The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, February 09, 1901, Image 6

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The Search-Light. BAINBRIDGE, FEB. 9, 1901 M'.fU'-'-l X CHANCE FOll - WOMAN. • IHK liKU M. A TOOBTT. >IA FINE RAILWAY now persist | The Tallaha«seani A meeting of Bill Arp* in his last eommnniua- the subscribers to the Geotgta Pine tion to the Atlanta Constitution pub- ]t ; ulroad was held Monday night at Nordan has classified woman as “a )j#hes U)B followllll? | cUor which he the city lmll . It wa8 ca! i t . d for the received from Ohio: 'purpose of devising ways and means "Palmyra, Ohio.—Mr. Bill Arp, j or carrying out promises to the Geor Gorgv: Pleas write in your paper to gj a p,j ie Hm]|-oatl Company, vis: To the Best of your knolage the hislry of the moon from a Bibul standpoint, lias it got a lite of Its own and if not whar do it get its lite? Does' this earth revolv tord the sun or not? Is the sun -tashenery or not? delusion and a snare.” It easy to understand why men in hugging delusions. Millions of people are familiar with Du Witt’s Little Earlv Risers and those who use them find them to lie famous little liver pills. Never gr'pe. R. L. Hieks. To the Public. 1 nave a very large spring and slim- mer pasture near town where 1 will take cows at morning and graze them during the day. returning same at night, for the .urn of if 1.25 per month. GKO. D GKIFF1N. give them $8,000 In cash,, twenty acres of land contiguous to the C. T. & G. and 3. A. L. railroads and in or near this city, and the right of way to the boundary line of Lson county fgest enough food to keep the body , What on a route to be selected by the com- strong, such a preperation as Kodol “Do you believe inau is made of efekt<Jo llie ra00 n baye on animals? pany » 8 c j v n engineer. Dr. Moor, Dyspepsia Cure should be used. A powerful! engine cannot be run with a weak boiler, and we cannot keep up the strain of an active mind with a weak stomach; neither can we stop the human machine to make repairs. If the stomach cannot di- DR. s. j ciissimt . Physician and Etrteo Treats diseases of the Eye, Nose and Throat. All calls promptly attended. OFFICE ON Broughton Street. dust, Mr. Snip?” “Not all of them, ^ jy| iat e f e kt on I ogs at Butchering said the tailor. “Dust always settles, ^ a b,nt fry in meat and makin and I know men wiio do not.” Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve are worthless. The orignal quickly elites piles, sores and all skin diseas es, R. L llicks. At any rate Mrs. Nntion and George Washington are tho only p-'Ople who ever brought the hatchet into prominence in this country.— Atlanta Journal. Persons who cannot take ordinary pills find it a pleasure to take De- Witt’s Little Early Risers. They lire tho best little liver pills ever made. R. L. Ilicks. Home. The sweetest conceptions of heaven are in the word. The man uho has no desire logo back to his home is not an example of groatness, hut of littleness and meanness.—Ex. There is always danger in tiseing com torfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Haz el Salvo. The orignal is a safe and oirtain cure lor piles. It is a sooth ing and healing salve for sores and all skin diseases, R. L. Hicks. A good mother, when her son was leaving the home of Ins childhood and going out into tho great world, knowing that lie was ambitious, gave him this parting coiijnnotion: “My son, reihomber that, Though it is a good tiling to be a great man, it is a great thing to be a good man.”—Ex. Reports show a greatly increased; death rate from throat and luug troubles, due to the prevalence of croup, peneumoma and grippe. We advise the use of One Minute Cough ('uro in all of these difficulties. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Children like it. R. L Hicks. Camilla Clarion: Mr. W. II.Cul pepper sold two cai loads of hogs in Atlanta last week for $1,500. The hogs averaged 200 pounds each and were sold lor 5 cents per pound gross. Mr. Culpepper has done much for the people here in demonstrating tho fact that money oau be made on a farm without tho cotton crop. Ho has taken an old farm and ill a few years brought it up to where almost any crop will pay on-it. Ho has intro duood new methods of farming, uses improved implements, looks closely after the business and, as a eouso queuoc, made a success of his farm from the vory beginning. For the weakness and prostration following grippe there is nothing so prompt mid effective as One Minute (tough Cure. This preparation is highly endorsed us an unfailing rem edy tor all throat amt lung troubles and us early use prevents cons mpt- iou. It is made to cure quickly. Jl. L. tlicks. gravy? Does the meat mkrease In the fryin pan it butchered at full moon? “Mr. Arp, I’m a widower and want you to find me a good woman for a mait. Do the moon efekt potatoes and makin lie soap, and when forlks git married should they marry in the newo moon or the old moon to live happy? Don’t the Bibul say the moon is to be a sign to God and man, and if you know of a good woman down in Gorgy who hankers after a nroth- ern man tell her to write to me. Do the moon change from newe to old oust a month, or is the same moot, shaded by a planate? I would like a woman who has 1 some good land and is not over 45 years old. Is thar a shore enuf man in the moon? I have got sum money and want a good- hearted, kind woman to love Me, but I don’t want a fraud. Your trend and amirer. “P. S.