The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, June 29, 1916, Image 2

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ATLANTA HAMPTON SPRINCS PULLMAN LINE CHANGED TO—— ATLANTA-ALBANY LINE After April -29th present Atlanta-Hampton Springs Pullman sleeping car line will be changed to Atlanta-Albany sleeping car line on the following schedule: SOUTHBOUND Lv. Atlanta A. B. & A Lv. Cordele G. S. W. & G Ar. Albany G. S. W & G NORTHBOUND Lv. Albany G. S. W. & G- Lv. Cordele A. B. & A Ar. Atlanta A. B. & A 10:30 P. M. 5:30 A. M. 6:50 a. M. 6:10 A. M. Passengers leading Atlanta at 10:30 P. M. and Albany at 10:15 may occupy sleeping cars as early as 9:00 p. M. Passengers ar- ariving Atlanta at 6:10 a. m. and Albany at 6:50 a. m. may remai in sleeping cars as late as 7:30 A. M. Secure further information from W. W. Croxton, Genrral Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. T /"'l * and Bad Colds are caiiHed by gcma. Fa J ^ v_Xa lt3l3C relie f take The (iiant (inp (terra Ki ;j — Johnson’s Tonic and &0* nod TuMm* If PICNIC AND DANCE There will be a picnic and dance July 8th, at the Littlefield school house, near the home of Mr. E. M. D. Littlefield. Every body is invited to come with well filled baskets. Let us do your Palm Beach Suit, at 50 cents. The Dixie Steam Laundry. VfONOUFUl.pi -/or trouble ism Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Auto-Intoxication, Yellow Jaun dice, Appendicitis and other fatal ailments result from Stomach Trouble. Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their complete re covery to Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy. Unlike any other for Stomach Ailments. For sale by Druggists everywhere. ATTENFION MOTHERS! Miss Blanch Thompson will open her summer school at her home, 504 West street, next Monday, June 26th at 8 o’clock. She hopes there will be a large number and many of the old pupils to return. She thanks you for your business and pa tronage in the past. She means to give better service to all in the future. For terms, see her. Every garment or hat that en ters our shop is insured, send in your work and be convinced that we are first class cleaners. Julian Hodges. Phone 373. Velvet Bean Meal Feed for cows. Have you given it a trial? It is a wonder worker. For sale by Ralph R. Belcher. Join the Club have all your Pressing done for $1.50 month. Julian Hodges. Phone 373. Don’t forget when that tire you have is worn out go to J. T. Watt & Co and get the well known BLACKSONE Tire. They give the results. We do dry Cleaaing of all kinds. Send your work in and the prices will be right. Julian Hodges. Phone 373. NEGLECT the treatment of Piles and the conditions rapidly become worse. Relieve yourself by using. TRADE MARK PILE REMEDY a remedy of merit and guaranteed to give relief. Sold only by us, 50c and $1.00. MILLS PHARMACY Callahan Bldg. Bainbridge, Ga. i5S!? T «;y, A Timely Warning E LEVEN well-known automobiles have advanced in price within the last ninety days. The Maxwell Company has not increased their prices. We do not know v.hat their plans are, but we do know and you know that materials entering into the construction of good automobiles now cost from 20 to 300 per cent more than they did six months ago. Nothing is to be gained by delay. Much may be lost. Not only may you lose several dollars in the purchase price, but you are sacrificing the enjoyment, the relaxation, the health-giving prop erties—everything, in fact, that makes motoring the favorite pastime of the nation. We urge you to come in and investigate the Maxwell. Or, we will refer you to any number of Maxwell owners and let them tell you their own story in their own way. They will tell you what they have told us. That the Maxwell is good-looking — that it is powerful—that it is comfortable—that it is economical—in short, that it is the best investment they ever made. They will tell you more and they will tell you gladly and freely. That’s the way they feel toward us and the Maxwell Car. Whatever you do, don’t put this off. We have a few cars on hand and can take orders for immediate or future delivery—at present prices. If you can’t come in today, phene us for a Maxwell demonstration. Touring Car $335 Roadster $635 F. O. B. DETROIT Baughman Auto Co. Bainbridge ♦ . Georgia. Time Payments if Desired .a* WANT F0 &e& L B E ire r b “ Sl "“ WANTED—We will ea ch for cotton seed v, and oat sacks. Bainbd Company. * SHEEP WANTED— 5,000 head of stock i once. Will p a y r « price. Also buy cattls J- W. StegI Thon:asvi| FOR RENT-House modem conveniences | on Broughton street] at this office C| FOR SALE - Poto RjJ toe plants at one da thousand. SeeJ. W. WANTED—Three or furnished or furnishe for light housekeepinl in. Apply to R. E. Hi] FOR SALE—One hor] buggy, also two Jersd Apply to J. R. Brocke FOR SALE —8 large and | sized mules, also 1 goo Apply to J. B. Lewis, I Georgia. FOR SALE—Good Roya writer for cash. Good] to get it cheap. Apply office. FOR RENT - Two cod furnished rooms fo| house-keeping. Mr: Griffin. FOR RFNT-One six roc on Broughton street, i ern improvements. A furnished rooms for re ply to Miss Nettie S FOR RENT — House r’oms, close in to portion of town. All improvements. See or Mrs. iioberts, phone i LOST—Silver card case B. T. T. engraved or Finder return to this of receive reasonable re FOR RENT—One two seven room house mode ''eninces corner Pott H 3vans Streets. Appl vJrtice Box, 208, Bainori' BOARDERS V,’ANTED in and rates reasonable, to 5C4 Planters St. Ca LOST, STRAYED OK SI One large mouse colorei mule, June 24, right e and shows all white collar scar on each si small straight in hind peculiar walk; slightly toed in left front foot. R American Sumatra Company, Amsterdam, We will appreciate you give us a trial, we wi white people only. Hodges, phone 373. Forethcught. People are learning that forethought often saves big expense. Here is an ance: E. W. Archer, Ca Ohio, writes: “I do not that our family has been out Chamberlain’s Colic," and Diarrhoea Remedy we commenced keeping years ago. When we go extended visit we take us.” Obtainable evervwli Call Julian Hodges sho get your clothes returned p' lv with the proper cleanin to them. Phone 373. Ma: old stand. Win Reac are the Forman Farm Loa Ten years time, ah’ instalments if desii and reasonable Write or see me for formation. R. G. Hartsfh Bainbridge, Ga