Newspaper Page Text
number 1*
murder at Cairo.
J Tuesday night about io
ICimt Williams, son or Mr
Villiams, was shot and kill'
| McManus’ restaurant by
Baggett. .
j ay was circus day in Cairo
L was a large crowd in
land during the afternoon
Id been much drinking and
L, although Cairo is a dr>
[it is said that Baggett and
his friends had been
itly going into the back of
free's store and mixing "hi*
jd other ingredients to
lad had become somewhat
Ited by the stimulants. Mr.
[ jon remonstrated with
land insisted that he comq
a more. This angered Bag-
hot words ensued be
|the two and a fight was
jt averted. Clint Williams
i standing by and a wit-
a the altercation between
and Free interposed in
L and it is supposed took
art. The matter was tern-
[smoothed over and the
lent into the restaurant to
ler, with the exception of
lie restaurant the quarrel
|in referred to. Williams
s version of what had taken
Free’s store, whereupon
(with an oath called him a
[Villiams started for Baggett
eh'm, but it is not clear
or not Williams had a
[of any kind. As he was
:tied Baggett put his hand
[ntside coat pocket where
1 was and shot at Wil-.
through the coat without
I the pistol. The bullet
Villiams over the left eye,
[the skull and penetrated
Williams fell and Bag-
icdiately escaped through
door of the restaurant
[not since been seen, al-
[the officers have been dil-
n search.
Bs bad medical attention
p but his case was found to
one. He lingered
10us until 2 o’clock when
* *
J y°ung men are sons of
[do farmers near Cairo, Bag-
’'g in Decatur county.
r is a lamentable one and
r re R re tted by the citizens
[community. Baggett is
r ge and every effort is be-
ii or .b' s arrest, If appre-
I e will b e tried in Thomas
pnere the crime was com-
,w»*’,■ no doubt make a
1 st { or his life.
r Supper at Brinson. r
iovV eC1Uestec ^ to announce
2l SU f p , er wil1 be given
J h °use in Hri«'
lu'L , nd u y ni ° ht - Every
sw ;. t0 be present. The
"L b L e dlrect «l
a balance clue
Col. Harrell Announces.
To the Citizens Decatur County:
After careful consideration and
consultation with my friends I
take this method of announcing
to the people of the county that I
am a candidate for the position of
judge of the city court of Bain-
bridge, subject to the action of the
democratic primary.
If honored by the people with
their Suffrage and elected to this
high position I shall stand pledged
to them to perform the duties en
cumbent upon me dilligently and
intelligently, and to administer
the laws of the country without
fear, favor or affection,
I am seeking the judgeship of
this court feeling that piy experi
ence of nineteen years in the prac
tice of law in Decatur county has
in a great measure qualified me
for the position, and further as ihfc
gratification of an ambition I have
cherished , for some years to be
able to serve tne people in a judl
cial capacity with honor to myself
and satisfaction to them. Realiz
ing the great dignity and impor
tance of the office I am asking
fof I shall endeavor to conduct my
campaign on the highest plane.
I. shall feel deeply grateful for
your aid and influence, and my
purpose to serve you faithfully and
to the best of my ability will be
strengthened by the trust and con
fidence, you bestow upon me by
the election. Respectfully,
WiLLiAJr M. Harrell.
ctcTwi'li!'] JSandwiches,
^ dlso be on sale.
^KovemX bri f dge 0n the
'ttrting m ber , for ^ P ur>
store plantation. Al-
All h l Seand filing in
Rase m ee fl nies lntere sted
^"Vjr. 80 "
Millard Lee Again.
The supreme court has again
refused to reyerse Ae decision
in the Millard Lee case and he
will hang today unless his inge
nius attorneys will hit upon an
other plan of appeal and stay the
Lee’s crime will'be remembered
as one of a most shocking charac
ter. In May, 1902,' in a little
country church near Atlanta he
deliberately shot and killed Miss
Lilia May Suttles, a very beautiful
young laidy with whom he had be
come infatuqjed, in a fit of jeal
ousy because she refused to al
low him to walk home with her.
