The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, March 16, 1916, Image 8

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LEGAL NOTICES SALK NOTICE Georgia, Decatur County:- By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary will be Hold at public out cry before the court liouHe door in said county on the lirst Tuesday in April next during the legal hours of sale, the following described proficrty to-wit: m x . a: j .. l in DitinUri/Irrn t «tl Mtf.tllftL- luinmiii^ uvot-iiuvx* One City lot in Bumbrulge, Ga. situat t rnw Livy m ouii.ui.vb'-i .. 7 . ed on the south side of Khotwell street and fronting on said street 52 1-2 feet, thenoe running south ‘210 feet, the west line of said lot is parallcd to and east of Bruton street 167 feet. On which lot is a onc-stpry four room house. Said is a uuv-iwi .v , 7, . lot bctng the same that wbh described in a deed from Elbert Wilson to H. L. Hicks, recorded in deed l>ook 0-3 page 173 in the Clerks office of Decatur county. Terms cash. This March Hth, 1916. , E. J. I'erry, Adin. Estate of ,\\ . K. Newsome. Leave lo Sell Georgia, Decatur County:- Notice is lierehy given that the un dersigned has applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell land be longing to the estate of W. It. New- some for the payment of debt. Katd application will lie heard at the regu lar term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to lie held on the lirst Monday in April 1916. This March Hth, 1916. „ „ „ K. j. Perry, Admr. of \\. It. New- some. Georgia, Decatur county By virture of an order from the Court ef Ordinary of Decatur County Georgia will Ik 1 sold at public outcry on the lirst Tuesday in April 1916 at the court house door in Said County, be tween the legal hours of sale for easli the following property belonging to the estate or l.evia Myers deceased: Georgia, Decatur county Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said countyjon the first Tuesday in April dur ing the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; One house and lot in the city of uty Cambridge, said county bounded the North by Cemetery Street, East by Webster Street, South’ by property of r of Mar- Einma Bunks, westby proiicrty iu Batts. Levied on as the property of Mary Etta Jones to satisfy a city tax li fa for the year 1915 due and unpaid. Fi fa issued, by W. O. Fleming city Cleik. This March 8th, 1916. I). 11. Barber, chief of police. Georgia, Decatur county; Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in April dur ing the lcf^al hours of sale, the follow ing described property to wit; One house and lot in thecity of Bain- bridge said county bound on the North by pro- Albany property of Will Carter to satisfy a elty tax fi fa issued hy W. O. Fleming, Clerk of city council for city tax for the year 1915. March Hth, 1916. I). It. Barber, chief of Police. linage sum county oounn on til by property of Jester, South perty of Graves, West by the Itoad. I,evied on as the proi Georgia, Decatur t,ounly:- —ill Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the firBt Tuesday in April dur ing the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit: House and lot in trio city of Bain bridge said county bounded on the North by property of Bower, East by ’ ’uoyd f That City lot in Cambridge Georgia being one half acre bounder! on North by land sold to wife of Sum McFarland and another parcel sold to wife of It. F'ord on East by property of John I*. Dickinson on West hy Washington street being ‘2*2 yards on Washington id rulin' street and running back East 109 yards. This Murch 6th, 1916. J. H. McFarland, Adm. of Levin Myers, Deceased. Georgia, Deculur County:- ' By virtue of an order of the.Court of Ordinary of Said Comity, will he sold at public outcry on the lirst Tuesday in April, 1910, at the court house in Said County, between the usual hours of sale, the ‘ r . following'real estate, to-wit: The three-fourths undivided Intcres In and to a certain one-fourth interest, undivided, in und to the South Half of lot of land Number 1, in the ‘21st, dis trict of Said County and state, con taining ‘23, 7-16 acres, more or less. Terms, cash, B. B, Y arwn, Guardian for Mattie IjOU, lClia und.ltidsun Yawn and lluby Yawn^ Georgia, Decatur County:— W ill be sold before the court house door in and for said county on the first Tuesday in