The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, August 31, 1916, Image 3

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u NOTICES 1 ZtiSS court house 8 i.efcre ■•••-.,, _. u d coun- ; c itvot Bl ;"c in'^ept. next, sa’.e, the fot tf i! . 'irr.ertv to wit; • -a }’* • burr HfiilSHT HIS WIFE WOULD NEVER LEAVE HER INVALIQ CHAIR BEar^^ln the city r I luirr.t «*° l - u \ ie noh" bv .. >,$„y i’lanters street .... ■ c l' 11 tr i Foreman of Big Plant Says: property »■ property of I the - , xnssbaum. ,ax H lr fi ‘in =-efo rC l", Attjy gjr'jcr. chief of po’ice “Tanlac Made a New Woman of My Wife and She Has Gained Fifteen Pounds.” pn. I ‘ , court house abridge in said ., in Sept., dur- a jg the follow- ' p. 'ihe 20U», ^ ,,'pv containing f; \ r -J24 ill the .. : also part of iTie ii'tti. Hist .of ' k .\ follows:— Katthe , 0 the Attapul- ■lunnins*'| thence east |i' :lin V, cnee' north to the no mail, on (lu , nee west, on starting point, u.oreor less; also ivin" south of said p.,; u 's Mill road, Jo, i,v said read and lirii ■ ..jniiigone acre, lai" 1 ||,K '.' : .!.re irnet and said •'^ftiin- bounded on the *T jC i . t lilbert Priest; on ffk'V.V NViiliam Jones, on f |lUU S n[ I . m; iv Marshall and abv other'lands of F,. M. D. ‘containing in the .aggregate ,, more Levied- on « ' l ]). LitlleUe’d to «•}', a .1 Of Geo. M. For- 4 h 1,1 111 , ; • 41 svf>ol< 1 ltf- . I',., m |), Littlefield, is- JShel : l''y Court of Bainbridge, erni- I"' liven to I'- ii posse MAI’.TIN, Sheriff. ,,ltl • vr» ; C7 ■ Written notice of It Littlefield and i This -5th, day Kdtefore the collrt . hoU .'i I the eitv of Bainbridge in said first Tuesday ni Sent, fthe legal hours of sale the fol- ,. r ,.,,erty to wit; * * Diitaininp; one-half bounded on the of Jones, on the ,f Jackson, on the on t lie west by Levied on as the of I ouis (tary to satisfy a tax for ilie war 1912, and said Bavin? been paid by .!as. Arm I?-mil triin.itorre«i lo him nmII^ aiII •it y uppertainin t‘AtTfr. hih>. 1). !*., Burlier, chief of police. The public of today is ac customed to strange and unusual occurrences, and the newspapers are filled with sensation after sensation, but in spite of this the statement of Mr. W. W. Smith regarding the wonderful recov ery of his wife, whom he had given up to be an invalid the rest of her days, would hardly be believed were it not for the high character of Mr. Smith, foreman for the Krueger Mfg. Co., of Atlanta, „and the further fact that each and every circum stance can be established be yond a reasonable doubt. Mr. Smith’s address is Box 159, R. F. D. 3. Atlanta, Ga “I am a happy man, he said after completing his remarkable statement,-“and I’ll stand up to every word I’ve said and more, too. J ust send them to me. Following is the recital of facts in Mr. Smith’s own words: “My wife was so weak she could not leave her chair or bed without help—in fact, I had given he up to be an invalid the rest of her life. She spent most of her time in her chair and had done so for years. I have spent thousands of dollars for doctors, hospitals nurses and to drug stores, but nothing gave her re lief and that’s why it seems so astonishing that four bottles o, Tanlac could make her gain fif teen pounds and put her on her feet again. Her main trouble was rheu matism, but she seemed to be in tit Decatur countf: I bad condition in many ways lie sold before the court house bad headaches and was very jTffi t“^i.i n ^t nervous all the time, which the legal hours of sale the foi- ^ept her from resting wen at . 'SKmfTu°t"eWh- night. Her liver was sluggish’ corner of lot of U iml number 27 in I ^ j na ctive and she had con- CErL'lX™. tinual pains m the kidney*. rlhaiid eust l,y original Iflntt tines, I \T 0 thing We Could do seemed to itii tv Mose Kdwants, west by , the tired languid Sharp, being the same land relieve her ot tne uieu red by Prudnce Edwards to f t hat was with her all I'jliviirrls. t.eviecl on as the o-1 - faaraA she was Ot Mose Kdwardsio satisfy a H fa the time and I leared sne was llivorof H. ii. F.hrlich & Co. T e ?