Newspaper Page Text
Fna Wfcigbaa.
lira. Miry Lasseter returned from
Boston Monday.
E. P. Trulock, of Quinoy, is borne
on a few days recreation.
Mr*. Dock Rawls of Calvary waa
in Whigham Tuesday shopping.
A. E, Maxwell went down io
Thomasrille this week on a business
W. C. Futril and family left Thurs
day for their new home at Soperton
Mr. ana Mrs. Elisha Martin from
Lime Sink district were in Whigham
Wade Cox a live livery man of
Climax was a guest In Whigham
this week.
Miss May Striokland and mother
of Calvary were shopping in town
this week.
Miss Ethel Perry spent last Satur
day and Sunday with her parents at
Mrs. Billie Williams, from Spring
Hill church, was a guest in the city
this week.
Dr. Calvin Graham returned to
Atlanta Wednesday to complete his
oourse io dentistry.
Dr. and Mrs. M. M. McCord spent
Saturday and Sunday with their
parents in Tallahassee.
Mrs. Jesse Maxwell and little
daughters of Sofkee were guests of
Mrs. M. M. Quinn Friday. ,
J. It. Hamrick, of Thomasville, is
here in the interest of the sewing
machine business for C. B. Quinn.
Mr. and Mrs. Lias Harrell and
daughter were the guests of the
family of Mr. Bill Owens during the
Mrs. Daniel Ponder and daughter,'
Miss Jennie, trom Connell Academy
settlement, wero visitors to the city
Tiie protracted meeting at the
Methodist church is Iargoly attended
and by the aid of Kov. / Clark, of
Camilla, there is prospects of a great
Allen Womblc while on. his way
to the Association at Magnolia last
week killed a largo rattle snake in
the road near Whigham. He used a
fence rail on the monster.
Miss Mary Crowder is muoh im
proved. Her brother left for his
home Sunday. Mrs. Ct owder, her
mother, will remain till Miss Mary
is able to go home with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodberry, of Don-
aisonville, are at the MoNair House.
Mr. Woodberry will open up a mer
cantile business as soon as the ooun-
ters and shelving can be put in the
Hurrah! Whigbam’s lavg'i brick
Hotel is now under headway. If
every proporty owner in Whigham
would improve it as M. C. Bell has,
it would soon be a town of several
thousand inhabitants.
Little Vannie, the two year old
ohild of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bell died
of pnuuraonia.Tuesdny evening last
at 8 o’clock at the home of Mr. John
D. Harrell. They were there on a
visit since Saturday. It was taken
Saturday night and died Tuesday.
liov. J. U. Jester, of Bainbridge,
ltev. Alex W. Bealer, of Thomas-
ville, and Dr. 8. Y. Jameson, of At
lanta, were guests of Rev. N. G.
Christopher, Col. R. It. Terrell and
.1. R. Peeble, of Whigham, during
the association last week near here.
Miss Bessie Poppell returned from
Virginia Tuesday where she attend
ed United States Court, as a witness
in a case of a $5 money order which
was taken out aud name changed by
a negro who colleoted the same at
the post office in Virginia, lie has
been in jail for four months and
confessed the crime in court last
Is now receiving their New and Up to Date
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps & Shoes
and will be sold on a Cut Price basis. It will be to your
interest to call and make your purchases of them.
Good Caliooes still goes for 6c
Good Apron Ginghams 5c
Yard wide Percales worth 10c for 8o
Good Outings yet 5c
Extra Heavy Outings at %
Fancy Cnponet Weisting 10c
All Wool Waistings per yard 25o to 45o
Fancy Plaid and Meroenzed Waistings 25o to 45c
Wool Suitings tor Dress from 25o to 99o
New line Val. Laces from 3 to 5o
New and complete line of Embroideries.. 5c to 35c
Trimming Braids and Novelties
Largo Assorsment.
Table Oil Cloth for only lfo
54 inch Table Damask good, for only 16c
60 inoh Table Damask extra 25c
Large ass’t Cotton and Linen Towels.
Large Hemmed Quilts for 69c and 98c
Fanoy Jute Rugs, 39o„ 49c. and 98o
Smyrna Rugs, good, for 1,25
Complete line Men,8 Madras Shirts worth 75c for 49o
Fanoy Fleeced Underwear, out price 39c
Fleeced Soriven Drawers for 48o
Men’ Pants, the best for the least money, .... 75c up
Dress Pants, $2.00 to $2.50
^ mdm ■dadadwakiN * ^
Full Suits worth $5.oo for $3.98. Suits worth $7.oo for $4.48. Suits
worth $8.5o for $6.5o. Suits worth $12.5o for $lo.oo. Boys’ 2 piece suits from
75c. to $3.5o.
We Sell Under a Guarantee.
Samson High Point
Dixie Girl,
For Women. *
Americus Lone Jack
For Men.
r Ar Children’s Shoes _ ~ „
5^* from 5’s to 8’s
All we ask is a visit to our store; we will please you in quality and price.
Yours Commercially,
Offers Bargains Everyday in