April 1916, within the legal hours of sale for caah to the highest bidder all of the following property, Georgia Decatur County— There will tie sold before the Court House door in said county on the first Tuesday in April, 1916, during the legul hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, llie undivided one-eighth (1-H) interest in und to the South 166, 2-3 acres of land lot 1‘24 in the fourteenth district of Decatur County, Georgiu, said interest being the property of my ward Frankie Lee Truwick, and said sale to be made under and by virtue of an order authorizing said sale passed by the Ordinary of Decatur county at the March term, 1916. This the 7th, day of March. 1916. Lillie Shaw, Guardian. to-writ Thai t certain lot in the city of Bain bridge on I he Houth side of College street, , 65 feet by 100 feet and bounder! as follows; On West by property of J. D. Chason, on East by property of M. 1’. Dowell, North by property of J. D, Chason und Houth by College street. Levied on as the pro|ierty of M. I’. Dowell to satisfy a fi fa in favor of United Medicine Co. This March 8th, 1916. H. W. Martin, SheilT. „Georgia, Decatur County- Wilt be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said uounty on the tirst Tuesday in April 1916 during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit: Dart of that tract of land as purchas ed by Ed t >essau from Bower und Donalson April 16th, 1S9‘2 being in a square 140 yatds each way and sub divided by Ed Dessau iuto 7 lots front ing .Houth each ‘20 yarrls running North 140 yards across lot lieing ‘20 yards East und West, 140 yards North and South as |>er map of subdivision Book G-3 page ‘214, Levy being made on lot number 5 of said sub-division except about one-fourth of an aere on said lot no. 5. levied on us the pro- property of Lucy Sly to satisfy a fi fa In favor l of lam Sly. levied by J. M. Vereen L. C. and turned over to the sheriff for advertising and sale. This March 8tli, 1916 S. W. Martin, Sheriff. leonria, Decatur county Wat be sold before tne he court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in April du ring the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit, 88 acres of land more or less, being the center one-third of lot of land no. 118 in the ‘20th, district of Decatur county, Georgia and bound as follows. on North and South by original land by land of M. F„ Whitak West by lands of Geor lines, on East by land of M er, und on the West by HI gia Whitaker, levied an as the [wo- perly of J. J. Whitaker to sntisfy a li fa In favor of W. N. lxing. Tills March 8th, 1916. S. W. Martin, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur county Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in April; dur ing the legal hours of sale the follow ing duscribed property to wit: lx>t no 10in the DnuleUeSuli-division of thecity of 'Bainbridge. said county. Levied on as the nro|>erty of Iiattie n fa in favor of J. Jackson to satisfy o satisfy M. Floyd, Transferee. This March 8th 8. W. Martin, Sheriff. Georgia, l>eoatur County;- Wdl be sold before the court house door in the city of _Bainbridge in said >ni county on the first Tuesday in April dur ing the legal hours of sale the follow ina described propel ty to wit; Tlonse and lot in the city of Bain bridge said county bounded on the North by projierty of Newsome, East by Crawford Street, South by Brough ton, Street and West by property of Floy!. Levied on as the property of W. 1,. Wood to satisfy a city tax ti fa issued by W. O. Fleming clerk of the city council for city taxes for the year 1914 and 191*. This March Hth, 1916. D. It, Barber, chief of folioe. property of Floyd Houth by the corpor ation limits and West (by property of Ithodu Oliver. Levied on us Hie pro perty of Charlie Wooten to satisfy a city lax fi fa issued by W. O. Fleming city clerk for taxes for the year 1914. This March Hth, 1916. D. R. Barber, chief of l’olicc. Georgia, Decatur County, F. L. Brunson [ Libel for Divorce. Mrs. F. L. Brunson | The Defendant, MrB. F. L. Brunson is hereby required personally or by at tornejg, lo lie and (appear at the next SUPERIOR COURT, to be held in and for said County of Decatur, on the Second Monday in May next, then and there to answer the Plaintiff's Com- plaint, as in default thereof said Court will proceed us tojustice shut I appertain. Witness