The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, February 07, 1913, Image 5

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Locals and Personals .. | Williams of Tallahassee j, visitor in the city Monday. ^ e perkins was in the city business first of the week. . \Y. Dollar came over , sp t ' n t the day Monday in inbridse. j r will VV. Gibson came down , n Donalsonville and spent day Monday in the city, jr W. H. Avirett of Jakin visitor in Bainbridge Mon- Dr. J. N. Mathews is having all the sport he wants these days training his young colt to the sulkey. The colt is one of the prettiest in this section and if nerhing happens will develop in to one of the finest horses in South Georgia. For the lowest prices on groceries, provisions, fruits, chickens and eggs, phone 212, Belcher Com mission Co. d r5 . B. E. Jennings and little n aie visiting relatives in dcely for some time, drs. J. C. Cliett and daughter Hnrtense Cliett, are spend- some time in Atlanta, dr. A. Henry of Tallahassee among the visitors to Bain- dge Sunday. disses Bertha and Evelyn Par- of Whigham, spent Saturday Bainbriege. ev. Leland Moore of Climax s a visitor in the city one day week. jessrs Robeit Mize and J. W. .pier came up from Climax | Work cn the new city hall is spent Monday in the city. ] progressing * splendidly. It will ■drs Fred Conant and Miss not be man >' davs tdl one can be ‘ rl Harden, of Brinson, were to see just how things will ipping here yesterday. : be ar ™ ged tbere ‘ , n fact ° ne K » can tell pretty well now how . , ., i, I. A. Allen of Climax was many of the departments will be i Clt >’ are aIwa * s good ne T R visitors to the city. arranged . When it is completed! and we would appreciate it if day. dr. A. M. Thomas, of the ■tern part of the county, was long the business visitors here day first of the week. Jr. F. C. Herring and Mr. A. Trulock came over from Cli- x and spent part of the day urday in Bainbridge. Dr Adjourned term of the Super ior court will begin here Monday and will probably continue for two weeks, There are a great number of cases to be tried and the court will probably be a very busy body of people during ihe time. Mr. W. D. Martin has bought the home on corner of Shotwell and Donalson streets, the deal being closed a few days ago. The deal was made through Mr. B. C. Dickerson, the real estate man, and the consideiation is said to have been in the neigh borhood of $2,500. The music class being taught here by Prof. F. Clark Perry of Chattanooga, Tenn., is making splendid progress. They have a large class and every member is said to have made marked im provement in the knowledge of music. The concert which is to be given Wednesday night will no doubt be largely attended. Announcement of the concern is made in another column of this issue. Mr. G. S. Tucker is expecting his family to arrive today from Sandersville. The people of Bainbridge are glad to welcome this excellent family as future residents. Mr. Tucker was re cently employed by the County Commissioners as Superinten dent of the road work of the county. He has the reputation among officials of the state as being one of the most skillful road builders in Georgia. Mr. Tucker and family will occupy the home on Potter street* re cently occupied by the family of Mr. R. L. Lane. FOR SALE—Eggs from my best Reds, $2.00 per setting. For the utility stock $1.00 per setting. White leghorns, $1.00 per setting. D. F. Crenshaw, Bainbridge, Ga. FOR RENT—Two very desirable rooms, uniurnished, fire place each room. Apply 418 Florida street. NOW is the time to arrange for your MONEY. Plenty of it to loan on improved farms in De catur and Gadsden counties. J. L. Williams, Hamil Build ing, Bainbridge, Ga. The Search Light will be pleased to have all the personal and local news of the city phon ed in to the office. We are pre pared now to get all the news in and in good style. If you have a visitor phone us. If you have been on a visit or going to take a trip somewhere we would be glad to know it, that notice may be given in the local columns. The entertainments held in the FOR SALE—Several small tracts yellow pine timber to contract with reliable parties. Moul trie Saw Mill Co. Moultrie, Ga. FOR SALE—Corn in the shuck, 80c per bushel. Red and Japanese cane seed, 80c per hundred. Yellow yam seed potatoes, 75c per bushel. Po tato slips for April and May delivery, $1.50 per thousand. Some good second hand farm mules for sale or trade. Would trade for stock cattle. Address J. W. White, Bain bridge, Ga. ong thft S. A. V. Christophine and fe, of Attapulgus, were in the shopping yesterday. They re accompanied by Mrs. Chris- hine’s sister, lallvvood. I Bainbridge will have about as complete city hill as can be fouhd in a town of her size. i some one would take a little time land write them up and send them in. It means a great deal for the paper if the people will A play well calculated to please show such interest. The Search the large mass of theatre-goers j Light is going to do its best to is the “Goose Girl,” announced! be in the very front rank in giv- for early production here. The 1 ing all the news each week" In story has the flavor of comic j order to do this we are compelled opera, the adventage of the! to ha,ve the co-operation of the modern romantic tale, the high| peo P le - specially the ladies, color of one of the Arabian geed Irish potatoes, best Night’s entertainment, and af- quality stock from Maine ford3 a delightful two hours en-lat the lowest wholesale jy Mrs unns- tertainment for those who want! priceg> phone 212, Ralph Miss Lillian j an evening of pleasure and enter-. D . D , . tainment 1Q- Belcher, Belcher Block. PffONP J03 CULBREAIN& JMfTH PROPS CHOICE- 5 MEAT./' Mr. R. S. B. Funderburke of inaldsonville was among the litors in the city first of the lek. Mr. G. H. Cliett has moved th his family into his home on oughton street recently occu- d by Mrs. Frank Brewer. Sheriff H. R. Hughes of Han- county was a guest at the n Air yesterday, having come Bainbridge on legal business. Mr. E. Rich, of the firm of E. h&Co. Sales Stables, is in Louis ior several days, hav- Sone there to buy a car load Boists and mules. