The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, February 09, 1901, Image 3

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CHURCH DIRECTORY. (PllBSBYTEIUAK CHURCH. Bff». Ohas. R. - Nlabet, Pastor. Services 1st, and, 3rd and 5th Sunday* at 11 a. m s id 7:30 p, in, freyer meeM’i*edmwrtay |-30n. iii. Sunday school at 9:48 a. ui.; J- •* Krauweli. superintendent. Public wcicoui* . • ^BAPTIST CHURCH. - Rev. M. B. Wharton, 1>. !>., Pastor.—Ser necs every Sunday at II o’olook a. m. and SubbatHsChool at 9:43a. Pi. Hrav- rervlccs. M. E.CHURCH.SOUTH. Cev. 4. W. Domingoa., Pastor.—Preaching svery Sahbath at 11 a. in. and 7-,TO p. in. Grayer meeting Wednosday evening. Sab lath school at 10 a. m. All are cordially In rited to attend all the services. SOME OF T1IF8K DAYS, Borne of these days the skies will be Ir ghter. Some of these days the burdens will be lighter; iearts will be happier, souls will be whiter. " Some of these days. Some of these days. ome of these days in the deserts un- springing. ountains will flash' while the joy-bells are ringing. nd the world with its sweetness of birds shall go.singing. Some of these days. Some of these days. ome of these days; let us bear with our sorrow: ^ aith in the future, its light we may borrow; here will be joy in the golden tomor- rav; Some of these days. ( Some of these days. —Frank L. Stanton. Lincoln Couldn't Do If. “When 1 was In Springfleld, Abra- [>m Lincoln and General Baker, who as killed nt Leesburg, Vn.. during the t!1 war. made the race for the Whig mlnntlon for congress.” said I)r. I). Hill. “Both were Whigs, and both ere keen for the nomination. Both d a strong personal following, and if til ran the Democrat would win lo le district. So a primary election was scessary to fettle the contest. Baker on. Both men were .at Springfield en the news came. Lincoln was de- issed. The crowd to cheer him up lhJ on him for a speech. ..Getting he said: 'Gentlemen, I’d like to ply with your request, but I can’t Ice a speech nqw. I expected to re- ve the nomination, but I failed. If ad won, I know Baber would have up here and so charmed you with eloquence as to make you believe had done him a favor by nouilnnt- me. But I can't do It.’ Argonaut. FALSE TEETH IK iJtW. i i i ' FA.rHKR B’8 OWN CLOCK. XSLLi The Point of Hl» Warning. [*You ain't acquainted around here rh. t;e yon V” asked the mountaineer [the man on horseback, f No ” h reckoned not I don’t believe I’d [down the trail that runs past Abe re’s shack If I wall you. Abe had ! h03S stole last week." Vnt this Isn’t his horse.** Ton don’t seem to understand. I nccusln you of stealin his hose, simply lntlmntln to you that at nt A lie happens to he In need of party bad. I wouldn’t go down I road if 1 was you.”—Indianapolis Donbta Salt’s Efficacy. | notice.” said Uncle Allen Sparks, ouple of our learned professors found thp secret of prolonging it Is simply to have plenty of |ln the system. If that’s true, and not saying It Isn’t. Lot’s wife bt to be alive today, which.” con ed Uncle Allen reflectively, “1 l>e- ■ she is not’’—Chicago Tribunal "Those Lovlas Girls." yps.” said the brunette, "It -was sweet of Marie to give me that gauze scarf. She knows 1 look a lit Id blue, but the scarf is lovely Just the thing, she wants to wear Ir her yellow hair. I'm not going [leave it arouDd where she can bor It, though. I’ll keep It sul'ely .un I her birthday nest month, when I |l have It dyed scarlet for her."— York Mall and Express. a man says something affection. I to his wife lo public^ she forgives for all the mean things he has In private Id ten years.—Atchison I be. In Irish lecturer, upon being Intro Vd to his audience, said. “Ijulfes ( gPDilcmen, before I begin to b pea If pst; in say a few worda” A New York magistrate Th» s«i. . “The tratismittmg clonk at the up an important proe'deiit in law. naval observatory, Washington, is To make tl.e matter plain it is nec- the absolute moiiarob of Amerinan essary to briefly state the cane in time kevpers,” writes Evaudcr Mo- whioh the ruling was made. A.Iver Sweet in the February Lndie* woman boarder in an sip-towii board-’Home Journal. “Everyday in the ing house became indebted to the year exuept Sunday by one pend in land lady, and without discharging