Newspaper Page Text
Page 2 - The Wiregrass Farmer, January 13,2016
Christopher Bateman
by Cleve Brown
I would just like to say think
you (Jesus.) First I would Just
like to Just say Thinks to the
peoples of ashburn an Turner
County how they supported.
Moonshine and live in the deep
south Think you - Think you.
and I would like to special
think David Baldwin, who was
like a Brother I never had. an
alos Jennie of Atlanta, GA,
who Type the manuscript, also
I would like to Think Ben
Baker of The Wiregrass
Farmer for encouraging me to
write This Book I will always
be Thinkful To David, an Ben.
I Just want you guy's to Know
This. I fullfilled My Dream.
Now. Where Do This book go
from here. WalT-Mart, an
Book's A Million's, wants to
take it through thair re-vew.
Board. Now I have people's In
places that are trying to help
me to promote This Book. In
California an Virginia an Ala
bama an Texas, and a lot or
more places, you Might not be-
leave. but This Book is In
places I have never been. I
never Throught that This Book
by Ashburn PD
A suspect in a number of
break-ins in Ashburn was
caught Jan. 1.
Christopher Bateman has
been on the run from local law
enforcement for several
months and has escaped the
hand of local Law Enforce
ment several times.
Bateman has been linked
with several entering auto's
and is a suspect in several bur
glaries in the community. Bate
man was apprehended by Lead
Investigator Lt. Vuzeda Rudgle
of the Ashburn Police Depart
ment at Club Diamond on 01-
Lt. Rudgle has put in many
hours to track Bateman down
and it finally paid off. The Ash-
bum Police Department thanks
the citizens of Ashburn for all
your help with tips and any
other information that was pro
vided in reference to Bateman.
Welcome kits
If you are new to Turner
County please be sure to stop
by the Ashbum-Tumer County
Chamber of Commerce to pick
up your New Resident Wel
come Kit. The kit is filled with
promotional material, adver
tisements, and coupons pro
vided by Chamber Members,
along with a map and direc
tory. We are located at 238 E
College Ave. and look forward
to welcoming you to Turner
Miss Your
Call us 567-3655
1814 ttfwy 41 !N, Tifton, QA 31794
Night Class begins January 19 th , 2016
Time: 6-9pm Tuesday and Thursday evenings,
January 19- April 5 th , 2016
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February 13 th , February 27 th , & March 12 th *
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Instructors: Hon 'Branch, Associate Broker, (gRJ, SfR
Brenda 'WoodSmith, Broker, CRB, CBS, (gRI, SJR
With questions please contact Ron Branch
at (229)392-7477, or (229)386-8737.
*Approved by the Georgia Real Estate Commission.
(Continued from Page 1)
said. “We need to fight for our
kids.” After the meeting he
said the fight needs to be for
money to make sure the stu
dents here get everything stu
dents in other systems get.
He pointed to the proposal
for funding education and how
it changed in committee dis
cussions in Atlanta.
The first proposal saw a
high additional allocation for
students in poor counties, $511
extra per child. Gifted kids got
an extra $216.
“I really smiled with that,”
he said.
The last proposal saw chil
dren in poor counties cut to
$200 in state funding. Gifted
students got bumped to $700.
North Georgia’s schools
have a much higher percentage
of gifted students than poor
school systems in South Geor
gia, he said.
“Once again, they are stick
ing it to the little guy,” he said.
“It’s flip flopped now. It allows
Cobb, Gwinnett (Counties)
and them to get ours.
Many of those counties
don’t need the extra alloca
tions, he said.
“We had more money that
could spend in Lloyd County
affect I got the budget turned
around,” he said. Part of his
budget turnaround involved
layoffs. “We’re (Turner
County) fighting for every
penny. Someone needs to hear
our message.”
The funding proposal re
mains that right now. The Gen
eral Assembly opened for the
winter session on Monday.
“It’s always been that way,”
said Ann Kendrick.
Mrs. Williford and her little helpers served breakfast to the TCES staff, compliments of the PTO.
Phillip Crawford will chair
the Board of Education for the
coming year.
When the topic came up at
the first meeting of the year
last week, Cornelius Brown of
fered a motion during last
week’s workshop meeting to
make Sam Brown the chair
man. That died for lack of a
second. Mr. Brown served as
chair for several years.
Ann Kendrick said “Phillip,
you went through a turbulent
year. I think you deserve an
other year.”
“I would like another year,”
he said.
Monday night the board ap
pointed John Holland as the at
torney. Mr. Holland has served
as the BOE attorney for more
than 30 years. He also serves
as legal counsel for the County
In discussion in the work
shop meeting last week, Mr.
Brown was asked for com
ment. After a lengthy pause he
said, with a grin on his face,
“what other choice do we
“Thank you, Sam,” Mr.
Holland said.
