The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, January 06, 1916, Image 4

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:^w.v«v<. :i Search light ' f. H. GRIFFIN •no Proprietor At the PoHtofflcr in Hain- | OtL, i»h uccond class mail j under Act of longrosH MHth, 1807. ^®tibicriptton Rate* KAlt n.00 Months — w* •rAdv.rtl.ino R»te» Using 1 rate depends on r , nunil'cr o( inserlionH Jier requirements, and will Jnishid at the business I, ORGAN OK TUB CITY NIlRIIHiK ANI> nhCAIt’K Mtltphona No. 239 li<- THE COU PRIMARY This imporrant institution that has to come off every two years in the past and from now on every lour yesrs is now very CANDIDATES, TAKE NOTICE The county campaign will soon open up. This will be a party scrap and every man that offers will offer for office subject to the prominently inThe minds of the j Democratin authority. This pa- voters and official aspirants of per will treat every man alike I w j|i show no favoritism because The executive committee will of the fact that it is a Democrat- meet very shortly and s«'t a dav.ic organ and is the County organ for the primary, The early pri-' virtue of the Democratic majority mary idea seems to be prevalent! existing in the county. As be- in most of the counties over the j tween Democrats it will show no state. The argument being that j difference. Each and every can- the voters prefer that the matter j didate will get advertising space be over and settled before the at the same price and will be spring planting sets in and that | given as good position as possi- the voters be not disturbed after; ble at the time their copy comes j beer dealer in Savannah b Bankruptcy last week, be strange times indeed. In Bockfellow has the ot the epiglottis. What is that uny way ? i ever go possum hunt- un into a skunk? You same luck at times friends. i>|dy now for that advertising that you f w lore the holidays and appreciate it just as ‘ing late. the work season is on, There are some very good arguments for both candidate and voter in the early primary proposition. If a man is beaten into the office. We wish to call the attention of the candidates to the fact that if they get their copy in late they can not expect as good position prupusiuuu. si «* * , . for office he still has time in the'as the man who-brings his copy New Year to make other arrange ments and get in a year’s work. If he is elected he will be better able to govern his matters ac cordingly. For six years past the primary in this conuty has been between the 10th and 15th of mrch and it. has given pretty good satisfaction to all parties concerned thus far. The executive committees in setting a date will voice the sentiments of all the candidates and as they, the candidates pay the cost of holding the primary they should be pretty well con sidered of this part of the pro gram. Most of the voters would prefer not to be panhandled by the candidates during their busi ness season. B 4 dyor of Atlanta says K B going enforce the n laws in Savannah, 'when he will have to fdtall election? Early county has had a bad time of it for the past week. Quite a number of killings and likely to have more. Early is a great county and it is to be re- ! gretted that at this stage of her ; greueu iimi at inis swkc ut Pho dearly beloved voter will | p roifrea8 she should have intra ne into his own in a few days, t r , iu b| e8 that seen to have been v. The county campaign will | a ] msst unavoidable. ^up with all the boys on the ig board. | It’s Baron Bill Astor now of \“ould Hengland,’ and the New . a word from the Brooks ( York ex-society millionaire son- y Gimlet since Christmas.; of-a-gun ought to be happy, 'orrder must have hadi Having licked the feet of Eng- ftfnfe to last that long. Get fish royalty with success may si job old fellow and stay -gitil the 17th of Ireland. te free space hog can come ou in more different ways a blond girl can at a charity . and that is coming some «!, The last one we went einst floored us forever. they make such use of him as can be made of his. ‘Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog cant look on his kind with strong stomachs. I parade, or a hand p M$eon News paragrapher {i ie people listening ®t hlsitanding in polite cir- have a set 0 t smart WITH THE EXC) Some men dance with their wives because they really want to, while other men just dance with their wives.-Macon News. Yep, we can always tell when times are tight in this section for seeing certain men autoing with their own wives is a sure and certain sign. Is it still the custom for Moth er and Father to sit up until Daughter’s beau has said good bye for the last time?-Macon News. Nope Father just steps out and cranks up the gink’s Ford by way ot suggestion. If he dont tumble, the lights go out. Another little tragedy of real life: Twinses!—Macon News. More little tragedy and of a more serious nature.—Triplets. in early. Our reason for making this plain is that in the past when one man would come late with his copy he would grouch a little bit because the other fellow had a little better position. All poli tical matter will be payable in advance. This is a custom that has existed for many years and we will adhere to it because the space is worth the money. The paper does not, nor has ever as sumed editorial position in a county primary, it can't be ex pected to take a hand in a fam ily agreement. The primary is a family institution, there are no issues involved other than the competency of the men of fering and as they are all home men, the general public knows as much about thei** Competency we do. This .. the county paper and we want every candi date to feel, want his friends to know that he will have just as much consideration at the hands of the paper as any other man. The editor will vote, his employ ees will vote, as their consciences dictate, but will in no way try to influence any one or interfere with ary one. The paper wants to be understood very thorough ly. Long winded attacks, or any thing that will have a tendency to weaken any candidate as the Democratic nominee, will not be published at any price. Who ever wins will be the nominee of the party and this paper will not be the channel to weaken “Hope deferred”, says the old proverb, ‘‘maketh the heart sick. A good way to keep yourt heart healthy is not to hope.