‘ Lmtirelv beyond the reach ot din possesion notified. This July! __ Llsi'i. I medicine. . w. martin, Sheriff. | “Besides all this her stomach , , ,, . i was out of order and she would iteof lleorgm, Decatur County: was out ui Bliereas, T. >. Hawes, Administra-1 bave bilious Spells touoweu Dy ■ ofM. 1). Powell's Estate represents I then diarrhea, the court, in his petition, duly filed constipation and tnen matin i filtered on record, that he has ful-1 “Strong testimonials irom tne administered said estate: This is, I , T i_ ha reliable cave refore, to cite all persons concerned, I people I knew tdred and creditors, to show cause, | j^g a little hope that laniac. ny they can, why said administra- .. . . wifa and make should not be discharged from his would help my Wile ana nux* '•inistrution, and receive letters 0 M her feel better, even II aid not mission, on first Monday in Hept. | v»^ r _f Ar somehow I had cure her-for somehow I T, it. Maxwell, Ordinary. I gotten to the point that I could . 1 n ot believe anything would re- orgia, Decatur county: I not , t> f T rortain "in be sold before the court house I heve her entirely, out I -ert Ml IP TO ATHENS My Corn Club prize this year was a scholarship to the short course at the State College of Agriculture. I left Bainbridge at„12:13 o’clock on the morning of Augnst sixth. I went from Thomasville over the A. B. & A. to Atlanta. At Fitzgerald we found a special car provided for the Pig Club, Corn Club and Canning Club young people. We reached Athens at 11 o’clock Monday night. Mr. Procter of the hog cholera station went with us. The boys had two dormitories and the girls had one. There were about two hundred and seventy-five of us. My room was in Candler Hall. We had daily lectures on vari ous subjects looking to the im provement of farm life and farm profits. Besides there was lec tures on many other subjects by some of the most prominent educators of the state. These lectures were of great benefit to us. They helped to give us a broader veiw of life. We see as we have never seen before what tarms mean to this nation of ours. There has been a day when a man turned to the farm when he had failed at every thing else. This because a fail ure in the shape of a man could dig out an existanceon the farm We know that brains are needed on the farm just as in other business. We feel that farming has been raised to the dignity of a profession and is no longer a means of existance only. After the day’s work was over the swimming pools claim ed our time for on hour. Nearly every night some kind of an en tertainment was provided for us We had cream and other means of refreshment. Several nights we had special “movies” for our pleasune. These were pro dded by our friends among the directors, especially by - Div Parks and Chancelor Barrow. After our two weeks were up we turned our faces toward home.. We were allowed to stpr- one day in Atlanta, which we spent very profitably seeing the sights of our capital city. I am sure that every boy and girl that attended the “Short Course” this summer came home with a largerjview of life and a greater love for our old state. Decatur’s representatives were Miss Martha Rogers, of Face- ville, Ed Smallwood, of Fowls town, Clyde Canty, of Fowls town, Alva Saunders, of Fa r childs and Benton Trawick of Attapulgus. W r e all boosted old Decatur county as hard as we could while in Athens, and here’s to her continued prosper Benton Trawick Like tkat pmcK kit in tke 9 th —tkey satisfy i Two out in the 9th! The * pinch hitter lines a beauty