till
12:30, invites each and every one of you to
just set aside ONE hour to come out and
watch and pray with us. It takes place at the
Friendship Baptist Church on Sun Story Rd.
with Pastor Marvin Cuffie, Min. Bobby Gray-
don and Evangelist Frances Office. If you
have any questions you can contact the Presi
dent of the Traveling Mission Bible Study,
Thelma Davis. All denominations are invited
to atttend.
Cushion services at CoGBF
Ms. Laura M. Cushion, 62 of Ashburn,
Georgia, departed this life December 30, 2014
at Tift Regional Medical Center in Tifton, Geor
Funeral services were held Saturday, Janu
ary 10, 2015, at 12 noon at Church of God by
Faith in Ashburn, Ga. on Madison Avenue.
A committal service followed in Westview
Cemetery in Ashburn and a repast concluded at
the church social hall. The viewing was held
Friday, January 10 at the church from 5:00 -
7:00 p.m.
Don’t throw away your spiritual potential
I like fresh fruit a lot and
for the past few weeks I have
been trying to choose it over
some of the other much less
healthy snacks that have
worked their way into my
daily eating habits.
s I was enjoying a deli
cious piece of citrus fruit I
noticed that it had many
seeds. As I counted the seeds
that I had removed from just
one tangerine I found that
there were more than two
dozen in that single fruit. If
it was possible for each of
those seeds to turn into a pro
ductive tree, that would be
quite an impact from one lit
tle piece of fruit.
Although I enjoy growing
things I did not plant those
seeds—I threw them in the
trash. No matter how much
potential was contained in
them, none of it will ever be
realized since the seeds never
had an opportunity to prove
their worth.
I know very little about
the propagation of citrus trees
and I do not know if those
seeds really possessed the
ability to sprout and come up,
but I do know that our lives
are full of potential because
God designed us that way.
Some of us have different op
portunities than others and
some are talented in more
areas than others, but we all
have potential—potential to
live Godly lives and make a
positive difference in the
lives of others and in our
Unfortunately we too
often waste our God-given
potential by using our time
and abilities for purposes that
are not fully pleasing to God.
The good news is that He will
help us to reverse that waste
ful way of living if we will
submit to Him and allow Him
to take control of our lives.
In the New Testament
Christ said, “You have heard
that it was said, ‘Eye for eye,
and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell
you, Do not resist an evil per
son. If someone strikes you
on the right cheek, turn to
him the other also” (Matthew
5:38-39, New International
In that same chapter He
said, “You have heard that it
was said, ‘Love you neighbor
and hate your enemy.’ But I
tell you: Love your enemies
and pray for those who perse
cute you” (verses 43-44).
While in conversation
with a preacher friend about
those kinds of directives from
the Bible, we both agreed
that it takes more than self ef
fort to live up to them; I
sometimes refer to them as
“impossible commands.”
While we cannot live up
to the righteous demands of
God in our personal power,
we can rely upon Him to help
us to be what He wants us to
be. In like manner, He will
help us to utilize the opportu
nities that He sends our way
so that our spiritual potential
can become reality.
During these early days of
2015 many of us are still con
sidering what we would like
to see achieved this year:
perhaps overcoming undesir
able habits and developing
better ones, doing more to
help others through the local
church, and taking measures
to make the community a bet
ter place to live.
We all have potential to
help make a positive differ
ence and God wants to help
us achieve what would be im
possible on our own.
Never forget that our po
tential in God’s service is
valuable to His Kingdom; it
is too precious to waste.
all copy
Thank You
Thank You
I would like to thank the citizens of Turner
County for giving me the opportunity to serve
you for the past 8 years. I especially thank the
voters of District 5 for your vote and support. I
appreciate being able to handle the problems
presented to me during my terms of office. I ask
that you do not condemn the Commissioners for
the actions they take until you have walked in
their shoes.
Gregory Hudgins
Send us your church news
wiregrassfarmer@ yahoo .com
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Fax it! 567-4402 or Call 567-3655
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We do have a special rate for church advertising
We invite you to attend the Church of your choice this Sunday
515 E. Washington Ave.
Ashburn, 567-4383
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advertise here
ft South Georgia
Banking Company
Member FD It *'t=
561 E. Washington St.
Ashburn, GA 31714
Bishop Well & Pump
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Gorday Drive
Ashburn, 567-3306
church info
Ashburn First Baptist -302 McLendon St.
Ashburn First United Methodist - N. Main St.
Bethel Baptist - Hwy 32 E. Sycamore
Christian Union Church of God - Industrial Dr.
Church of Christ - Industrial Dr.
Church of God By Faith - W. Madison Ave.
Dakota Baptist - Hwy 41 N
Double Run Baptist - Hwy 159 N
Dayspring Church of the Nazarene - 983 North St.
Emmery Chapel AME - 215 Leesburg Hwy
Friendship Baptist - Story Rd.
Grace Fellowship - 133 N. Gordon St.
Harmony Baptist - W. Turner County
Haw Pond Baptist - 1511 Hawpond Rd. Arabi
High Hill Baptist - 5 miles N of Ashburn
Inaha Baptist - Hwy 41 S.
Independent Faith Baptist - Sycamore
Jesus Temple of God - 194 Pate St.
Living Waters Fellowship - 417 E. Madison Ave.
New Providence Baptist Church- W. Washington
Morningside Baptist - 215 E. Monroe Ave.
ASSEMBLIES OF GOD I Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m.
Sunday School 10 a.m.
Sunday worship 11 a.m.
No Sunday evening services
In Roger’s Plaza
close to the Piggly Wiggly.
Pastor Joseph Neese
Mt. Zion Church of God - W. Monroe Ave.
United Pentecostal - Sycamore
New Hope Baptist - Bussey Rd.
New Mt. Olive Baptist - E. Washington Ave.
New Mount Zion Baptist - 105 South Jefferson St.
New Prospect Freewill Baptist
Oak Grove Baptist
Piney Grove Baptist - Rebecca
Pleasant Hill Baptist - Rebecca
Rebecca Baptist - 166 Ashley St. E. Rebecca
Rocky Mount Baptist
New Hope Baptist Church- 222 HC Willaims Rd.
S. Ashburn Holiness - Pearl Ave.
Sycamore Baptist - Hwy 41 S
Sycamore United Methodist - Sycamore
Tabernacle of Praise 61 Emily St. Sycamore
Terrell Baptist - Hwy 112 W
Trinity Baptist - Pineknot Rd.
Rebecca United Methodist - Rebecca
Wideman Chapel - Rebecca
Zion Hope Baptist Church - 521 Joe Lawrence Rd
Emmanuel Missionary Baptist - Sycamore
Amboy Baptist - Hwy 159 N
Israels Temple - 635 W. Washington Ave.
St. Luke Missionary Bapt. - North Leary Rd.
St Theresa’s Catholic Church - 807 S. 3rd St., Cordele
New Mt. Pleasant - 200 Dunlap Circle
El Shaddai Ministry - 536 Carlos Ave.
Greater Faith C.O.P. Ministries - 250 Adams St.
New Jerusalem Freewill Baptist - Lee St.
New Jerusalem Holiness Church - 210 Carlos Ave.
Christ Foundation Assembly of God - 222 E. Monroe
God’s Ministries of Hope - 81 Emile St., Sycamore
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witness - 640 Gorday Dr.