The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, February 09, 1901, Image 8

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I he Search-Light. BAIUBRIDGE, FEB. 9, 11*01. PERSONAL Mr. K A. Munwell, of Calvary was in the city Wednesday. Mr. D. Cnrrvi of Climax was in the city one day this week. Mr. M .1. Horn.of Denser, was in the pity Monday of this week. Mr. T. .1. Mills, of Whighatn, was ii • the city Thursday on business. Mr. Ham LafiM»ter, of Wlii^hain, spent Kniidny litre with hif) parents. M \ J. H. Thomas, of Fowltown, was in o city Tuesday of this week, Mr. W. B. .Spence, of Facevilie, war in the uity on bncines* Wednesday. Mr. Berry Curry, a prominent cittern of Climax district, was ir. the city Wed n-sclay. Messrs. J. W. Bolton, I. T. Clarkeaud H A. George, of Iron City, were in town Wednesday. Messrs. B. C. Thomas and J. L. Don' alson. of'Attapnlgus, were in town Turn day oil business. Mr. W. K. Atwater, a prosperous farm *'r of Dell, was a welcome vi-itor to tbl office. Tuesday. Mrs. Chester, of Wli'ghnra, is visiting the family of Mr. T. B. Maxwell ot. Broughton street. Miss Nola Maxwell has been visiting tneiob ai.d relatives in and near Whig- hatti Il is wyek. Miss Christine Qretumer lias returned liome from a pleasant visit to Miss Bestie Peebles at Lime Smk. Mr. Matthews, the clever repre- sent,alive of Pierce Bros., of Columbus was in the city this week. Mr. J. L. Peebles, of Lime Sink, was in the uity Thursday. Mr. Peebles re ports things lively in his section. Mr. H. C. Allen returned the first, of the week from a business trip to Floiida where lie has considerahleland interests. Mr. J■ A. B. Cirswell, form rly of tin's city but now of Augusta, was shaking hands with hia many friends here this week.’ Mr, Jno. E. Gibsou, traveling repre- s rfitative of the Macon Telegraph, u as in the city this week in the interest of that progressive daily. T*1 icK Lillian Saunders who has been v siting hei brother Mr. J. T. .Saunders o’ FuirnhUds. passed through the city Thursday anionite tft her home in Nor- oik, Va. FOWLTOWN DOTS. j BlilNHON F151EFS- Mr. D. E. Brown went over to Bain bridge Saturday. Mr. P. G. Brinson prssed through Wednesbay enroute to Bain bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Griffin enter tained a number of their friends very pleasantly Tuesday night. The Stuart LumherCompany are hav ing several new tennut housoserected on their property sooth of the railroad. We are glad to note the improved health of Uncle George Fnnberhurk who has heen quite uuwell foV a number ot weeks. The public school here is progressing nicely and our people appear very much please! with the present management. Thev hope to build up a still larger school here next session. , Mr. J. C Parrott has accepted a posi tion with Mr. J. H. Brinson in his livery •table business and will likely have con trol of his Baiubridge stalbe. His faun- DECATUR SHERIFF SALE. (•»EOK«lA*-pxc*ffca Cot'KTT: Will be sotil before tiro court I’onie floor tn rtiilubrldae.iionrals.on tltc first Tuesday in March next-, finrli'g the legal hours or sale tie rollnwliiKilcscribcd piopd-tv to wit: All of lots of limit No. one tinmlreJ and cirluy-one (181) anil three hundred nml for IV-six (»l«) in the tlftiemh district nf Doci’- tur roiinty, ouch containing two liuiiareu nml ftrtv (2S(t) acres moreor less. Also, none hull mutlviileddiitcrcst In one lmndrid ami three (lfil) Here* of land off of lot No. two hundred and nineteen rllwj In the the fif teenth district and known n» the Scoit hinds, noun led on the north by binds nf Bell Keu- tou, west