The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, February 09, 1901, Image 4

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The Search-Light. S lll’SsKi/L H1»1\S0%. ! pR«pfi«KT*H IO THK ,ra '\m “* i „1 at the p On., m utcoiul-clau matter. IMPDHTA.Vr MTICB. Kosice i- hereby given that I Imvethi** rt.iy ili-siirr.Htcd the BAlNUr-nunc Seauoh LihHT, a weekly newapaper published i , B litihridge. Oh . a* the medium tor the publication of all legal advertise- menta emmating from the Sheriff •luring the year 1651. Jan. 1 6th • 1664• A. \V. FORKIAM. Sheriff. The Boet$ fight on. The ship subsidy hill should be killed out lie spot. Congressman Bartlett, of the 6th district is oitically ill. Something Worth}' cf A ill @ k\ m eimBioinoiKT AiuoinNKu to run li.wtv IK , Until further notice, after bebru The regular Movember term 190ft, „ r y 9th I will only be in my ofti f the Superior Court of Decatur for the transaction of business on Q.ft'e <i! Bainbrulg j(Jouoty» having-been adjourned over Mondays and Saturdays. Duiun, to the first M,onday in February, viie middle of the week I shall be vis- 1901, mid it being impossible for me Umg schools. Jan. 22, 1001. to attend said adjourned term from ( Kobt. Bowkw, C. S. C. sickness of myself. It is therefore ordered that sai'l adjourned term of said (Joint be,and it is hereby adjourned over to the third Monday in February 1901 and the Clerk of s i.V Court, is hereby direeled to adjourn, said Court, over to said time and advertise tuei onnuen ww | jlTjrt same as provided by law. The J r- Absolutely Safe Shave at the j yj ors who were to attend said Co rt, fj 9W CITY SHAVING PARLOR, .A on said first Monday will attend ConspicioUS Stand Next Door to same on said third Monday. ■ W. N. Spenoe, J. S. C<. A. C By the Court. (J, \V. Wimberley, Clerk. S. C. .jig 2g~Si5ii5-, Sail. 0 City Bakery. AND OUT RATE 6K0CEBY * STOKE. I A NEW REVOLUTION IN SAKlBcR BUSINESS. Aguiualdo“ should go up against Mrs. Nation and her hatchet. General Nelson A. Miles has been placed one shelf higher by President McKinley. The Thomasville Times-Enterprise Miggests that Carrie s.ill carries on the hatehet war in Kansas. .at inninn wsbahsiiav .uow.vixo- City Post Office. ™ 6 i I i Following prices are quoted 1 r the benef goods cheap: i for the benefit of those who buy Miss Lucy Barnes and Mr. J. W Shannon, of Brinson, till., were uniU d . m which we always keep hot boiling wil der plan of shaving is so complete that we can prevent infection or inoculation by so called noxious or poisonous germs. These troubles are oftiraes contracted from one to the other by reason of using the same.razor or brush on every body. Now how we prevent such troubles we have a sterilizer, a nickel plated concern An exchange thinks that many a fril l who is being sparked ougnt to l.e spanked and sent to bed. An exchange suggests that when a nnn l ikes out of the paper it i. equivalent to taking down his Mi'll. The Quitman Free Press is by fur one of the brightest and spiciest papers that reach our exchange i able. Her. ’ to Its promoters. The Blake in marriage Wednesday morning at the home of the bride’s mother a mile or so north of town. The cere mony was performed by R< v. O. LI. Chester in the presence of relatives mid a few intimate friends. After the wedding, the happy couple left on a bridal touri after which they will make their home at Brinson. The bride is in attractive young woman aud a daughter of the late John D Barnes. The groom is a prominent young man ot Brinson.