the Honorable E. E. Cox, Judge of said Court. This_Hth, day of March 1916. C. V'. Wimberley, Clerk. Fifty Homes For Small Farmers The Bainbridge Farm Company offers for sale fifty unimproved farms of fifty acres each. Fronting on fine public roads, in good neighborhoods, close to schools, churches, railroad depots, telephones and rural mail routes. These lands are very level about two hundred feet higher above the sea level than the City of Bainbridge. Highly productive of all farm produce plenty of good water und healthful and will make ideal homes for small farm ers. These lands are guaranteed to be of the very best in this county. The timber on them now is estimated worth five dollars per acre and the titles are perfect. Why notbuy your farm instead of renting.' We allow you ten years to pay for it. The difference between buying and renting is this: To illustrate say that you buy a farm unimproved for one thousand dollars, you improve the farm the first year with your own means sufficiently to occupy and operate it. You pay for the farm as follows: You give ten notes of One Hundred Dol lars each with interest at 8 percent, from the date of the purchase. You pay one note each year with the interest only on the note you pay. Your pay ments will be as follows: At end of first year $108.00; Second year $116.00; Third year $124.00; Fourth year $132.00; Fifth year $140.00; Sixth year $148.00; Seventh year $156.00; Eighth year $164.00; Ninth year $172.00; Tenth year $180.00; Total $1440.00. If you should rent a like farm instead of buying you would pay an an nual rent ot $130.00. And in ten years the principal sum of $1300.00 The interest on your first rental payment would be $10.40 per annum for nine years amounting to $93.60 Eor second rental payment interest for eight years $83.20 For third rental payment interest for seven years ...$72.80 For fourth year rental payment interest for six years $62.40 For fifth year rentul payment interest for five years $52.00 F'or sixth year rental payment interest for four years $41.60 For seventh year rental payment interest for three years $31.20 For eighth year rental payment interest for two years $2o.80 For ninth year rental payment interest for one $10.40 The total amount puid by you in ten years principal and interest being$176.800 Three hundred and twenty-eight more for rent than you would pay for the purchase of the farm. And the result at tire end of ten years would be that if you bought the farm it would be paid for in full with $1410.00 and Jyou would own it with all the improvement you put on it. But if you rented it insteud of buying it you at the end of ten years would have paid out $1768.00 in rent and you would own nothing. The above figures seem to be indisputable. B. B. BOWER, Sr., President. Bainbridge, Georgia. ..FOI R SAI LE.. Second Hand Fore 1 Cars One Ford 5 Passenger Car One Ford 5 Passenger Car One Buick 2 Passenger Car $175.00 $250.00 $100.00 THE BAINBRIDGE MOTOR GAR GO. BAINBRIDGE. GEORGIA. Silage And Its Complemen By Dr. A. M. Soule. In the winter feeding of live stock it is essential that an abund some cheap roughness be supplied. Winter pastures of varloi»J have been recommended for this purpose and they are valuable to J tain extent, but in a dry autumn they may make comparatively yJ ▼elopment, and in a severe winter the growth is unsatisfac'ury | happens that In nine years out of ten the farmer la put to it to find ■ substitutes for grass. So much has been said and written about 3 |u one would suppose that every one is familiar with this topic, but not the case. Not long since a man credited with some especial agricultural asked the writer after a discussion In which this material was raeu. Just what a silo might be and what silage was like. This man garded in his community as a very practical and successful farmeJ no doubt his knowledge and experience along certain lines were extj but were he to attempt the institution.of a live stock proposition be I have failed ignominiously because he was not even acquainted W lta first principles of the business. Silage may be made from a number of crops familiar to southern fu Corn and sorghum with various legumes used singly or in combination enable the farmer to fill his silo economically with the choicest of mall Corn should be put Into the silo when the lower leaves