over "short.” In comes the winning run. The “fans” go wild * t ce J" tainly satisfies! That’s what Chesterfields do when you smoke—they satisfy! Still, they’re MILD! It is this combination of “satisfy” with mildness that is giving smokers that new cigarette enjoyment! But only Chesterfields can give it to them, for the good reason that no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend/ Try Chesterfields today! / 11 m ue sola oeiore me court nuu»e neve iia tnvuw.j. in the city of Bainbridge in said I, . i different about it nOW ity <m the first Tuesday in Aug. IW le _ , . hnHdM ts the legal hours of sale tne fol-j for she has taken four mg described property to wit; _ j j conS ider her Well. HoneSt- * tnderwood Typewriter No. L I aria 1 _ ... -amp md on as the property of Bain-hy, she don t seem like tne sam ige Tailoring Co., to satisfy a City I t ! n li fa in favor of H. CL Bornl woma - u _e„i arw 4 list the Bainbridge Tailoring Co. I “She goes about chetrtUl ana ymade i Jy ,i s. Ard L. c. ap tl L anDV an d feels strong and good, led over to the sheriff for advertis-1 nappy a what land sale. This Aug. 3rd, 1916. |l would not take $1,000 for What w. MARTIN. Sheriff. K hag done for h er . I recommend TAX LEVY 1916 Tanlac because ot what u has Lone for my wife. I|» »»”<*», I'flads and Revenues of Decatur I a.-.,i and you are welcome to tell jnty that 10 mills be, and the same I . . ,,.L a t I sav ” ' hereby levied ami fixed as the rate everybody W 1MJ- tavuti.v^ r. I _ i • 1 n Kd m 10 for 8c Also packed 20 for 1 Oc SATIS£tL -and yet theyre J T Mill) ■; ALIM SINS One of the most enjoyable occasions of the season wa3 the alday sing at the FowDtown Baptist Church Saturday Aug. 26th, which church granted the privilege of an undenominational affair and the use of their church organ, and beautiful grove for the occasion. Mr. W. P. Harrell, of Chatta hoochee, Fla., was the leading director. Different localities were t» i*>" brid * e i w i r T re ““ld > Shwh r e s ri mble property in said county for the I . , u„ Willis Drug Co., j The large crowd wh g ,r Isis, ami the tax collector of said exclusively by _ , I j pnioved the day to theut- mty is hereby ordered to make out Donalsonville by the Palace ed J -aoorinllv the abund- dcollect county taxes at rate. JP ,’ riimnv hv the Climax most, and especially the aDunu J 1 taxes io be collected and used for Drug Co, Clima y c tr jck-! ance of dinner which was served ■ following purposes: Pharmacy; Iron City, by btncK |“ nc • tl. ,n on the thousand to pay the p Rrinson by H. i in the pretty grove. iind.bteaness of the county due land ft-Cordell, so . | before the . , ...^ county due I land Cr-L/Orueu, . I T,,ai- before the close 1 of the lo b.-coine due and past doe. rx Harrell Supply Co; Babcock, McDonald and *•'" on the thousand to build ^ Bros Lumber sing Mrs. W. W. McDonald mm re fa r court house, jail, bridges Ga, by Babcock jt wo "sons of Hannatown ex- iw,nira.t Con.pany ; Eldorendo, Ga.,J. | a beautiful trio. Then . 1 uouse, jau t terries and other public ““according to the contract. ._!■ 1 on the thousand to pay :r |ffs. jailers and other officers’ fee’s "ty entiled to.. ■ |fj ceiits on the thousand to pay oner s fees and expenses. ! ™ cent* on the thousand to pay urn at court, non-resident witnesses, ' serv anls hire, stationary and the ’■ io <-ents on the thousand U) pay ? r * l'cr diem. . !l) l T nt " "n the thousand to pay j • 'ft of paupers. l on the thousand to pay ex- lf opening, improving and ""tuning public roads. L. BaJl.Ii, Chairman. .pany; Smith. SwhmebS THE highest quality MACARONI J6 Pig? Reap* ^ Tvt SK1HHER MFG.CO^MAJjAJU.SA I U««ST rSACMIO»ll rWW If WSW'O | tended a beautiful trio. Then J there was a short lecture from Mr. B. T. Evans. NOTICE IB TRUSTEES To the Trustees of the Local