The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, August 31, 1916, Image 11

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/ LOANS „ . Qve unlimited money to lend on farm lands in Southwest lDip for live years at 6 per cent, interest'with small commission. . . . rM for a loan write us and our rep- r resentauve will call on you promptly. ^member when you place your appli- cation with us, we get you the money and do so promptly. tt jst Loan Company Meigs, Georgia. JSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE Years of Discouraging tions, Mrs. Bullock Gave I Up in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. Ky._In an interesting letter His place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock u follows: "1 suffered for four with womanly troubles, and during l could only sit up for a little and could not walk anywhere at jlltimes, I would have severe pains (leftside. edoctor was called in, and his treat- relieved me for a while, but I was confined to my bed again. After •othing seemed to do me any good. I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman’s tonic, and I com menced taking it. From the very first dose, 1 could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work." If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don’t give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman’s tonic. It has helped more than a million women, in its £0 years of continuous success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom mend it. Begin taking Cardui today. Write to: Medicine Co.. Ladles' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special Instructions en your case and 64-page book, Horn# Treatment for Women." sent in piain wrapper. J-6e a.Grippe uf JOr and Tahir Ik and Bad Colds are caused by germs. Foi Quick relie'' take The Giant G.fp Germ Ki 4 Johnson’s Tonic Bui Not So Bad If You Know How (o Reach the Cause. Nothing more discouraging than a constant backache. Lame when you awaken, pains pierce you when you bend or lift. It’s hard to work or to rest. Back ache often indicates bad kid neys. Bainbridge people recom mend Doan’s Kidney Pills. Read this case: Mrs. M. Stevens, 430 Florida street, Bainbridge, says: “I had a dull ache across the small of my back and it kept getting worse all the time. It soon got so bad, that I could hardly do anything. The kidney secretions were to frequent and scanty in passage and unnatural. I got a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills at the Ehriich Drug Co., and they cured me. I haven’t had any return of the trouble.” Price 50c at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy —get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the kind that Mrs. Stevens had. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. “MONTEVALLO” - The Worlds Best Coal. Bainbridge Ice Company, Exclusive Agents. Our rates are right, our work first class, give us a trial and be convinced that we are first class cleaners. Julian Hodges, phone 373. The Best Laxative. To keep the bowels regular the best laxative is outdoor exer cises. Drink a full glass of water hall an hour before breakfast and eat an abundance of fruit and vegetables, also establish a regular habit and be sure that your bowels move once every day. When a medicine is need ed take Chamberlain,s Tablets. They are pleasant to take and mild and gentle in effect, Ob tainable everywhere. erature Coal Famine Head lines like the above will be read next winter. Bainbridge will probably not have freezing temperatures, but Bainbridge homes will all need Coalj and from present indications Coal may be hard to get next winter. The mines sell coal much cheaper in summer than iri winter and the dealer can sell the customer cheaper in summer than in winter; ..... .... v - , v • >. ... Let us deliver your winter’s supply NOW at summer prices. Save money without advancing any. Pay us for the coal when you begin using it. We are equipped to give you the best coal and the best service to be had. Telephone us—Come to see us— write us, or let us call on you. ffiainbriciye See Company Telephone! 