The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, July 06, 1916, Image 5

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■ niliriiiHf S’nrial \fflong Those That See and Know. B V SELENE %•» .Coleman fc« W r 2W atUn ' . of Pat Rich ■rlW?*. that he is uyaft el This recent op- after a •■JSSSM*® the if^L after a through , has return- 5 fownsend, 3* . tr [’business trip Alabama j Si one of_Eu- llarie ‘[attractive and char- ff ladies is visiting her | Roland Bower on Lj? Harry Carnage, "cvilecki Miss Flor- S, K 0 f Madison, Fla and Kwilecki motored to 1 - Elks dance Eattend the evening. Belton Jennings, Jr., after a pleas ’ to Dawson, [Belton ® ob ' iet have returned tennis. I iso Camp of Blakely, nt ten day outing visiting Mr. and |E. Jennings. Lull's, Herman Wise ot life, are spending the (i Mr. and Mrs. Max E. irrv Gammage has re- .jome after a ten days strip through the East. Ln Chason of Memphis, Mrs. Henry Bruton and Miss Lida Lee Bruton left Sunday for a few weeks stay at Lanark. Miss Francis Kwilecki and Max Kwilecki have returned home after a pleasant stay in Savan nah. Mr. A. B. Ehrlich has returned home after a ten days visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Ehrlich. Miss Eddie Storey is visiting friends in Thomston, Ga, Mr. Louis Ekrlich has return ed to Baltimore after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ehrlich. Horace Lusky spent Saturday and Sunday at Lanark, “on the Gulf”. Miss Claudia Desvergers chap- roned a crowd on Wednesday at a swimming party at Spring Creek. Those going were: Agnes Moore, Elizabeth Gains, Sadie Desvergers, Evans Belcher, Randolph Chason, Glen Tonge. Miss Nina Morris of Fort Gaines arrived Sunday to be the guest of Mrs. T. J. Morris till the Morris-Trulock wedding on Thur sday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Brinson en tertained with a delightful swimming party at McCaskill’s plantation in honor of Miss Flo- rine Randall of Madison, Fla. They left from the home of Mrs. Tinley and went out in Mr. Harry McCaskill’s truck. Those going were Misses Marie Lewis, Florine Randall, Cecil Harrell, Katherine Chestnut, Pearl Floyd, and Emmie Floyd. Messrs. Owen Fieds, Harry McCaskiil, Ellington Willis, Thad Morris, Charlie Mc- Mrs. W. L. Harrell of Aber- ~ .... ^ ville, Ala., has returned home Gaskill and Col. R. C. Ball, after a pleasant visit to Mrs. C.; .J n ."° nor °f Mrs. J n0 - Harrell, L Walker. jof Abberville, Ala., and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rich, and^vfe Harrellof Memphis, Term, family left this week for Lanark; ^l rs ’ A' i .9, a a i to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. May, Mrs. Anna Griffin, Karl Senter and J. C. MeBram spent the week end at Lanark. Mr. R. A. McTyre of Dothan, Ala, spent a few days here this week to the delight of his many friends. ihan, and Mrs. A. L. Guill, of Charrolton, Ga., the guests of Mrs. C. L. Walker, a lovely swimming party was given on Tuesday alteinoon on Spring Creek. Those invited were Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Smith, and Mrs. C. L. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Callahan, Mesdames D. T. Sutherland, Jno. W. Callahan, Mrs. A. J. Rich, is visiting the'S. C. Mauck, W. Parnell, W. L. family of Mr. and Mrs. E. R Rich at Lanark. Dr. Leo H. Lyons and D. R. Bryan spent the week and at Lanark. Mrs. Pearl G. Meyers after a very pleasant visit to Mrs. Mel vin Nussbaum, and Mrs. Max Nussbaum, will return to her home in New York Wednesday. , Dr. Jno. E. Toole has returned Jilrs. A. L. Guill after'after a trip to Montgomery, ill visit to Mr. and Mrs. j^ r _ and jvirs. Jno. 0. Perry after a visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peiry, have re turned to their home in Tampa. Mr. and Mrs. I. Kahn left Tuesday for their future home in Bessamer, Ala. The many friends of Mrs. H. S. Richardson will be pleased to learn that she is rapidly recover ing from her recent spell of ill ness. Mrs. L. Ramsey is visiting re latives in Valdosta. Miss Cecil Harrell left on last Mahan have returned to |£ GLASSES 1 AND 'ECJA1CLES Can you read thir t clearly ype with the same pair I of glasses see dis tant objects ? lot, let me fit you with air of KRYPTOK in- Ne bifocals. They will p you to see perfectly K the near point and ■distance. If your eyes “attention come in and tme. I examine eyes urding to the latest scien- f methods and guarantee My prices you will !o be reasonable, and jfloods tobe the best that [be manufactured. Also e TL fin « line °f Goggles Masses in stock. A. KRAMP I Graduate Optician ge, Ga. Harrell and J. Harrell. Messrs. C. L. Walker, Jr., and Charlie McCaskiil entertained quite a number of friends with a swimming party at Spring Creek, on Friday evening. The party went out in trucks and after a delightful swim, a picnic lunch was spread. Those going were Misses Olna Belcher, Orion and Miriam McLellan, Helen and Heneritta Kodatt, Ana Smith. Messrs. Paul Battle, E. R. Rich, Neil Brooks, Emil