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Page 8 - The Wiregrass Farmer, January 6,2016
ss Farmer Classifieds
Fax it 567-4402
email it
mail it
109 N. Gordon St. Ashburn 31714
Non-Commercial Classified Ads.
No Charge. No limits.
Commercial and Professional ads $9. (Up to 20 words)
Deadline for ads is NOON MONDAY
Call Robin at 567-3655
Land & Lots
Farm land for sale: 133+/-
acres and 94 +/- acres; 144
acres cultivated. Located 7
miles south of Ocilla on Hwy.
319. Call 912-269-6380 for
more information.
LAND FOR SALE 5 acres off
of Highway 133, towards
Bridgeboro. No mobile homes!
$30,000, negotiable. Call 229-
881-6310 for more informa
For Sale: 4.96 acres that backs
up to a stream, mature trees
just outside of Ashburn. $20K,
owner financing available, call
TION, 653 Acres- Worth Co.,
GA. Wiregrass, Timber,
Rolling Hills. Improvements
Include Lodge, Skeet Range,
Horse Barn, and Kennels.
Loaded With All Types of
Game. Priced to Sell at
$2695/Acre. Call Eric McCol-
lum-The Wright Group 229-
200-4457 (cell).
One corner house lot, corner of
Lakeview Dr. and Bussey Rd.,
house can be stick built or
Doublewide underpinned,
water/sewer hookup, $7000.
Call Calvin Brown at 567-
3813. rts
Land for Sale: Home building
site, 11.877 acres, located on
Tift and Turner line, pond and
planted pines on a paved road.
Call 392-6747 or 392-1092. ns
34.5 acres of farmland in
Turner County. Prime location,
adjacent to rail and Hwy 41,
near Sycamore. Excellent crop
production land w/great poten
tial for future economic expan
sion. $5000 per acre. For more
info call 229-392-1374 or 229-
Land for sale: 26.4 acres in the
Gladys area. 229-402-0562.
Real Estate
For Sale: 2 BR 1BA house.
$7500.00 FIRM. 229-392-
House for sale with 6 acres,
3BR 2BA, extra room. 3 out
side buildings and pecan grove
on Hwy 41 north, 3 miles out
side City limits, $134,000.00
House for sale in Ashburn ask
ing $110,000. 3BR 2BAbuilt in
2006, 1554 sq ft on 1/2 acre lot
with in-ground sprinklers and
shed, located at 147 Meadow
Lane. 229-567-2880
3BR 2B A brick home in Ash
burn on 2 acres. Asking
$159,000. Call 229-484-0606.
For Rent/For Sale by owner:
3BD/2BA Mobile Home, also a
2BD/1BA Mobile Home.
Owner financing available. Call
229-567-1543 or 229-886-
For Sale: 8 acre pond w/2 story
cabin, 700 sq ft upstairs, 700 sq
ft downstairs, 2BR den upstairs
w/ Bath and a half, half bath,
kitchen, living room down
stairs. Located near Bussey
Road, Exit 80. $35,000. Call
Calvin Brown 567-3813. rts
For Rent
2 BR 1 BA house in Sycamore,
perfect for single or couple.
Washer & dryer furnished.
Ref. required. $500 month/
$500 deposit. Call 229-567-
Apartments for rent in quiet
neighborhood, 2BR/1BA
comes with appliances. For
more info please call 567-
1543 or 229-886-9394. rts
House for rent - 2 Bedroom 1
bath house in city. Call 229-
776-3335 for more informa
For Sale
Reduced to $23,500! 4 bed
room, 2 full bath mobile home
on city lot in Ocilla. Ready to
move into. Call 229-426-2280.
Apache Pop-up camper, $500.
567-8772 or 229-256-1536
Cobra CB radio, 29 LED, $60.
Princess bicycle, Dora tricycle,
Princess toddler bed. 229-567-
Brown eggs for sale in the
Sycamore area. 392-1343
24 cubic ft chest type freezer,
as is, $100. 229-947-0404.
1994 Case International tractor
895, 60 HP w/bucket, 3. hitch
backhoe, planters, cultivator,
harrow, bottom plow planters,
bermuda grass scratcher,
scraper blade, asking $8000 or
make offer. Call Calvin Brown
for more info, 567-3813. rts
2005 500 Honda Rancher Four
wheeler. Perfect condition.
$3,200 OBO. Call 229-206-
Ford 841 Powermaster Tractor.
Gas, good tires, runs good!
$2,900. Call 229-782-5212 or
The Wiregrass Classifieds
Sal., Jan. 16. 2016 ■ SAM
3D Murray Elm)., Lakeland, GA
Annual Winter Equipment:
Irrigation Pump, Cargo Trailers,
Golf Carta, Reel Rain Hard Hose,
Trucks, Trailers, Tractors, Avion
32'Camper, Metal Turpentine
Barrels, Plus Much Mare!
Cal now to consign On-line
bidding powered by Bidwrangler.
LL'T- bjyci freajjzL TERMS: diedt, Dm-
cats, Vfca, UlC dH) dI am. INSPECTION:
lime by an_« Coe and iy of aid. Ke^dnCixi
btgm if 73) a am-Era. day. Chuuk ua cuE ca
cIk wwirjBElfioaqpjonm JD02.
