The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, January 06, 1916, Image 3

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LEGAL NOTICES I fHjfiljjMfir unimii t j ... I A ® voters the county.' * 1 )pc-ar». ' v .V. * • l. , / ii. . P. A. CAPDAU who owns and operates one of the big stores in New Orleans, says: "I am of the opinion that Rexall Or derlies are the ideal laxative for men, women and children. This opinion is based upon my knowledge of the for mula and upon what my customers say about them. Through personal ex perience, I know they are pleasant to take, gentle in action, and give the same pleasing results when used by men. wopien or children.” wish to'say to the voters -of Decatur county', that I will be in race for Ordinary of Decatur county subject to the action of the coming primary. The exe cutive committee will meet short ly and name the date for the primary! At that time I will make my formal announcement and I wish to put my friends on notice that 1 will make this an nouncement and ask them not pledge themselves until I have had a chance to present my claims. Respectfully. W. R. Brown. UUUNUIL' I nuULLOfiiUU Wu have the exclusive selling rights for this great laxative. Trial size, 10 cents. EHRLICH DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE Phone 153 for yonr louse and stove wood. Prices reasonable and de- ivered promptly at any :lme. J. I. Repnolds & Co. CHICHESTER SPILLS years regarded ns Best, Safest, Always SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS time FUirPYtA/llPRP worth » xxued cw r niiippnc tested Oak and pine woodcut any length you desire. Phone 153 and get it quick. It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s tonic. She says further: “Before 1 began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of CarduL I began to feel like a new woman. I soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water milL 1 wish every suffering, woman would give Council met in regular session Monday Jan. 3,191G. Those pre sent were Mayor Callahan, alder men Willis, Nussbaum, Laing, Chason, Wheeler. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. Two resolu tions were read and approved: authorizing the Mayor to execute; renewal notes at the Frst! National Bank for two notes for $4,000.00 each due Jan. 8, 1916. Said resolutions being hereto attached marked exhibit “A” and “B.” Upon motion made and carried R. H. Girvin, was awarded $2.00 impound fee. George Williams $1.00 impound fee and Sam Gary, $3.00 impound fees, upon the showing by all that they live outside of the city and that this was the first time their cattle had been impounded. The minutes of the executive committee was adopted as a jkrt of these minutes are hereto at tached marked exhibit “C.” A new committee consisting of Aid. Laing, Nussbaum, and Wheeler was appointed to see about re pairing the old school house to provide for the the over-flowing of pupils. Upon motion made by Aid. Laing, seconded by Aid. Wheeler the Tax Books of the city were ordered closed Feb. 1 1916. Upon motion made and carried the mayor was authoriz ed to sign a contract with the Gulf Refining Co., for oils to be used at the Water and Light Plrnt for one year, it being understood that, if said oils be come unsatisfactory said con tract was to be discontinued at at the notice of the city. There being no further business coun cil adjourned. viTi Mr^ F. C. Herring wishes to take t»is opportunity of thank ing her many friends for their personal interest and kind as- sisatnce in helping her win the piano in the Trade Extention Campaign, conducted by. the Trulock Supply Co. and, it always does me good.' Headache, he, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s tonic. You cannot make a mistake in frying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! 0*>$< >(< >f< < >)< >$o For prompt attention to your presecription needs phone 86, the Cash Drug Store and get it right now. Your business is needed only to show you how much you will save. At^otel Empire ?Oposite Union PejW’on Prior Kt. Renovated null refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water, private baths. Electric lights and elevator. First class accomodations at extremely moderate rates. Euro pean plan 75 cents up. John L. Edmondson, Proprietor. MONUMENTS COLDS & LaGRIPPE I represent one of the largest marble and granite companies in the South. If you intend having 5 or 6 doses 666 will break an „ wnr i. j nn _ : n 4.y.: a line T any case of Chills & Fever, Colds ! any Work done 10 thl8 Une 1 & LaGrippe; it acts on the liver I would thank you for your patro- better than Calomel and does not I nage. J. D. Halstead. P. O. Box gripe or sicken. Price 25c. j 343, Bainbridge, Ga. Bad Habits. Those who have breakfast at eight o’clock or later, lunch at twelve and have dinner at six are almost certain to be troubled With indigestion. They do not allow time for one meal to digest before taking another. Not less than five hours should elapse between meals. If you are troubled with indigestion correct your habits and take Chamber lain’s Tablets, and you may reasonably hope for a quick re covery. These tablets