The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, October 09, 1903, Image 4

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From Climax. Walter Allen and Paul Trulock visited Amsterdam recently. Mr. J. D. Harrell of Bainbridge spent Wednesday in Climax. Miss Maggie Hinson of Hinson Fla., visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Paxker left last week for Whigham where they will reside in future. Miss Mabel Herring spent Satur day and Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Herring. Miss Mattie Funderburk,* of Iron •ity, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Flora Boyce this week. Mr. Jeff Glisson came over from Faceville on another flying visit lazt Sunday and returned on the evening trait. Miss Veda Gainey, of Fowltown has returned to hei home after a few days visit to her Aunt Mrs. W. E. Powell. Mr. Walter Swicord of Savannah and his sister Mrs. J. M. Flynn of VFayci'Oss who lias been visiting rel atives here returned home Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Roberts, Mrs. J, C. Griffin, of Fowltown and Miss Lottie Denny of Amsterdam attended the Sabbath School Institute here Fri day. Mrs. II. 1’. Thomas who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dunean Curry, lor the past two months, left Tuesday for her home in Allan'a. Miss Annie Curry closed another snoccRBfnl term of school at Fowl- town last Friday, and we are de lighted to have her home for the holidays, ^JOr. W, A. Powell of Cairo who kaa been in the United Slates Army for the past two years pasgcd through Climax Monday cnroute to Dothan Ala., to visit relatives. Mr. B. W. Cox moved into his comfortable new residence this week. We nro sorry to lose his interesting family from our midst even though they b« hut two miles out of town. Misses Mattie Lee Averitt, Vera and Lyda Rawls, three very pretty girls of Fowltown who have been the guests of Miss Alice Trulock for the past several days have returned home. Roy. E. L. Padrick, who has serv ed this charge quite acceptably for the past three years has been ap pointed to the work at Lake Park. He am) his family depart this week for their home. The Sabbath School Institute held here on last Friday was successful and enjoyable beyond our fondest hopes. The day perfect, the dinner delicious and bountiful, the address es—well, they were simply superb, and Climax’ latch string will always be on the outside for Messrs Per kins. McCarty, Merrell and Hardy. The mere presence of such men is a blessing, and our pastor lias our sin cere thanks for the inauguration of the Sabbath School Institute. Miss Sallio Curry, one ot our most beautiful and popular young ladies leaves Thursday morning with her sister, Mrs H, P. Thomas, for At lanta, where she will spend a few days and thence to Adairsvilie, where she is to he bridesmaid ft the wedding of a friend.' She will re- tarn to Atlanta for the holiday sea son and in January will enttr Brenan Conservatory at Gainesville, Qa. We regret losing her for so loag a time. A Daace at the Waiuaa. The Bainbridge German Club gave a most delightful dance at the Waininan Hotel on Thmsday of last week. The evening was ideal for danci g and the sweet music dispensed bv the talented orchestra from Tallahassee was rs pecially enjoyed by all the partici pants. JThere were about thirty couples present many of whom were visitors and the scene pre sented an unusually gala appear ance. Several figures of the ger man were danced, Mrs. W. S. Thompson of Bremen leading with Mr. Erie Donalson. During the evening dainty and delectable refreshments were served ir. the spacious dining room and not untd the early hours ot the morning did the revelry cease. This is the first of a scries of dan ces to be given by the club which is a recent organization. Judge Speer is Merciful. In the United States court at Augusta recently Rainey K. Strib. ling entered a plea of guilty to the charge of illicit distilling. The grand jury and district attorney asked for the mercy of the court, it being represented that he was very poor and that his family, the mother being sick, were in desti tute circumstances and in need of his helpdf the bread winner. Judge Speer sain that he would carry out his recommendation and give him the minimum sentence, a month in jail and a fine of £100. “Were you ever in jail ?" asked Judge Speer “No sir,” replied the defendant. “Then you do not. know what a bad place the jaii is, do you?’’ was the next question. The prisoner confessed his ignorance, except by hearsay. “Well, I shall not let you rely strictly upon your imagination in the future, however vivid it may be, as to how bad a place it may be. I shall send you to see. Judge Speer then directed that Stribling he confined in the Rich mond county jail until sundown, at which time an order suspending his sentence during his good be havior wont into effect. A burden was lifted irom the prisoner’s face at this announcement. “Has any one a Greer’s alma nac ?” asken the court. No one could supply the wapt. “Well, it does not matter, I will leave it to the jailor to say at what hour it is sunset.” And when the sun had settled behind the western hills, Strib- ling, the distiller, went his way re joicing. Notice to White Teachers. Special Examination December 30 and 31, 1903. A special examination of appli cants for teachers’ licenses will be held at the College in - Bainbridge, beginning Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock and continuing two days. The examination wi\l be on the common school branches in cluding physiology and the science and practice of teaching. | All pa-ties desiring to teach in the white public schools of Deca fur county before the next state examination and who do not hold a license issued for this county are expected to take a special ex amination. J. S. Bradwell, C. S. C. y A