LETTER - Author thanks community for supporting him
from a small Town Country
boy like myself would have
such an Impact on people like
it has. I am Just overjoyed. No
body but Jesus is Driveing
This. Whatever he want's to do
with it is o.k with me because
he is in control of this. Now. I
am going to let y'all in on a lit
tle seret. I am mailing Tyler
Perry, the manuscript Jan. 9.
2016 and let him look at it. I
dont know what he will tell me
or what he will do with it. a
Movie, or play I would hope
for a movie, and do some shot's
here in Ashburn It would bring
Ashburn Back alive, and again
Think You. Think-you. an
I have talked to a lot of peo
ples on the phone and recived
e-mail's about this Book
Mostly young peoples dont
even have a clue what moon
shine whiskey is. I understand
Them, but the older ones do
also some of The older one's in
Cleve Brown and his book.
Ashburn did not know where
Sibley was. I did not feel Bad
when the young peoples said
theay did not no. but The older
one's what think know every
thing. That is what blew me
away, lesten I have another
Book That will proble be out
This spring If this one That's
aready out do well and I am
praying IT will. I know My
wife. Mother, and Dad would
be pride of Me. My two
Daughter's are. I am not going
To Tell you The name of The
next Book but you will love iT.
Not Many young people pur
chase A Book from Me but
theay Should and read it all the
way through IT has more than
Just moonshine in IT. IT would
Tell them a lot about Ashburn
when I Grew up here, and how
things has change and STill
Changing and how to deal with
the people you live with and
how The law was back then
Verses The law of Today we
got a better education back
Then because Mr. Dye and Mr.
King and all The other
Teacher's cared about The
Kid's They Knew These days
was comming and They Said
we was going To hav a good
education to make iT ouT here
and Theay were righT.
Once again Think-you
Editor’s note: We do not
edit Mr. Brown’s work. His
words are his own and we re
spect his, and your, right to
have his, and your, say.
(Continued from Page 1)
“I don’t know. We’ve done
a lot up there. I don’t know. He
has been coming up there and
all. I don’t know. He’s -1 don’t
know,” Mr. Lewis said.
Mr. Lewis said one of the
people who caused the prob
lems “didn’t want me to be the
mayor pro tem because I was
up there when she got all that
A criminal case involving a
former City Clerk, not Janice
Vamadore, is working its way
through the court system. Mr.
Lewis referred to that.
“Me and Janet and Don, all
of us worked hard. We went
through all the papers. Jimmy
(Councilman Jimmy Wilker-
son) came in there like he
wanted to take over. I don’t
know,” Mr. Lewis said. “We
appointed Jimmy to fill his (a
vacant Council seat) spot. I
had no idea he’d be like that at
A special election was
called for the vacant Council
seat, but not held. Mr. Wilker-
son was the only one to qualify
for the post. The seated Coun
cilman resigned some months
Mr. Lewis said the former
Council had been working on
a number of projects around
town including City Hall and
the fire department. He said
they hoped to improve the fire
department to help Rebecca
residents save money on their
homeowner insurance.
(Continued from Page 1)
chairman every year,” he said.
The Commissioner who
comes up in rotation could de
cline. Also a freshman com
missioner could be skipped
over to give that person some
time to understand what a
County Commissioner does,
he said.
“This is by no means push
ing the chairman on anyone,”
Mr. Hall said.
“It has been a privilege
“I don’t know how it will be
with them in charge now. The
City was doing good. We tried
to fix up the office and all,”
Mr. Lewis said. “I wish it was
like it was. I miss being up
there. A lot of folks miss me
and Don being up there. I wish
it was different and all, I tell
“When I was on the Council
and she stole that money, I was
not up there every day. I would
help do everything I could up
‘We’ve got to help. We’d go
out of our way to help people
serving as Chairman for sev
eral years. I won’t accept a
nomination as chairman or
vice chairman,” Mr. McCard
Mr. Hall said everyone on
the Commission should be
chairman to experience what it
is like.
“The four other Commis
sioners chew on us (a chair
man) for 12 months. It can be
tough,” he said. Mr. Hall has
served as County Commission
chairman in the past.
Public Notification:
Application has been made to the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) tor a new communications structure along
railroad right of way near Mile Post 87.7G, Sycamore, GA
31790 The FCC Form (3)854 file number is A0990637. The
structure type is an non-lighted monopole with a total height
including antenna of 63 feet to tip. Interested persons may
review the application by going to: and entering the Form 854 File
Number. Interested persons may raise environmental concerns
about the proposed structure by filing a Request for Environ
mental Review with the FCC. The FCC strongly encourages
interested parties to file online any Requests for Environmental
Review; instructions for making such filings can be found at, or by paper copy to
FCC Requests for Environmental Review, Attn: Ftemon Wil
liams, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554.
South Georgia School
of Real Estate
Liberty Tax
251. E Monroe
Jan. 14th 229-778-9228 Jan. 16th
11am 2-6pm
Ribbon Cutting Block Party
Crawford to
chair BOE