152 ' Exclusive tgei 1 . lor Genuine “MONTEVALLO COAL” - . - TH2 WORLDS BEST - - - bainbridge. GEORGIA. Cairo, Ga., August 17, 1916. We the undersigned members of the Grady County Bar in meeting assembled do most endorse the candidacy of Hon. Roscoe Luke for one of the places on the Court of Appeals bench recently created by legi slative enactment. We have learned by actual contact with Mr. Luke that he is one of the best lawyers in Georgia. He was left penniless and fatherless when a child and by own efforts has made his way to the front rank of his profession. He is not only an able lawyer but is a public spirited, enterprising citizen. He is true to his friends and tc any trust committed to his care. He would make a model Judge. We feel like South Georgia is entitled to recognition, especia lly when we present a man of the fitness of Mr. Luke. P. C. Andrews, J. Q. Smith, Claude Christopher, M. L. Ledford, L. W. Rigsby, H. G. Turner, R. C. Bell, J. S. Weathers, J. R. Singletary, Ira. Carlisle, R. R. Terrell, S. P. Cain. FOI TEKGHEHS LICENSE The following is a list of the successful opplicants for Teach ers’License August 4th and 5th 1916: L. B. Hodges, J. P. Mitchell, Mrs. B. M. Griffin. Miss Rossie Dixon, Mrs. Ona Pridgen, Miss Lilia Worn. Miss Willie B. Mose- ly, Miss Addie C. Mosely, Ray McLeod, Miss Lillian McLeod, Chas. L. Perry, R. C. Reed, Miss Maude Valentine, J. A. Diake, Bertha Drake, Ollie Drake, Alice Drake, Lola Peters, Cora Dollar, Erin Duke, H. A. Smith, Lillie Trawick, Vasta Duke, Grace Greene, Mrs. -J. L. Maxwell, Margaret Robinson Duane Hod ges, L. E. Thomas, Clyde Perry, Mrs. J. A. Drake, Florence Franklin, Lessie Mae Clark Vir- gie Clark, Ozella Eagerton, Cas- sie Eagerton, H. Y. Reynolds, Lyda Hanson Rogers, Mrs. D. F. Carter, Elmo Pope, Elbe T. Drake, R. C. Hurst, Ruth Bled soe, Myrtle Hurst, Frank W. Reed, Homer Drake, Eleanor Wal lace, Mrs. J. S. Bradwell, Leslie Dmalson, Lulu Mae Carter, Hmry Lewis, Francis Scott, Cleo Glover, Luella Duke, Kate Harrell, Roba Cox, Mabel Kin sley, Blanche Thompson, Bertha Gholson, Louise Swicord, Isola Swicord, Benton Trawick, Una Ingram, Inez Faircloth, Mattie Swicord, Elizabeth Cumbie, Han nah Barineau and Johnnie Diake Of this nurpber thirteen (13) took the General Elementary Reading Course: eight (8) made First Grade General Elementary; Nine (9) made Second Grade General Elementary; fourteen (14) made Third Grade General Elementary; two (2) made First Grade Primary; seven (7) made Second Grade Primary; thirteen (13) made Third Grade Primary- J. S. Bradwell, C. S. S. ■ “MONTEVALLO”—The Worlds Best Coal. Bainbridge Ice Company, Exclusive Agents. I will sell my Thomas Automobile cheap. Will take land in payment. The car is in good condi tion. E. J. Perry, Bain bridge, Ga. If you don’t get good service at the Motor-Bicycle Co., report : t to Robert Haire. Reconstruction, of course! When the great war is over, shattered Europe must be rebuilt. Mediaeval architecture, crumbled by cannon, will be replaced by well-lighted, well-ventil ated, convenient and sanitary buildings of the present day. In this tremendous rebuilding, Certain-teed smmmammmmmmmmmmmaa wmmmmmmmm Roofing will play a leading role; for CERTAIN-TEED is the twentieth century answer to the demand for rooiing that is economical to buy, easy to lay and inexpensive to maintain. CERTAIN-TEED Roofing is made in rolls; also in slate-surfaced shingles. There is a type of CERTAIN- j TEED for every kind of building, with flat or pitched roof, from the largest sky-scraper down to the smallest: residence or out-building. It makes a clean, sanitary, attractive roof, with a very low cost per year of life. It is guaranteed for 5, 10 or IS years, according to ply (1,2 or 3). Experience proves that it outlasts the period of guarantee. If you are interested in roofs, investigate CERTAIN-TEED before you decide upon the type to buy. You will find CER- TAIN-TEED for sale by responsible dealers all over the world. The lung life of CERTAIN-TEED is due to the quality of the roofing felt and the character of the asplttlt saturation. This is a blend of soft asphalts prepared by the General's board of expert chemists. The highest quality roofing felt is thoroughly sat urated with this soft blend, and is then coated with a blend of harder asphalts, which prevents the dry- Uig-out process so destructive to ordinary roofing. General Roofing Manufacturing Company World*u Largest Manufacturer of Roofings and Building Papers Nt«. YorliCitv Ctlcsis Philadelphia St. Louis Boston Clovoland i ittib'imli Datroit San Francisco Loa Angelas Milwaukee Cincinnati Nov Urhaoii Minneupoli* Saattla Kansas City IndianaDolis AiUsu Richmond Das Moines Houston Duluth London Sydnay Copyrighted irifi.. General Routing Manufacturing Co. “KWILECKI’S GOT IT »» -r— Subscribe for the Post-Search Light,