Newspaper Page Text
The Wiregrass Farmer, January 14,2015 - Page 9
Medical marijuana, roads on agenda
4-H Shotgun, Archery &
Air Pistol
by Rep. Jay Roberts
On Monday, January 12, the
2015 session of the Georgia
General Assembly convened
and organized at the State
Capitol in Atlanta.
I plan to write a weekly col
umn explaining what is being
addressed this session and how
it affects your quality of life,
your pocketbook and your fu
One of the first tasks that we
must address is regarding the
state’s budget. Most of my col
leagues in the General Assem
bly try to be frugal regarding
spending, taxes and new pro
grams. Our state constitution
requires that we submit a bal
anced budget to the Governor
each year for his signature.
Georgia is one of only a hand
ful of states that has obtained
the highest bond rating avail
able. That means we pay our
bills, balance our budgets, and
don’t spend frivolously.
With this in mind, the most
extensive issue that we face al
most immediately is the need
to approve a fiscal year budget
that will take us through mid
year 2016. What we call the
“big budget” is anticipated to
be around $22 billion. Georgia
is beginning to rebound from
the sluggish economy over the
past five years and our budget
experts anticipate government
revenues to increase by almost
$1 billion over last year’s re
Legal Notices
Deadline is NOON Monday.
Holiday deadlines will be an
nounced well ahead of time....
Helen Millwood, Deceased
ESTATE NO. 142-2014-1048
Timothy O. Millwood has peti
tioned to be appointed Admin
istrator of the estate of Barbara
Helen Millwood, deceased, of
said County. (The petitioner has
also applied for waiver of bond
and/or grant of certain powers
contained in the O.C.G.A §53-
12-261.) All interested parties
are hereby notified to show
cause why said petition should
not be granted. All objections
to the petition must be in writ
ing, setting forth the grounds of
any such objections, and must
be filed with the court on or be
fore 10:00 AM, Tues. Jan. 20,
2015. All pleadings/objections
must be signed under oath be
fore a notary public or before a
probate court clerk, and filing
fees must be tendered with
your pleadings/objections, un
less you qualify to file as an in
digent party. Contact probate
court personnel at the following
address/telephone number for
the required amount of filing
fees. If any objections are filed,
a hearing will be scheduled at a
later date. If no objections are
filed, the petition may be
granted without a hearing.
Penny E. Thomas,
Judge of the Probate Court
219 E. College Ave., Room 4
P.O.Box 2506
Ashburn,GA 31714
52,53, 1,2
While our budget seems big
in number, very little of it is
discretionary spending. Most
of the money in the budget is
dedicated to programs man
dated by the federal govern
ment. This includes K-12
education and Medicaid. As
our state continues to be an at
tractive place to live and work,
our student population will
grow and we will have to help
fund that growth.
Our Medicaid budget has
grown exponentially with the
growth of our state population.
Our contribution to the Medi
caid program has grown from
$2 billion a year in 2008 to
over $3 billion for 2015. That’s
a huge part of the state’s
The two major issues that
we will address that are not
budget related is the use of
medical marijuana and a new
potential funding source for
Transportation. Let me address
State of Georgia
County of Turner
In regards to the estate of
All creditors of the estate of
Loren Hewlett Posey, deceased,
late of Turner County, are
hereby notified to render their
demands to the undersigned ac
cording to law, and all persons
indebted to said estate are re
quired to make immediate pay
ment to the estate.
This 22nd day of December,
Pamela S. Carter
115 Glynn Cook Road
Ashburn, GA 31714
Dustin K. Land
P.O.Box 229
Ashburn, GA 31714
Attorney for Executor of the
Estate of Loren Hewlett Posey
52,53, 1,2
Under and by virtue of the
Power of Sale contained in a
Security Deed given by Allison
W. Stephens aka Allison Wayne
Stephens aka A.W. Stephens to
Mortgage Electronic Registra
tion Systems, Inc. acting solely
as nominee for Quicken Loans,
Inc., its successors and assigns,
dated July 28, 2006, recorded
in Deed Book 208, Page 139,
Turner County, Georgia
Records, as last transferred to
Federal National Mortgage As
sociation by assignment
recorded in Deed Book 257,
Page 44, Turner County, Geor
gia Records, conveying the
after-described property to se
cure a Note in the original prin
cipal amount of ONE
both of these issues based on
the information that is cur
rently available to me.
Marijuana oil has some
medical benefits for those that
suffer from health conditions
causing seizures. I support
tightly worded legislation that
allows the use of marijuana oil
for medicinal purposes only
and has stiff penalties outside
of this use. This is an emo
tional and hotly contested
issue, but one that could have
great benefits for people with
severe medical conditions.
Regarding a new funding
source for Transportation,
there are several things to con
sider. Our roads, bridges and
other transportation infrastruc
ture have fallen woefully into
disrepair since the needed
funding to maintain them fell
delinquent during the eco
nomic downturn in the past
several years.
