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Page 6 - The Wiregrass Farmer, January 14,2015
TCES Celebrates November Character Kids of the Month - Responsibility
Kindergarten: Abhay Patel, Molly Williford, Azaria McKinney, Ayla Harris, Julian
1st Grade: Sabin Lavender, Sherlyn Morales, Waylon Hobbs, Bryan Salinas, Car-
vorious Brown
2nd Grade: Hayden Carter, Jamara Jackson, Jaylen Jackson, Jessie Arnold,
Christopher Metcalf, Tamelia Burgess
5th Grade: Ashley Berry, Naeemah Sanders, lyaunna Martin, Alicia Riley
The Character Kid of the Month program at
Turner County Elementary School is designed
to recognize students who have modeled the ap
propriate character trait of focus monthly. Stu
dents who were selected by their teacher as
Character Kid of the month were presented with
goody bags, candy, ice-cream cups, and a juice
which were provided by our PTO. They also re
ceived a free kid’s meal card provided by a local
restaurant. The character trait of focus for the
month of November was responsibility.
/ yjTjM
3rd Grade: Macey Guess, A’Miracle Vail, Gabrielle Ampofi, Jada Renney, Daniela
4th Grade: Konnor Downs, Summer Sellers, Tatiyana Holley, Chloe Bowden
Divided School Board selects Phillip Crawford as chairman
Livestock disaster
assistance sign-up
Livestock disaster program enrollment
opened on April 15, 2014. These disaster
programs are authorized by the 2014 Farm
Bill as permanent programs and provide
retroactive authority to cover losses that
occurred on or after Oct. 1,2011.
Eligible producers can sign-up for the
following livestock disaster assistance pro
Livestock Forage Disaster Program
LFP provides compensation to eligible
livestock producers that have suffered
grazing losses due to drought on privately
owned or cash leased land or fire on feder
ally managed land. Eligible producers
must physically be located in a county af
fected by a qualifying drought during the
normal grazing period for the county. Pro
ducers who suffered eligible grazing losses
should submit a completed CCC-853 and
supporting documentation by Jan. 30,
December 911 report
Turner Sheriff
Turner EMS
Turner Fire
Ashburn Police
Ashburn Fire
Sycamore Police
Sycamore Fire
Rebecca Fire
Admin phone calls
Traffic Stops (included above)
Turner S.O.
The Board of Education split 3-2 Monday
night on selecting Phillip Crawford as chairman
and Ann Kendrick as vice chair.
“I’ve got a change of heart,” said freshman
board member Cornelius Ball. “It’s not personal.
I think we should keep the same leadership.” Mr.
Ball said several times his decision was no per
sonal. He nominated Sam Brown as chair and Mr.
Crawford as vice chair, as it was during 2014.
Chairman Sam Brown called for nominations.
My deepest thanks to the citizens of Turner
County for your help with Toys for Tots this past
year (2014). Because of you we were able to help
115 families with food and 281 children with
Christmas gifts. Thank you, Thank you!
A special thanks to all the businesses that
helped us with our gospel sing to benefit The
Missy Sunday Memorial Toys for Tots Drive:
Ashburn Builder's Supply, Ashburn Auto Parts,
Albert's Body Shop, Bud's Tire & Wrecker Serv
ice, Brown's Seafood, Badcock, Colony Bank,
Country Financial Insurance, Carroll's Sausage,
Farmer's Furniture, H & R Block, Headlines,
Honey Bear, hardy's Flowers, Holley Steel, The
Hair Stop, Jenkin's Insurance, Katz Veterinary
Services, KC Nails, LaHacienda Mexican
Restaurant, Murphy Auto, Milikin Pest Control,
Preferred Cooling & Heating, Pat's Place, Pizza
Hut, Precision Mover's, Parker Chevrolet, Pre
mier Home Care, Pitts Drilling & Well, R & M
Drugs, Rite Aid, Southern Music, Shoney's,
South Georgia Banking Co., Southland Ford,
Warwick Septic Tank.
To all the businesses that let us put a box in
their building, to Donna Waters and her great
group Helping Hands. Thanks to Jodi Pridgen and
all the girls at Colony Bank for their help with the
Ann Kendrick proposed Mr. Crawford as chair.
New BOE member Sandra Blue nominated Mrs.
Kendrick for vice chairman.
The board turned to attorney John Holland for
“The bottom line is you need to vote on this,”
he said.
“I feel the way you do,” Mr. Brown said to Mr.
Ball. “But we’re outvoted. We’re not going to
fight about it. We’ll work together.
trains. Thanks to Hugh at Carroll's Sausage for
ALL YOU DID for Toys for Tots. I would espe
cially like to thank everyone that put a toy in one
of our boxes, big or small, you can never know
how much help that was to us in putting a smile
on a child's face Christmas morning.
May God bless you and yours.
“I’m not going to stop working. I will do the
same things. I will work with Mr. Crawford. If I
can’t, I’ll do it without him,” Mr. Brown said and
then laughed. “We’ll work together. We’ve got to
work together.”
He then asked for a motion to make Mr. Craw
ford chairman and Mrs. Kendrick vice chair.
Blue/Kendrick. The vote saw Kendrick, Blue and
Crawford vote yes and Ball and Brown vote no.
was a great success
On a personal note, I would like to thank my
husband Allen Saylor, my granddaughter Decem
ber, Ben & Robin at the Wiregrass Farmer, Josh
Brown, Mr. Warren and Ms. Barbara, and Stevi
at the Chamber
Many, many thanks!
From Diane Saylor, Dottie Brown, and Turner
County Connections, Communities In Schools.
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Many thanks for the support; Toys for Tots