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Page 8 - The Wiregrass Farmer, January 14,2015
ss Farmer Classifieds
Fax it 567-4402
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109 N. Gordon St. Ashburn 31714
Non-Commercial Classified Ads.
No Charge. No limits.
Commercial and Professional ads $9. (Up to 20 words)
Deadline for ads is NOON MONDAY
Call Robin at 567-3655
Land & Lots
LAND FOR SALE 5 acres off
of Highway 133, towards
Bridgeboro. No mobile homes!
$30,000, negotiable. Call 229-
881-6310 for more informa
For Sale: 4.96 acres that backs
up to a stream, mature trees
just outside of Ashburn. $20K,
owner financing available, call
Pecan Grove in Ashburn. 25
trees of summer sly produces
approximately 1500-2000 lbs a
year. Asking $20,000. Call
TION, 653 Acres- Worth Co.,
GA. Wiregrass, Timber,
Rolling Hills. Improvements
Include Lodge, Skeet Range,
Horse Barn, and Kennels.
Loaded With All Types of
Game. Priced to Sell at
$2695/Acre. Call Eric McCol-
lum-The Wright Group 229-
200-4457 (cell).
One corner house lot, corner of
Lakeview Dr. and Bussey Rd.,
house can be stick built or
Doublewide underpinned,
water/sewer hookup, $8000.
Call Calvin Brown at 567-
3813. rts
Land for Sale: Home building
site, 11.877 acres, located on
Tift and Turner line, pond and
planted pines on a paved road.
Call 392-6747 or 392-1092. ns
34.5 acres of farmland in
Turner County. Prime location,
adjacent to rail and Hwy 41,
near Sycamore. Excellent crop
production land w/great poten
tial for future economic expan
sion. $5000 per acre. For more
info call 229-392-1374 or 229-
Land for sale: 26.4 acres in the
Gladys area. 229-402-0562.
Real Estate
3 BR 1 BA, 1,100 sqft. Carport,
Lg deck w/screen room, fenced
in yard, central heat and A/C.
Location: 668 Whatley Dr.,
Ashburn. Move in ready. Please
call 229-567-7213 for more in
House for sale: 754 Whatley
Dr., 4BR 2.5 BA, call 567-
House for Sale by owner, Re
becca, approx. 1695 sq ft, 3 BR
1.5 BA, Lg. living room and
dining room, den, single car
port, outside building, 1.33
acres, 10 lg pecan trees. Call
or 229-643-7710.
House for sale at 917 S. Gor
don St., Ashburn. 3/4 acre 2 BR
1 BA block house, asking
$23,000. 567-4496 or 567-
3 BR 2 BA 16x80 mobile
home. Central h/a, ceiling fans,
dishwasher, 2 outside buildings
on own city lot in Sycamore.
3BR 2B A brick home in Ash
burn on 2 acres. Asking
$159,000. Call 229-484-0606.
For Rent/For Sale by owner:
3BD/2BA Mobile Home, also a
2BD/1BA Mobile Home.
Owner financing available. Call
229-567-1543 or 229-886-
2 BR, 1 BA, 976 sq. ft. house,
320 East Monroe Ave., Ash
burn. Hardwood floors, reno
vated kitchen, appliances
included, W/D included. Cov
ered back porch and carport.
$50,000. Call 229-222-1019
3BR 1.5 BA brick home on 5
acres, outside utility building, 2
large shelters, 2 grain bins, lo
cated at 434 Live Oak Rd.,
Ashburn. Call 229-382-7076.
For Sale: 8 acre pond w/2 story
cabin, 700 sq ft upstairs, 700 sq
Real Estate
ft downstairs, 2BR den upstairs
w/ Bath and a half, half bath,
kitchen, living room down
stairs. Located near Bussey
Road, Exit 80. $44,000. Call
Calvin Brown 567-3813. rts
rooms, 2 bath just outside of
Sylvester. Large den with
cathedral ceiling and very open
floor plan. Walk in closet in
master bedroom. 1746 sq ft
cooled and heated and 2175
total sq ft. Large garage, fenced
backyard, on city water, and lo
cated on 0.5 acre lot at 119
Massey Airport Road. Price
Reduced! Asking $139,900.