by Kilnt Itivor, aouMi by propel ty formerly nwmd by H F. rchlitian now by K. 1.. Bruce and 81k Nussbnuin, ami tiro i;raves brick yard, and cast by Albany road, aud levied on ns the property of Sig Nu»s- litinm to aattsfv a fi fa tn my hands In favor of the Mutual Building Loan and Investment Vo„ v*.Sig NuSsbauui , _ A. W,Foki»iam, Sheriff. Legal Advertisements. ITATION. GEORGIA-Decaf Mary Guy luivInstSiiyfe aplillcatlon for twelve months auppnrtjOnl of the estate of lterry Gny,and apprutafaednlv appointed to set spurt tile same IiftyU'g'fl'ed their returns all person* are hei ebyireqntted to show cause before the Court of (ffdlnuryVif said county, on the first Monday fn March rent, whv «ald application should not bo granted. This Feb, 4th, 1901. T. H. MAXWELL,\rdimiry. N RULE NISI IN DEi’A f tj: k soi'K n l o r y coi l TE iOUBT NOVKMBElt itM.isai, vs. T. E. Garland DECATUR SUPERIOR COURT, NOVEMBER TERM, MW iy, though, will.remain here. Mr. Jno. I. Robison informs us that he has about completed the residence on Joa5£ roid g j!lA o'. Wainhurst avenue, next door to Mr. H. J (1. Barrett's. The building will be occu-1 fi aUl G. W. Kag.ui a mortgage u» certuli pied by Mr. W. W. MoCully and family. I I *AnVhat > tract or jrarcef of hlnd lying and A large number of our people attended ' *’ ln *-‘ n preaching at Pine Grove last Sunday. Among them were Mr. J. .1.'Archer and family, Mis* Fannie Martin and Mrs Tul- ly. Mr. Olif Siras and Miss Evelyn Piper. We understand that there is a strong probability of the establishment, of a Knights of Pythess Lodge at this place. Several Knights iu the neighborhood arc behind the movement and negotiations for the use of a hall are now pending, The meeting of the Kpworth League at Rev. Mr. Piper's was not well attend ed and it was decided to postpone the regular election to n date to heannounc ed later. The old officers will he expect ed to hold oyer until a uew corps are He ine,'ed. Mr. John Shannon, of this place, who was married last, week to one of Lowndes Bounty's charming young ladies, has re turned and he and tiis happy bride are receiving the congratulations of their friends at this point. February 8, 1901. Miss FROM CLIMAX. Mix G. P Wood, of Attapnlgus, was here Youday on business. Mr. Pat Speight and Miss Lucy Dick- were here Monday shopping Mr. T. E Speight, of Ft. Gaines, is down at his plantation for a short while. Mrs. Colwell and Mrs. Folsom went out calling Tuesday alternoon in I he country. Madam Rumor says listen for the wed ding bells soon if the halt keeps rolling. Mr. aud Mrs. 1. B Griffin went ove- in Itaiobridge Monday afternoon shop- ,V-‘h.Y Mr. Jim Bi.11. of Qiinty. Fla., spent the day here Hunan}. Jim n u ‘ be pros | peeling. Mr. Gaines aud Miss Kellie Bruce, of Baiutiridge, gave our city apop call Mon day afternoon. Rev. Mr. Melvev, the Presbyterian minister, was here Tuesday shaking hand with his friends. • Miss Vera ltawls left for Quincy Suu- . J »y where she will spend several weeks w Ti Visse- May Hnd Girirude Thomas. Mr. W. E. Smith, accompanied by hi* .daughter, Miss Ola, Passed through beie Tuesday enroute for Baiubridge on busi ness. Curry street is being cleaned up now. Oue of Post Master Wall’s children has been quite sick for several days. The farmers iu this part of theoouuty have begun their plowing. Mr N, C. Bell has recently purchase! a nice new piano. Mr. Bledsoe, the pinuo and organ agent, has been visiting this place for several U.yg. Mr. Wade Cox has about completed his new store house at thijs^fid.ioo. H. C. Bean i* having new dwelling house built on Broad street