The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, August 31, 1916, Image 4

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X MY I5TH, ANNIVERSARY ANNOUNCEMENT IUST fifteen years ago I entered a profession which during this time J has carried me (with few exceptions) in to every home in Bainbridge and many homes of the surrounding territory. While it is an estab lished custom and business equiette not to herald yourself and your profession at the same time, the pride I have and have always had in my business prompts this enthusiastic anniversary announcement. 100 Per Cent. Satisfaction For Fifteen Years—Thats My Record For fifteen years I have known you and your ways; have schooled myself to please your particular preference; for this reason I will al ways be just this many years ahead of anyone in serving you. REMEMBER! DEATH CALLS US ALL My desire is to extend perfected service—My duty is to please in every detail of arrangement. WALTER J. BRACKIN Funeral Director, General Undertaking and Embalming. L Georgia, Decatur County: — Htella Parnell Jones Vs Hen II. .limes. In the Superior Court Said County. Libel for Divorce. May Term 1910. The verdict fur Totni divorce was granted in the above case on the 12th dav of May 1911. Notice is hereby given to ull con cerned that on rlie -4 day of Aug. Ill Id I filed with the clerk of the Superior Coart of said county my petition ail- dreBaed io said court, returnable to the November Term 1910 thereof, to lie held on the Second Monday in Novem ber (Nov, littll.) 191(1, for the rrmoval of the disabilities resting upon me under the verdict in the above state I case bv reason of my intermarriage with Stoll Purnell which application will he heard at the November Term of Kuril court which commences on the 1 till, day of November 191b BUN 11. JONKS, H. G. HELL, Attorney for Petitioner. I will sell my Thomas Automobile cheap. Will take land in payment. The car is in good condi tion. E. J. Ferry, Bain bridge, Ga. CITY PROPERTY FI SALE One two story dwelling, six rooms and kitchen, all modern conveniances. all in first class condition, now rented to a good tenant. One vacant lot adjoining this house all on Evans Street, in a fine locality. Also one house and lot situated on the A. C. L. Ry. Street on three sides can put side tract to either end. This lot is suitable for wholesale ware house on light manufactory being less than 200 feet from the electric plant where the city will furnish power cheap. There are bur very few available lots close in on the A. C. L. Ry. which makeB this a fine investment to hold if net used now. Will sell all this pro perty at a sacrifice. Write or see L. F. PATTERSON for quick sale. Bad To Have a Cold Hang On. Captain Harvard of Jakin was was in the city a short while Sunday morning. Dr. John E. Toole went down to Valdosti Sunday on a pro fessional trip. A. J, Shelter was among the farmers in the city Saturday on business. Will Kline of Kline Brothers who has been in the eastern markets buying goods for his firm will be home in a few days with the very best that the market affords and that taste and experience can collect. JUDGE COZART OF COLUMBUS FOR THE COURT OF APPEALS Columbus, Ur.—Judge A. W. Cozart of this city, who is r candidate tor «*ne of the new judgeships on the state court of appeals, recently cre ated by act of the legislature, has been eoguged in the practice of law both to the state ami federal courts for more than twenty years, and is recog nized by leading judges nail lawyers ■11 over Ueorgia as one of the state’s ■blest lawyers. Judge t'ozart's candidacy has been endorsed by every member of the large and able bar of his home city, ■nd by many local bar associations of ether towns and cities in Georgia. •Possessing the judicial tempera ment, he Is brilliant without being erratic; keen, but not narrow; deep without being obscure, and broad minded without being shallow. He knows and follows closely the law, but •t the some time he has a passion tor substantial justice. Thousands have laughed at his epi- Cnuna, which are as wise as they are witty. From his occasional addresses Ike following are quoted: "He who is not willing to perspire need not aspire.” “In a moral sense, to beat the devil you must get ahead of the devil and run like the devil.” "I am glad that I was raised in the country All boys and pigs ought to be raised in the country." "A home without a child is like a world without a satellite, because it has no bright little one to run around it.” He has made many addresses be fore the Georg.a Bar Association and the Medical Association, Dental As sociation, Bankers' Association and Manufacturers' Association of this state, and he is known throughout the length and breadth of Georgia. If you have any lawyer friends anil want to know about Judge Cozart, just ask them. As an evidence of what Judge Co- zart’s home folks think of him as a lawyer and a man, we present this statement made by one of his home papers, the Columbus Enquirer-Sun, about him; "Judge Cozart has practiced law in our midst for twenty-five years, and, no matter where you turn, you find every class respecting him and reiv ing on him. He is thoroughly equip ped for the grave duties of a mem ber of this high court. The state amt the bar of the state, in honoring him as they will do In September, will be conferring an honor that he merits ami for their consideration In reward ing a worthy man and lawyer they will receive from him good work, clear headed work, lots of work. Risd