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Page 4 - The Wiregrass Farmer, January 6,2016
Editorial & Opinion
The WIREGRASS FARMER - Established 1902
Official Legal Organ of Turner County
109 Gordon Street • P.O. Box 309 • Ashburn, GA 31714
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A best selling author of Clinton Cash
Headed to hell
There's a lot of people, around 85% approx, that are church
members of some kind that are headed to HELL like a silver bul
let!!! Jesus says in Matthew 22:14 that For many are called but
few are chosen! Jesus also says in Matthew 7: 13 & 14. Enter
by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate & broad is the way that
leads to destmction, & there are many who go in by it. Because
narrow is the gate & difficult is the way which leads to life &
there are few who find it. These aren't my words, but Jesus's
words. Billy Graham said 85% of church members aren't tmly
saved & I believe him after seeing how a lot of church members
live & act. Let's see, how many IDOLS do we worship!!!
What about the NFL & College Football. These are two of the
biggest idols that Christian's worship & of course let's not forget
Money!!!!! Also let's not forget property & land! I found out
when I got SAVED that later on, I caught myself worshipping
some of these & other things & wept & REPENTED & asked
almighty GOD to forgive me Through Jesus Christ the Son & he
did & I can tell you right now that JESUS CHRIST is #1 in my
life before my families & everything else!!! If you think or hope
you're saved then you're probably not. Read John 6:44 to see if
you're tmly SAVED!!!! Just because you're a church member or
a good person who does good works will not get you to
Heaven!!!! The only way to heaven is through JESUS CHRIST
& there is no other way!!!!!! One night I was watching Megan
Kelly on tv & her guest was Guy Benson, a young Republican &
they we're talking about the persecution of Christianity & Guy
said to her that it was really tough being a GAY Christian!! She
didn't call him on it!!!! Listen to me, YOU CAN'T BE A CHRIS
TIAN & HOMOSEXUAL!!!!! There's not a special heaven for
HOMOSEXUALS!!!!!! There’s no such thing as A CHRISTIAN
AWAITS YOU IF YOU DIE THIS WAY!!!!! Needless to say, I
don't watch her show any more. Also, if you vote for any politi
cian who believes in ABORTION & SAME SEX MARRIAGE
ETC. GOD will hold you accountable for MURDER & ABOM
INATIONS, so be careful when you vote!!
Clyde Ellerbee Jr
Stepping Back In Time
Young America’s Founda
tion Director Peter Schweizer
is no stranger to the New York
Times bestseller list and he is
back again with his latest
book, Clinton Cash, The Un
told Story of How and Why
Foreign Governments and
Businesses Helped Make Bill
and Hillary Clinton Rich.
In his book Schweizer re
veals the shocking connection
between the Clintons’ personal
fortune, their “close personal
friends,” the Clinton Founda
tion, foreign nations and some
of the highest ranks of govern
ment and the scope and extent
of the payments to the Clintons
by foreign entities are “without
precedent” in American public
He has a brilliant career of
exposing corruption and de
fending the principles that
make America great.
Schweizer gives credit to
Young America’s Foundation’s
leadership for igniting his “in
terest in politics and ideas.”
YAF supplied debating ma
terials that soon helped
Schweizer win a spot in the na
tional high school debating
championship. Recognizing
his great talents Young Amer
ica’s Foundation also awarded
him a scholarship to attend
George Washington University
and later Oxford University.
Over the last two decades
his books have been featured
From Where
I Sit
on the New York Times best
seller list. One of his favorite
books that he authored is Rea
gan’s Wav. “I admire what for
mer President Ronald Reagan
did and I am proud of the fact
that I was able to unearth so
much from the Soviet archives
that prove how he won the
Cold War,” he said.
The impact of Schweizer’s
work on policies in Washing
ton is undeniable. In 2011
CBS’s 60 minutes featured an
episode on his bestselling book
“Throw Them All Out” which
investigated how some mem
bers of Congress had profited
from insider trading based on
undisclosed Congressional
knowledge. Just five months
after the 60 minutes program
aired Congress passed the
Stock Act that prohibited sen
ators and representatives from
inside trading.
