Newspaper Page Text
Suniber 51.
Bainbridge, Qa., October 16, 1903.
$1.00 in Advance-
Bji pump
tv deuce
ur County.
SurtofsKi'l countt.
I e Allen, " E
Lmi. »li «f , UeUilt, ‘‘'
e-pectfuliy ^Iiowech.
* The
toe curpumlmn M
lC ii>ii! liuMiie^s is to
and otherwise cul-
, r otherwise acquire,
t „ build, shade,
nip, lease or other-
tep.selves or others,
iiiui oure. sort.
ict'O in wuue
is with others to buy,
to otherwise deal
buy,sell niul other-
cigarettes, chew in tr
any other form ot
uniuiuiufactured to-
istruct. lease or o:h-
rate and use irriga
te! Is, build tauks,
houses utid
l to do any
o apply artifiieial;
nd to lease’, sell or
)r rent to others,
e a ini to charge
the same,
ills, sugar
inic.tacture into any
ot' th* 1 soil, either
,,e;i own or other-
g houses, refrigera-1
andiiiu: and preserv- j
other meats, to selli
jiio-e ot. or manu
re handle the by-
idsource, and to com-!
ign matter,
jtiildiugs. iua-
,nti' cars, ele- 1
■ic works, aq-
MVs, and rail-
t hereof,
opeiate same, except
' shall not maintain or
Mi ur canal in the
ua common carrier.
;htof eminent domain
ate or otherwise con-
si, stores and other
3 ut wares, aierchau-
ofevery kind and de-
obtiin. register, pur-
be wi.-o to acquire and
operate an i introduce
or otherwise to dis«
»marks, trade names,
m, improvements and
connection with or je
ers patent of the United
kre, or otherwise no
fiV such trade-marks,
lirocesses and the like
wv or rights,
ov other nmnufactur-
truction or t^ansporta-
«y kind or character
tbat end to acquire
^ ol any and _ ail
itock. bonds ana
‘? ver y kind but not to
edw-. hereunder which
®x*»rcise of the right of
1 within the state of
purchase, subscription,
u t° hold or dispose of
r *jy other obligation of
1 formed for, or then
^ed in , r pi lr8Q
^of the kinds of bus-
Ejects or operations
or owning or holding
“y kind herein ir.en-
pfporation owning or
°r the obligations of
L? l “ eut or otherwise
auy stock, bonds,
ot a,l J' such corpora-
Jmanner any corpor-
tbond. or other obli-
manner guaran
ty, and to do i
^designed for any
kwiit owner of auy
» ri!u et ot,li gations,
‘Pts, powers and
privileges of ownership thereof, and to
exercise all the rights, powers and priv
ileges of ownership thereof, and to ox-
eroise any and all voting power thereon.
The business of the Company or pur
pose ot the Company is from time to
time to do any one or mote of the acts
and things herein set forth, and it may
oonduct, its business in other states, and
in the Territories and in foreign coun-
tries, and may have one offiice or more
than oue oilice and keep the books of
the udtnpany outside the state of (Jeor-
gir, except as otherwise provided by
law, and hold purchase, mortgage, and
convey real and personal property,
either in or out of the state of Georgia.
Without in any particular limiting any
of the objects and powers of the corpor
ation, it is hereby expressly declared
and provided that the corporation shall
have the poster to issue bonds and oth
er obligations in payment for propet-tv
purchased or acquired by it, or for any
other object in or about its business; to
mortgage or pledge anv stocks, bonds or
other obligations, or auy property-
acquired by it to secure any bonds or
otiier obligations by it issued or incurred;
to guarantee any dividends or bonds or
contracts, or other obligations; to make
and perform contracts of any kind or de
scription and in carrying out its business
or for the purpose of attaining or furtli
Bring any of its objects, to do any and
all other acts and things and to exercise
any and all other powers which a co
partnership or natural person could do
and exercise, and which now or hereafter
may be ; uthorized by law.
The minimum capital stock of the
corporation it one hundred thousand
dollars ($100,000.00 divided into ten
thousand shares of the pat- value of ten
dollars each, Frbni time to time the
capital stock may be increased in stu-h
manuer and such amounts as the Direc
tors may deem to the best interests of
tire corporation, until the total author,
ized capital of said company shall be
Five Hundred Thousand Dollars.