that high-toned service which has always actuated the men whose lives In af ter years have been referred to as those of patriots.” Mrs. Parkinson, a aged lady and for many years a resident of this county has left for Kansas where she will make her future home with her daughter. The Thomasville Live Stock Company have a half page adver tisement in this issue to which your attention is invited. They are a live concern and have covered this section in the stock business carefully for the past several years. Read their ad vertisement. Mrs. R. W. Jones and little s in William have returned from a three weeks visit to Andalusia, Brantley and Montgomery Ala. Ask for our special 4 cents per pound rate on flat work This is the price that you have wanted so long. Dixie Steam Laundry. Miss Clara Murphree Jones has returned from a three months visit to ^Montgomery. Andalusia and Troy Alabama and Crayton Beach Fla., “On the Gulf’’ Cowford and De Funiak Springs, Fla. Dr. Spooner and Mr. Harrison j came over from Donalsonville I Sunday afternoon and spent aj short while. Sam Seigel of the Busy Corner left this week lor the Eastern Markets to buy his fall line of goods. Mrs. H. C. Race and children of Amsterdam came in Sunday afternoon to take in the music on the Square. The Bainbridge Drug & Seed Company announce this week that they will carry a full and complete line of school books and school book supplies. Read their advertisement in this issue? Don’t let your cold hang on, rack your system and become chronic when Dr. Bell’s Pine- Tar-Honey will help you. It heals the inflammation, soothes the cough andl oosens the phlegm You breathe easier at once. Dr, Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey is a laxa tive Tar Syrup, the pine tar balsam heals the raw spots, loosens the mucous and pre vents irritation of the bronchial I tabes. Just get a bottle of L'r. j Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey today, its guaranteed to help you. At all druggists. (lj YOU CAN HAVE beautiful hair if you keep scalp clean and healthy, results in baldness. We tecol mend Z33S TRADE MARK Miss Wilmer and Harvey Jones have returned from a three months visit to Mobile, Fairhope and Battle Ala., "across the bay” and Daphen Island and Fort Morgan “On the Gulf”. Mr. W. V. Smith and wife were in the city Sunday after noon taking in the musical con certs. Mrs. D. F. Crenshaw after a short visit in Alabama has slop ped over here on her way home to spend a few days with Mrs. J. N. Mathews. If you don’t get g od service at the Motor-Bicycie Co., report it to Robert Haire. HAIR TONIC for keeping the scalp healthy aij promoting hair growth. Soldc by us, 50c and $1.00. MILLS PHARMACY Callahan Bldg. Bainbridge, “MONT EVALLO”—The World Best Coal r Bainbridge lo Company, Exclusive Agents. FOR bUPEPIOp COURT JUDGE To the People of the Albar y Circuit: I hereby announce myself a candidate for J udge of the Superior Court o| the Albany Circuit subject to such action as the Democratic Party matj see fit to made in reference thereto. J believe in the prompt and economical administration of the law to the rich and poor alike, and in the curtails ment of dilatory tactics as far as is consistent with the principles of i ust j ( ju and fair play. Should the people sec fit to beRtow upon me this honorable trust I pledge them faithui service. I respectfully solicit your support anil influence. 1 Very Truly Yours A. S. Johnson. Tom Roberts and a party of friends from Donalsonville were in the city Sunday afternoon listening to the music. TO THE VOTERS OF THE ALBANY CIRCUIT. Judge of the Superior Courts of the Albany Circuit, subject to the action the Democrat White Primary, and invite your careful consideration nmlacu sup) ort. 1 am 54 years of age and have been a practicing attorney ,L r j caged in the practice of law, for thirty vears with the exception of eicnt year during which time I served as Judge of the City Court of Bainbridge. - x record isopen to all. The unanimous endorsement of the Decatur County Associ • *•> IO Ull, a UIIUIUIUlHIi) vliUUIOCIIlvilV G1 II1C - ,- . . nation is an approval of my services as Judge of the City Court of Bamoriug • if the people of this Circuit confer U(>on me the high honor I now sees. “MONTEVALLO”—The Worlds Best Coal. Bainbridge lee Company Exclusive Agents. “MONTEVALLO”—The Worlds Best Coal. Bainbridge lee Company, Exclusive Agents. Palm Beach Suits Cleaned 35c. Julian Hodges. Phone 373. Liver Trouble. “I am bothered with with liver trouble about twice a year,” writes Joe Dingman, Webster City, Iowa. “I have pains in my sides and back and an awlul soreness in my stomach. I heard of Chamberlain’s Tablets and tried them. By the time I had used half a bottle of them I was feeling fine and had no signs of pain.” Obtainable every where. % ii iux: ui mis vircun comer upon me me mgii uunui i i*' • . , . pledge you my undivided time and attention wHI be given to the duties oi office. I will stand at all times for tire enforcement of our laws as written, believe in equal justice to all and partiality to none. Assuring you that I will appreciate your support, I am, Most respectfully yours, W. M. HARRELL. 6°« FARM LOANS 6 Loans on improved farms in South Georgia promptly made at lowest rates and best terms. Call on or write us stating your needs. -WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY" Barrow Loan & Abstract Co. “The Biggest Farm Loan Concern in Southwest Georgia. PELHAM, GEORGIA. Kooms ouc ANb"u"P I I nr IV L-rw-.iviz.