Newspaper Page Text
^ that flung the tort
Zachanas ot Columbus spent
Idays in tbe city this week.
0 O’Neal of Ponalsonville
'the city the first part oftbe
„ l<ower returned Tuesday
weeks’visit to friends in Tal-
Grace Rice left on Saturday
nJ th Ga., where she will en-
onroe College*
ffillou Thomas visited rela
Thomasville the latter por-
f last week.
j Chestnut left Friday
for Atlanta where she will
week or ten days.
Varina Russell will entertain
bsfmg Dish Club Saturday eve-
,tker home on Shotwell street,
II Krause left on Sunday for
He will be gone about
iyi returning via New York.
X. S. llawes who has been
n g the month of September in
la Ga. returned home Thurs-
M d Mrs. Joe McFarland of
Springs spent the week in
They came up to attend
remmer-Whitchard marriage.
R, Beauprie of Montgomery
ament official of the A. C. L 1
the city Monday on business
teted with the road.
D. Campbell of Montgomery
erament official spent several
here this week superintending
ork of the dredge boats on the
W. D. Nance of Albany 6a.
several days here this week,
ns formerly Miss Fannie Roy-
Fort Gaines and has many
It here.
Hunter of the Hunter &
pFurniture Co., has returned
e city after spending a season
tlanta and points north. He is
ng unusually well.
if. Leslie Mechcten of Savannah
ieen in the city this week try-
» raise a subscription to get
ltd Baxter Perry the noted
msieian to appear here.
end Mrs. M. M. McCord of
Sham were registered at the
man Monday night. They.
from Tallahassee where
raited relatives, and were on
way to Whigham.
Wallace Sheffield left Sunday
mpanied by Dr. E. J. Morgan
Arlington. Mr. Sheffield was
dag from heart trouble superin-
)y an attack of acute indiges^
tW. H. Bryan has established
“mthe Patterson building over
•inbndge State Bank, where he
I* found a few days hence.
ri * °°® u Py the offices recently
™ by Harrell & Hartsfield.
* Central of Ga. Ky have
®L ! v ral new buffet sleeping
J 11 “ "nderstood that they
* lb , eir >erv,ce between
J* At’autu. This will be
'«ompU° ° ual travel who are
methn I l °c la!te . a fi yan tage of
mi: lea ! ing Albany at
1 kat night i
lAtl »ntathetollowi
jL ty John Dean while trying
vn’i, arrm of one Frank
i( 5 t Saturday was forced to
nt ‘o r o, two bullets taking
(.j Jrown ran however and
° f the tty
Mrs. J. I. Subers Entertains.
On Jjffiday evening last Mr. .and
Mrs. J. I. Subers entertained a
number of their friends at cards in
honor of their guest, Miss Grace
Caborn, of Chicago. Mrs. C. C.
Harrell assisted in receiving the
Hearts was the game and at the
conclusion Mrs. C. H. Caldwell
was found to be the fortunate win-
ner of the ladies souvenir, a jewel
ed card case, and Mr. Harry Ar»
nold was presented with the gen
tleman’s prize, a handsome desk
calendar. Miss Evirgeline Bower
was happily consoled with a silver
hat brush and Mr. Frank Jones
with a letter clasp.
Richly decorated with American
beauty roses the beautiful home
presented a scene of alluring de
light and the charming and gra
cious hospitality of Mr. and Mrs.
Subers rendered the evening one
of ideal pleasure.
Tribute of Respect.
It is with great regret that we
as a society are called on to give
up our friend and member of the
‘Parsonage Aid Society” in Miss
Mittie Bates. She remembered
her creator in the days of her
youth and joined the M. E. Church
at an early age. She was an obe'
dient daughter a loving sister, and
a faithful friend. She was devot
ed to her Church and its interest,
and when her health permitted she
was always in her place in her
church work.
Her end was peaceful. She died
as she had lived “trusting in the
promises of God." We laid her
away with her loving mother and
Kindred dear. She sleeps in Jesus
awaiting the trumpet that shall
awake the dead.
Mrs. A. L. Townsend,
Mrs. H. C. Allen.
From Climax.
■ ■
Headquarters for the
Celebrated Chattanooga Cane
Besides carrying a complete line of the above goods, my line of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes,
Are Larger Than Ever.
Ladies’ Dress Goods from io cents to $1.00 per yard.
Ladies’ Ready-to Wear Skirts from 75 cents up.
Boys’ Knee Pants, 5 to 15 years, from 25c. to *1 per pair.
Boys’ and Youths’ Suits from 75c. to jSio per suit.
Men’s Suits from $3 50 to $t§ per suit.
I sell the famous BATTLE AXE SHOES. Every pair sold
with a GUARANTEE, and have a pair for every man, woman and
child living between the Chattahoochee and Flint rivers; so you come
right along and get them. I will also keep on hand during the syrup
season a supply of
and will buy all the Syrup brought to this market and pay SPOT
CASH for it. *'
ing morning.
Charlie Trulook, spent Friday,
N. C, Bell, has returned from a
trip to the bay.
A. D. Curry has returned from a
trip to the bay.
Paul Trulock, went over to Cairo,
Monday on business.
“Miss Katherine Brown, returned
last Friday to her home in Cairo.
Z. D. Napier, of Cottondale Fla,,
is here yiSitiug his brother J. W. Na
Mrs. N. H. George, has returned
to her home after a visit to Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Jeter.
Miss Mattie Lee Averitt, who has
been the guest of Miss Alice Tro
look for several days has returned
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Averitt, and
Mrs. J. B. Roberts, of Fowltown
wetc the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Trulock, Tuesday.
Mi«s Julia Cook and Mr. Dallas
Wood of Attapulgus, Miss Annie
Curry, of Fowltown and Miss Mabel
Herring of Whigham, attended
preaching here Sunday.
For the past week we have been
enjoying a series of interesting and
instructive services at the Presbyte
rian Church conducted by Rev. C. j
H, Hyde, evangelist for Macon,j
Presbytery. Six professed their faith 1
in Christ. Those joming were Messrs
Hogan, of Baltimore, Archie Curry,
aud Jay Swicord. Misses Wight
Powell, Alice Trulock, and Rnbyj
It will
We are Agents for
The Celebrated
We would like for all our farmer friends to come
and thoroughly inspect this machine. It is
a great labor saver and cultivator.
Price 8 Disc 16 inches $25.00; 8 Disc 18 inches $27.50;
8 Disc 20 inches $30.00,
negro was not dan-
•'iT 1 ' 9 sti11 at large -
POD, , r drying concealed
*oU 6t ' ° r P°inting a weapon
^ At a Saturday night festival aud
general melee near Climax last SaG
nrday .tight one negro shot another.
Dr. Toole extracted the bullet Sun*
day rooming.
If you wear a
Truss don’t fail to
look over our stock
It is complete and
Oak City
Drug Co.
Bainbridge, Ga.
Bainbridge, Ga.
Union Bottling Works.
T. I. THOMASON & SON, Props.
All Kinds of— * A Ginger Ale and—
Carbonated Beverages TT Seltzer Water*
—and Specialties.
Areated Waters. * !
Panacea, Fla., on the Gulf of Mexico. •
Salt and fresh water ftshing-crabs,
oysters, fish, etc. Pleasant and
splendid accommodations at reas
sonable rate.
Excellent mineral water cures all
forms of indigestion and stomach
affections. Situated among the
pines, pure saltj breezes, a de
lightful place for[bodily and men
tal rest.
Address, Mrs. K. McFarland,
Panacea, Fla.