which will be f< r rent. My. Hinson hys a lot ol' timber boxed around Climax. He is a hustling turpen tine man. Mr A. J. IVulock has been improving his veddence. Prof, Lacky went tc Bain bridge Sat urday. H > is a good teacher aud gives p r ect tis etion. I There wui be prayer meeting at- llit , c J > fp«bvreriau church eyery Wednesday night ■ ...iss Annie Curry went to Baiubndg* last Saturday. ' A wedding occurred about three mile- east of this place yesterday the bride be ing only hfieeu years of ago, Our school is increasing rapidly, then being about sixty pupils enrolled n> w. Climax. Ga . Feb. 8. SCHOOL Hoy. Georgia, part of lots of laud No*.au7,erm talc ing slxtv-tivo audoiie-halfacroson tliosouth went, commencing four acres from the south-west corner, said parcel of laud being in the north-west, of said lot; and sixty acres of lot on the west side of lot No. ( mis) three hundred aud ninety eight In the tilth District of Decatur county, Georgia; .and one hun dred and thirty-three acres on the oust side of lot No S«1 in the county of Decatur, state of Georgia, for tl.e purpose of securing the payment of two certain promissory notes, dated Cairo, Ga., Nov. 1st, 18114, for thesum of One Hundred and Fifty-eight Dollars aud Seventy-five cents each, made by the said T. E. Garland, payable to u. W. Ragan or bearer with interest after Nov. 1st, ISM, at the ra<e of sight per cent per annum, and ten per cent of principal an J interest as attorney’s fees, which said Defendant refuses to pay; It Is therefore ordered that the sn,d T. E. Garland pay Into this Court,on or before the first day of the next term, the principal and Interest due on said notes, and the costs of suit; or In default thereof, tlie Court will proceed as to Justice shall appertain. Aud It is further ordered, thatthla Rule be served on said defendant T. E. Garland or his special ugent-or attorney, three months yreviutis to the next tern, of this Court. tv. N Spence, Judge Superior court. A true extract from the Minutes, C. W. Wimoehuey, Clerk. Dbcatuk Superior (’ourr, M w Term mkki: It Appearing to the Cuiirt that the Defend- ant In the within case does not reside in the county ot Decatur, but resides in the state of Florida, It Ison motion of Plaintiff's coun sel ordered that service of the within rule nisi he perfected on the said Defendant by publication according to Isa rhls Mavfflrd lWKI. 'V. N. Spfcvcr, Judge 8. C. ii. 0, lly the Court, 0. W. Vi iMauKLEV, Clerk. D. C. MAXWELL VS. J. B. DOLLAR 1 HULL NISI IN DKCA- J.T-K Surwtiou court, ) Not. Term, Ifloo. GEORGl A— Decatur County. It appearing to the Court by petition of Li C. Maxwell flmt J. I!. Dollar, on tlielltli day of January, man, executed and delivered to toe Hank of Tiionmsvlllo a mortgage on cor .lain lands in Decatur county, jo-wit: Om I hundred and ton acres of lam!, bcinu- a pant I of the east half of lot number three hundred anti throe iu the sixteenth district of Dean lur county, Gil., tor the purpose of securing the payment of a certain jironnssoi-y not,' made by the said J. it. CoTar, at principal, and D. C. Maxwell lynd J.