He was tried, convicted and sen
tenced to death for his crime. He
was respited in order that his at
torneys might bring insanity pro
ceedings. He was tried on that
plea and found to be of sound
nvind. All the questions were
passed upon by the supreme court
and decided adversely to the pris-
oiter. It is thought that this
judgment will be final and that he
wilkhow surely pay the penalty of
his brutal crime.
Friday’s Football Game.
A score of 5 to o in favor of the
visitors tells the tale of Friday’s
game of football between Bain-
bridge and Tallahassee, which was
played as a return game with the
Florida State College. The game
was called at 3:30 p. m., and was
witnessed by an enthusiastic
crowd, through not a large one.
This was the first game ot football
that has been played in Bain bridge
in a long time, hence the interest
The game was an evenly match
ed one from the start, in' the first
half neither side being able to
score. In the second half the Tal-
lahasseans succeeded in pushing
the ball over the line for a goal
after much hard work. In the
{second half there appeared . an
unusual amount of wrangling, dur
ing wtiich the coach of the visit
ing team, Who wished to referee
both halves of the game, had some
words with one of the Bainbridge
The Tallahassee team much to
the regret of the Bainbridge boys
returned home on the-7 o’clock
train. This was due as we learn
to the demand of the coach who
had taken offense at a Bainbridge
player, and refused to keep his
team over night in this city al
though the Bainbridge boys had
gone to considerable expense to
entertain them, having arranged a
dance, etc. The Tallahassee'team
is composed of the cleverest aggre
gation of players that we have yet
seen on the gridiron, and it is a
matter of regret that their coach
should have allowed his personal
feelings against a member of the
Bainbridge team, to get so com
pletely away with his temper.
Who ever .heard of a football game
where there was not some wrang
ling or unpleasantness ? (
There is not a man on the Bain
bridge team, who does not hold
the Tallahassee boys in high es
teem, and they regret the unfor
tunate wranglesi and if the visitors
had remained over, as the team
expressed a desire of doing, we
are of the opinion that they would
have had a pleasant evening, and
all unpleasant recollections of the
game would have been dispelled
As it is, the people of Bainbridge
cannot understand the situation,
and the people of Tallahassee may
not be able to do 30 either. Mr.
Prominent Business Change.
The H unter-Blggs Furniture
Company has ceased to exist and
the name that popular house will
go under in future will be The
Hunter Furniture Company. Mr.
Mercer Baggs has this week sold
his interest in the business to the
Hunters, who will own and man
age it with the same degree of ex
cellence and popularity as form
erly employed
Messrs John Hunter and' Mer
cer Baggs established their furni
ture house here something over
two years ago. ‘ With their com
bined spirit, energy and capital
they succeeded, from the start and
built up the business to its present
large proportions. They have ex
tensive and profitable patronage
extending to all sections of the
county. M!r. John Hunter con
tinuing at the head of the estab
lishment will increase and extend
the business to larger proportions
than yet assumed.
Mr. Baggs retiring will engage
in the fire insurance business hire.
He has bought an interest in the
established agency of R. A.
Graves & Co., which controls the
underwriting in this section ot
some of the largest firs insurance
companies in the country.
Walter Love Again.
v Cairo Couple to Wed.
Cards are out announcing the
approaching marriage of Miss Amy
Amelia Bell to Mr. Thomas Wal
ter Wood; the wedding to occur at
one o’clock on the afternoon of
Wednesday the eleventh day of
November in the Methodist church
at Cairo. The groom is one of
the prominent yoiing business
men of Cairo, while the bride is
the attractive daughter of Mrs.
Jennie Maxwell.
that their team was grossly insult
ed, and the town of Tallahassee
outraged; whereas nothing was as
•ar from the minds ot the Bain-
bridge players
It is a matter of general expres
sion among our citizens who are
acquainted with the whole circum
stances, that Coach Hughes did
not only the Bainbridge team great
injustice, but ‘hit his own team
was not permitted to accept the
hospitality extended,in other words
his conduct was not that ot a man
who was trying to promote good
feeling between the two towns.