—I want good laud for boot to oven up with my money.” Arp says lie will furnish the man’s name to any woman in.Georgia who, makes the request for it. We give the Ohio man tho benefit of Our ex tensive circulation, but it is doubtful if there is a Georgia woman who is “hankerni” in this direction. This might be the enso in some rare in stances, but, as a rule, Georgia wom en do their “hankorm” nearer home, though it is doubtless true that in many instances titey might go fur ther and faro no worse. HAD LIVKD AS A MAN. A New York dispatch says: The deatli of Murray Hall, proprietor of an employment agency on Sixth av enue has been reported. Hall died from cancer of the left breast, and when Dr. William C. Gallagher made an examination lie found the victim to be a woman. Dr. Gallagher learned from other oooupants of the houso whgre “Mr. Hall” lived that “Mr. Hall's” wife died two years ago, after a married life of twenty years. Many who had known Hall for years never suspect ed that she was not a man. Coroner Ztioca Baid the dead Mur ray Hall was a woman about 41 years of age, and had dresied as a mau in order to help the business along. Neighbors declare that “Mr. Hall” had been married twice. ' Ilis second “wife,” who died two years ago, was well known and well liked. Judge Raney and Senator Myers, of the committee appointed by the sub scribers to make a contract with Pres ident Williams of the railroad com pany, stated the facts in the case, showing that $8,000 had already been placed in the Tallahassee banks subject to the order ol Williams upon the completion of the road and the commencement of a regular schedule between this city and Bain bridge; that twenty acres of land had beeu bought and paid tor; that the right of way had been secured along the entire route to the county line, with the exception of three gaps. BKAVE MEN FALL. Victims to stomach, liver and kid ney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite poisons in the blood, backache, nerv ousness, headache and tired, listless, run-down feeling.' But there’s no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Indoville, Ind. He says: “Electric Bitters are just the thing tor a man when he is all ruu down, and don’t care whether he lives or dies. It did more to giye me new strength and good appetite than any thing l could take.. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life.” Only 50 ots., at R. L. Hicks’s drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. It digests what you eat and it simly can’t help but do it. li. L. Hicks. Sat at tb.e “0. K.” LUNCH COUNTER- ON WATER STREET. ItlSuMeaU at all hours and served in style. Bring us your eggs nnd chickens. HE. WALKER, Proprietor. W. W. PALMER, JR, DENTAL SURGEON, BAINBRIDGE, f . . . -GA. JfiyOffice—Corner Water and West itreets, in Chascn Building. ALBERT, H. RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, BAINBIilDGE, - - GEORGIA. Office Over Bainbridge State Bank. IsT. S- PERRY aSSTOEFICE AT HICKS’S DRUG STORE. Bainbridge, Georgia. •nVOMCOUN KOII FLORID A. The prince of Wales is very con .servative in the matter ot eating and drinking, lie dislikes long lisis of uosinctildes. and as to beverages it is well known to bis friends that only certain wines are acceptable to his palate. He is very particular as to what cigars ho smokes. The lieir hour to Ids meals and very rightly, waits fur nobody. Indeed, it is re corded of him that on tho occasion Jacksonville Tunes-Union and Cit izen: For some years the supply of brooracorn has constantly fallen be low the demand, high prices have ruled, and a syndicate tried to corner the market, but failed for lack of suf ficient capital. Our state commis sioner of agriculture makes a showing that will arouse loud comment and must be followed by investment— the machinery must come and the , , . , . , crop will follow. Tiie experiment apparent likes to sit down at a fixed I . 