In 2012 he launched the
Government Accountability
Institute to investigate and ex
pose crony capitalism, misuse
of taxpayers’ monies and other
governmental corruption or
Since releasing his explo
sive bestseller Clinton Cash,
Schweizer has appeared on
several talk shows and other
television programs. Several
large daily newspapers across
the nation and dozens of other
media outlets have also fea
tured stories on Schweizer and
Clinton Cash.
Peter Schweizer’s story un
derscores how the support of
Young America’s Foundation
can truly shape the course of a
young person’s life and ulti
mately their career. YAF
alumni go on to advance our
shared cause of freedom as
Peter has done through his
writing and research.
The Young America’s
Foundation alumnus is a main
stay of student programs that
speak to students at the Reagan
Ranch in Santa Barbara, Cali
fornia and at the National Con
servative Student Conference
on the east coast where it all
Peter Schweizer’s very
popular and latest book on
Clinton Cash, The Untold
Story of How and Why For
eign Governments and Busi
nesses Helped Make Bill and
Hillary Rich is proof of that.
with David Baldwin
1966, Raymond Goss receives the WMES Achievement Award
First from Ray Mercer and Coach Gene Littleton.
1906- (The Turner County
Banner) Mr. J.J. Davis con
templates moving to Ashburn.
We hope, however, that he will
decide to remain where he is.
A.P. Haman was in the city
not long since. The same jolly,
jovial, good-natured Pink that
he has ever been. Long may he
Our friend, Homer Adams,
a substantial citizen of south
east Turner, was in the city re
At Jonesboro, Ga., Mr. HJ.
Peagler has wed Miss Willie
Mary Stewart. Miss Stewart
has been the efficient music
teacher in the public school at
his place for the last four years.
She has a charming personality
and sweet disposition. Mr. Pea
gler is the chief stenographer
and trusted bookkeeper for the
Shingler Mercantile Company.
1936- Mrs. Henry Royal,
teacher of the Junior Sunday
School class at the Baptist
church, entertained them with
a "Shirley Temple" party at the
home of Mrs. C.L. Ray on De
cember 17. Present were
Misses Manita Hansford,
Juanita Burks, Ruth Shiver,
Reba Coker, Latrelle Branch,
Gloria Ray, Robbie Howard,
Mattie Lois Burdett, Elizabeth
Turner, Masters. Carol Ray,
J.W. Burdett, and J.
Allen Stephens.
The monument that
marks the spot where
Jefferson Davis was
captured on May 10,
1865, is now in place in
Irwin ville. It marks
with dignity the grave
of the Confederacy. The
marble is surmounted
by a bronze butt of
President Davis and is a
fine delineation of the
accepted face of Mr.
Davis. The monuments
costs $2,500 and was
paid for by the state of
1956- The
Baptist Church has
begun selling $60,000 in bonds
to finance their new sanctuary.
The bonds pay 5% semi-annu
ally and $10,000 in bonds
have already been sold.
The John S. Johnson Insur
ance Agency will celebrate its
30th anniversary this month.
Mr. Johnson is a native of
Thomaston and came to Ash
burn in 1900. He graduated
from Ashburn High School in
1905 and went to work for the
Ashburn Bank as an office boy.
He is a Mason and treasurer of
the Sycamore Lodge 210, a
charter member of the Lions
Club, and moderator of the
Turner Baptist Association.
Mr. John D. Raines and his
son Dan are at the Orange
Bowl for New Year's Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Biggers
announced the birth of a son,
Keefe Allen, at the Turner
County Hospital December 24.
John Holloway has quali
fied to run for county school
superintendent. He graduated
from the University of Georgia
in 1942 in vocational educa
tion. After graduation, he en
listed in the United States
Navy Air Force, serving for 33
months as a Navy fighter pilot.