the obligation left the establishment. By some means not clearly set out in the papers the landlady scoured pos session of the ex-boarder and debt or s false te th, declaring she would hold them till her board bill had been satisfied. Whereupon the woman Jo whom the teeth belonged brought suit for their recovery. The magistrate before whom the case war brought, heard evidence and arguments on each side, and after mature deliberation, decided that the landlady must return the teeth to their owner, as they were not liable to seisure for the owner’s debts. The decision does not sav so in so manv words, but the logical inference is lnm stroke it speaks directly aiul in ■stantaneously to every city ami con siderable tmvti between the peaks ot the Itockies and the pines of Maine, saying to them that on the seventy- fifth meridian it is now high noon to the fraction of a second. A dupli cate mechanisn, stationed at the branch naval observatory on Mare island performs a similar service for the people of the Pacific slope. And by this one clock ot the national cap ital (together with its duplicate on the Pacific) is set nearly every time peace in the United States and Cuba, most'of those m Mexico and many on the border of Canada. A number of docks—from three to-three thous and—in nearly, every city and {urge that the learned court reached the town are wired together into a local conclusion that the teeth were neither family, and by means of a switch luxuries or personal property, nor key at the telegraph office are put yet real estate, but as a matter of into direot contact with the pareut fact were a part, and a necessary, if clock at the natioual capital. So artificial part, of the corpus of the that the very instant tho electric plaintiff. In other words, “teeth is touch is given from Washington teeth,” whether they grow in the every clook in the circuit whether it mouth or aro artificially placed be at Boston, Minneapolis or New there, and being teeth they are ex empt from all processes of the law which would sever and alienate them from the wearer. And it is well to have that point of law backed by a judicial decision, otherwise no built- up body would ever be Bafe from the bill collector and prodess server. The landlord or groceryman having an unpaid bill might secure j dge- inent and come some morning with a dentist and yank the gold filling out of the debtor’s teeth, or take the plate with a full set of grinders, to pay for the rent or the provisions. Carrying the principal further and if teeth were seizable for debt, thero are no reasons why other artificial parts of the body should be exempt— no man or woman who walks on one or more wooden legs could appear on the streets with safety, wkile there was an unpaid bill against him or her. Glass eyes, too, would come into the same category; and so would cork arms and artificial hands, and likewise the silver plates some people wear in their skulls in the place of bone removed. Think of the appearance that would be presented by a man with false teeth, a glass eye and a wooden leg after an en counter with a constable armed with authority to levy upon and sieze all of his artificial parts to satisfy a debt! And who can say, under a system of tho sort suggested, that wigs, and “form moulds,” and things of that sort peculiar to t e f-iir sex, would not also come within the catalogue of parts seizable for debt? Why, so ciety itself might be shaken by the confiscations that would result, and runny popular actresses would be ruined. We are, therefore, glad that the New York magistrate distinguish ed himself by dechiing the inviola bility of the individual’s rights in his or her false teeth.—Savannah News. r. R AUSTIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, be With Townsend & Westmor- [NHRTDGE - - GA. ALBERT GRICE, jnsoral Artist, IlQUITT, -_ GEORGIA. Worn. Satisfaction Guaranteed Orleans begins a new day in perfect accord with its mechanical deity.” HKD HOT FHOBI THE HUN. Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead- ham of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horribles ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 yoais. Then Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him. Cuies cuts, bruiseR, burns, boils, telons, corns, skin eruptious. Best pile cure on earth. 