Call Melissa Brock at Advan
tage Realty for more informa
tion at 229-821-3331.
For Rent
House, unfurnished, on Den
ham Rd., Sycamore. 2BR
1BA, newly renovated.
$400/mo with $400 dep. Call
John Pate Rd., Ashburn, 3BR
2BA, newly renovated home
on 10 acres. Deer, turkeys &
fishing right out back door. 12
month lease, $650 month/$650
deposit. 322-3964, 5pm-10pm.
Credit references required.
Apt. for rent in Ashburn, 3BR
1BA, LR, DR, recently remod
eled, Downstairs apartment.
Call 567-9695 for application
and other details.
Apartments for rent in quiet
neighborhood, 2BR/1BA
comes with appliances. For
more info please call 567-
1543 or 229-886-9394. rts
Two Rental Properties. Both
are 2 BR 1 BA. $22,500 will
buy both. Call 392-4408.
Newly Remodeled 2BR/2ba
home with an open floor plan.
A credit application and lease
is required. $925 per month
with an $850 deposit. Approx.
2.5 miles from Phoebe Worth
in a country setting. Quiet and
peaceful neighborhood. Very
private and secluded. Possible
hunting rights to approxi
mately 100 acres of adjoining
land with pond at additional
PETS PLEASE! 229-343-
14 wide 2 bedroom mobile
home on Spring Flats Road.
FURNISHED! Very nice.
CH/A. $400.00 per month with
deposit. Call 229-776-3962.
For Sale
1996 Dodge Dakota pick up
with cap. Low mileage, runs
good. Please call 567-9024
Polaris Ranger, 2008 model,
700 fuel injected 4 wheel drive.
Top windshield and winch
mossy oak camo, good condi-
tion. 229-567-5334
1994 Case International tractor
895, 60 HP w/bucket, 3. hitch
backhoe, planters, cultivator,
harrow, bottom plow planters,
bermuda grass scratcher,
scraper blade, asking $9000 or
make offer. Call Calvin Brown
for more info, 567-3813. rts
2005 Ford Escape XLT. V6
with 155,000 miles. Very good
condition! $3,900. Call 229-
347-0808 for more info.
Ford 841 Powermaster Tractor.
Gas, good tires, runs good!
$2,900. Call 229-782-5212 or
Belaruse 78hp Tractor with air
conditioning, heat, radio,
closed cab and front end loader
bucket. For more information,
contact Will at 229-776-2827.
word out. Every week.
Help Wanted
The City of Ashburn has an
opening for the position of
meter reader. Duties will con
sist of accurately reading and
recording gas and water meters
in the City. Ability to assist
with other general laborer du
ties is desirable. Valid Georgia
Drivers license is required. Se
lected applicant shall be subject
to physical and drug screen
prior to employment.
Application may be made in
person only at City Hall in Ash
burn, 259 East Washington
Street in Ashburn. Position is
open until filled. The City of
Ashburn is an equal opportu
nity employer.
**New Year - New Opportuni
ties** Looking for: Better
Pay? Better Home-time? Better
Equipment? Better Compensa
tion????? CDL-A lyr. exp.
Need Typing Done? Resumes,
letters, term papers, etc Accu
rate, reliable, reasonable. Call
Ring found. Silver with stones.
Call State Farm to describe to
verify it’s yours. 567-4698
To Give Away
I have several crepe myrtles
to give away but you must dig
them up. Call 229-854-7753 if
Yard Sale
Clearance Sale
Antiques & Collectibles
Clearance Sale, Large selec
tion, Mahogany, Oak, Pine,
Dining Tables & Chairs, Pub
Tables, Dressers, Bookcase
Secretary, Glassware, China,
Pictures, Mirrors, Musical In
struments, Guitars, Guitar
Cases, Amps, M&M Col
lectibles, Franklin Mint Col
lectibles, Gone With The
Wind Collectibles, Vintage
Jewelry, Pottery Jugs, etc.