.Said capital stack may he paid for by-
property or other thing of value, said
values to be placed by the Dire.tors
upon said property and such action upon
their part shall be final and shah bind
the stockholders. Said company is to
commence business wh'-n ten per cent,
of the minimum capital stock is paid in.
The company shall have the right to
issue preferred stock up to aud not ex
ceeding one half of the total authorized
capital stock of said company.
The holders of such preferred stock
shall be entitled to receive when, and
as declared from I he surplus or net.
profits of the corporation, yearly divi
dends at the rate of seven per centum
per annum, and no more, payable yearly-
on dates to be fixed by the by-laws-
The dividends on the preferred stock
-hall be cumulative, and snail be paya
hie before any dividend on the common
stock shall be paid or set apart; so that
if in any year dividends amounting to
seven per centum shall rot have been
paid thereon, the deficiency shall be
payable before anv dividends shall be
paid upon or set apart for the common
Whenever all cumulative dividends on
the preferred stock for all previous
years shall have been declared and shall
have become payable and the accrued
interest for the present year shall have
been set aside and! the company shall
have paid such cumulative dividends for
the preyious years, and suen accrued in
terest for the ensuing year, or shall have
set aside a sum sufficient for the pay
ment thereof the Board of Directors
may declare dividends on the common
stock payable then or thereafter, out of
the remaining surplus or net profits.
The number of Directors of the com
pany shall be fixed from time to time bv
the by-laws, but the number, if fixed at
more than three, shall be some multple
of three. The Directors shall be classi
fied with respect to the time for which
they shall severally hold office by divid
ing them into three classes, each consist
ing of one-third of .he whole number of
the Board of Directors. The Board of
Directors of the first class shall be elect
ed for a term of one year, the Directors
of the second class for a term of two
years and the Directors of the third
class tor a term of three years, and at
each annual election, j the successors to
the class of Directors‘whose terms shall
expire in this year shall be elected to
hold office for t_e term of three years so
that the term of oue class of Directors
shall expire in each year. The number
of Directors shall he fixed at three, but
may bo increased in the manner set
forth above, and as turt.ier provided in
the by-laws.
In case of a vacancy in any class of
Directors through death, regisnation,
di.-quHlifi'-ation or other cause, the re
maining Directors, by affiirmotive vote
of a majority of the Board of Directors,
may elect-a successor to hold office for
the unexpired term of the Director
whose place shall be vacated and until
the election of a successor.
The Board of Directors shall have
power to hold then meetings at such
places as they- may deem nest, or may
be designated by the by-laws, The by
laws may prescribe the number of Di
rectors necessary to constitute a quorum
of the Board of Directors, which num
ber may be less than a majority of the
whole number of the Directors.
Unless authorized by votes given in
person or bv proxy bv stockholders,
holding at least two-thirds of the capital
stock of the corporation aud which is
represented and vor.ed upon in person or
by proxy at a meeting specially called
for tire purpose’ or at an annual meet
ing, the Board of Directors shall not
mortgage or pledge any of its real prop
erty or any shares of the capital stock
of auy- other corpoiation, hut this pro
hibition shall not he construed to apply
to the execution of any purchase money
mortgage or any other purchase money
Any action requiring the consent of
the holds of two-thirds of the stock at
an, meeting, after notice to them given
either in person or by mailing a. notice
lo their last address, or required their
consent in writing filed, may be taken
..pou the consent of, and llie consent
given and filed by the holders of two
thirds ot i he stock of each emss repre
sented at such meeting by" person or by-
proxy, and not upon two-thirds of
the whole number of stock-holders
The principal pmee ot business of said
company shall beat Bainbridge. Decatur
county, Georgia, with the right to es
tablish other branch offices as they
see tit, either in or out of this state. 'The
cor,,oration shall have the right to have
and u-e a common seal, to sue and he
sued, plead ami lie plead, and lo have
all the rights, privileges, immunities and
'liabilities incident to corporations in ibis
state, for the full end and term of t.wen
ty years, with the privilege of .enewal
as provided by- law.
Wherefore petitioners pray that this
petition may be tired and reoorled as
provided by law. and when same has
been published as provided by law. and
when the same has been published
as provided Isy statute, that an order
may be passed inc rporating petitioners
under the name and style and in the
manner and with the restriction-, and
regulations and for the purposes and
under the conditions herein set out.
This September 17. A. D.. 19011.
F K. Graham,
Attorney for Petitioners.
Filed in office this .September 18.19011.
(J. W. WlMBBRLBY. U'lerk.