25 cts., a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by R. L. Hicks, di uggist. Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may be completely digested by a preparation called Ko- dol Dyspepsia Cure, which absolute ly digests what you eat. As it is the only combination of nil the nat ural digestants ever devised and the demand for it has become enormous. It has never failed to cure tho verv worst cases of indigestion and it al ways gives instant rolief. II. L. Hicks. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are liot afraid to be gener ous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asth ma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Ii. L. Hicks, druggist, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c. and $1. Every bottle guaranteed WOiiKIMJ NIGHT AND DAY. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health that changes weakness into strength, lisllossness into energy, brain-fig in to mental power. They’re wonder ful in building up the health. Only 35c per box. Sold by Ii, L. Hicks. norm KSnl olt* tol 7V,«u*. When n man carries a pistol cot stantly slipping It Into bis pocket ev ery morning and taking It out at nigh! feeling Its constant pressure ngalust bis person, these things tend to famil iarize 1:1a mind with the Idea of killing and lowers his conception of the sa credness of Unman life. What does a man carry a pistol for? To shout some other man with. The miserable thing is made expressly to kill human be ings. It has no other earthly purpose. What a burdening effect It must have, then, upon the conscience and heart of a man who carries It constantly In his pocket and lives In dally contact with It and with-, the Idea It constantly sug gests to his mind! Let us warn young men and old ones not to carry pistols, and then you will avoid doing a rash act.—Marietta (Ga.) Journal. One of th# Two. "Yon say our friend Insisted that he bad a plan for a perjietual motion ma chine and a formula for converting linse metals luto gold?* “Yes.” ”1 wonder What has become of him." “If he stuck to his workshop, they buve probably locked him up. But If be went out and organized a few stock companies he Is no doubt rich and comfortable.”—Washington Star* The North Polo. The north pole Is the mathematical point nt the northern termination of the earth’s axis. Whether land or water be there tho phenomena of the sun during the polar day or of the stars during the night would Indicate Its position. PLANT SYSTEM. .Florida and Cuba. / "Schedule iu effect Oct*. 1st. 1 •Vo. 86. j No. 78. -i No. 58. j 8 10 sin; 1-1 ll '.-0 am-IS LOS pin' l ,4 00 pm! 2 No. 34. j 4 SO ifi a in. 7 43 4S,p III I) 4J ss p m to so 30 p ill III 43 01 p m 14 AS 0 0 IS a nil 6 7 07 air.: 7 7 44 am; 7 8 ss am; s o 45 a m 0 so pml r 43 00 p n* 3 0.1 o pm 3 13 mi »v tit 1 j a 0 S5 Ii ill 4 10 p m am a hi u-m oo "pm! 4 0 a m 34 u m I 4 30 a iu 43 p ml S 15 >10 p mi 0 13' ! 8 30 oo pmi i :o 30 p m l 8 oo lo a ml 3 40 40 a ml 8 40 A) a ml 10 00 8u a in 10 Su 5 Vi III i' a u. > aiil i p m i p ill i p in i p m i p m u 45 p m 7 05 u vn L.V ] 10 u in 10 15 rt m Ar « 2f» n in 4 w p in •• 4 15 p •i 7 no u in Lt rt (JO i> m 10 )5 rt m Ar _ 9 45 rt in Lv 14 04 p in 4 15 pin 3 18 p m 10 00 P Hi 10 80 p in 10 So p iu 10 04 15 48 ,8 40 iO 00 -M>. 57, So. *«.. I.v' Montgomery Ai Lv " ’O En lk 11 Piiickard " Hot tin ii " IJitltibiidgo “* 7 Itonina. i'le •V Tliotimsville Ar r oultimin Lv • VulduSla •• • Dupont •• • Way-cross ’• ,1 Ar Jacksonville I.v IV Jacksonville Ar Ar Pnlntka Sanford Lakeland Tampa Port Tainpa W ay ci oss Savannah Charleston 8 10 p m 5 00 p in W U] cross Brunswick a in Lv p m Ar P mi “ Jacksonville 1-nlaika Gainesville . Oculn Tampa Port Tampa St. Petersburg . Dupont Live Oak Archer Tamps * 43 am 8-til at-UI 7 if) p.m 4 so pm 4 85 p ni I 43 p m 8 00 a in 7 80 a ni 7 IB a n a 10 pm 3 4 pm 13pm 00 sin 9 40 p m 7 44 pm 8 17 p’ in 0 43 p ni 9 hi pm V S 80 p ni 2 45 p m 4 IS p in 1 » p m IS 30 p in II so a m II 00 11 IU 5 oo a in 4 30 a mi 2 33 a m 14 40 a m; 9 13 pm; 8 oo puq 7 43 p lip No, .45 » 30 p m !>FS Pm „ oo p in , / P.m 7 0pm HI.