Zenith Auction & Realty, Inc.
Life Care Center
in Fitzgerald, Georgia
is seeking a qualified individual to join our
team as Social Services Director.
Please e-mail resume to
administraDor^'lifecaiefi tiger aid xom
Stainless Steel Wedding Bands.
2 for $10. Marriage counseling,
no charge. Some weddings per
formed, pay what you think ap
propriate. Pictures also
available. Ashburn. 445-0923
Giving away 2 mobile homes,
to be moved or torn down/re
moved from my property in
Ambrose. Anyone interested
call/text (912) 327-1597.
Yard Sale
High Hill Church Yard Sale,
(on High Hill Church Rd.) this
Saturday (1/5). beginning at
8am. For directions call 567-
Need Typing Done? Resumes,
letters, term papers, etc Accu
rate, reliable, reasonable. Call
Is everyone that says I believe in Jesus saved from their sins? Is
everyone that responded to a well known evangelist invitation and
was told go join the church of your choice saved? Read Matthew
7 v 21.386-2666.
1981 Ford F100, Trans & motor rebuilt less than
20K miles ago. $800. Will consider trades for
gas golf cart, boat, firearms. 229.445-0923
Boatright Trucking is hiring OTR & Log Drivers.
Must have a Class-A/CDL & OTR experience at least 3 yrs.
Call (912)632-4015; Mon-Fri 8 am - 5 pm.
Application online
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Position Available January 2016: Resident
Services Advocate for Ruth’s Cottage Domestic
Violence Prevention Program
Type: Full Time Salaried Non-Exempt with
Qualifications: Bi-lingual and 4 yr. human
services degree strongly preferred. Experience
in case management provision required. Strong
communication skills, experience working with
diverse populations, facilitating groups, and pro
ficiency in resource management and computer
skills required. Time management and confiden
tiality abilities are critical.
Application: Send cover letter and resume with
references (and also transcripts for degreed ap
plicants) to Executive Director, P O. Box 2727,
Tifton, GA, 31793 or email: NO PHONE
Three bedrooms, two baths,
sleeps eight, two TVs and
Internet hookup.
Monthly Rent $3,150
Four bedrooms, three baths,
sleeps ten, two TVs and Internet
Monthly Rent $3,570
Kelly B. Dean
Toll Free
Weekly Rates Available
In Sapphire Valley, NC
‘Emerald Cottage” or “Turtle Nest Cottage”
both near the beach.
Emerald has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths
with Jekyll Room, sleeps 10 guests.
Two flat screen TVs, 2 bicycles,
all new furnishing. Weekly Rent $1,350
Turtle Nest has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths,
sleeps 9 guests, Two flat screen TVs,
2 bicydes, all new furnishing.
Linens and Towels Provided.
All you bring is food and paper products!
Parker ■ Kaufmann Realtors
Toll Free: 1-888 453-5955
Call from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon-Sat to Reserve!
They can find it in
The Wiregrass Classifieds
Garage/Shop Mechanic
Ashburn, Georgia
BRIEF SUMMARY: This position is responsible for supervising and performing repair and
maintenance work on city vehicles and equipment.
• Performs a variety of engine diagnostic and troubleshooting procedures on city vehicles and
Performs engine, exhaust, electrical, transmission, and brake repairs on a variety of diesel and
gasoline-powered vehicles and equipment.
Conducts scheduled preventive maintenance functions, including checking the condition and opera
tion of batteries, tires, lights, transmissions, exhaust systems, and brakes.
Performs preventive maintenance by checking antifreeze, belts, batteries, brakes, lights,
hydraulic systems, tires and safety equipment on a variety of gasoline- and diesel-powered equip
ment, including vans, sedans, bulldozers, motor graders, front-end loaders, backhoes, tractors,
dump trucks, and mowing tractors.
Performs corrective maintenance procedures on heavy equipment, including hydraulic, electrical,
pneumatic, and various degrees of engine repair.
Performs vehicle and equipment maintenance procedures such as tune-ups, oil and filter changes,
and heating and air conditioning repair.
Performs emergency roadside repairs on vehicles as necessary; may troubleshoot equipment fail
ures at job sites; changes and repairs tires.
Performs repair and maintenance work on a variety of small engine equipment such as mowers,
weed eaters, and chainsaws.
• Maintains inventory control and orders parts and supplies as needed.
• Maintains the shop and assigned tools; performs housekeeping duties.
• Maintains all vehicle and equipment maintenance records; completes service logs.
• Attends department meetings and training sessions as required.
• Performs other related duties as assigned.
SUPERVISORY CONTROLS: The City Manager assigns work in terms of departmental goals
and objectives. Work is reviewed through conferences, reports, and observation of departmental
SUPERVISORY AND MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY: There is no supervisory or management
responsibility in this position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge and level of competency commonly associated with
the completion of specialized training in the occupational field, in addition to basic skills typically
associated with a high school education. Ability to read, write, and perform mathematical
calculations at a level commonly associated with the completion of high school or equivalent.
Possession of or ability to readily obtain a valid driver's license issued by the State of Georgia for
the type of vehicle or equipment operated.
For more information, please call Human Resources Director Tanita Norris @ (229)567-3431