The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, March 30, 1916, Image 1

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'HE POST-SEARCH LIGHT stersBusy Rehearsing Local Minstrel That Vill be Staged Early April. inbridge has a theatrical ahead for them. ie Boosters are working away heir amateur minstrel that be staged during April as a fit tor the local baseball as- ation UME. 2- NO. 3. BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA THURSDAY MARCH 30, 1916 $1.00 PER YEAR lean Up Week For Bainbridge Proclamation Issued By Mayor MED FDD m DRUG STORE Bainbridge fight fans received the returns of the Willard-Moran fight on Saturday night at the Bainbridge Drug and Seed Store. Dr. J. C. Moore the proporitor of the drug store secured the returns for them and over a hundred gathered at the store to get the news hot off the wires. Sentiment was equally divided between the two fighters and both factions were satisfied with the news of the scrap. DECATURGOUNTY TOBACCO READY FOR EXHIBIT CAR ocal talent has been lined up | the boys are planning to J i a production that will rival j V of the road shows that * “ ~ e visited Bamoridge this year. Board of Trade Forwards te entire production will be WEEK OP APRIL THIRD TO BE DEVOTED TO A CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN President Carter of the Board of Trade and Mayor Callahan Issue Proclamation to Make Bainbridge “Cleanest City in Dixie.” CITY WILL ASSIST IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY City Carts Will be at Disposal of Private Citizens in Hauling Away Trash. Back Yards Will be Clean as Well as Lawns. by local talent. No out re will be imported to assist utting on the show. Those in rge of the minstrel believe Bainbridge has home talent alto that of any other city they are going to give the boys a chance to star be ll the foot lights, n interesting feature of the gram will he the Bainbridge d which will work with the s. This insures plenty of good icalong with the show, hat the Boosters minstrel will success is certain. The boys working hard on rehearsing expert the loyal support of ry fan of the city. Classy Exhibit to “See ing Georgia Exhibit Car”. Decatur county tobacco will be exhibited throughout the northwest during the coming twelve months. The American tobacco company of Amsterdam has prepared an exhibit of Sumatra tobacco for the local Board of Trade and it has been sent to manager Leak of the ex hibit car. In addition to the exhibit of tobacco other Decatur county ex hibits will be prepared and sent to the car to help advertise the resources of this, the banner county of the state. SI MOOR PICNIC umphrey School, north of inbridge, have held commence- nt and a big picnic on Friday last week. Reports from that dion indicate a big time for patrons of the schools and visitors who attended, umphrey school has just ished an excellent year. The :ndance has been large and Personel of the teachers and Pils high. - a 't week in making the state- nt l ^at one of the local beet ,rkets had arranged to use one the storage rooms at the abridge Ice Company’s new nt ' ve stated that it was the Market when we should said it was the Peoples 1 Mr. Clifford Brockett, Proprietor believes in handl- ever >thing in the 4 most sam- ■F manner and up to date ‘ nner and in securing this cold room he will see to it 1S meats will always be in e ry best condition. a .° n J loose sight of the fact • r. Brockett is prepared og,* e Care °f the trade in the ^approver] manner and will J! .‘ ate . 11 if ladies will 1 '■> in mind when placing orders JR., NEW RIVER STEAMER Latest Addition to Calla han Line Greeted by Large Crowd on Last Sunday. The'week of April 3rd, is clean up week for Bainbridge. Mayor Callahan and president Carter of the Board of Trade have issued proclamations calling for a general “spring cleaning”. They want a week campaign to make Bainbridge “the cleanest city in Dixie”. The city will tender it’s teams and dump carts to those wishing thrash hauled Irom their premises and will co-operate in eyery way possible to make clean up week a success. Every man, woman, and child in this city, whether white or colored is urged to help clean up Bainkridge before the hot summer months come. Cities like residences need re gular “spring cleanings”. Trash and rubish accumilate rapidly and it is neccessary to have an nual cleaning to keep the city clean and free from disease. Filth and dirt and disease go hand in hand. Filth and dirt breed flies and mosquitos. If