The Search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-1903, February 16, 1901, Image 1

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iumIs'er' NU 29. BAJNBRIDGE. DECATUR CO., GEORGIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1901, IN ADVANCE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF DECATUR COUNTY AND OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIOGE. 6UNDAV WITH THB METHODISTS. “Halleluiah, the Lord God, omip- Lent, Veigneth” was the text used by ,ey. \V. Sv Smith, the pastor, at the [ethodist church last Sunday morn- This young divine measured up to ie expectations of the large congre- ktion assembled, winch taxed the ipaoify of the building, and handled s subject in a masterful manner and ?ld the undivided attention of the mgregation throughout its delivery, u-ldom has a sermon been delivered i which so much interest manifested nd attention shown as was the ser- ion delivered by the pastor of the ilethodist church last Sunday morn- ng. The Methodists of Bainbndge are be congratulated upon having such man as W. F. Smith as their pas- or, and the citizens generally ought <o feel proud of the fact that such a ui,lister is in our midst and that wo lave the opportunity of hearing the $oapeI preached so earnestly and so (loquently by this man of God. - Reporter. IESOLUTIOS OFTHEBAINURIDUB IN'DE. * PENDENTS. In as much os it has pleased an Al- wise Providence to take from us our amented officer and comrade, Lieut. W. W. Palmer, bo it Resolve 1, That this Company, in his death, has lost a faithful, efficient and well loved officer, and each mem ber of this Company has lost a true and faithful friend aud valient com rade. Lot our expression be this: As a soldier and as a friend, he has always proven himself a true, faith ful aud noble hearted man. His loss canuot he compensated. Resolved further, That a copy of this resolution be transcribed and presented to bis bereaved family, and that tiiis resolution he published in the Search Light and Democrat. . B \R\KK-L INK. Married at the home of the bride’s parents four miles north of Brinson, Wednesday evening last, at ' 4 o’clock. Mr. Grey M. Barnes to Miss Ola Lane. W. R. Brown Es quire performing the ceremony. The pleasant affair was witnessed by a goodly number of the friends of the young people. The groom is an energetic and trustworthy young man of Brinson, having for several years been an era- ployoof the S. J. Warren m the lum ber business. The bride is the dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Lane, a prosperous citizen and farmer of his neighborhood. She is loved by all who know her. The skabcr Ligut joins a host of friends in wishing for them all of happiness and joy that life holds in store for those who journey togeth er. SOUKS AND V VLRNTINE8 By request we publish the follow ing verses which wero found in one of the sooks handed in at the enter tainment of the Ladies Aid Society Thursday night: Within this dainty sock 1 plant My hard earned pennies down. And trust that for each penny brought I’ll win some future crown. Let’s see—there's twenty and just one, Ail shining bright and new, (And if I gHin those twenty crowns, Why, pou shall haye one, too.) I've tried to write thislittle verse, And get through in a minute; It’s bad, perhaps, could have been worse, And that’s all there is in it. Ta. tn. adieu, some charming lass Should come so dove-like cooing; This valentine, I hope, wont pass, And leave me still awooing. G H Dillard, Bainbridge, Ga., does first-class carpenter work, and for the l owest cash figure. He furnishes es- i mates cheerfully and executes his work neatly. Give him a trial. The DeneCt ot the DoaM. Not long ago a young lady was spending oome weeks at a Scotch country house, and Just before dinner oue evening two cousins of the host- one of them the great man of the fam ily-arrived unexpectedly. Shortly be fore dinner woe announced the but ler sought the young lady and said to her confidentially: “We’re pottin on yesterday's sou pi. an for fear there shouklna lie enough, ye maun decline.” “Decline soupr esclatroed the young lady, much amused. “But. you know, John, rbat wouldn't lie manners.” *‘Xa.” said John coolly; “but they'll think ye keu nae better-,"—London tflt Bits. The Second Need. Stock man — Von remember that “pointer” you gave- me on tbs etreet yesterday? Bonds—Vca. What about It? Stockman—Why. 1 tried It, and as a YVKDDIKU LAST SUNDAY Married, at fche Methodist church in this city on Sunday morning last. Rev. W. F. Smith officiating, Mr. Ira Martin to Miss Ruth Barfield, both of this city. The gr >om is an Industrious young man of sober habits and merits the confidence of those who know him He will no doubt prove a land and loving husband. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Mary Sellers aud has many friends to wish her well. Their’s are the congratulations. FAIS WARING! Hunting and Shooting on our lauds POSITIVELY FORBIDDEN Numbers ot lots as follows: 15th District Decatur Co., Georgia -318, 847, 348, 357, 358,’359, 391 392, 401, 405, 307, 331, 272, 61, 82 100, 311,315, 310, 317, 346, 383 389, 271, 282, 305, 319, 353,399,28 386 (W. J), 362, 363, 370,55,57, 64 65, 60, 95, 90, 97, 56. 15-27 District—435, 447, 451. 27th District—344, 375, 377, 378 coiweiim-nce I’ve tome around to see if 241 242, 279," 280, 282, 318, 313 you couldn't let me have a retriever.— oa , oaa 01Q Hlcbmood Dispatch. If Cmttt, ‘Tm thinking nbout that lodger of . ours,” the landlord remarked to bis 432, 433 wife. “About w'lat?* “Be pays Ills rent so punctually I think I'd better rolat- it on liltn.”- Plilladelpliia Times. 320, 321, 360, 361, 399, 400, 213 214, 218, 344, 350, 382, 383, 384 385, 390, 400, 403, 404," 407, 430 Travelers say the hotels of Cairo. Egypt, are the lies! In the world. They are as good ns the beat continental be tels. better than the beet American ho tels and extremely better than the fashionable London hostdrius. 21st District—149, 184. We will prosecute to the fullest extent ot the law any and all parties violating this notice. WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY and will pay reward of $10.00 tq anyone fnrnir. 1* ing evidence to convict trespassers. FLINT KIVEit LUMBER COMPANY. * ‘ ^ ' % A VALENTINE. To Miss A : Sweet A , this returning day. Finds me t-ruo to thee in heart; Not one inconstant, sickly ray, Within its shrine doth hear a part; Sweet A , be mine,. My Valentine. Diana, in her midnight reign, Attests my sighs in dreams of thee; My roarings, oryings oannot wane Until I’m from this thraldom free; That blisstnl time, Sweet Valeutine. For thee, with Pluto I would share A dish of crow in cave forlorn, Or shave my cot. with Arctic fare. With polar hears—the Unicorn; I’m truly thine, Loved Valentine. For thee, Pd say farewell to all; My pipe, tobacco, toddy too, To Bacchus, bid adieu—the ball, Gool lager aud champagne eschew; O! speed the time, Dear Valentine. For thee, Leauder’s fame should pale, I’d swim the olassio Flint a yeftr; Like Jonah, masticate a whale, Or take oold poison without fear. Mine in each line, Sweet Valentine. I’d wade without my socks or boots, Lake Douglas, in this wintry blast. I’d live on gophers, jay birds. roots; My lot with wild cats sweetly cast, If y -u'll he mine, My Valentine.' For thee, rpon my foaming steed, Pegasus like, through storm I'd fly, Through tangled woi ids and briar weed', While yellow jacket# I’d defy; O, say I’m thhie, Loved Valentine. For thee, defy earth’s darkest scowls, Join the Pythians—bear each load; Live with bears, Ocklocknee owls; Eat gator fried, or a la mode. If tlion’d be mine. My Valentine^ Your peerless self, O. give to me; OI Queenly A . fair one! be mine A sunbeam iu my heart ’twilT he; Be more to me than Valeutine; For bliss 1 pine, Sweet Valentine. —Edward. BPYVORTII LEAGUE. The Epworth League is one of the growing institutions of our city. Great interest is being manifested by its members, and its ranks are being augmented at every meeting. Althou gh a Methodist organization, yet members of all denominations are r-{ oeivedinto its membership. The League, through its various departments—the Devotionnl, the Charity ami Help, and the Literary and Social—are doing a great work. The Charity and Help department is one of the most important depart ments of League work; this depart ment has in charge tiie visiting of the sick, ministering to their wants in every way possible, supplying them with food aud clothing, and every thing needful for their comfort. The DovotiouUl meetings are held every Monday night and the general puhlio are invited to attend. Very inter esting and profitable evenings are spent at the Literary and Social meet ings of the League, which are held once a month. The Lcaguo at Its business meeting elected the following officers lor the ensuing year: President, B. F. Hawes; 1st V. 1\, A. L. Townsend; 2nd V. P., Mrs. Mary K. Sellers; 8rd V. P., Mrs,Siluie R. Hamilton; Sec retary, Dr. LI. D. Wilson; Treasurer, Miss Minnie Howard. AT Tllb SET UP THB SDK. At the set of the sun. Wbeu our work is done, With all its tangled weh; When the clouds drift low. And the stream runs slow, And life is at its ebb; As we near-the goal, When the golden bowl Shall be broken at its fount.; With what- sweetest thought Shall the hour be fraught, What precious most shall we count? Not the flame of the sword, Nor the wealth we have stored In the perishable things of earth— Not the way we have trod With the intellect broad, Though that were of precious worth; Nor the gain we achieved Through the hearts we have grieved. And left unhelped by the way; Nor the laurel of fame, When, for worldly acclaim' We toiled in the heat aud the fray. Ah. nyl 'tis not these Will give our hearts ease When life sinks low in the west, But the passing sweet thought Of the good wo have wrought, The -lulddned lives we have blest. And the lose we have won. And M .e love bccko;;i..i > . From hi-, i ,*hv -i)d j.»i: Love oni -it the light Shining into fhe nisht. i l.c iiglit A'hicn lendevh t-. him V. P, 11•*! ‘. -r:i West, street, doe* ail kinds i: harness making and re pair work. Get his bed-rock prices. SUPERIOR COURT ADJOURNED TO PED- fcUAUY IS. The regular November term 1900, of. tlio Superior Court of Deoatur County, having been adjourned over to the first Monday in B'ubruarv, 1901, and it being impossible for me to attend said adjourned term from sickness of myself. - It is therefore ordered that said adjourned term of said Court bo, and it is hereby adjourned over to the third Monday in February 1901 and the Clerk of said Court, is hereby directed to adjourn, said Court over to said time and advertise the same as provided by law. The Jur ors who were to attend said Court, on said first Monday will attend same on said third Monday. W. N. Spence, J, S. C. A. C. By the Court. C' W. VVimbcrley, Clerk 8. C. IIOILER EXPLODES. A very disastrous explosion occur, ed at Damascus, 10 miles south of Arlington, on the Gh. Pine Ry., Thursday uiglit about. 7 o’clock, iu winch two men lost their lives and two others lie at death’s door. The hands had knocked off at the mill else would the disaster have been mdre appalling. The cause of the explosiori is un known as the boiler was a new one and thought to be in perfect condit ion. Two negroes were killed out right and a white man was terribly scalded. Another negro was struck with a (lying missile and will proba bly die. The entire mill was wrecked and Mr. Cleeves, the owner, sustained onsiderable loss. For i.h*s, weakii«m* nid proMimium . t-.Jli’v.iiiqr .npjie thpre >* nothing m> ‘ iiii.mpi *:nl eff< i-tivo in. Oue Minute : Cong!' J ' ><■ This preparation is ! Iiigi-U e.tilurfivd- iH an unfailing-rem- t-tly l«»r ill tbi.tat and lung trouhb-.- .ind sis h:ii!\ use prevents cons.imp' 1 i It is made to cure quickly. U. L. iiicks. A DELIGHTFUL SOUK AFFAIR. The entertainment given un-lVr the auspices of the Ladies Aid Socie ty .of the Methodist church at the home of, Mr. aud Mrs. At. W. How ard Thursday evening, was a most decided success. The affair was in the nature of a sock party. In send ing oat invitations, small souks were inclosed with a request that each one coming would place twice as many pennies in the sock ns the size they wore. About $45.50, was tak en in and will be placed to theerodit of the pnrsonnge fund. The evening presented many rare features, among them songs, recks J tions and a valentine post office, and delightful refreshments. The reoi tatious by Misses Thompson and Callahan, Mrs. Mathis and little Willie May Callahan were excel lent, and won the applause of the listeners. Mr. and Mrs. IJoword and Miss Minnie Howard left nothing unat tended for the comfort and pleasure of the guests. And to their efforts iu a large measure was due the success of the evening. At 1l:45 the guests had departed, much pleased with the hospitality received at the hands of- their -host aud hostesses, and the organization under whoso auspices the affair had been conducted. Wc tako pleasure in extending to those who contributed to the occas ion by their preseuue and their pen nies, the thanks of the Ladtei Aid Society of the Methodist church. HIGH DIVER IS DEAD. Many of those who saw “Profess or” Thompson and wife make the “high dive” nt the carnival held in this city last fall will regret to bear that the unfortunate man lias made his last dive. The following from the Selma, Ala., correspondence to the Montgomery Advertiser tells the story: “News reached the citv today that Thompson, the high diver who was here with the, street fair, is dead, he was killed at Jackson Miss., where bis foot slipped as he was leaving his stand some 85 feet above the ground. The unfortunate man struck the ground between the lad der and the tauk of water, breaking his neck. His wife declares she is going on diving until she is killed. Thompson always said bis prayers while in this city before cliinbiog to the giddy peroh from which he leap ed. Many persons expressed regret over the accident,” The executive committee of the Southern Colton Growers Associa tion met m Atlanta Thursday to con sider matters of interest to their peo ple. It was the purpose of the meet ing to secure a more systematic ef fort on the part of each state to briog about coucertcd action iu the matter of scouring better prices next season. Among Georgia’s judiciary is the distinguished Judge A., W. Fite, of the Cherokee Circuit, and it is a sig mfioant tact that seldom during hw t<Tcu on the bench has he had to repi i- 1 iu ind nrjiiror, witness or member of j ti,c bar for contempt of court. ! Crescent Coffee Mill’s Java and | Mocha Roasted Coffee—one and t.nroo pound cans at 35o.' aud $1 — nothing better on the market—to I e found at Sims & Clielt’s City , Bakery.