Open Saturday, Jan. 27 at 10
a.m., weather permitting. Lo
cated at 117 N. Gordon St.,
Ashburn (next to Wiregrass
Farmer newspaper).
Wonderful adult purebred pets
ready for adoption. Yorkies,
Toy poodles, shih tsu, and mal-
tese. Call 229-869-0697 for
more info.
Looking to buy coin collec-
tions. Call 912-202-0985.
2005 or 2006 medium size
SUV for cash! Call 229-485-
Buy, Trade,
Swap, Sell
Find what
you need in
Position Available
There is a position available in the State Court's
Office of Turner County. The position will be a
full-time position. Duties include, but will not be
limited to answering the telephone, filing, assist
ing the Judge, attorneys, law enforcement offi
cers and other court officials and other clerical
duties. The person in this position will be re
quired to have basic knowledge of computers,
calculators and other office machines and be
able to meet the public well. Applications may
be picked up at the Clerk of Superior Court's Of
fice at 219 E. College Ave., Room #3, Ashburn,
Georgia between the hours of 9 AM and 4 PM,
Monday through Friday. Applicants must have a
high school diploma. Application deadline is Fri
day, January 16, 2015.
Boatright Trucking is hiring OTR & Log Drivers.
Must have a Class-A/CDL & OTR experience at least 3 yrs.
Call (912)632-4015; Mon-Fri 8 am - 5 pm.
Application online
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JANUARY 17, 2015 * AUCTION 10 A.M.
116 E. Kelly St., Sylvester, GA (across from courthouse)
This auction features: 9 Colt Snake Guns including
6 Pythons; 2 Winchester 42 s one pigeon grade;
many other low gauge shotguns. Winchester Lever
action rifles; antique firearms of all types; modern
handguns and rifles, many new in the box; RARE
German dagger; over 260 firearms. Fishing lures,
and other sporting collectibles. Large selection of
AMMUNITION - over 25,000 rounds .22 caliber;
coins; paper currency; Southwest Georgia found
arrowheads; duck decoys MUCH MORE!
Community yard sale Sat.,
January 17, opening at 7 a.m.
at the Old Ocilla Elementary
School, comer of Fourth &
Alder St., Ocilla. New items
arriving weekly. Dining room
table & chairs, small A/C
unit, dishes, clothes, books,
jackets dvds and more! If you
would like to set up a booth
on the school grounds call
Tammy at 468-9114.
On fefafAi Odeutd, fa
“Emerald Cottage” or “Turtle Nest Cottage”
both near the beach.
Emerald has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths
with Jekyll Room, sleeps 10 guests.
Two flat screen TVs, 2 bicycles,
all new furnishing. Weekly Rent $1,350
Turtle Nest has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths,
sleeps 9 guests, Two flat screen TVs,
2 bicydes, all new furnishing.
Weekly Rent $1,225
Linens and Towels Provided.
All you bring is food and paper products!
Parker - Kaufmann Realtors
Toll Free: 1-888 453-5955
Call from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon-Sat to Reserve!
In Sapphire Valley, NC
Three bedrooms, two baths,
sleeps eight, two TVs and
Internet hookup.
Monthly Rent $3,150
Four bedrooms, three baths,
sleeps ten, two TVs and Internet
Monthly Rent $3,570
Weekly Rates Available
Kelly B. Dean
Toll Free
The Wiregrass
View our website for complete catalog and absentee bidding!
www.d a n ielau cti oncompany. co m
TERMS OF SALE: 10% Buyers Premium with Cash or Check. 15% Buyer s
Premium with American Express, Visa or MasterCard.
% 10 transfer fee on each FPL firearm
Firearm Sales Subject to Federal, State & Local Regulations
Post Office Box 594 * Sylvester,. Georgia 31791
—O Telephone: 229-776-3998
GAL 2031 Faxz 229-776-7972
The Wiregrass Classifieds