Newspaper Page Text
The Wiregrass Farmer, January 6,2016 - Page 3
Connor Priest, 106
weight class, at left, Zion
Blackshear, below left in
the heavyweight category
and Jason Harris at right.
Photos Deborah Priest
Ashburn City Council agenda
A stack of alcohol sales li
censes are on the agenda for
the Ashburn City Council’s
Thursday night meeting.
The Council will vote to
renew, or deny, on the existing
licenses in the City. Most are
for beer and wine sales. Three
are for on-premises consump
tion at local restaurants and
two are for nightclubs.
The Council will meet at 6
p.m. at City Hall. The meeting
is open to the public. Other
agenda items are:
• Speaker Appearance -
Wastewater problems - Lanier
Gipson, Johnny J. Hillmon
• Tom Berry - FY 2015-
2016 Budget
• Approval of the December
meeting minutes
• Re-Appointment of Mu
nicipal Court Judge Ray Hol
• Re-Appointment of Mu
nicipal Court Prosecutor Flynn
• Re-Appointment of Mu
nicipal Court Indigent Defense
Attorney John Sherrar
• Re-Appointment of City
Attorney Tommy Coleman
• Approval of Alcohol Bev
erage License for 2016 for the
• Set qualifying fees for the
2016 Council election.
• Resolution-Approval of
the restated GMA 401(a) DC
Plan Adoption Agreement
• Resolution - 2016 Joint
Comprehensive Plan
Executive session, person
(Continued from Page 2)
seat of the unexpired term of
Jackie Ivey, whom resigned.
Mr. Jimmy Wilkerson wins by
acclamation. City of Sycamore
has their regular Muni elec
tions. Candidates running are
J.C. Harris (I), Brenda McNair
(I) and Keith A. Reynolds.
And the well at Eureka is
still not ready with the newest
problem is the pump bringing
up sand and gravel as well as
water from the new bore hole.
EMS Director Robby Royal
wants to change the company
that takes care of billing for
ambulance services.
Turner County Farm Bu
reau received two awards at
the 8th District Annual Meet
Ashburn Primary Care, for
merly Health Plus, welcomes
their newest family physician,
Dr. Mariel D. Hepburn.
In sports the Rebels cruised
to a 39-6 victory and now
stand at 6-0.
The Longshot Clovers are
looking forward to a new sea
son and more members. Turner
County will now host the
largest 4-H Air Pistol Team in
Week 2
Bedbugs at 911. The Turner
County 911 Dispatch building
had to be tented as a pest con
trol company prepared to fumi
gate the building. The home of
an employee at 911 was found
to have bedbugs leading them
to inspect all employees'
Interviews will begin in late
October for the new school Su
perintendent. At their meeting
the BOE discusses supple
ments and extended day and
extended year contracts.
Turner County's REACH
scholars were honored.
City of Sycamore's budget
got a boost as the health insur
ance for the City employees is
going down as is the garbage.
Relay for Life Pageant was
Week 3
The Marching Rebel pride
brought home seven Superior
trophies and one Excellent
from the annual Sound of Sil
ver marching band event in
Blackshear. The Rebels take
their first season loss in Home-
rville, final score 30-16. Next
week the Rebels will take on
Atkinson County for the
Homecoming game.
The BOE is looking at a
vote next year to continue the
current 1 cent sales tax, ES-
PLOST. School bus driver's get
a big thank you for Bus Driver
Appreciation week.
The planned basketball
court for Sycamore got pushed
back at the Sycamore City
Council meeting, citing money
shortage. The matter is tabled
for now.
Week 4
Jordan and Jessica Mathis
were crowned co-Homecom-
ing Queens. The senior ladies
of the court campaigned to
have the twins crowned. As the
Rebels cruise to victory against
Atkinson County, 35-0.
The Eureka well is still not
ready. Sand is still being
pumped through. The Council
will meet to discuss what
should be done.
City of Sycamore gets re
jected in the bid for a Commu
nity Development Block
Grant. They are waiting to hear
the reasons for the rejection.
Week 1
Eureka well is still not
It was Red Ribbon week at
TCES. Senior Night and the
Turner County Rebels declared
victory over Wilcox, final
score 33-12. The Rebels im
proved to 8-1 overall and are
set to play the Irwin County In
dians in Ocilla next week. Re
gardless of what happens on
the field in the next game, the
Rebels will have a least one
home playoff game.
Week 2
Southland Ford donates a
Mustang to the Sheriffs Dept,
for use in the CHAMPS pro
A proposal to change out
the City of Ashburn's water
meters at a cost of more than
$800K got a cool reception last
week at City Hall. The Council
agreed to a no-charge study to
see what it would cost and
what the change could save the
City, if anything.
The ADA is reintroducing
the Facade Improvement
Matching Grant Program to
encourage improvement and
investment to the overall revi
talization of the Historic
Downtown Ashburn Business
Ashburn passes fireworks
license and will begin Jan. 1,
Cleveland Brown, a long
time local resident, publishes
his first book called "Moon
shine and Living in the Deep
Liberty Tax
251. E Monroe
Jan. 14th 229-778-9228
Ribbon Cutting
Jan. 16th
Block Party
Sycamore Council elections
see Keith Reynolds and JC
Harris being voted in. Rebecca
Council Bruce Stephens, Jun
ior Lewis and Mike Hasty.