He has taught in Turner
County for the last nine years.
He has been Commander of
American Legion Post 98 and
served as church treasurer for
the Methodist church.
1966- Vince Dooley is in
Ashburn to speak at the foot
ball team at the Turner County
Athletic Booster Club meeting.
The Rebels were 5-5 for the
1965 season.
Raymond Goss received the
WMES Achievement Award
for 1965.
Four moonshine stills found
just a few hundred feet inside
the Tift-Turner line on the
Turner County side
have been destroyed.
They were mn with six
butane gas cylinders
and a water pump for
cooling. They had the
capacity to turn out
2,000 gallons per
A new building
boom is in Ashburn. Dr.
Jack Greene, Jr. has
purchased land be
tween Joe Porter's
house and the Amoco
Service Station to build
an eye office. Ronald
and Raymond West will
soon start construction
on their new grocery
store. They purchased
their land from Col. James H.
Pate. John R. Rogers, a well-
known attorney, will begin
constmction of his new law of
fices and a new shopping cen
ter. Jaco Pants, Inc. has
received a $1,169,871 contract
for 167,500 pairs of men's
tropical wool trousers for the
Defense Personnel Support
Miss Charlotte Ann Royal
wedded Richard Lee Shepard
on December 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hol
land celebrated their 50th an
Baker’s Dozen
Never see it
People who claim to “have
seen it all” are not journalists.
If they spent time as a word
slinger, they would quickly
learn two things.
1) They have not seen it all.
2) They will not have
enough time in this life and
several more reincarnations to
see it all.
In the course of an average
week, the average journalist is
going to encounter things that
would make a non-journalist’s
hair stand on end, then fall out.
And that’s just the inside of the
reporter’s vehicle. I’m not say
ing the average reporter’s ride
is a mess. I am saying it prob
ably qualifies as a United Na
tions Area of Global Concern.
Then, comes the actual job
and the people who walk in
with requests for articles. Y’all
have no idea.
Just this morning I received
an email from the President of
America. I am not going to
give you his name because he
doesn’t need more attention.
Among other things, the POA
(as opposed to PIA) says peo
ple need to resign from the
United States, quit paying
taxes and ignore any law that
you don’t like while demand
ing any law you do like be
fully enforced.
He does not say you need
to get the really heavy duty tin-
foil to make a hat. I asked him
about that. He got mad and ac
cused me of being a weirdo
and not taking him seriously.
Apparently you need a steel
hat with a lead insert.
The POA and his messages
are not normal, but they are
regular. I also get regular mes
sages from the Foreman of the
Grand Jury of the United
States. His emails do not have
a name, so I have no idea
whose behind them. But the
Foreman advocates the same
stuff as the POA.
And these guys aren’t
weird anymore.
Last week, a request
crossed my desk to do an an ar
ticle about a lady in Australia.
Not unusual.
She talks to dead people.
Ok, getting a bit odder.
She has written a book, in
verse (think poetry), about the
discussions she has with the
dead people. They speak to her
in German, a language she
doesn’t understand. She has to
look up the words in a diction
ary when she wakes up. They
give her the solutions to
poverty, disease and many of
the other problems that plague
Now we’re into the Fairly
Oddballs category.
She would not tell me what
the solutions are. I have to buy
the book to find that out. This
I understand. She’s trying to
sell a book to make money. It’s
the only thing I understand.
The book she’s written is
based in 1910 and is written as
verse-fiction but is nonfiction,
she says.
We have now dropped off
the deep end and begun swim
ming down. But wait, ladies
and gentlemen, it gets better!
Deceased composers also
sing to her. I am not making
this up. The leader
composer/singer is George
Harrison who sings to her in
Indian, which she indicates is
the language spoken in India.
Indian is not a language. The
nation of India has many lan
guages, non of which are
called Indian. No Native
American tribe speaks Indian.
George Harrison has created a
new language after he died and
now sings it to this Australian
woman in her dreams.