the Bainbridge people want to maintain the high standard of health she claims, the good people of the city must put their shoulders to the wheel and help make Bainbridge the garden spot of southwest Georgia. MAYOR ISSUES PROCLAMATION. Mayor John W. Callahan has issued the following clean up week proclamation for the week of April 3rd. WHEREAS, It has been the policy of the citizens of Bainbridge for years past to set aside one week during the Spring season to have a general cleaning of yards and vacant lots, and WHEREAS, The present city administration, recogniz ing the value of this custom and the benefits that Jvvill,"ac crue both to the health of the citizens and in beautifying our City, THEREFORE, I, J. W. Callahan, Mayor of the City ot Bainbridge, do set aside the week beginning Monday, April 3, to be known as “CLEAN UP WEEK” and I further direct that the city teams will be at the disposal of the citizens to cart away all trash, tin cans,: etc., from their premises; and to this end the earnest co-operation of every person, both White and Colored, living within the city limits, is desired to make this plan effective. Co-operation will make Bainbridge the cleanest and most beautiful city in Geor gia. CARTER ISSUES CARD. President S. T. Carter of the Board of Trade has issued the following card. “The Board of Trade is work ing for a Bigger, Better, Busier, Bainbridge. In order to make our city bigger, better, and busier, it is neccessary that our people make Bainbridge attrac tive. A clean city is healthy, a healthy city is preferable to one with disease as a steady boarder. The housewife who keeps her premises spotless will do her share in making a Bigger, Better, Busier, Bainbridge. We heartily endorse the proclamation of mayor Callahan and urge every loyal citizen to clean up their premises during the- week of April 3rd. Let’s make Bainbridge the “Cleanest City in Dixie.” OPEN THISWEEK AT TROY The Metropolitan Shows, bet ter known as “Doc” Barfields carnival opened this week at Troy Alabama, where they have been in winter quarters. The carnival has added many new features and is even better than when it was here last fall during the Harvest Festival. Barfield has many friends in Bainbridge who are pulling for him to have a successful season this year. He has billed many fairs for the spring and summer and is looking forward to his banner year. THE LOCAL ELKS TO ATTEND BIG ELKS CONVENTION Bainbridge Lodge Plan ning Special Stunts For Americus Gathering of Antler Wearers. E HARRELL BULL DELIVER CAIRO ADDRESS Local Attorney Will De liver Memorial Day Ad dress in Neighboring Town. Bainbridge lodge B. P. 0. E. is planning an invasion of Ameri cus during the Elks convention there in April, that will go down in history as “some stunt”. The local antler wearers are planning to “take the town” and impress everyone present that Bainbridge lodge is the best lodge in the state. Elaborate plans are being made by the local convention committee. Every member of the local lodge will be expected to attend the convention and help boost Bainbridge and the Bain bridge lodge. Judge W. M. Harrell of this city, probable candidate forjudge of the Albany circuit to succeed judge Cox, has been invited to deliver the Memorial day address at Cairo. Tudge Harrell was educated in Cairo as a boy and the citizens of Grady county claim him as one os their own. The candidacy of the Bainbridge man for judge of the superior court is gaining favor every day and his friends over the circuit are predicting an easy victory for him. PITTMAN SENT TO BEN HILL TO TAKE UP DE- R a whki ; rC * ^ ruton ls spend- fctovJu t ^ e c ‘ ty a ft- er a 10 ' aidosta The John W. Callahan, Jr., the latest addition to the Calla han Line, steamed into Bain-[ bridge on Sunday afternoon with captain McGruder in charge. Quite a crowd had gathered at the warf to welcome the new boat. The J. W. Callahan Jr., is 125 feet long and is a beauty. She will be put in service between Apalachicola and River Junctions in Florida. The new vessel was brought to Bainbridge so that she could be finished here and furnished by Bainbridge mei- chants. Already several thou sand dollars has been spent with local merchants for furniture, linen, silver and other furnish ings. Mayor Callahan and a party of friends will probably accom pany the J. W. Jr., to Apalachi cola when she makes her inital trip on April 9th. The Board of Trade of that city has planned an ovation for the new boat in honor of Mr. Callahan and his guests on