Ashburn Council sees Howard
Jordan taking the seat vacated
by James Hall.
The City of Ashburn is
again filling portable propane
tanks. The new fill station is at
the City shop facility on W.
Madison Ave. and Mill St.
The Rebels lose 34-24 to
Irwin County but will still
make the playoffs.
Week 3
JROTC and American Le
gion Post 98 hold ceremonies
to honor Veterans.
The BOE is planning a vote
for next year to extend the 1
cent sales tax.
The County Fire Rescue
was awarded an Assistant to
Firefighters Grant for $250K.
This will be used for a new
2016 fire truck.
The County Commission is
getting three new motor-
graders, two backhoes and a
tractor for the road department.
The Sycamore City Council
are looking into ways to
change the way water meters
are read.
The Rebels will host the
Trion Bulldogs in the first
round of the GHSA Class A
State Playoffs. The Rebs enter
the playoffs with an overall 8-
2 record.
The 4-H'ers Longshot
Clovers will compete at Gator
Invitational in Waycross.
Week 4
The young ladies from Deb
orah Priest's high school class
got to be cheerleaders at last
week's football game.
The hiring of Mark Robin
son as County Fire Chief is the
first step toward getting a full
time fire department for the
County. By the summer the
plan is to have three full-time
firefighters. Part-time help is
A local food bank, Shep
herd's Pantry, is opening and
got a major boost as donations
begin to come in. Tunnels of
Terror and Georgia Power pre
sented checks to Pantry Direc
tor Diane Saylor and will be
used to buy food for the
shelves to help feed those in
need in Turner County.
BOE approves a loan in
crease of an additional $250K
if needed to keep the school
Turner County Pre-K stu
dents got to see a puppet show
last week streamed lived from
Atlanta on the internet. While
the home-schooled children
got an up close at the Air Evac
helicopter emergency medical
transport system.
A recent drug sweep at the
schools resulted in no drugs or
contraband being found.
The magical season for the
Rebels came to an end in the
first round playoffs at Alan
Hobby Field. The Trion Bull
dogs came to town and cleaned
house with a 40-6 victory. Al
though a disappointing end to
a great season Coach Ben Sim
mons praised the seniors for
holding the team together and
providing strong leadership.
Week 1
New School Superintendent
Jeff Daniels reports to work.
He comes to Turner County
from North Georgia.
The public transportation
system, Turner Transit is re
newed by the County Commis
Jerry Nipper announces his
retirement from the City of
The County Commission
decides to absorb a rate hike on
Kathleen Fountain takes
over as Kiwanis Club president
and Nancy Garnet is named
Kiwanian of the Year.
Turner County Connections
renews its affiliation with
A division of Western Shamrock Corporation
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Communities in Schools. Con
nections had dropped that as
sociation for a few months.
The toy drives have kicked
into high gear.
Week 2
A worry about collapsed
sewer pipes on the north end of
Ashburn turned out to be just
clogs. When the City crews got
to work, they found all kinds of
debris in the line. It’s believed
the items came from the rest
area on 1-75 north.
A rate hike in the water de
partment in Ashburn had the
needed effect. The City’s audi
tor reported the City is now in
compliance with the terms of
the loans the City has for vari
ous water and sewer projects
around town. In a related mat
ter, the Eureka well and tank
project is still not completely
on line. Work on the well part
Superintendent Jeff Daniels
outlines what he wants to do
with and for the school system
here. A meet and greet with he
and his family is planned at the
Chamber of Commerce.
Week 3
The annual Christmas pa
rade is held. Dancers’ Pointe
takes the best entry honors.
A threat that never hap
pened was the result of parents
and some students blowing a
sitiuation far out of proportion.
Sheriff Andy Hester said he
didn’t expect any problems at
the high school, but had
deputies on hand for most of
the day anyway. Many parents
took their children out of
school for the day.
Ashburn adopts a new so
cial media policy. Among other
things, it says City employees
cannot be on social media sites
while at work.
In Rebecca, Laverne Wilk
erson decided to not run again
for Council. The Council
saluted her with a plaque on
her retirement.
Week 4
Charles Fortson is the Ash
burn Fire Department’s Fire
fighter of the year. A number of
other firefighters also received
awards at the annual banquet.
Chris McCard at South
Georgia Bank explains the
Federal Reserve decision to
raise a key interest rate should
not have much effect locally.
The 2016 Fire Ant Festival
theme is the Ants of Oz. The
FAF is the 4th weekend in
March, March 25-26 this year.
Week 5
The year wrapped up with
news that the Sycamore Police
Chief Lee Ann Daabes and
Councilman Fred Eister were
accusing each other of harrass-
The Turner County EMS re
ceived a trauma equipment
grant for $10,541.
Students at the Christian
Learning Center sent Christ
mas Cards to all local veterans
as a service project.
Health Day
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Tift Regional
Community Events Center
1657 Carpenter Rd, Tifton
• Women's health information
• FREE Screenings for blood pressure, blood sugar
and lipid panels (8 -10 a.m., appointments
• Dr. Melissa Rampal, Nephrology, presents
"How Hypertension and Diabetes Affects Your Kidneys"
at 10 a.m.
• Vendors on various women's health services
This event is free and open to the
public . Refreshments will be served.
Call 353.6316
for more information or to
schedule an appointment.
Screening appointment
slots are limited and are
available on a first-call,
first-serve basis.
Tift regional