— Valdosta Times. CAMS HKIIIC TO .MAURY. Reporter has become i! i ii^ai organ ol Early county. The early bird catches the worm, and Jack*Powell always was a “sooner.” came from Bainbridge. and has A great deal w being said about working at McKee’s factory. License was issued this morning to Mr. Robert R. Ferrell to Miss No rn a Lee London • 'The young man lice a The \Ve put a certain quantity’of Anti- sepfciola. then every barber after shaving each customer places his ntzo- over the Sterilizer into the boiling water, letting retmiui for a few minutes. After shaving we use a portion of that AntUeptioiu on «..h ci.fluuiev’s face. By this method we can assure you a safe shave. Call and see us aud we will convince y ou that out' service is lie best in the city. Shave 10c., Hair Cut Side. P. H. SlilS, Proprietor, —!■ hhihii hi nnr»r---iTrniT-*-nT—r~ JLr ». w. CONTRACTOR Si BUILDER Finns and Specifications eht-crfull y furnished upon application. Can be found at present at the Lasseter House. 1 Best Patent-Flour, per Inti... .f4.C5 •• •• •' 24 lb sack... .60 Best roused coffee, per lb SI Best Ham. per lb 14 Breakfast Bacon, per lb 14 Good Head Kiue. per lb .7 •- Mixed Tea. per lb. 60 Fine Granulated Sugar. 15 lbs, 1.00 Beet Creamery Butter, per lb, .82 •• Georgia Syrup, per gal .. .85 Wallace A: Gregory's while and red Vinegav. per gal 25 Eagle Brand Cow Milk lb Octagon Soap. 7 bars. 25 Tumi toes, small size 8 •• large size ,.. .10 Okra fi Tomatoes, small size.. .« Corn, pot Columbia Corned Beef .. Armours Ham Loaf 20 “ N eal Loaf 29 til California Fruit, per can 22 llj Baker's Bread, per loaf 4 Ik Penny Cakes, per doz 10 tomatoes, small size.. .si III i-can r ..» 12 |jj i hirer Salmon 15 £ teef 14 Iji Veal Cutlets .37 m lu„, r ,...# cr. s !lil A 1 call. iill AH other articles reduced in proportion. Give \v, S. WITH IJI, Pmldnil. J. II. IIAllHSO.I., V. Prc-a’t. R. U. IIARTSF1ELD, ('oahlrr. 0 Lilly Charte/ed Under tne laws of Georgi; 1£&jy BAIN BRIDGE, - - GEORGI \. the aunevai.n-n of a section of ,\est j^y from Albany and it is said Florida to Alabama. It will be a oool' oamo ] im , l0 meet her affianced, day, however, when Florida consents] After securing the license the young man wont off to hunt a minister to il i. 1 ij .nil, \Vilhclmma, bu n married to a >’ oim K (iermau di.U . K .» hoped that she has been more successful than Amer ica,! iv, .i :■ i'..* sick dukes and titles. perform lady the was ('urcinony. •stopping - An extra sissnui i’f Congress to I'onsider questions touching the fu ture government of Cuba is not an improbability. No official announce ment Ins been made to tint effect, but Pi\a deni McKinley is said to I'-ivor it. T ' Nows Blinks that V, N ’ Ur..’ might be di- i"Ct.xl ..g mist Atlanta’s union de pot witli telling effect. Tins would no do >bt furnish a cheaper solution of t!. ■ mallei- than the one offered by a large number of the legislators ill 1*10 rOCCtil Bt'.'NSiUll. Jim Griggs has been scoring some strong hits in Congress of late aud t ie people will not foi get them soon. Jim is a real wide n wake fellow both ms icpie.wuiaiivv ol the people and as a politician aud the feWcw who \ iii r r i, |H shoos may find no easy task on hand. The witii frionds in the western portion of me city. The ceremony was performed by Elder A V. Simms about U o’clock.—Vuld’o aa Ti.flcs. TO CROSS THK FL»T- •—Mrs. A. P. Holt,- | WEST : STREET | WiLL ACCOMMODATE Eo; i, op 1-1 S Transient Her RestRiira House on West Cougi'«s3a.»u Griggs .lias intro dtieud a bill ill Congress, authorizing the Ga. Pine By to construct a bridge across the Flint river at this point. This is taken here its an iu- diualion that Uie Piue people pro pose to construct the if o.\n bridge rather than erv-A on the Plant Sys tem tracks as heretofore suggested. Work on the cnteusion of this road toward Tallehassee has’nt, yet begun, but will begin a: soon as the right-of way is cvcplot ed. Llrectcrt: VV. 8. WUbam, John Lb Harrell, K. G. Ilartsfklrl, Dr. J. I). Chakon, James A. Reid, A. B. Belcher, H. C. Draper. tW Aecouats of corporations, .n&ividuals soiicited. irms an vm LY1 rii»(A v f — G F ,A!I Kinds Livery And Transfer Btables, d. - - Street 1_>jl Od AT MY NEW U 8 ON WATER STREET. JETEH. POWELL. 