(I.Coue,a' , SUU‘ttes, dated January lllli IIXXI, and due Ost istUKJO, payable to the Batik of Thoinusrillc, with ir. invest after maturity at tho rate of cigh* per cent, po* annum', and ton per cent, of principal and Interest us Attorney’s tecs which said nole and mor gage have boon duly assigned end transferred, to due course, of trade to U. c. Maxwell, winch said mite the slid Defendant refuses ro pay. It is therefor'.’ordered that the sold J. I!. Dollar pay Into this court on or before the first day of the next term, the prbietpul and iiUerext due on said note, and the costs ol suit, or tn default thereof, the Court will proceed ns tojustlc shall appertain. And It is I urther ordered mat this rule bo published in the Uaiubuldgu Democrat and se.irtch Light, two newspapers published in Decatur County, once a inouth for four months,or served on ’he said Defendant, J, U. Dollar, or his special agent ot attorney, liree months previous to tho uoxt term ol -IllsCourt. W.N Spkkce, Judge Superior Court Whittle & Dasher say they are prepar. ed to do hll kind* of hlaek-siuith work and will repair'and build buggies and wagons. 'I wio Newt. Fowltown, Ga., Feb. 8th. 1801. DbSJ>Kt< DRIFTS. DECATUR SHEKDT- SAi:E. GEORG I A—Decatur County : Will be sold berorethe court house door iu the city of null.bridge, Dccutnr county, Georgia, on tile til st 1 ue.sday ill March next dnrli g the legal hours of sale the fullowing described piopelty to-wlt: A house ill’ll lot In the city of Buluhridge Pocalur county, Georgia bounded on l. e north by Shot*ell street, on the south by property bi-louging t” tile estate of Mrs Cur ry’oh th»! east by residence af Mrs Nellie eutke and on the west bv property of A. B. Beleiiar, formerly owned by Mrs C I' Bonal- sun. Said lot froi’TiiiJ o.ll Shot wet I street IKS feet and running baclt south from Sllotwell street 8l7 ryet. said property being In the shape of au oblong square. Levied mam as the property of K J Wardell to satisfy a Cits (kiurtfi fa Issued from the December refin of the'City cdurt of diiIiibridge on oee JH, 1B0Q, upon a Judgepient rcrnli red thovelu on pr een bo'r llth IkO”, tn favor ol the Wntual Building Loan and Investment Company, of Baiubridge, Georgia, against K J tVardell, and other fi fas i my hands against said de fendant. SVlhten notice given defendant, 1- J Wardell, and .Sig Nussbanjn und nriiwnle NewsomeNussbainu, teiumts residing upon said land, as reqiured by law. Ihopcity pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Tills Feb8,1001. A. W. Fokpham.Sheriff. DECATUR SHERIFF SALE. GEi R ;IA- Dkcatur County : Will be sold before the court housedoorin the city of Ualnbi-ldge, Decatur county, Geor gia, on the first Tuesday in March liext, dur ing the legal horns of sale the tollowlug de scribed property to-wit: Twenty acres more or less of city lots lit the city of Baiubridge, Ga., bounded as fed lows: On the east by tiro Albany road, north by piop rty of Hinson Gross and llruvo and Niissbaum, and west by property of M N I’aulett, and being the property formerly ewued by Sig Nussbaum ami a. ri. Russell. Also a half undivided interest ih Hie dwell log house and lot. in Baiutiridge known as the D. K. Jones lot, bounded on the north by I’lanters street, south by property of l> D stultz and west by property of owners un known. Also, a half tndlvlded Interest in house and lot In Baiubridge, bounded on the east by Bl ond st., sontli by property of I 1 Hawes, west by property of 1.1). Morgan and north by property of Airs. F. S. Harrell, and levied on os the properly of Sig Nussbaum to satisfy all fain my hands in favor of me Mutual Building I.oali and Investment Co. vs. Sig Nussbaum. A. W. Forpham, Sheriff. Legal Advertisements- DECATUR SHERIFF SAI.F GE'iRGlA —IiKOAfUK county. Will 1)0 sold on the diet Tncsdar i-, m next, before tile court house dim eoufity In the city of Ltalnbridgc, saio , ?'