begin to "flJ a little. Sorghum should not be put in until it is virtually matured legumes when they are !n the best condition to cut for hay. These] foods when run into an air-tight structure and compacted will keep 1 long period of time, certainly for twelve months. If not put in tkl when too green the product will he wholesome and sweet with a enticing odor and a degree of palatability for ruminating animals, eat it with great relish, thrive on it satisfactorily, and when it is pj, Combined with concentrates yield an abundant supply of milk o_ on a desirable increase in live weight. An acre of land of reasonabl tility will produce eight tons of silage, and under very favorable condl as much as twelve to fifteen tons. Silage is an admirable substitul grass and cattle can be maintained on it as cheaply as on pasturJ The silo is a comparatively small structure at best. It may be l| In diameter by 30 in height and have a capacity for holding 140 to 15J of green feed. It has a continuous door up one side and may lie bu| cement or wood. It will cost probably $350.00 to $400.00 to build structure. With a silo filled It makes little difference whether thJ tures hold out in the fall or come early in the spring. Trouble anj pense need not be devoted to the establishment of cereal pastures beL the silo will supply an adequate substitute for them at a reasonable! It has been estimated that silage crh be put up at a cost of about* per ton. Because of Its succulence silage Is cooling and soothing to the di;J system and helps to keep the animal’s circulation in good condition* promoting health and bodily vigor. Forty pounds of silage would be i ration for a 1,000-pound animal. Some will consume more and some! Young animals should be fed in proportion to their body weight. o| limited amount of silage can be fed with satisfaction to horses and i and it is not adapted for feeding lo hogs. The best results from th| of silage will come when it is fed in combination with a little dry i ness. For this purpose shredded corn stover, cotton seed hulls and I roughness available on the average farm may be utilized. About fil ten pounds of dry roughness should be fed with silage. The deficienl this material in protein makes it essential that it be fed in cunibir] with some substance rich in this element. For this purpose there ing superior to cotton seed meal in the south. For dairy cows a of silage and meal cannot be surpassed. For the maintenance of stoj and for cattle to be finished in the stall the initial ration should be i and cotton seed meal, with later the addition of a small amount of | say one-third of the grain ration. From four to five pounds of meal i be fed to an average sized dairy cow, and from five to seven pounds | 1,000 to 1,200 pound steer, depending on the length of the feeding Where cotton seod meal and silage and one of the roughnesses | Honed above are combined together, the largest and most economic | with beef cattle will be made, they will stand shipment satisfactorily! kill out an unusually choice quality of edible meat. A ration of seed meal and silage is so highly prized now that it is extensively ] through the corn belt. Where It' has been used in the south it has eminent satisfaction as to rate and economy of gains. The silo the southern farmer on a footing where he can compete in the manufi of beef and dairy products with the feeders and breeders in any put of tho United States. CERTAIN-TRED is rpa felt, tnbtrmghly saturated. wit asphalts, the^oWmitexcd the chemists. It isTheoWateiA^llt^^ nard£T-la which keeps the inne?''sa$ui2uiaiUs&ft--aTi<J^prevents the drying-out process so destructive to ordinary roofing. CERTAIN-TEED is guaranteed for 5, 10 or 15 years, according to ply (1, 2 or 3). Experience proves that it lasts longer. CERTAIN-TEED is made in rolls; also in slate-sur faced shingles. There is a type of CERTAIN-TEED for every kind of building, with flat or pitched roofs, from the largest sky-scraper to the smallest residence or out-building. Cpriam-i Roofing CERTAIN-TEED is sold by responsible dealers all over the world at reasonable prices. Investigate k before you decide on any type of roof. GENERAL ROOFING MANUFACTURING COMPANY World'9 Large at Manufacturer* of Roofing and Building Papon ilpiua St. Uau G lunMiCity SmI N«w York City Chkcmmo Pkilmdek KWILECKI’S “GOT IT’