4 First-Class^-^ Black smithing- Busses meet all trains and transfu- passengers promptly to any p lion of the city. First class teams and trusty drivers. CALL AT OUR STABLES—PHONE 56. Brackin & Go. mii ii 11 i >~ir~m~ri—bbwbpbjcwesi r—r r jogwaat—H i WJNGEE SEW1KQ MACHINE i'kOItjgP' —B—BMHBtWMBBBBBHBBBamBIBBWaBMmSaB 36 mfrisr I)ntnhl styli The Georgia farmer who raises corn to spare, who xiltshis own meat and lives at homo during the year 1901, wont lose much sleep Worrying ovur tlie prospects for a cotton crop. Speculators, seasons, nor, ouM rpi!!*rs will hold him any very great horror. What matters it to him if his bank account is slim, so ?oi g a h > store account is smaller. Home sup plies should be raised at nom>, and our fanners are beginning to iue this truth. S^TSHOP CORNER OF CLAY AND WATER STREETS. Conent of action is one of tlie ess.ul eluQetits t cuiioess and no eoiumuuity can afford to discard it. Churches, schools, principalities and powers are overturned by lb* dis sections of those whose minds are born of stubbornness. A house div ided asrainst itself must tall, and when the individuals of & community stiffen there necks and press in oppo site directions, the inevitable must f allow, Let ever) eittsen iu Bain bridge join issue to make the cm nut year the most successful in tin history ot tlie town. Every legi tiiuAtc enterprise should receive en couragemout at on- hands . a p).:u those institutions through just cause to fear the fit al whose agency the world l-cco nee .There should an] u 1 x.iip her xdvanUupJS. A Hand made Steel H. Shoos per p’r. $1 00 Machine 1 S\eol tl. Shoes per pr. .65 Spokes G inch down, each .t2ri Shrinking tires, each 40 All oil:or black?mi tiling work done fit the lowest for SPOT CASH. These prices are very low and nothing will be charged on account to anyone. prices THE BEST MADE. v, Light-Kunning and well finished. Latest and nil modern equipments. * Needles- Oils And Attachments Handled- It vou need a serviceable Machine an r iv,ue me at ouce. J. 3D. 2£A2uST:)S!AS5, BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA, the—- Prices reasonable, and terms easy, mratitee of satis taction, call oi I desire to inform my friends and patrous that from and after this date, I shall d’sconiinue the sale of goods except for cash, absolutely no goods will be charged. I shall how ever sell goods for cash cheaper than thov can be bought elsewhere iu Bainbridge ou uicibi.' 8ee prices quoted elswliere in slniidiug ad. on local paa?. (Jitv Baksky. J. W. Lassefer, Frop’r. ¥ lav; k _Hsad OSce: ST. LOUIS KC. ^s- Bifinch Houses at Nashville, Tenn , Dallas,'Tex., Biiminghfi Ala., Montgomery, Ala. MANUFACTURERS OI ——’ THE STAR, JESSE FRENCH, AND*RICHMOND PIANO ALSO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AGENTS FOR TB FAMOUS STEINAV AY, KNABE, VOSE & SONS, UKMIN< TON AND CHICKERINU PIANOS. I v\ BKSI ORGANS ON -EARTH . Terms reasonable, strnments fully guaranteed. All Those who have noted the recent Let us 1 combines in the railroad world have Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food aud aids Mature ia strengthening and recor.- itrucUng the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation i -Some leg. 1 which one rocJ Co..Id be titr -a sun .y and a puil together' from scoopiug aiiotlior in order wi I work wonders for BamUridge. ^strangle competition. result.'can approach It in efficiency. It ia- . -, v sjaqtly relieve? and permanently cures X_i BLEDSOE Sexxer&l Agaut Donalscnville, Ga Indigestion, Heartburn, -cur Stomach, Nnuse'a, Dyspepsia, lift d 1 Flatulence, i? v ur neomnen. nnu&eu, 3ick Headache, Oastraigia, Cramps, and I all other results of imperfeetdigestion. Prepared by E C. A Co, Cblccoa. ECB’T L S. BRIDGES* ?--actieiLr rhysiohrC B KIN SOX. - - GEORGIA. . Al! calL pi mj ily attended. . . A L. TOWN8KND. 't U.-TMOBKt TOWWDtVM'fMi:'. 'IM AyTORNKVS-AT-LA'V, Bainbridge, J Gtor wwnuftt nnwrl