The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, January 06, 1916, Image 5

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LEGAL NOTICES -t- Georeia, Decatur County— Will be sold before the courthouse door in the city of Bainbridi * 1 . said county on the hist Tuesday ff Feb, next during the legal hours if sale the followingdescribed property o-wit; One house and lot in the'titv of Bainbridge, Decatur county, <j.orgia, bounded as follows: North by proper ty of #- L. Nance, South by Green street,".)est by Hill street, l&st by Louellen Hill, and being the house and lot on which Nancy Overstreet lives. Levied on as the property of Nancy Overstreet to satisfy ajustice f .i in favor of the Decatur County Baak. Levy made by E. E, McKerley, L. C., and turned o\er to the Sheriff for advertisement and sale. Tenant in possession notified. This January 1st, 1916. S. W. Martin, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County— Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge said county on the first Tuesday in Feb. next 'during the legal hours of sale | the following described property to I wit: One boiler, one engine, one water tank, and all parts of machines, pul leys and shaftings of the Climax Lum ber Company. I.evied on as the prop erty of J. R. Mize and the Climax Lumber Company to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the First National Bank of Thomasville, Georgia. This January 3rd, 1816. S. \V. Martin, Sheriff. CITATION Georgia, Decatur County, To all whom it, may concern: l.ucretia Gillard, having in proper form applied to me for permanent Let ters of Administration on the estate of Levia Myers, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next ol kin of the said Levia My ers, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in February, 1916, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent Administration should not be granted to said Lueretia Gillard on said Levin Myers' estate. Witness my official signature, January 5th, 1916. T. B. Maxwell, Ordinary. FOR LEAVE TO SELL Georgia, Decatur County. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell land be longing to my Ward for the purpose of maintaininanceand education. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in February 1916. This January 4th, 1916. J J. B. Lynn, Guardian for W. A. Lynn, M. L. Lynn, and tJ. E. Lynn James Cook | In Decatur Superior Court. vs I NovemberTerml915 j Rule Nisi to Fore. Wm. E. Harris | closed Mortgage. It being represented to the Court by the petition of James Cook, that by deed of mortgage dated the 5th day of October 1906, W. E. Harris conveyed to the said James Cook, forty-one and two-thirds acres off of lot of land No. 304 in the 15th land district of said County, bounded an the East by 88 1-3 acreB of same lot owned by H. J. Bru ton, on the North by lot No. 305, on the South by lot 803,■ on the West by remnant of said lot No. 304, said land running across lot No. 304 North and South, for the purpose of securing the Georgia, Decatur County:— Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge, said county on the first Tuesday in Feb. next during the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described property to-wit: One mule named Jim, one cook stove, one bedstead, one duster, one 1 paymenrofsair^ortoagV^otel^IUs rocking chair and two straight chairs. or< f ere d, that the said defendant do Levied on as the property of Bill Me- J p U y i n t 0 this Court by the first day of Coy and T. G. Carr to satisfy a h fa j tlie next term the principal interest l8\or of A. J. Ivey. Levy made by J. and costs due on said mortgage note or M. Richardson, L. t.. and turned over show cause if any he has to the contra- to me Sheriff for ad vertising and sale. ry , or that in de fault thereof foreclosure I his January 3rd, 1916. • I be granted to the said petitioner of ». tv. Martin, aliertn. |said mortgage, and the equity of re- ‘ demption of the suid defendant therein *’ Wjfff'be^ofd 1 be fore "t he Court House I be torever barred, and that service of door in said txrnntv o theirsfn.s lhls rule be Infected on the. said de- lT,n“eb. C0 W^ within ^the TWa NoV "» rfo«.riiS>a > ember 16th 191o. E. E. Cox, Judge S. C. A. C. hours of sale, the following descrilied property to-wit: 169 acres of land in lot 137 in the 15th district of Decatur county, Ga. Levied on as the property of Eliza San ders to satisfy a 11 fa for state and flinty taxes for the year 1914, issued py T. M. Rattle, T. C. Decatur county. '" is January 5tli, 1916, S. W. Martin, Sheriff, orgia, Decatur County:—* /Will be sold before the court hou.-e /loot in and for said county on the first Tuesday in Feb. 1915, within the legal hours of sale for cash to the highest ladder all. of the following property, i-wit: Vll of two certain city lots in the |y of Bainbridge, Decatur county, Borgia, known as lots numbers fif- en and eighteen <15and 18) on Evans Icet, in accordance with the John R. Jar]> Sub-division. Said lots froni- ; fifty feet each on north side of Jans street and running back north iqual width and depth one hundred |d twenty-five feet, together with all lprovements on said lols. Said bvo|>- ly levied on as that of S. Myers to jtisfy a city court fi fa issued from : city court of Bainbridge in favor of brash and Rita May Brash against |.