-.3 ami 8 lo a ni 3 30 a in 8 00 am: 8 ttfA u. 8 SHIPS A WEEK TO CUBA. Leave Port Tninpa 11:00 p. m., Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Arrive Key West 8:00 p. m.. Tuesdays. Ki ldays and Sundays. Arrive Havana 6:00 a. m., Wednesdays; SnturdHys and Mondays. Pullman cars on all through trains. For fuither information address. B W Wrenn, K L TODD. Pass. Traffic Manager, »< Division Rass. Agent, Savannah, Ga.. - Montgomery, Ala. GEORGIA PINE RAILWAY OO. ‘Thronatee&tea River Route.” Schedule effective June 24, 1900. NORTH BOUND. SOUTH BOUND. Np. 31. Daily except. Sunday Too p in h hj p in lo oo p m 14 so u m 8 10 a in 4 12 a m 8 15 n ill U 20 a m 8 43 am 8 59 a in 9 13 a in 9 80 a m 10 00 ll III 10 10 a m 11 39 a m 12 40 p in 2 84 pin 7 43 p m I 34 pm 3 00 p m 4 00 pill 7 85 pin 8 26 n ni Ko. 8. Dully except Sunday. Is 05 a m 8 00 am 11 00 n III 2 15 pm 9 40 p III :a 85 pm 8 00 p 111 f!8 05 p in 3 28 p m 3 40 p in 8 55 p .,1 4 18 pin 4 45 p in No. 1. Sunday only. : 5 00 p m : 8 80 p m i 10 00 p 111 : 12 60 a in i 8 10 a m ; 4 12 a in i 8 15 a m i 8 20 a in : 8 45 a in i 8 69 ll 111 i 9 13 a 111 ! 9 84) a m ; 10 oo a in 10 10 a m 11 39 a in 12 40 p 111 1 84 pm 8 00 p in 4 00 p III 7 35 p m 8 23 p III 90th Meridian, CCentral Time ) So. 4. Sunday only. Savannah . Jacksonville Vaycross ThonmsvlUe Montgomery West lialnhrldge nalnhrldge West llalnbrlilge Kldoi endo Boykin Colquitt Damascus Arlington Arlington Albany Smltlivllle 8inlthvllle Montgomery Anierlctis Fort Valley Macon Atlanta Bnvunnnh 10 16 a m 8 80 am fl 15 o ni 8 25 a m 7 45 p ni 2 07 p ill 11 80 p m <1 25 p in 0 00 p m 6 50 p ill 5 88 p m 6 in p m 4 93 pm 4 60 pm 8 27 p 111 2 36 pm 12 30 pm 8 lo p m 1 60 pm 12 24 p nr 11 20 a m 7 60 a m No. 4. Dally except Sunday. Ill 16 a m 8 80 u III N 15 a in 8 33am 7 46 p m 2 07 IV m 0 30 p m H 25 p ill 3 Bit p in 5 30 p 111 5 8» p m 9 ;« p in 4 85 p ill 4 30 p in 8 47 p in 2 35 p ill 1 60 p m 12 24 p m II 20 am 7 60 a m No Daily exc-i-p) Sum'll; 1 45 a l It 50 u ' 10 30 pi 7 00 p 1 11 25 a 1 5 80 a i 12 15 pi 14 10 p I 1140 a i 11 47 at 11 17 ill 70 46 0 l 10 20 II I I—Plant System. 9—Georgia Fine Hallway. 3—Central of Georgia H’y. 4—Georgia & Alabama. Trains 31, I, and 3 and 4 make close connection Rt Arlington with Central ot Georgia for and from Albany, Macon, Atlanta and all points East ami West thereof. Trains », and tf» make close connection at West Bslnbrldgo with tho Plant System for and from Savannah, Montgomery, and all points Fast and West thereof. K. B. COLEMAN, Geueral Superintendent. HENRY VAUGHN Practical Blacksmith and Wood- workman. Always ready to serve. Lowest prices for best work. y y flST'Shop on West street, n<*r old Townsend Warehouse. BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA- NOTICE. ‘ ''' Get your work done at the o.d re liable 'stand of • a. guy; Boot and ShoeMaker On Water Street. JOHH C. CHASON. ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, BAINBRIDGE, * • GA. Will practice law in all the Courts. ESTABLISHED 1886. THE ST^A-Pt Shaving Saloon. West Broughton St,, Bninbridge, Ga Established by a home bor. First-class material and oolite and at tentive Barbers. Will F Thoratcn. PROPRIETOR. PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE 3 SAILINGS EACH WEEK UKTWHEN Pert Tampa and Havana* Via Key West. TOMB stones, and - - J101HFJTS, - - Doyou con template erecting a monument or tomb stone, or-in any wav ira* provfhg your cemetery lot? If so, write me at CUTEBERT, GA. 1 will submit designs and pnoes and will call at your home to see you. The best work, of all C ;*<?■»» ciitr.Rf tre PRICES T9 SUIT YOU. T. G. SPEARMAN, Cothbert, Ga. Plant System trains run direot to ship side connecting with Steamers leaving Port Tampa 9:00 P. M. Mondays,Thurs days and Saturdays For any information as to rates, sched ulee, and reservations address B. W. Wrenn. Pass. Traffic Manager. K. L. Todd. Savannah, Ga. Division Pass. Agt. Montgomery, Ala. Jao.. Dos&lsos Ss R. W. Filling ATTORSTETS JLT LAW Bainbridge, - Ga. Will practice iu all the Federal nnd State Courts. Offices: Up-stairs Belchei Building. SZC BTT7SSBAUM, Attorney-at-Law BAINBRIDGE, - N GEORGIA Will practice in all the courts. Spec ial attention given to real estate, com mercial and corporation practice. {©■ Office iu old Bank Building.