—Ocala Star. And when you quit hop ing for better things, you can aid a world by shooting your own old head off. “A boy in Louisville, Ky., can stretch his neck six inches,” says an Indiana paper. Huh, that’s nothing—a short skirt can make any man do equally as much, How do vou know. Are you speaking from experience or just guess work. Richard Canfield, who fell and killed himself while en route to an insurance agent’s office to ex change a $33,000 life insurance policy for $10,000 in cash, is called lucky in death. We rather think the luck here extends to the next generation.—Savannah Press. Well, it was the besi deed that Dick ever did. There are a number of daily newspapers in Georgia and a few weekly newspapers that rep resent the interest of the Whole sale Liquor Dealers Association. We believe they are serving these interests without reward, or the hope or even the possibility of reward here or hereafter. Every one of these papers is trying to get Hon. L. G. Hardman in the race for governor. If Mr. Hard man ever expects to be governor of Georgia he had better stand with the crowd that elected Gov ernor Nat E. Harris before and that is going to re-elect him. Elberton Star. Back up bub, don’t get little. Everybody that supported your man Harris last time are begging Haraman with tears in their eyes to get in the race. The writer is one that voted for the prohibition bills in the last legislature and he is frank to say thr‘ ,such guys as this squib leads one to believe that you are the very ones that v-ill bring sure defeat to your man Harris. To attack the mo tives of Hardman is too little to notice. Do you recall that Hard man ran for Governor two years ago? Don’t try to give Harris credit for any prohibition act for all posted krow that they would have been passed over his head. It is a settled fact that Hardman and Harris voters will elect Hard man this time. Some of the politicians are going to defeat Governor Harris if they can. However, the peo ple of Georgia will settle the matter.—Darien Gazette. Well if the politicians do this it will be the first time they ever did any thing that the people wanted clone. Georgia wants and must have a governor, a man with life, vigor and DECISION. That she has’nt got. That she will get in L. G. Hardman, the man the revenue-reformers fear so much. Have you ever noticed that the Bainbridge Boob is always in evidence? When we have a parade, or a band playing with ening we always , - _ .. smart Alecs that be talked about using have ( 0 run their cars through, collards for festoons the crowd. The same gang does j Iiee ded. "•rw a I’ ons ; A man that I j t over and over as the occasion anatomy presents itself. They are so 1 'looney. rotten 'afraid that they will not be noticed that thew will risk being silently cursed to get it. We think many newspapers — are rather harsh in their criticism the party candidate. We do not j of Henry Ford and his peace apprehend that any man vv iH i p ar ty. We believe he is sincere, offer for office in this good coun-j should the mission fail to hasten ty of Decatur who does not stand p eacei as man y predict, that’s four-square as a gentleman, and | their a)fair . Ford js Davine . the | their affair; Ford is paying the no mud will be hurled at any j f re i g ht. n — -- - Our governor is not man s head through this paper. | sponsor for the peace We hope we are understood now j} on > t knock p ord and no further explanation will dUSL ie upopularity of President on in England, France and nany is the very highest The boob that must drive his it* that can be paid his fair car through a crowd with plenty ngs. If either liked him it of room not to, must be a local ’be a plain case of his' product purely and must be fair- that way. I ly termed a Bainbridge Boob. — 'You don’t see him in public e guy that can get up as places any where else. Some r dignity as a 10 dollar a of the Bainbridge bunch will party. He is a good man, and his efforts may result in good from unexpected sources. —Cuthbert Leader. Yep he is a sincere man. A most sincere advertiser of the Ford Cars. Had Let us repair your wheel. The Motor-Bike Co., J. Robert Haire, prop. Yours, | for those light, | p brown breads and 2 4 nastries. with the 5 | pastries, with the | Tantalizing Odor \ and delicious fla- \ vor » (Rising Sun Flour trombone player in the drive their car into a funeral ige traveling amusement procession just to get noticed, •any can make Ward Me-' Everybody knows who we are ttt turn over in his grave, talking about. If you don’t know •you ever notice one under watch the next gathering and headway? I see. Last week we failed to chron icle all about "Sasy Sue’s” Christ-. ... mas party and now Sue’s society 1 you thought about that? friends are knocking us terribly, j ——«* Said there was no news in the i Ashamed and Ought to be. paper because of that failure. That fellow coming down the Lord help these poor benighted 8 t ree t now from the express of- society women in Bainbridge. j fice wjth a jug under hjg arm They are foolish enough to think, looks like he is ashamed of it that other people take them as| And he really ought tQ bg J seriously as they do themselves. Spartanburg Journal. Why Poor things, their doings don 11 ahould he? Re may have butter- r interest a soul outside of their, milK or good old Georgja Cane 'g set and their patronage would nt S yrup in that jug. Evil to him'I feed jay birds over night, that evil thmketh. TTnl«* K Telephone your bicycle troubles to the Motor- Bike Co., .Shingkr Bldg. that evil thmketh. Unless you have used a jug thusly, why would you think that the other guy is doing the .same thing. Shame on you? Tl W ai 5=3 | Self-Rising and £ Ready Prepared jj First aid to tedi- 4 g ous baking and lag- J f I ging appetites. 5 : 8 8 Your Grocer | jj Knows w INSURANCE : BONDS : REALESTATE Bl* ^ ar Companies are the Strongest and Oldest in the world, we can give you the very best protection at the lowest rates, take care of your interest in f every department of Insurance, Bonds of Real Estate. We want you to feel at liberty to call on us at any tim; for information whether you are concerned or not* ?e ; II >r; ilL .80 list to WE WRITE FIRE, CASULTY, ACCIDENT, HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE ANDIHANDLE ANY AND ALL REAL ESTATE AND RENTING BUSINESS. tL =If in the market for any thing in this line it will pay you to see us before placing your busines ===== Si AR FIRST NATIONAL BANK DECATUR COUNTY REALTY AND INSURANCE COMPANY Ler ■VA y,,' "TTUTiav |C r . .. J Jv J- 1