\!yers. Tenant in possession noti- fi. This 5th, day of January, 1916. S. W. Martin, Sheriff. firgia, Decatur county Vill be sold before the court house br in the city of Bainbridge in said unty on the first Tuesday in Feb; dur- ; the legal hours of sale the follow- Ig described property bo wit; [One black horse mule about 7 years 111. Levied on as the property of A. I Youmans to satisfy a fi fa in favor 1 Donalsonville Lit e Stock Company, bis January 5th, 1916. S, W. Martin, Sheriff. A tiue copy from the minutes. 4t C. W. Wimberley, Clerk. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election as Clerk Superior Court subject to theaction of the White Primary. I am truly thankful to the people of Decatur county for their con fidence and support in the past, and if again honored by them shall constant ly endeuver to give them a courteous efficient and satisfactory administra tion of the office. 1 respectfully solicit the support of all the white voters of the county. Respectfully, C. \V. Wimberley. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for County Treasurer subject to the action of the coming primary. If I am elected I will endeavor to fill the office to the satisfaction of the voters generally. 1 am not unmindful of the splendid vote given me before and I, will appreciate the kind consideration | and See US 3,bOUt them, of all voters in this campaign. Thank ing all for their attention, f am Very Respectfully, Baker (T. C.) Funderburk. ' PERSONAL LOCUS Will'buy your eggs. Pay the regular Commercial Market price. Call and see us about them. Phone 153—J. I, Reynolds & Co. Mr. John E. Drake of Iron City was in town this week at tending the teachers Institute as well as shaking hands with friends. Mr. Drake has been very prominently mentioned as a possible candidate for Tax Re ceiver and on being approached by a friend stated that at the proper time, after the meeting of the County Executive Com mittee he would make his an nouncement’ He has been one of the citizens that has always taken considerable interest in educational matters. Oak and Pine Wood cut any length you desire. Phone 153 and get it quick. Ride a bicycle for your health’s sake. The Motor- Bike Co„ Shingler build ing. The next regular meeting of the Ladies Guild of St. John’s Church will be held Monday afternoon at 3:00 at the residence of Mrs. D. C. Gurley. Miss Myrtle Braswell left Sun day night for her home in Sebas- tain, Fla., after an extended visit to her sister Miss Ella Braswell We will build you a delivery wheel for heavy service. The Motor-Bike Company, Phone 153 for your house and stove wood—Prices reasonable and delivered promptly at any time.—J. I. Reynolds & Co. At the Attapulgus Presbyter ian Church a protracted series of evangelistic services will be held beginning Monday night. The preaching will be done by Rev. B. R. Anderson of Boston, Ga. The meeting will continue for ten or twelve days. The servi ces will doubtless be largely at tended both day and night. Will buy your eggs and pay the regular commer cial market price. Call gia, Decatur county- ill be sold before the court house • in the city of Bainbridge in said mv on the first Tuesday in Feb. dur- [the legal hours of sale the follow- described property to wit; I Clover Leaf No. 1 manure spread- [ levied on as the property of S. B. itwell to satisfy a ft faAin favor of lock Hardware Co. This January [1916. 8. W, Martin, Sheriff: Administrators sale i?ia, Decalur County: i virtue of an order of the court of nary of said county, will be sold Iblic outcry on the first Tuesday pbruary 1916 at the court house in in-between the usual hours theTollowing real estate situate atur county, to-wit: sty two and one half (62 1-2) acres qr less of land being situate in uith west corner of lot number f(5) in the 14th district Decatur ty, Georgia; bounded south and by original land lines; on the bv land own by the Chattahoo- Lumber Co., on the north by s of Mrs. S. n. Cherry. Terms . This January 4th, 1915. H. F. Alday, Admin istrator of the estate of C*ara Aidav. gia, Decatur County, virtue of an order of his Honor, L (: ox, Judge of the Superior.'Joint, 1 county, made upon the appli- (ut.l. E. Clark to sell the one j undivided interest of Luetta pn lots of land numbers 168 and toe 27th district of Decatur Georgia, consisting of 4is gnd all of lots of land numbers _28s in the 27th district con- oU0 acres, more or less, there sold before the court house 1 the first Tuesday in February aid one tenth undivided inter- aforesaid for the purpose of enanee and education of Luetta [the minor ward of J. E. Clark, sa ' e being subject to approval uurt. This utli day of January L, J. Willis, Commissioner. , NOTICE •.trues indebted to the late C. fnanan will please come and set- ■ butties having claims , wil1 a *so file their l"‘th * N. Buckner, Executor. FOR SALE—Two Jersey cows fresh-in milk—apply to I. L. Willis, FowlstoWn, Ga. WANTED—Second hand bicyc- V. les; girls and men’s-The Motor-Bicycle Co., Shingler B. FOR RENT—Two rooms, close ■ into business portion of the . city unfurnished. See or write or phone 360. 