> ty anti stale, between the legal'Hours,., '* theioliowlngsiescribed pro.jijrtv towlt- 54 A certain house and lot In thecltv nr u ■ bridge and described hs follows; ii,,\,,*V‘ .m the north by Bionghton steeet „!,,, east by house a rl lot occupied bv J h t, " but and belonging to tile bells 'ot w* 5 * Babbitt, on the west by Monroe street on the south by piopelty of J. m S-JJH levied on a* the property oi i. Biit,’,! . 11 satisfy a Ufa iu L.voi ef Frank a v 0 \l T. liabbitt. TIiIa Jan. IG(‘l I A. w. Fohpbam, Sheriff DECATUR SHERIFF SALK. GEORGIA—Decatur Couuty; Will bo sold before tiro court house door in tln»city of Bainbrldge on the first Tuesdai In Mardi next, duilng tiro legal hours of sale the following desoiibed property to-wit; One house and. lot, situated In the town of Whlghnm and bounded as follows; On the north bv first I-aral let street, on the east by Broughton street, on tho west by l’o',der street, and on the south by second 1-arallel street. Levied upon as li,e property of T II. Maxwell to satisfy an execution issued from the May Term of Decatur supe ior Court 18HI In favor of Merchants BanIsol Vat dosta, tluiisferred to D. Curry, vs T It Max well. Tills Fab’y 8.1'dOl. A. \V. Forpham, sheriff.. DECATUR TAX SALES,, GEORGIA—Decatur County ; Will be sold before tiro court home ,i 111 theeity of Baiubridge, Decatur coni,l'1 Georgia, on the first Tuesday In »'‘ tv l next, during the legal hours of sale the r * lowing described property to-wit - ’ '' ,l One dwelling House, and lor in tiro v ni . of Attapnlgus. in the With district nf luil,,,*'! county, Georgia, bounded on 1 h< erst i». Baiubridge and Attapnlgus district romi l,lt P the north and west by property b, longi,ro? the e-tate of Joe Cox, deceased, mil “n ,n south by district road leading from am „ .1 gns to Facevillc, Georgia, same belli* 1 ™ property on which Abram l.ongworili , lives and containing two (2) acres luoVs less. Divled on as the jiropertv of n» ' Longworth to satl-fy a Ft”te and coiinil ii rt fa issued by M. W. Bates, tax collect,,r I Decatur county, for state and county the year 1800. l.evy made ami letiiriaxi 3 me by A. A. Singletary, constable. Tha i,a 2f'th. iflOli A. Sv. Fohi'uam, fsheiiit.i Also at tjie same tlmoai.d place, lol oil ■ J No. seventy-four (74) in the tvCi’ty-flisi ,,,|i district of said county, exctpi five (■>- ai-»'I in the south-west corner of said lot cii.i.n , bv Mrs. K. Johnson, levied upon as th. properly t f M. i, Junestosatisfly astatesM county tax tlfa issued bv II WBates T ’ ooilector of said county, against M. 1. j m ,,i for unpaid tuxes for tiro year 11 oj. Thlsj,,, Stfth, 1001. A. IV. Fosmiam, Shc'iff Also, at tiro same, time and place lot ofls.'s No, forty-two (42) iu twentv-fivst district ,tl said county and stirte, eontalning two in,,', 1 dred and fifty (2S0) acres more or ient .e,i| levied on n» the pi cpertv of .W. W Mush I bourn toeutisfy a state aud county tax* r,l issued by M. vv. Bates, Tax CXiilector, lor in 1 paid lax for the year lanu. T h‘.» I eby. 7, laj! j Also, aft e same time and place, one linn ] dred amt fifty eeres off ol lot lnnd No hundred and two (402) pi the fifteenth d'l I trier, levied on as the property ol u.u HvderI to sitlisi y u State and oouhtv i ,x n t bv U. W. Bates, Tax Gollect'.f, for iniumj tax for the year IWIO, rills Keby, 7,1801. Also at the same time and place, three nil acres more or loss off of tile m>uth side of l„i of land No, two hundred rind four (Wr In the fifteenth (IS) district of said countv nni| bounded as folUvs: Dn the uortli b' lie I l ight of way of the S. F. & W. By. Oo „„ tlie south by Beinbridge nml Thontusvllb dirt road aud the southern land )Hie of him lot; on the west bv property cf l-cter Gary I and vunnldg to a point whoie the dirt roni erogses the s. F & W. By. at. tiro east end. field trnot being in shape of n triangle u uJ levied on as tho property or o. Dressier t» satisfy a state and county tar. ttfu tssuert !i« I M, tv. Hates, Tax Collector of said con-sly I against O. Dressier foi unpaid taxes lor the year lUOb. This Jan. SGbli, lliOl. A. W. Fop.nHAMTSIU’rtlf, THE GRSAT Mr. 8. E. Davis, of Blakely, paid us r ploRKHut Visit tliis week. Dr. Thomas Cliasou visited his bi-olker Mr. Jdo. Chasoti'Tuesdav. Mr, K. 8triukland, id' Iron City, paid a pleasant visit to our community \\ ed- uesday. The school at this place is progressing nicely under the superviaion ot Prof Barber and Miss F.jgerton Messrs. Green Banks and Frank Fnl ford, of Meigs attendeai the Wuiis.Ckas- A. P. Holt, on Went street, doee on Meduesda;. last. all kinds of harness making and re-! Mr ' Rud ^ KolRud H '*"- . • a . . j were down IhiH week to attumi the mar- pair work. Get his bed-rock prices, j ^ of Mr . Horn’s sister to Mr. K. ■ — ■ | Johusou, ot Lakeland. 1 can furnish your material for the* It seems to be quite a universal wish wood-workin your buildings. Every- ( teacher* of Decatur comity that thing cheap for the cash. Reid &' t , ho co ‘“ n ‘" i** «**» s E‘'U,oh 1 ( Light be restored. ol ' 4 ’ j Desset, Ga.. Feb. 2, 1901. N J. NOTICE. t'o nil whom it nmy conc<-V!f. \I1 cc»n true tor** nmi avcltitefs on* litjrrbv •i oil tied thut on the rtrstTuc><luy i •» Mtivi-k R0I, thr of County lUunnussioiierf* of Oecatm* county Will sit hi their t.fMte in liuiiibridgo, W*u. for the purpose of rcccl** • •nfjr unrt eonsttlerlng, or nftopttng, plans anO 'PceifleutlonKtor oourt house building tor ticl county.butK of bik-K with dtumf flnih- lugs to be cunirloicct, with all modern •quipnieuti*, ami sanitary arraugements. N(iuib<*r of ro«im«» * aultr* etr will he given ot: npphvatltiii; cost of building not to ex- '•oei!, $.‘>.V)tKMKL The plauti uecu, tecl are to|be paid f r by counts ^jii.tiiisaioner^v but they reserve the light lo le.rtt if they <l »sire nil plana and spaeifl-iUieve submil t ed. Address all con.uiudulitions to h. A. Lytle, Omirnirtu, Halnhridue, fia*. FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE. I have 6 jersey bulls from six months to two years old. eliigaUe to legist ration which I will sell cheap for cash, or would exchange them for beef cattle at. market value. Apply toT. M. Hines, Baiubridge. Ga. Have your old harness cleaned up and worked over—almost as good as row ai A. I*. Holt’s, Wafer street. 3Tirst Season ia Araercia One of the heal tented shows ever givenin Savannah ‘was that the Rod a Royal Show last Tuesday. An especially fine feature.w«r tl exhibition of beautiful trained bosses. . Armour’s Soaps and Washing Pow ders—each ten wrappers draw a pre mium, at Suns & Cliett’e City Rakery. fa, Women and Horses All Tents Absolutely Waterproof. Set Special Feature Which no Otl Show oat* Prod ce. ■CAPTAIN SHARP and HIS DETACHMENT- of GENUINE HOU( RIDERS, nil ot whom saw actual service at the famous Hattie of San Juan Hill. ' MADAM ROYAL, the most Famous of all Lady Manage Riders a Hofse Trainers. BUMP, THE $5,000 CKALLANGE HORSEBACK RIDING PON 50 HIGH CLASS PERFORMERS. 50. The Greatest Ssmfx? of Trained Animats «J ’ any Shaw in Existeis Trained Horses’ Ponies,'Dogs, Goats, Elephants, and Educated Animals of Every Kind. GRAND, G0KGKOUS STREET CARNIVAL will parade the ... pa! streets between 10 and 11 o’clock, a. tn. on the day of exhibition 1 girl with auburn hair will make a HIGH P1VE from a ladder 100 f high u to a net below. Free. Door* open at 1 and 7 r. ra. Performances commences »l 2 ana 8 oYlo