sirenghten the stomach and enable the it to perform its functions naturally. Obtainable everywhere. AN OLD-TIME NURSE CURED Of Catarrh of the Stomach by Peruna MRS. SELENA TANNER, Athens, Ohio. This Cure Date* From October 3, 1899. —"Catarrh of the atomach. Waa nearly starved. After taking Peruna I have a good appetite.” —"I can assure you that I am still a friend of Peruna. My health la still good." —"Tee. I am still a friend of Peruna. Will be as long as I live, I keep it in the house ail the time.” —“I recommend Peruna so often that they call me the Peruna doctor. Peruna recommends Itself when once tried.” —"I still tell everybody I can that Peruna la tha best medicine In the world.” —“Peruna saved my life years ago. I still take It when I have a cold.” —“I was threatened with pneumonia. Peruna saved me.” 1912 —“X am glad to do anything I can for Peruna.” 1914 —"X have always been a nurse. Peruna has helped me In my work more than all other medicines.” 1915 —"I have divided my bottle of Peruna with people many times. It always helps.” The above quotations give a vague glimpse of ths correspondence we have had with Mrs. Tanner since 1899. Our fitos, which cover twenty-five year*, include many similar correspondents. Cot. s, 1899 Sapt. 11. 1904 April 23, 1906 Oao. 19. 1907 Dm. 27. 1908 Aug. 13, 1909 Jan. 4, 1910 May 17, 1912 May 6, 1914 Mar. 22, 1915 Callahan Theatre, Tues. Evening Jan, 18th The Most Stupendous and Expensive Musical Attraction on Tour The Original All Star Cast JOSEPH F. SHEEHAN AS THADDEUS MIRTH CARMEN AS ARLINE ELAINE DE SELLEM AS THE QUEEN ARTHUR DEANE AS THE COUNT ROBERT A. WHITE AS DEVILSHOOF PHILIP FEIN aS FLORE9TEIN EUGENE CROWELL AS THE CAPTAIN e L v -t - This tac 1 IViiiig,- c ^notic - indebted i'5i wij| Pie»* Parties LILLIAN HAilL AS BUDA ; J- BASIL HORSF, -LL natty 1 • Y Buck CONDUCTO ; The Boston English Opera Co. Offers For The Firs! Time Outside of New York and Chicago OV THE Original ALL STAR Revival OF THE BOHEMIAN GIRL THE WORLD'S GREATEST COMIC OPERA Prices: 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 and $2 Read ^what the Critics say about this Attraction Seats on Sale at Box Office Saturday, January 15th. The Famous Singing Chorus Tenors William Young Fred Goodwin Charles Reed William Burkely Christian Smith Alfred Hartman Joseph LaVeme Charles Riley Sopranos Thresa Evans Nellie Bodington Irene Little Lucy Every Ruby Brock Arline Davidson Rose Dumont Basses Adolph Seigel Dave Cronberger Maurice Bodington J ohn Alcott T /rank Reihman Edward Gibson Henry Davies John O’Neil Contraltos Ruth Dye Mabel Nelsone Helen Smith Genev - ,t'~ ith ' r bnr, Noble Caroline Baldwin Alice Dariington L mm The holidays section and the ing busy. % . ' Premiere Dancers Misses Bodington and Hall Mr. L. A. Wynn of j is moving up near Ir all regret hisleavin Mr. Afred Earn little bride, movedjto , where they will mak future home. Mr. B. F. Mock was his Ford Sunday. a I Mr. G. L. Earnest an autoed over to see hii fred Earnest The Sunday school i: ing fine at Bethany, is invited to attend.. | Bro. Higgins* preached interesting sermon $un< I wonder what is'tht with G. E. Earnest, Kit is feeling old since he gt ed. He has not been 4 Sunday school. Mr. H. M. Smith t Reba.Stavely and Mr. Earnest were out drii Sunday. We are all glad to i McLeyd in our section IT Mr. D. L. Smith -ba$; home from a long vi* parents near Recovery, j Mrs. Mattie Whighan ing her brother GeorgJ We deeply regref Barbree’s baby was day. That he couli Sunday School. We b he can be with us next For he is missed School. Mr. H. L. Smith mo* Mt. Olive settlement. Mrs. C. W. Smith this week. We )i<__ be better in a few da; Mr. W. H. Mock Nellie Smith was ou' Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Me! Pensacola, Fla., have ing Mrs. McLain’s . and Mrs. Robert Don; Mrs. Henry Kendricl i ing her son, Rufus, in Pei Mrs. Dock Grinor has r home from a long vjsi relatives in Mitchell cou I think that Mr. R. ’F. will be rushing a Ford in a weeks. *■ | Mibb driving SEPTEMBER MB! it “September Mom”, • t' Ionic girl and song,ah<ksr to the Callahan Theaae night Jan. 14th is. one brightest, cleverest, wj& : tiest entertainments Jp on any stage. It sfr has humor, melody, cf and a score that holds .. with ita swinging lilting airs. The book by Arthur Gillespie, is the kind of fooling that encour ages worried people to, forget their troubles. It has spice. - ' It is not like stale soda fizz is there. At the a there is nothing to i gets over the footlights v it is very much alive. . You t have time to sit back and . so contageous is the humor... so persistant is the merry reifi ling. One of the striking jfea tures of “September Mbri'**u the remarkable chorus, the clever girls work in perfect b mony a revelation to the the goer. The cast is compose members who have been see some of our best musical sue es and the production counts for the marv** the piece has achieve sale Wednesday mom. lie Drug Store. FOR SALE—Any amoun got 4 land os easy terms off College Hill on College 8treet, Block 14 i and Shotwell Street, Bainbridge] lot 185 below Fowlstown %n lands below Faceville. , 4t L. C. Bower. Birminghar y V V