2t Mrs. C. C. Halstead. FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms for light house-keeping. Apply to Mrs. I. B. Griffin, West street. 2t. WANTED—To purchase a check protectograph. State make, model and number. Must be cheap for cash. Address Check Protector Company, care of paper. Phone 153. J. I. Reynolds & Co. Attention is called to the no tice of Dr. Parks, the well known eye-specialist. He is at the Wil lis Drug Company’s where you can see him at any time for the next few days. Before buying a w bicycle look at our stock. The Motor-Bike Co., Shingler building. Sam Seigel of the Busy Corner left Monday morning for market to lay in a big bache of bargains for that popular store. Judge W. I, Geer of Colquitt was among the prominent attor neys in the city this week atten ding City Court. We help make your bic ycle bills less. The Motor- Bike Co., Shingler bldg. Phone 153 for your house and stove wood. WANTED-Local representative j Prices reasonable and de- for Decatur County, for ^Old |j V erep promptly at any time* .1. I. Reynolds Ac Co. Line Life Insurance Co. Liberal Commission. Address W. Harry Peebles, Division Manager, Whig- ham, Ga- MUSTANG For Sprains, Lameness, Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism Penetrates anil Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c. 50c. $1. At All Dealers. LINIMENT Oak and pine wood cut any length {you desire. Phone 153 and get it quick. Mr. T. J. Hutchinson an old veteran that left Bainbridge with the old company known as the Bainbridge Independents has been in the city for several days hunting up old acquaintances. The aged vet now lives in Texas and is hale and hearty for a man of his age. Livingston Snow, a well known young traveling man of this sec tion was in the city a few days this week on business. Will buy your eggs and pay the regular commer cial market price. Call and see us about them. Phone 153. J. I- Reynolds & Co. To Farmers and Other Meat Producers We are now prepared to take care of all meat that is offered us for curing under cold storage and will be glad to have all the business we can get. The meat should be cut up and salted ready for storing in bins. The rate for storage and re frigeration will be one cent per pound for thirty days. fficiinbridge See Company Telephone 152 INDISTINCT | I .. , ty-'-" 4 " J.'t fT.-V. Can You Chop Cotton? No, not with a shiny-handled hoe. With an axe, like you’d cut stove-wood. Can you? i Of course you can—-after a bale of it’s gone through our compress 1mm hi" Atlanta. Because when the cotton leaves that compress, it's as hard as r-h wood. You’d need a sharp axe to cut into it with, like you’d need a good and a hefty swing to make the chips fly from a solid oak log. Thirty-two pounds to the cubic foot, same density as oak—that’s what our compress mashes cotton to. Other compresses on the average make it 22 1-2 pounds. " < Know what that means to you? SAVING IN FREIGHT. BETTER PRICE. Sis and a half bales from our compress can hr stored in the space four and a bales from some other press would take up. A 5,OCO-ton ship can carry 32,500 bales of it, of 22,500 of the other. Ten thousand bales more in a ship cuts the cost of the chsurter down. That figures up a saving of about $1 a bale in ocean freight That’s equal to a quar- ter of a cent a pound on a 400-pound bale. And that’s the same as an advance over the market price. Same compressing saves land freight, too. Load more bales in a car. You won’t find another Webb high density compress east of Texas. That’s our IA«I, Two of ’em give us a capacity of 6,000 bales a day. Not only that. You save in other ways when you use our warehouse. We could have spent $75,000 and had a warehouse big as the one we’ve got. But we’re spending close to $1,000,000 to get one of the very best in the world. We’ve covered 40 acres of ground with a concrete floor and a concrete roof and everything else concrete. The drain age from that 40-acre roof is pumped into our tall storage tank. The water ~-l~- of Atlanta are connected, too. We’ve got automatic high-pressure fire sprinklers under the roof, and automatic fire alarms. Fire extinguishers everywhere. You might LylLl m fir* and not start anything but a lot of excitement The thing’s FIREPROOF. That’s why we can insure you for two cents a bale a month. Storage eosta 25 cents a month. Handling in and out, 10 cents a bale. J You share with us the advantages of maximum economy and mum safety. Atlanta Warehouse Co. ASA C. CANDLER. Write for Old Bill Bobbin’s Say-So on Cotton