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hager- °f Vilas, Fla., were at the n Air Sunday. Mr. Hagerman a Prominent lumber of man irida. Mr. D. B. Waller has moved jrn Blakely to Bainbridge, and “ ’flake his future home here ik his son-in-law, Mr. J. R- The cheapest place in town, phone 212 Belcher Commission Co. Grocer ies, provision, country produce. Fresh oysters in shell received daily. Mr; c. B. Scott will take lr ? e of the Dry Goodsdepart- °f C. B. Scott on February V- Mrs. Scott has had long i^r, in the dress goods J fless arid she will appreciate ': ;m from the ladies of Bam- |,Jee and Decatur county, just received a nice ‘ f' Spring and Sum met ,.:V . Mr. C. H. Baughman, accom panied by his brother, Mr. I. W. Baughman, of Dothan, left first of this week tor Columbia, S. C., where they will spend several days. The Messrs. Baughman are natives of South Carolina, but had not visited that state in a number of years. They will take in the big Corn Exposition at Colmbia, Special Notice Beginning with the first week in March the Search Light will carry all the Legal ads each week. This announcement is made to assure the readers that the legal ads will be carried in this paper from the date men tioned, so that they need have no uneasiness on this line. Not only will the Search Light carry the legal ads, but the cream of the news over this sec tion will be given. The Search Light force is now better pre pared than ever before to get out just such a paper as the peo ple of Bainbridge and Decatur county have been wanting. It wiil require a little time for Mr. Moore and the editor to get things back in their old time working order, but the readers need not fear for the future of the Search Light from now on. They will get the legal ads, the best news, and the best paper in this spot of Georgia, —T'-T The Palace Market = i Everything kept as neat as a pin. Everything in the fixture line new and of the latest make. We keep Freeh Meats at all times, anti fill all orders promptly. We invite every lady in the city to visit our place and inspect the sanitary conditions.' i WHEN YOU WANT FRESH MEAT PHONE UJ. U. Palace Meat Market PHONE 302. Notice change In Schedule of CALLAHAN LINE Effective Monday, July 1st 1912. Boat Schedule will be as Follows: Leaves Bainbridge every Monday and Thursday at. .10 A. M. Arrives Apalachicola every Tuesday and Friday at.. .8 A. M. Leaves Apalachicola every Tuesday and Friday at ... 12 NOON Arrives Bainbridge every Wednes. and Saturday at,5:3ft P. M. For Further Information Regarding Freight and Passenger Service Write J. W. CALLAHAN, President and General Manager. Bainbridge, Georgia. WANTED BEEF, PORK, COUNTRY PRODUCE Highest Prices Paid for Same If you have any to sell, write or see W.B. INGRAM, Cattle Buyer for TIIE CITY MARKET. BAINBRIDGTB, GA. The farmers report, the oat gj e m0 nth. crop over the county as about 1 the finest ever seen before at this time of year. There is some apprehension that a cold snap may yet injure some of the earlier oats, they having jointed The heavy rains first of the week has had the effect of hold ing the farmers back in their work. The month of January was exceptionally favorable! for farm work and the beantiful days have been taken advantage of, so that the farmers were as nearly up with their work as was ever known at this time of year The first of February found a great deal of plowing already done and other work, such as fencing, clearing and other work necessary to start with the crop. A number of farmers in the city Saturday said that they had nev er seen more work accom plished by the farmers in a sin- 1913 Announcement We beg to announce the arrival of the 1913 Cadillac Cars, and we invite you to call and be convinced of the superiority of the truly wonderful car over any car ever shown in this city, in the.arrival of these cars we offer a car that has never aspired to ideals set by others; it makes its own ideals and raises them higher and higher. The word “success.’,’ has always been associated with the Cadill£c. riJ Tire word “failure" never, >r>- The Search Light man con tinues to hear farmers say that they intend having cold storages built on their farms by another year. A number of them say out and put on such a growth. J^y have lost enough mea The very mild winter so far has this season to have built several been very favorable to many of cold 8to ™ge plants. There is the growing crops planted in the fall. , , One solid car Red Bliss seed Irish potatoes direct from Maine just received, for the lowest wholesale price, Phone Ralph R. Belcher, Belcher Block. rs q FP comparatively little cost in the -building, and once they are \ uilt, there is no more danger of losing the meat. The only thing the farmer has to do is to keep ice enough to keep the tempera ture at a certain degree and the meat is safe. The entire cast is a fraction, compared to what the meat is worth. A fanner with a cold storage plant can kill hia Ires in July if he wishes to Co l«r icvnli meW --13B Putt.; St. so. Cadillac workmanship is famous the world over, wherever the science of mechanics is known. It is famous for its accuracy, famous for its uniformity, famous for its standardization These facts are sufficient to insure the buyer that he is getting in the 1913 Cadillac the fore most features and appliances of the motor world, We shall be glad to show you this cat and explain its many good qualities. BAUGHMAN A!’ Bainbridge, : fOBILE CO., Georgia. "r-'—: iz m 'vswm. m