Kodatt, Dun ham Desverges, Charlie McCas- kill. Mrs. C. L. Walker chap-) eroned the party. The home of Mrs. Attacus Parker on Academy street was the scene of a beautiful picnic luncheon, given for her sister Miss Helen Morris, whose marri age takes place on July the 7th. The porch was beautifully deco rated in Pink Crepe Myrtle, vines and garden flowers. Mrs. At tacus Parker, and Mrs. T. J. Moir's welcomed the guests- I l Friday for a ten davs visit to Among those present were Misses Mattie and America Ball Misses Lida Lee Bruton, Lama 1 ’ I Coleman, Emmie and Pearl in Moultrie, Miss Marie Lewis of Eufaula, Ala., is the attractive guest of her sister Mrs. Rowland Bower on East Shotwell St. Miss Hall of Forsyth arrived on Monday. She will be a brides maid at the Morris-Trulock wed- din M g0n ^r day ‘ rw , u 'Fla., on Wednesday evening at Miss Katherine Chestnut Rhodes p err y Those invited Floyd, Florence Hawes, Mabel and Bessie Mayes, Clara Suther land, Lydia Green, Emma Sutherland, and Mrs. Glen Mathis. Mrs. Walter Perry entertained with a picnic supper for Mr. and Mrs. Jno. 0. Perry, of Tampa, returned home after a most pleasant visit to Mrs. David Brim in Sasser, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Carr and children of Hattisburg, Miss., spent the week end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Coleman. L. G. Papy spent the'week end at Atlantic Beach the guest of his sister. Misses Katherine Chestnut, Marie Lewis, Myrtle Kornman, Florence Hawes, Kqte Griffin, Blanch Kornman, Mesdames. CJU Harrll, M. L. Tollar, Walter Perry, Cliff Bruton, Anna Griffin, Messrs! Charlie Chestnut, W. S. Poole, A. C. Soule, Jack Ciirran, Trevor Battle, D. 0. Porter, E. Blumstien, H. J. Bruton, W. S. Townsend, H. S. Brantly and others attented the ball game in Moultrie on Tuesday the Fourth. Julian Kwilecki who for the past week has been at Lanark, will return home on Friday. were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hawes, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones. Messrs. Oliver Fleming and Joe Bruton. A party composed of Mes dames H. L. Gans, C. H. Harrell, E Harrell, Misses Cecil Harrell, Elenor Brooks, Florine Randall, Eugenia Harrell and Messrs. Horace Lusky and Eugene Gans spent the day at Spring Creek on a fishing trip. „ Miss Louis Reed entertained her friends on Tuesday evening at her home on West street with roqk party. Those playing were: Misses Josephine and Kather ine*! Belcher, Kathleen Hancock, Gladys Mathis, Madge Reed, Lucile Connor, Messrs. Hugh Vanlandingham, Dnnham Dun ham Desverges, Glen Holder, Eugene Mayes, Randolph Chason ann Charlie King. (Continued on last page) THE FARMERS The Boll Weevils are here. The only way to fight them is to pick le fallen '“ vi » squares and burn them. I have invented a little tool that childs play” to pick them up. No back-ache, one person can jP ® ore in a day with this “picker” than ten can by hand. I m ‘factoring them here in Bainbridge and will have them ready for de- f b > Saturday. See them, and try one and you will buy them. PRICE $1.«0 EACH OR $10.00 PER DOZEN. F. PATTERSON, Inventor n PATENT APPLIED FOR Bo . 327 Bainbridgp, Ga. i i WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU Monday July 10, Between the hours stated bejow, we are giving you prices that are astonishing. Some one may ask why do you do this. Simply be cause we need the noney. From 9 to 10 O’clock 60c 10 yards Bleaching for Window Curtain material at half price. Embroideries, Laces and Dress Goods at half price. Ladies $1.00 Silk Hose (black) for 69c From 10 to 11 O’clock 75c Corsets $1.00 and $1.50 kind at Ladies and Childrens Dresses Monday at half price. From II to" 12 O’clock 75c One Dozen Huck Towels . for Any Ladies low cut Shoe in tf-f the house, pair J. One Lot Ladies Skirts $4 and $5 Each $1 From 1 to 2 O’clock Anything in the 5 and 10c Department at half price. Special assortment Enamelware 10c at. From 2 to 3 O’clock si 12 l-2c pounds Sugar for Plain or Self Rising Flour One pound cans pure Coffee 18c 25c, at We Are Making' Monday Our Big gest Day E.J. BELCHER GO Bainbridge, Georgia. »A*AAAAArfNAAAA*WA*AAAAAAAA*«AAAAA<^A AAAft MEAT CURING IN SUMMER IN COLD STORAGE On the afternoon of April 12th, Mr. J. F. Fain ot R. F. D. killed two hogs for the purpose of testing the killing and saving of meat in hot weather by cold storage. On the morning of April 13th the meat was thoroughly salted and placed in our meat curing cold storage. At the^end of thirty days half the]meat was taken out of storage and put through the usual smoking process for ten or twelve days. Fifteen days later Mr. Fain came for the balance of his meat and stated that he had made a thorough examination of the first lot and found it thoroughly preserved nicely cured and as fine as any meat hejhad ever cured during cold weather. We are prepared to take care of all meat brought us for curing. iBainbridye See Company lee, Coal and Cold Storage TclephoMi^Ui BA1NB3IDGE. GEORGIA.