School Tax Districts, Decatur i County: You are hereby notified to ap pear at the office of T. J. Jack- son, Tax Receiver, to assist in making up the school digests for your respective school districts on the dates following; Attapulgus, Monday August 14. Bell-Dixon, Tuesday Ausgust 15. Bethel and Cornelia. Wednesday August 16. Brinson, Thursday August 17. Climax, Friday, August 18. Desser and Faceville, Saturday August 19. Donalsonville, Monday Aug. 21. Fairchild and Franklin, Tuesday Augnst 22. Green shade and Griselda, Wed nesday August 23. Humphrey and Ham. Spr., Thurs day August 24. Iron City, Friday August 25 Lela and Mariola, Saturday August 26. Maxwell and Miriam, Mt. Car- mel and Parker and Swicord, August 28. Pine Grove and Pine View, Tues day August 29. Recovery and Reynoldsville, Wednesday August 30. Sylvania and Trinity Thursday Cure for Cholera Morbus. “When our little boy, now seven years old, was a baby he wa3 cured of cholera morbus by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,’’ writes Mrs. Sidney Simmons, Fair Hr— _aven, N. Y.' “Since then other mem bers of my family have used this valuable medicine for colic and bowel troubles with good satis faction and I glady endorse it as a remedy of exceptional merit.” Obtainable everywhere. Wi'l'be Hohl before the Court House loor in suitl county, on the find I’uei*- liiy ,n Sept 1910, within the legal , hours of sale, the following described properly to-wit: 25 bushels of corn, more or less, .10 bushels of cotton seed, more or less, 2 hundred bundles' of fodder, more or less. Levied under mortgage ti fa is- sued from .the Justice Court of the ’ ft kith distract of Decatur county, Ga. Levied on ns the property of .L G.- Nichols, in favor of the Citizens Bank . of Bainbridge. Property poiritod' Out - by .1. (1. Nichols, apd in his |*>pse»sion. ThisAuz.i 3rd,• 1910, ' 8. tV. MARTIN, Hheriff. * rub-my-tism Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramp3 ’ Folic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used m- ternally and externally. Prue 1 MON TEVALLO”—The Worlds Best Coal. Bainbridge Ice Company, Exclusive Agents. j flUNTS ’ CellUla** l*Guaranked liquidproof -heatproof Price $2.50 Lane Furniture Gompant Ask for our special 4 cents per pound rate on flat work. This is the price that you have wanted so long. Dixie Steam Laundry. August 31. , , . Twin Lakes, Thursday August 31 Ward end West Bainbridge, , Friday September 1. J. S. Bradwell, C. S. S. “MONTEVALLO” -The Worlds Best Coal. Bainbridge Ice Company, Exclusive Agents. Palm Beach Suits Cleaned 35c. Julian Hodges. Phone 373. CITATION-YEAR S SUPPORT Georglu, Decatur County: The return of the appraisers setting uimtt tweltie monthn support to the family of David Mathews, deceased, huving Men died In my office, all per sons concerned are cited to show cause by the first Monday in September, . 1916, why said application for twelve months sup|>ort should not he grant-' ed. This Aug. 7th, 1916. T. B. Maxwell, Ordinary. W. (1. B. Clements . No. 2859. ltl De- • vs. catur Superior' Annie Clements I Court. May Term, 1915. I Libui, For Divorok Verdict for total divorce on the 8th dev of May, 1916, in favor of thepliUn- liff. . . .. ’ Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of July, 19l6, the undersigned, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Decatur county, Georgia, an application for removal of the disabilities resting upon her under the verdict in the above stated caae- Said application will be heard at th» Term of said court which commences, on the second Monday in November, 191 °‘ Annie Clements, FARM LOANS Long loans on improved farm lands at low rat s ot interest. The conditions are such that any man can improve his farm and let the farm pay for itseif and the interest. I F. E. STRICKLAND