The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, August 31, 1916, Image 6

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POST-SEARCH LIGHT Published £*e*y Thursday a* Eairbritfge, Georgia. E. H. GRIFFIN Editor trd Proprietor \ Eottml'Mllie I’ostoffice in Bairt- bridRe, Ga., as second class mail mallei under Act of Congress March 18th, 1K97. Subscription Rates ONE YEAR *1.00 SIX MONTHS, 50c Advertising Rates Advertising rate depends on position, number of insertions and olher requirements, and will be furnished at the business office. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF TIIK CITV OF BAINDKIDOe AND DECATUK COUNTY. Telephone No, 239 quarts of liquor as per the ex press and freight route last month. Wonder what make that town so awfully sober in thes last few months. No Pauline, the Parker that is running lor Vice President on the Progressive Ticket is not the same Parker that ran for Presi dent once on the Democratic Ticket but he will run just about as fast then get no where. The boll weevil means diversi fied farming and many of our newspapers have been preaching that for years. It was bound to come and the weevil has made . it come five years sooner than it i would have otherwise. If you owe the local paper any thing it is the best time of all times to pay them. Paper is still climbing and the boys all need it. The boll weevil and the politi cians are with us, the latter not for long and for which favor we are duly thankful. It is said that poker is becom ing a lost art in Texas. The good old fashioned game of craps must be substituted. The son of a gun that invented the wheel barrow must have foreseen the auto and made it necessary for a man to under stand both to operate either. There will be many things of interest developing in the next few days and all the boys will have to use a sifter to catch the truth of what is said. An Atlanta paper is an “amoosin cuss" this day ar.d time. If you do the way they desire you are it, if not you are hit. Luke, , Fullbright, ' Two new judges of the Court of Appeals. Watch the county. And an able bunch all the way round. Poor old Florida, after having more elections than any state she did not even elect a Governor. Can’t even pull off a good one with so many trials. The many sided Bryan does not seem to taking much hand in the presidental race this year. Perhaps he sees that his ad vocacy of the ticket may hurt it in some quarters. One great and glorious thing that we hereby announce. The boll weevil cant eat up the “taters and possums”. Now who is worried?- The folks over this part of the ■ country mean to elect Roscoe Luke to the Court of Appeals. Put that in your pipe and smoke '.it., |. Thought they all said that Tom Felder got cut in the flank. His long and uninterrupted sil ence leads on to believe that they hit him in the tongue and he was sure enough hurt. Atlanta has Asa Candler for Mayor npw and Coca Cola will be supreme in all things. Won der if the police will have to substitute dope for their corn liquor. The man with the grouch and the grievance sure does get his time when the campaigns are on. If a man ever failed to see him in a crowded throng that unfits him for office right now and‘‘by gum, I wont vote fer him”. Brooks County has five men in the race for the House and they will send Morton Turner back so that his friends can make him Speaker. Brooks can always be depended on to do the right thing. The universal respect that Henry Fullbright is held in is being made manifest each day as the several papers of the state discuss his candidacy for the Court of Appeals. A good, clean truejman that will bring honor to the job if he takes it. Now since you have become interested in cattle raising why take in the Southwest Georgia Fair at Donalsonville and see some real cattle and stock of all kinds. You will see the real article and all grown in Decatur county and this immediate sec tion. There is no reason now why everybody should not be boost ing the Southwest Georgia Fair, It is a county matter and one that everybody is interested in all the section. The Donalson ville folks are advertising it freely and it will be a success. A fellow running for office sure needs a shock absorber and a lie breaker in his business, Heard a fellow tell a lie on a candidate the other day and he knew that he made the lie out of the whole cloth while the con versation was going on. It is said that W. J. Harris has his eye on the senatorship from this state and we rise here to remark that if he takes after it, somebody will have to do about to keep him from getting it. Harris is now about the strongest man in the state. Every Decatur county voter wants to keep in mind that we are only presenting one man from this county for any of the honors and that is Judge Harrell. In the cource of this election it is imperative that we dont get so excited that we forget our home man. Decatur county wants that Judgeship of th? Superior court and she is going to get it. Keep the home man in your mind. Poor old Florida, some of her citizens want to join a,party with out any politics and a church without any religion They have done both from one end of the state to the other. The poor old party lias gone to the devjl and most of the ■hurches have gotten mixed lip in the fight. Volney Williams of the Way- ,'rosse Journal Herald refuses to get into an argument about how long a woman should wear her skirts and says that she can wear them as long as she darn pleases so far as he is concerned. Ju$t like all the balance of them, ds soon as he got in politics he be gins to try and be a pacificator and will agree to anything to keep from fussing with: the women. Volney is preparing against the day when women vote. - — - practice law’ have sent all the boys after a job. on the Appeal bench.' South Georgia wants some of these jobs and we must get after them and have them. wm ff IN MILLER. , The announcement! of Ferry Rich for re-election to the House of