this occasion. Miss* . Genie Woodberry, of Quincy is the guest of Miss Katherine Chestnut at her home on Wesf street. Catholics may be interested to know that the first visit made to Bainbridge by a Catholic priest was of Rev. Chas. Clement Pren- dergast, for the purpose, of per forming a marriage ceremony and administering baptism in 1868. It was not until 1881, however, that regular visits were begun and as there was not a Catholic Church in Bainbridge, Mass was offered and sermons preached in the home of one of the members. In a short while, thanks to Father Prendergast’s generosity, the present house and lot were bought by him, and given to the Catholics for their place of worship. The interor of the A. B. Eelcher, the popular corner store has opened up in this issue an advertising cam paign. Mr. Belcher has bought freely for the spring trade of the latest lines of dress goods and and all lines that are used in this section. He will make an especial effort to give the trade. the benefit of well bought goods. Having been in the local mer cantile trade for many years and there is no man in the city better posted on the needs of the folks of this section than Mr. Belcher. His customers getjthe benefit of this long and tried ex perience in trading with him. He is a careful and very tasty buyer and the ladies can find Agent Transferee! by State Department. New Man Will be Sent to Decatur County. church was completed and some very interesting things as and furnished by the Swindell well as prices on the lines that g rog ; are most dear to them. Read In 1885 Bishop Wm. H. Gross their advertisement each week of Savinnah, Ga., delivered a and you will keep posted series of lectures to immense crowds in the old court house. The priests in Albany now have charge of the church here J. T. Pittman, for several years demonstration agent of Decatur and Miller counties has been transfered to Ben Hill county and will take up the demonstra tion work in that county. He will make Fitzgerald his headquarters. Mr. Pittman will be replaced in Decatur county by another ex pert demonstration agent. This man will be employed by the county exclusively . and will give his entire time to Decatur county. The new agent will arrive in a week or ten days and v'ill im mediately get busy with his work. His entire time will be given to work in Decatur county. and celebrate month. Mass once a U. S. DISTRICT ATTORNEY HERE ATTENDING COURT Col. and Mrs. Earl S. Donalson, of Macon are spending several days in Bainbridge while Col. Donalson is attending the present session of the city court. Mr. The many friends of Lon In- Donalson is a Bainbridge boy gram were glad to see him out; who now occupies the position of on the streets again after a longjU. S. district attorney with and trying spell of illness. STATE TEACHERS WILL WILL DISCUSS ON INTERESTING TOPICS When the Georgia Educational Association meets in Macon April 20-21-22 there will be ad dresses on lines of educational work of interest to all connected with schools from the University to the kinergarden, but three questions to come before the body will be ot interest to the, teachers and supervisors of rural schools. The matter of eliminating adult illiteracy will be discussed by the ablest authority on this question in the country, Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart the Presi dent of the Kentucky Illiteract Commission and the originator of the Moon-light schools for illiterates. The problem of rural school improvement is vital to educa tional interests m this state just now. This topic will receive treatment from several speakers amog them are Dr. J. C. Kuer- man of the National Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C., who is a specialist in rural school work and who will give a lantern slide lecture on rural schools—old and new. Hon. G. Ogden Persons, presi dent of the State Senate, and Mr. W. T. Anderson, Editor of the Macon Telegraph will dis cuss a proposed constitution of amendment requiring each of the counties to levy a local tax for the support of schools in the county. This discussion will be closed by Dr. J. S. Stewart of the University who has done so much for the ad vancement of the high schools of Georgia. Every county school superin tendent is urged to see that his board grants holiday on Friday April 21st and to come with liis teachers to the Association. ilieadquarters in Macon. Mr. John Garrett was called to Quitman last Thursday by the announcement of the death of his mother.