1 1 | was made with thirty one acres; the .crop footed sixty-two tons and it sold for $4,000—the commissioner esti- , . . males the net profit at $75 per acre, wlitn a relative cf the prince, a per- 1 ,, , , , 1 ; , Broouioorn in r loruta is easy of cul tivation and leaves the land in order sonage ol high degree, arrived The impression thro' ghont the country, says the Kansas City Journ al, is that Mrs. Nation is a wild, fa natical temperance agitator whose zeal has run away with her discretion. But those who are acquainted with her and witii the Kansas situation say they is method in her madness. Her purpose, it seems, is not merely to destroy a little saloon property, She desires to t”st the right of liquor sellers in Kansas to the protection of law for their saloon merchandise an'd ! fixtures. Her attorneys were sur prised and disappointed that the pre vious oast against her was dismissed They had preparee for a full trial of the oase on its merits, and expressed confidence in their ability to win. When President Lincoln was as sassinated Queen Victoria wrote the following letter to Mrs. Lincoln: “I am overwhelmed, dear Mrs. Lincoln. What can any earthly being say to lessen the terrible blow that lias come upon you in the loss, and the loss iu such a way, of your great and noble husband? Accept with this my heartfelt sympathy in your affio lion, through which the good God alono can guide you to peace and res ignation. My people are shockod by this terrible calamity, which is to me a personal grief. My tears and pray ors are yours. May He comfort and protect you always.” When m 1881 President Garfield succumbed to the bullet ot an assassin, after a long pe riod of suffering, the Q een wrote a personal letter to Mrs. Garfield, say ing: “I have watched, during the last few sad months, with admiration the patience and Christian fortitude of your gallant husband, and learn with great erief that he has passed away. I, too, know the sorrow of such unhappy desolation, and I ask yon accept mv deepest s;, mpathy in your bereavement. President Gar- J. STERLING RUBRETS, » ATTORNEY AT LAW. BAINBRIDGE, - - GEORGIA. Will practice in all the courts. J. D. TALBERT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office at BRINSON,-GEORGIA. Every branch ol law a specially. Will bo in Bainbridge, every 1st Monday nnd Tuesday each mouth. and whenever requested, SURVEYING BY SPECIAL CONTRACT- Address me at BRINSON, . . . GEORGIA. U. It. Bower. Ryhok li. Bower, j h I BOVVER & BOWER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. nm:ioE, gectgia. Practice in the State courts. Federal! and Justice courts. Also dealers in r« a | estate, improved and wild lands andrit.l li-ts for sale. MuRaeyille, Deo. 4. 1900. Me. W. I. GEER, Attorney and Counsoler At LawJ COLQlTIT. - GEORGIA, Office: Iu Court House. WILL, H. XHAUSaJ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Bainbridge, Georgia, I Office with Hawes & Hawes THE# SEW YORK WORLD] THRICE A-WEEK EDITION. The best paper at the lowest Pr ci| 156 Papers A YEAR FOR ONE ROLL All As ood as a daily at the price| of a Weekly. During the American-Spanish 1 HE i HRIOE -A-W EEK WOR 1.II proved it,I great value by the promptness, thorough! ness and accuracy of its reports from nlll the scenes of important events. It. wul as useful as a daily to the reader, and ill will be of equal value in reporting tkel great and complicated qr.ertious whii-hl are now before the American people. It prints the news of all the world! having Special correspondence fmni »11| important news points on the globe. Ill has brilliant illustrations,stories by greail authors, a capital humor page, complttJ markets, department!! for the household! and woman’s work and other special dsl .pertinents of unusual interest V\ e otiler this unequalled newspspeil and Tliss S£2^.RaZ£-X..XGIZZT toj gether one year for fjJl.ijO.. Tk eregular price of the two papers i -f2.0o A. H. RUSSELL. :: M. E. O’NEAL. RUSSELL & O’NEAL, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. READTHIS For $1.30 We send you THq Search-Light. the I'wico-a-Week Atlanta ournal Juvenile Journal, one year, Will practice in nil ili« State Courts, Spec ial attention given the Investigation of Land Titles and the Law of Administration. R. J. ROONEY, Contractor and Builder. Estimates cheerfully furnished on all . . classes oi building . . JOE H. GILPIN. JNO- 0- CHASON. GILPIN & CHASON, Attorneys at Law, BAINBKIDGE. -• - GEORGIA. Will practice law together iu all courts, except, the criminal branch of the city court of Decatur county. Notary Public in office. Da. B. WI2.S03ST Dentist. ——OFFICE Over II. R. Ehrlich & Co.’s Store, Bainbridge, - - Ga. hour late for luncheon, his highness observed; like the coffee it is still q Wi ""I v strong, a «i 1 work ro > al for a winter urop-who wants any- j field Wii8 a « ood and ,,obIe mAn ‘ Do You Want ? 5 M .Envelopes, Cards. N ote H eads. Letter Job Work? sStsw,- eJVU If Vi a. !ers,Checks. Blank! IPosters, Business — 'Cards.Receipts, etc “I hope you will tliins better than such a harvest for 1 May God sustain you in your hour of cali at The Search-Light Job (ill hot." ..!&«,* jtr.rable.” |S5?££*JSS. SSV”* For $1.50 Constitution. For$1.50 We send The SeakcbI Light and the Atlanl! We send The Search! Light and the Twice-*! Week Savannah News. Wesend The Search | Light and the Thrice a-Week New York World. New subscriptions or renewals for al! these offers. Subscribe , ■A-T OISTOE! J Contractor and Builder] HAINBRID GU, GA. Bids Submitted on Ail Kinds of BRICK: or : WOOD : W01lh\ 13 1 tf EUB3SA SHAVING SALOON. A first class Shaving Saloon. Hot and Cold Shower Batin done the nealr Ail work manner. J- A. JOXTES, Fropt’l N. Broad Street.