Proclamation. GEORGIA:—By ,J. AT. Terrell, Governor of said State. Whereas, Official information ha6 been received at this Department that on (lie 19th day of October 1909. in the county of Decatur, some unknown person committed murder upon the person of Knnsam r l emples and escaped and is now a fugitive from justice. I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this my Proclamation, hereby of fering a reward «t One Hundred Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of said unknown person with evidence suf ficient to convict to the sheriff of Deca tur comity, Georgia. And I do, moreover, charge and re quire all officers in this state, civil and military, to be vigilant in endeavoring toappr-hend -aid unknown person in order that lie may be brought to trial lor the offense with which he stands charged. Given under my hand and seal of the State, this the 3rd day of December 1903. J. M. TERRELL, Governor, My the Governor: Philip Cook, Sec'y of State. The Quincy Herald and Era has discovered that Lake City, Fla., has joined Bainbridge in her pro testations against the unfairness of the Tallahassee team. By way of correction we desire to say that Bainbridge has never charged the Tallahassee team as being any. Ihing but a gentlemanly lot of fel lows; at the same time she has protested vigorously against the very intemperate conduct of one certain noteworthy Mr. Hughes, the coach of the team and who de- uiai.ueu the luuunassee boys to return home over night, reUisin»- the hospitality of the Bainbridge boys, however the incident is closed, and wc leave our delight ful sister city Tallahassee, to” do homage lo her invincible coach, the G-e-n-t-1 e-m-a-n from ff-a-r- v a-r-d, Tax Notice. I will be at the following precincts on dates named below for the purpose of collecting State and County Taxes for the year 1908 . Kendricks, Friday. “ 30 Pine Hill. Saturday. “ 31 Bainbridge, Mouday, November 3 Spriig Oieek, Tuesday, “ 3 Donalsomille, Wednesday, “ 4 S’eam Mill, Thursday, “ 6 Iron City, Friday, ’ 0 Rock Pond, Saturday, “ 7 Belchers. Monday, “ 23 ime Sink, Tuesday “ 24 Blowing Cave, Wednesday, * 25 Spring Hill, Thursday, “ 26 Reagans, Friday, “ 27 Higdon, Saturday, " 28 Will be at Bainbridge two week of November superior court. Books will p< sitiyely dose December 20 1903. Respectfully, M. W. Bates T. C. Important Notice. Court of Ordiuarv Decatur County: To applications filed for pensions for 1003 ami amended application- (he fol lowing are those allowed: E. E Barber, J, G. limes. John Mashburu, Jeff Love G. Gilpin. G. H. Mills, N. X. Lambeit, L. C. Draffin, J. B. Wilson, F. J. Shores Mrs. A. E. Belcher, Mrs. Na-mv Sanders Mrs. M. A. Inlow, Mrs. Elizabeth Wil liams. and Mrs. M. tt. Herring. Appli cations not allowed and returned to this office are as follows: ,J. V. .'lathis, J. T. Lodge, J. L. llalloway, L. W. Barfield, W. H. Mills, Mrs. Elizabeth Mock, Mrs. N. A. Dawson, Mrs. A, A. Buchanan, Mr*. S. A. Lovett. Indigent soldiers disapproved and filed in pension office in Atlanta, viz: G. W. Cowart, Ben Franklin, J. E Thurshy, W. M. Dollar, L. W. Griffin, Thos. Faircloth. Calvin Kelly, and for increase of pensions also filed in pension office hut not approved viz: 11. A. George. Instructions will be given later on to those whose applications were approved when to file their vouchers for their claims. T. B, Maxwell, Ordinary, Notice. Notice is hereby given that there will be sold before the court hou-e door in Bainbridge, Ga.. at public outcry to the highest bidder, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January, 1904, the following property towit: The dwelling house now occupied by Mrs. McLeod, situated west of the new court house in the city of Bainbridge, pur chaser to remove same within ten days. Also one iron safe, Herring's Patent," 3 continental office chairs, four desks and filing cases, 3 tables, judge’s stand in old court house, 9 benches and various other articles therein. Ifiie large filing on-e, one-legal blank filing case, two ta bles. one office chair. Terms cash. By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Decatur County. JOE H, GILPIN, Clerk. Notice. All persons nre hereby warned not to pick up, sell or otherwise dispose of our Cypress Logs on 1 he Flint river nor to alter, change or deface our brand on same. All persons are also warn ed not to buy any of our logs. _ The Cypress Lumber Co. Apalachicola, Fla. ~ TRESPASS NOTICE. All parties are he.ieby warned against hunting or fishing or in any way trespass - ing on my lands Nos. 218." 219, 232. 233. 234. 237, 238. 239, 249. 241,248, situated in the forks of Spring creek and Flint river, E. G. Piper, This Nov. 1-19011, When solicited to insure in other companies Remember that “THE MUTUAL LIFE” 1 OF NEW YORK is the Olde6t, Largest, Safest and Cheapest as its large dividend returns reduces the final cost of insurance to a minimum—it is the strongest financial insti tute in the world—its assets amounting to £400,000.00 EDGAR MORGAN, SPECIAL AGENT, Bainbridge - Ga. Newly Renovated Throughout Clean Towels 4. Sharp Razors. Good Service. ALLEN BURGESS, Prop. Roofing a specialty. AH calls given prompt aiention. F. A/Preston, Timing, Plumbing and Gas Fittljj Gunsmithingand Sheet Metal W01 of a!/ kinds. Old roofs repaired aryl repainted. Orders solicited. F./A. Preston, Troupe Street. I Bainbridge, 0 Rural Route/Mail Boxes Approved^ Postftffice Department. L-. 3P- EEjtrC-J=-c"Z\ Bainbridge, Ga., BOOKS, STATIONERY, PERIODICALS. TYPEWRITERS Sc OFFICE SUPPLIES. A CIRCULATING LIBRARY, the CREAM OF MODERN FICTION. : : : : : : HAVE YOUR OLD OUN Repaired as good as new; we do the work, •cccococc* DOES YOUR KEY F8T? IF NOT, wc will make it do so. 200$ B 1 a n U K e v s just received—all - zcs. Bring us your Bicycles for repairs. : Phone IS). STANSEL BROS- R unbridge : : : Georgia. VVest $