One of the problems that we
are faced with is approxi
mately 4,000 deficient bridges
which our families, school
buses and emergency vehicles
drive across every day. These
bridges are becoming a safety
issue and we have to try to find
the money to repair them. In
fact, I am sure that you have
seen a bridge closed because of
safety concerns. We are also
right now on a schedule of
about 50 years when it comes
to resurfacing our roads com
pared to a plan that should
DOLLARS ($162,000.00),
with interest thereon as set
forth therein, there will be sold
at public outcry to the highest
bidder for cash before the
courthouse door of Turner
County, Georgia within the
legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in February, 2015, the
following described property:
Tax ID Number: A13-007
Land situated in the City of
Ashburn in the County of
Turner in the State of GA All
that improved tract or parcel of
land lying and being in Land
Lot No. 141 in the 2nd Land
District of Turner County,
Georgia, and being in the City
of Ashburn, Georgia, being
more particularly described as
all of that tract or parcel of land
in the shape of a quadrangle
lying and being at the intersec
tion of the South side of James
Street and the East side of Main
Street, which latter named
street now forms a part of U.S.
Highway No. 41, in Block No.
5 '/> of the City of Ashburn,
Georgia, and more particularly
described as follows, to wit:
Commencing at the intersection
of the South side of said James
Street and the East side of Main
Street, which latter named
street is also U.S. Highway No.
41, and from said beginning
point running in a Southerly di
rection along the East side of
said highway for a distance of
141.90 feet; thence in an East
erly direction at an angle of 90
degrees 54 minutes for a dis
tance of 208.50 feet; thence
cornering, and running in a
Northerly direction for a dis
tance of 88.80 feet to the South
side of James Street; thence
running in a Westerly direction
along the South side of James
Street for a distance of 215.30
feet to the point of beginning.
All according to a plat of sur
vey of lands of William M.
Shealy, recorded in Plat Book
1, Page 58, Records for Turner
County, Georgia. Commonly
known as: 534 N. Main St.,
Ashburn, GA 31714 The debt
secured by said Security Deed
has been and is hereby declared
due because of, among other
possible events of default, fail
ure to pay the indebtedness as
and when due and in the man
ner provided in the Note and
Security Deed. The debt re
maining in default, this sale
will be made for the purpose of
paying the same and all ex
penses of this sale, as provided
in Security Deed and by law,
including attorney’s fees (no
tice of intent to collect attor
ney’s fees having been given).
Seterus, Inc. services the above
referenced loan on behalf of the
current owner of the loan.
Seterus, Inc. can be contacted
at 888-917-3094 or by writing
have us on a 15-year rotation.
Right now about 54% of the
money that goes to the Georgia
Department of Transportation
comes from the Federal Gov
ernment. This is unacceptable
and we have to become less re
liant on the federal government
for our money with all the un
certainty in Washington.
The Transportation Joint
Study Committee has sug
gested several ways that we
can meet the funding shortfall.
The Joint Study Committee
Report is posted online at the
General Assembly website for
you to see.
As Chairman of the House
Transportation Committee, I
am tasked with the job to come
up with new ways to fund
Transportation as we move this
State forward. I can assure you
that I am going to explore all
avenues to try and make this
happen. We cannot wait any
longer to solve our Transporta
tion funding problem. As this
issue moves forward, I will
keep you informed.
If you are headed to the
Capitol, please stop by my of
fice. I would love to see you or
hear from you. I can be
reached at jay.roberts@house. or at (404) 656-7153. In
closing, please keep all of us in
your thoughts and prayers as
we travel for the session and
deliberate on these important
to 14523 S.W. Millikan Way
Suite 200, Beaverton, OR
97005, to discuss possible alter
natives to foreclosure. Said
property will be sold subject to
any outstanding ad valorem
taxes (including taxes which
are a lien, but not yet due and
payable), any matters which
might be disclosed by an accu
rate survey and inspection of
the property, any assessments,
liens, encumbrances, zoning or
dinances, restrictions,
covenants, and matters of
record superior to the Security
Deed first set out above. The
entity that has full authority to
negotiate, amend, and modify
all terms of the mortgage with
the debtor is: Seterus, Inc.,
14523 S.W. Millikan Way Suite
200, Beaverton, OR 97005
888-917-3094. Please under
stand that the secured creditor
is not required by law to nego
tiate, amend, or modify the
terms of the mortgage instru
ment. To the best knowledge
and belief of the undersigned,
the party in possession of the
property is Allison W. Stephens
aka Allison Wayne Stephens
aka A.W. Stephens or a tenant
or tenants and said property is
more commonly known as 534
N Main St, Ashburn, Georgia
31714. The sale will be con
ducted subject (1) to confirma
tion that the sale is not
prohibited under the U.S.
Bankruptcy Code and (2) to
final confirmation and audit of
the status of the loan with the
holder of the security deed.
