The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, March 09, 1916, Image 2

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INSURANCE : BONDS REAL ESTAT! Our Companies are the Strongest and Oldest in’ the world, we can give you the very best protection at the lowest rates, take care of your interest every department of Insurance, Bonds of Real Estate. We want you to feel at liberty to call on us at any time for information whether you are concern© or not. WE WRITESFIRE, CASULTY, ACCIDENT, HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE AND’HANDLE ANY AND ALL REAL ESTATE AND RENTING BUSINESS. _Tf in the market for any thing in this line it will pay you to see us before placing your business —- — REAR FIRST NATIONAL bank DECATUR COUNTY REALTY AND INSURANCE COMPANY BA1NBRIDGE *icORQ|j i i i— ~ 11 wanvbt ^ j Rising Sun Flour 1 ► SELF-RISING AND READY PREPARED. ■i \ i | Made of choicest Red Winter Wheat, ground \ and prepared according to the superior qual- J ity that has made the old RED MILL, Nash- r ville, Tenn., nationally famous. I Say RISING SUN to any good ^ grocer. You’ll be pleased. HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE CARD FROM MR. DRAKE I take this method of thanking my friends for the splendid vote I recieved for Tax Reciever of Decatur County. In the primary of March the first. It will be my pleasure to serve all the people with fairness in that capacity, and shall ever feel grateful. Yours respectfully, John E. Drake. After Poor Team of Obcoaragiiig CooditMMH, Mrs. Bollock Govo UpiaDetptir. Husband Cum to Resaw. Catron, Ky—in an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows: “l suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, 1 could only sit up lor a little while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At times, 1 would have severe pains In my left side. The doctor was called In, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but I was .soon confined to my bed again. Aitcr tthat, nothing seemed to do me any good. I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman’s tonic, and I com menced taking it. Prom the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiling me, and am doing all my work.” If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman's tonic. It has helped more than a million women, in its SO years of continuous success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He wit! recom mend it. Begin taking Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooga M.alcln# Co.. ) dvtsory Dept., OutUnoog*. Tenn.. for &p6CU]J rufrtsrftonj so your c*»e And 64-peg* book. ‘ Homo Treatment for Women." sent In »Ula wrapper. J-4e - A Card to Owners' -of Rural Telephone Lines! We are anxious to tee that all lines owned by other parties and connected with us are kept in such condition as to furnish efficient service. Where the owners of rural lines are responsible for their upkeep, we want to co-operate with them. All lines require a thorough overeauling occa sionally if the best service is to be obtained. We recommend that every line connected with us be overhauled at least once a year, and that at least one experienced telephone man assist in this work. The cost of this work when divided among all the patrons of the line, makes the amount paid by each man small, and this cost will be more than offset by the improved service. If the owners of rural telephone lines in this sec tion are experiencing trouble with their service, we will appreciate their talking the matter over with our Manager or writing us fully We will gladly do what we can toward helping you improve the con dition of your line. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY W t H/1RR1S, AVikn^ger, Barinbridge, G\. and Bad Colds are oatued by gonna. Fot Quick relie f take The Giant Grip Genu Ki Johnson’s Tonic Statesboro Minister Gets Real Help Rev. J. Powell Tells How He Found New Strength to Gve to His bbors Rev. J. Powell of Statesboro Ga., suffered from stomach troubles so seriously that they ' affected his work, j He struggled on under the I handicap as best he could—hardly realizing, perhaps, just how much his sickness was hurting him. One day he learned of Mryr’s Wonderful Remedy, He took the first dose—then decided to take the full treatment. He wrote: ‘‘Since using the six bottles of wonderful remedy I feel like another man. It has been quite a wonder to me to know how one could have a stomach disease like mine and live and do the work I did. I just escaped the operating table. ‘‘Now I can eat what I please and it dosen’t hurt me night or day.” Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives permanent results for stomach, liver and intestinal ail ments. Eat as much and what ever you like. No more distress after eating, pressure of gas in the stomach and around the heart. Get one bottle of your druggist now and try it on an absolute guarantee—if not satis factory money will be returned. STOP IN ATLANTA AT HOTEL EMPIRE Opposite Union Depot on Pryor St. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water, private baths, electric lights and elevator. Firs) claaa accommodations at modarata prices. >ms SOc a^nViV JOHN L. EDMONDSON, Prop. La Grippe Cut Your Store Down One Half Tens of thousands of farmers as well as town and city folks cut down their store hills one-half last year and saved money in spite of generally short crops and re duced wages. Absolutely millions of dollar, were saved and countless families lived better than ever before in the face of the cotton crisis and general business depression. How were these burdensome store bills cut down? By the real money-saving 1 power of good home gardens, rightly ( planted and kept planted and tended I through the season. Hastings 1916 Seed Catalogue tells how I to cut store bills down; tells about gar- | den and farm seeds of kinds and a qual- ! ity that cannot be bought from your mer chant or druggist. It’s full of garden and . farm information. It’s free if you ask j for it Write for it now. H. G. HASTINGS CO.. Atlanta, Ga.-(Advt.) « Aluminum Ware is Free to Ourl Customers..... We will give away absolutely Free to customers of this store, a com plete set of The World’s Best Quality Brand Aluminum Ware. Guar-1 anteed for twenty years. Every time you make a cash purchase you will receive a Free Aluminum Coupon corresponding to the amount of your sale—you save these coupons, when you have the necessary amount of coupons to entitle you to the one (or more) pieces of Aluminum | Ware you desire, bring the coupons to us and take away the Aluminum Ware they en title you to, Absolutely Free. In this way we share our profits with our customers. We know our regular trade will appreciate this, and continue to trade with us, and undoubtedly favor us with greater patronage because it will pay you to buy every thing here. Then too, many who have not traded with us will be glad to secure a set of this beautiful Aluminum Ware Free also, and this will increase our trade considerably, so in that way we both benefit, the store and the customer. Call at our store at once. See this beautiful ware and get started for a set. As a further Consideration we will give these coupons to our thirty day customers that pay their bill not later than the Fifth Day of each month. Get your set as quickly as you can. TONGE BROTHERS Phone 119 217 Broad St. Bainbridge, Ga. Where Draughon Graduates Arij ...Employed... Go to the banks, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their cashiers. Go to the factories, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their accountauts. Go to the wholesale Houses, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their man agers. Go to the Railway offices, and you will find Draughon graduates are their chief clerks or officials. Go to ‘‘Uncle Sam,” and you will find that Draughon graduates are his most trusted servants. Go wherever business requires the most efficient office help, and there you will find Draughon graduates. The aggregate annual income of the graduates of Draughon’s great chain of Colleges, at an estimated average salary of $75 a month is One Hundred and Eighty Million Dollars. Endorsed by more Bankers than all Other Business Colleges in the Souti Combined-Enter Any Time-Catalog Free. DRAUCHON’S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Cor Forsyth and Mitchell Sts. H. R. TODD, Supt. Atlanta, Gal WeGive Profit-Sharing Coupons Reduce the BfohCost of Living by Trading with ® CATALOG Willis Drug Co., Bainbridge, Ga. 9^l'J l ^X5 ND l! <VESr,6ATEHOWYDUCAN PROCURE BEAUTIFUL'AND USEFUL ARTICLES BY REDEEMING OUR. COUPONS AND CCRTIfICATES ISSUEO WITH EVERY.CASH PURCHASE.~ ^ ^ * New Presses and New Type Just Receive! Why not have your Job Work Done Right