Georgia—Decatur County.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct copy of the •original
application for charter of ‘-Southern 'To
bacco Company,” now on file in my of
fice This Sept. 18th, 1903.
C. W. WiMBBRbEY, Clerk S. 0.
During the Georgia State Fair at
Macon, the Georgia, Florida and
Alabama railway will operate eles
gant through coaches between Tal
lahassee, Fla. and Macon on the fol
lowing schedule: Leave Tallahassee
6:15 a. m.; leave Bainbridge 8:25 a.
m.; arrive at Cutlibert 11:35 a. m.
leave Cutlibert 11:45 a. m.; (take
dinner at Sraithville) arrive at Ma
con 4:00 p. m. Returning: Leave
Macon 11:40 a. m.; (take dinner at
Smithville) arrive Cutlibert 4:22 p.
m.; leave Cutlibert 4:15 p. m.; Ar
rive Bainbridge 7:02 p. m.; arrive
Tallahassee 9:00 p. m.
Georgia State Fair.
The features of the state fair have
been so far matured, that a mention of
them is a pr.ctical presentation ot the
official program which the program com
mittee is getting into form for public an
The first day of the fair, October 21,
is --Press Day.” On that date Macon
and the Macon fair association, under
the auspices of the Georgia State Agri-
cultural Society, will formally open the
the exhibition, by an entertainment of
proposes to seek an op ortumty to tes
tify her apDreciation. The formal open
ing will he observed with appr prune
ceremonies. Following this will be an
old-fashioned Georgia barbecue, t-nder-
ed the pencil pushers of t ie state, and
other entertainment.
Ootoher 22 is-‘North Carolina Day.”
This event will he one of the red-letter
features of the fair. From far aud li- ar
message- of oheer«have come to the local
committee, having in charge the ar
rangements fi.r the reunion of the sons
and daughters of the -'Did North State”
residents in Georgia. Many distinguish
ed representatives of NortU C retina will
come to Maoou to participate in the
pleasures of the reunion.
October 23 is “Military Day.” Not
ress than twenty- companies of Georgia
State troops will compete for the liberal
prizes o“ ere . In addition, the crack
cadet corps of the several military insti
tutes will participate. 'The fairgroum.s
for one day will ado the picturesquei ess
of the tented field, to its many other at
Saturday, October 24 is --Drummers
Day.” No force iu all the state have
done more loj al work for the State Fair
than the "Knights of the Grip.” Eyery-
whe e—at the hotels, en route oil ttie
railroad trains, in i he lores of custom
ers—they have talked the Stat‘ Fair—
bandied it as a side tine . The keys of
the city will lie ha ded to til iu on
"Drummers Dav ” and they will own
the Fair and the fullness thereof.
Sunday, October 25. C,interne's fa
mous band will entertain w tb a acred
concert. While all exhibition halls and
all other features of the Fair will be
closed, the music which U mteruo will
render x-ill of itself be worth a journey
across the state to hear.
Monday. October 20. the Georgia Farm
ers Congress, with over one thousand
delegates will lie opened The sessions
of the congress, which will lie on,of the
most interesting features of tire Fair,
will continue fite days. It will he ad-
dte.-sed each day Ly a noted authority
on topics of peculiar interest to the
The races will also commence October
20. The raiest racing sport eyer pre
sented at a State Fair will he witnessed
by all w‘-o attend Entries are being
made from all sections of the country.
Not less than 200 horses will bo stabled
at the park during the race week of the
Twelve counties have already applied
for space for county exhibits, which
guarantee the greatest display of agri
cultural products ever assembled in the
history of the state.
The Block aim poultry exhibits and
the dsplay of farm machinery aud im
plements will bs immense in their pro
The amusements of the fair will equal
the other features. The grand “Arcade”
will be a magnificent revelation, out-
clas ing anything ever attempted at any
previous State Fair in variety aud per
The park is to be wired for hundreds
of electric lights, so that at night it will
present an entrancing scene—while
above the sky will lie lit by the glow of
fireworks, and (Jonterno’s hand will ray-
ish the ear with its incomparable melo
The railroads have authorized a rate
or one fare for the round trip. One cent
and a half a mile each way. The State
Fair will be held at a season when all
people can spare the time to come to
Macon and enjoy a holiday. It will be
an opportunity to renew old acquaint
ances and make new ones. It will offer
a ebance to learn something more of fhe
state than was known before. The
State Fair will be a course in liberal ed