Federal National Mortgage As
sociation as Attorney in Fact
for Allison W. Stephens aka
Allison Wayne Stephens aka
A.W. Stephens RCO Legal,
P.S. 1587 Northeast Express
way Atlanta, GA 30329 (770)-
1R324714 Publish Dates:
01/21/2014,01/28/2014 TS#:
1R324714 FEI # 2013.02377
By virtue of the Power of Sale
It is once again time for
Turner County 4-H to focus on
the fundamentals of safety and
awareness for the upcoming
Shotgun, Archery & Air Pistol
educational programs. We will
have an organizational meeting
in January. If you are interested
in participating, please contact
our office so we can add your
name, address and phone num
ber to the list.
contained in that certain Pur
chase Money Deed To Secure
Debt executed and delivered by
Angela R. Lane, to MEDDERS
February 23, 2010, and
recorded in Deed Book 233,
pages 582-583 in the office of
the Clerk of Turner Superior
Court, subsequently assigned to
will be sold at public outcry be
fore the Courthouse Door in
said State and County by the
undersigned, during the legal
hours of sale, on the First Tues
day in February 2015 to the
highest bidder for cash, the fol
lowing-described property, to
All that tract or parcel of land
lying and being in Land Lot
134 and/or Land Lot 135 in the
2nd Land District of Turner
County, Georgia, and being all
of Lot TEN (10), containing
3.08 acres, as said property is
shown and delineated on that
certain plat of survey, prepared
by Roger A. Medders, Regis
tered Land Surveyor, dated
June 15, 1999, and recorded in
Plat Slide B-46, Turner County
Records, and reference is made
to said plat for the purpose of
incorporating the same herein
for a more complete and accu
rate description of the property
hereby conveyed. Together
with all improvements
thereon. To the best of the un
dersigned's knowledge, said
property is lot 10 Raines Road,
Ashburn, GA 31714.
The debt secured by said Pur
chase Money Deed To Secure
Debt has been and is hereby de
clared due because of nonpay
ment of monthly installments
on said loan. The debt remain
ing in default, then said prop
erty will be sold for the purpose
of paying the indebtedness se
cured by said deed, and the
proceeds of said sale will be
applied to the payment of said
indebtedness and the interest
and all charges and expenses in
connection with this foreclo
sure as provided in said deed,
and the balance, if any, will be
paid over to said the persons
entitled thereto.
Said sale will be made subject
to all easements and restrictions
and all other matters of
record. The notice required by
the Official Code of Georgia,
Section 44-14-162.2, has been
given as provided by law.
P.O.BOX 88
GIA 31791
1,2, 3,4
Take notice that:
The right to redeem the follow
ing described property, to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land
lying and being in Land Lot
133, 2nd Land District, City of
Ashburn, Turner County, Geor
gia, being all of City Lots 14
and 15, Block N, Evans Realty
Company Subdivision. Said
City Lots 14 and 15 front to
gether for a distance of 100 feet
on the North side of Carlos Av
enue and extend back in a
northerly direction for a dis
tance of 145 feet. Lot and
block numbers, street names
and dimensions are all given
according to the official map of
the City of Ashburn.
will expire and be forever fore
closed and barred on and after
the 2nd day of February, 2015.
The tax deed to which this no
tice relates is dated the 5th day
of November, 2013 and
recorded December 3, 2013 in
the Office of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Turner
County, Georgia, in Deed Book
253, at page 459.
The property may be redeemed
at any time before the 2nd day
of February, 2015, by payment
of the redemption price as fixed
and provided by law to the un
dersigned at the following ad
dress: 229 Properties, LLC c/o
Josh Martenn, 624 E. Monroe
Avenue, Ashburn, GA 31714.
Please be governed accord
229 Properties, LLC
Legal notices may be emailed,
mailed, faxed or hand-delivered to
The Wiregrass Farmer
MAIL -109 N. Gordon St., Ashburn, GA 31714
FAX - 229.567.4402
6 weeks
1 sq - $30
2 sq - $60
Any questions?
Call Linda or Robin
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Shotgun participants must be
in 7-12th grade and completed
the Hunter Safety Course;
archery participants 4-12th
grade and a new air pistol team
will begin with 4-6th graders. Practices will start in February.
Topics to discuss will cover what is expected of you for the
upcoming year and what you can expect when participating on
the Team. You must have a parent or guardian attend the meeting
with you, so that all forms and paper work can be completed the
night of the meeting. We will also discuss the fund-raisers, prac
tice schedules and answer any questions you may have about the
Air Pistol is a new addition to our county SAFE events. This
is an opportunity for 4-6th graders to learn some safety, coordi
nation and confidence This offers a parent and child to work to
gether and the extra work counts to an individual score. This is
much different than archery and shotgun where 4 scores make
up a team score.
Air Pistol has the opportunity for young people to compete
and perhaps participate in the Junior Olympics, college and be
yond. A parent must attend the practice with the 4-H member.
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