The entire blame for th<^ with
drawal of the visitors from the
hospitality of the local team is
laid to his action; which to their
eyes looked txtremely small.
We hope, however, this may be,
that the friendly feeling of the two
towns may not be very materially
disturbed by Mr. Hughes.
Therq is no longer aniy doubt
that the man discovered in Den
ver last week ,is really Walter S.
Love of Quincy, Fla. Although
the fact of his identity had been
generally recognized, his family
steadily refused to credit reports
until Tuesday, when the news was
confirmed to their full satisfaction,
Mr. Samuel Ball, the brother of
Mrs. Love, went to Denver at her
request and upon investigating
matters discovered that the man
was in reality his brother-in-law
and wired her accordingly.
Mrs. Love had received numer
ous telegrams in the past week
from her husband but believed
them fakes until the evidence of
her brother proved them genuine.
Mrs. Love is now in Thomasyille.
There seems to be no reason
the peculiar conduct'of Love, and
his brother-in-law thinks it due to
temporary mental aberration.
Love has held a responsible po
sition in Denver for some months
and his employers expressed per
fect confidence in him. It is said
Hughes may lead there to believe. t j,at ^ ig rauc h distressed by tbe
great publicity given his affairs in
the last ten days and claims that,
the newspapers have ruined his
life. His future plans have not
been learned yet but he states
that he will not return to Quincy.
The Sharpe Afloat.
The John R. vSharpe, which
went to the bottom of the river a
few weeks ago with her entire car
go of freight, has been raised and
has resumed her former schedule.
Captain Buckner worked valiantly
to reclaim his boat with as little
loss! as possible. She is once more
in good steaming trim and will
suffer little for her mishap.
A Onus owe FM.
Last Friday nine miles below
Bainbridge, while fishing in the
Flint river a couple of boys by the
name ot Poston discovered a box
floating down the river. Thinking
it to be a box of merchandise that
had fallen from some passing
steamer they went out in their
boat and brought it to the shore.
To their surprise and conster
nation on opening it they found a
small white baby but a few hours
old. From its condition jt had
apparently been dead for some
hours and death had been inflicted
in a violent manner, On its head
above tbe eye there was a bruised
and discolored spot where the
skull bad been crushed, evidently
with a blunt instrument of some
description. Tbe box was a com
mon goods box, two feet long;
the top was of different material
and was marked “F. Bethune, Al
bany, Ga.” There was nothing in
or ^bout the box that would give,
the slightest clue to the parentage
of the little unfortunate, where it
came from or the perpetrators of
such a fiendish crime. The baby
was dressed and in the box with
it, were two extra dresses and a
handkerchief, with no mark what
whatever on them.
The boys made known their
find and on Sunday a coroner’s in
quest was held by Justice of the
Peace Ernest. There befog abso
lutely no evidence the jury re
turned the usual verdict of death
at the hands of unknown parties.
The ihfant was buried' there and
with it probably one of the un
known mysteries which can be
solved only at the judgment bar
ot heaven. Those wh{ so con
scienceless committed the murder
should go through this world with
minds and hearts so tortured that
they can lind rest and repose no
The officers of the law. should
should never stop until the guilty
parties are discovered and brought
to justice.
The Hastiaf Season.
Monday next will be the fin
day of the hunting season,, as tl
month comes in on Sunday,' th
will be the second day of tl
month. Bird hunters in Dfccati
county from all accounts hat
been killing birds and other gan
in spite of the restrictions of tl
law for several weeks. /in mac
sections an almost disregard of tl
Jaw obtains. Tbe grand jury hi
a right to ask that a county gan
warden be appointed by the judg
of the superior court, whose dul
it is made to vigorously enforc
the game laws, receiving as h
compensation the same fees
case of 9onviction as t(ie laws a
low for sheriffs in other case
This warden has the right to a
point deputy wArdens in ea<
militia district ot the county ai
their powers when so appoint
are so co-extensive with those
the principal warden. One thii
is sure, and that is that so far
our county is concerned, th<
might as well be no law on tl