Representatives from Miller county appeared last week in the paper of that county and it is The race of Senator Dobbs for j w hh great pleasure that we Comtroller General is making have seen it. the bays all sit up and take Mr. Rich reflected great credit notice. If he is not among the on his county and his part of the winners when the genera! show state in the years just past as a down comes there will be a trick member of that body and it will j n j t be a great deed for Miller county to send him back to aid The repudiation of Edmondson “ getting ^ognization for South Georgia in the coming years. He made friends fast while in the by Watson makes a pretty kettle of fish. It ever a man did love to back in the sunshine of publicity it is this man Edmondson. He loves it better than any actress under the sun. hit 1 House because of his strong con victions. his plain and unselfish stands for the common people on every bilHhat came before that body. He had an eye out at _ , „ all times tor the interest of the See where a preacher sent $4 man and Die com i n g the government conscience fund. I farmer , Rich made all the mem - Now that is strange. The idea bers his frie nds from the Btart . of the preacher frisking the !lfhe is sent back he wiU be a government out ot anything is| bigpower for good in be half of Southwest Georgia. An able de- bator, with knowledge of par- v ~ filamentary law he served the The Constitution says that! f 0 iks from his end of the state politics killed the bill to put the! very creditably. Sheriffs oi the state under the j The writer does not knew any whip ot political ringsters. GoodJ of the gent ] emen that are ar- enough for the same politics: ray ed against Mr. Rich, but he would have killed the efficiency does know that Mr< Rich is pne of everv sheriff in the state and of the real big men of the House made him only one to fetch and; and one of the ab]est> if not the carry for the Man in the Sad- j ablest that Miller county has die”. remarkable. They usually the congregation. ! ever sent to the house. Tljat 1 ° 1 county should set aside all local The Hon. Jim Bowers of and intra strife and heed the ap- Thomas county will return to the peal of the other south Georgia legislature without opposition, j counties and send back to the Thomas county always did re- j House the : r best and ablest man cognise the service of a• good So that he can labor with his man and in Jim Bowers they; fellows for this end of the state, have one of the best in the state j The man is needed and we do o i sincerely hope that Miller county President Wilson is trying hard i r ' 3 . e *° occas ion and re- to settle the strike. If he sue- turn Rich with a magnificent en- ceeds and dees it right he will dorsement. Every tax payer in lose the votes of both sides, i the state needs him. That is the usual luck of an un- j -—— pire in a case like tiiat. A mam If the voters ot that new gets the same dose acting as a Tifton circuit don’t make Jim referee between capital and Tipton judge over there some of labor that he does acting as a us fellews will be sorry that we judge at a baby show. i helped them make it. Jim is not — j only the best material they have The tax rate for the state is but one of the best men in the the old fashioned, regularly used; state and we would like to see 5 mills, the limit. We rise to; him honored thus. He deserves make inquiry as to where wentj it, the benevolent workings of the We have just noticed that Brown of the Richland News Tax Equalization law. We were promised wonders under this law—and we have them. Twill . . , , ... , „ |was a mail carrier. We knew be a wonder it we have any- > something was the matter thing left unless arrangements wUh him hjm but we thought it can be made to pay your taxes! wag just pIain old printers itch by giving the taxed property as djd not have idea th hfi part payment. was a part of the government and did not have to work for a living. Fellow named Ben Harris Roscoe Luke of Thomas county has donated one thousand pounds ol meat to the Thomasville Bar becue. Our suggestion to Roscoe, . . is that he keep a little of that i m Golquitt County picked meat to live off of in Atlanta, i j :>0- Pounds of cotton in five Splendid idea to .feed the folKs I ^ ays ’ ^ e this out of an- it is true but if he dont wish k ior. ot ier P 3per an< ? can } see some of that same meat when [ did not make it in one day he goes to Atlanta there will be a trick in it. just as well as five. If a man is going to be a liar he ought to be one. No use in being a piker. Donalsonville is putting on her festival cloths and in a few When the appropriation for weeks now she will .blossom out the Valdosta Normal School in the eye of all this part of the: came up in the senate 8 south country. That Fair tacj pu.i uiij Georgia senators were absent, theie on October did, beginning j When it was up in the house the is some occasion uns year anu I writer was one that appealed to no set of men know better how! every north Georgia friend he to pull one oh Ulan uns West! had to aid our section in having Ueealur county ouncn. i ne en- ’ a good girl’s school and on count- ure county is taking great inter- ing noses found the south Georgia esi in mis lair and we wish to representatives either absent or observe uiat u is county matter^indifferent, that is, a good por- pure and simple. : tion of them and yet we abuse s u j North Georgia about grabbing | everything in sight. Tis our Afellowin Arizona claims that {au i t , not theirs . What is the they have bull-xrogs eight years [ moral? old tnat has never learned to swim so scarce lias been the rains. Now that guy is what ~ .... . Spend Sunday at Lanark-On- you would call a monumental, or The . Gulf where Quit ' breezes a colossal liar, we dont know b]ow , The “Special” leaves Bain- whieh. Anyway he is Romg bri(Jge 6;45 Fare for roand sonie - trip $1.50. ‘ ‘MONTEVALLO”—The Worlds Best Coal. Bainbridge Ic; Company, Exclusi ;e Agents. 1HE WAY AMU THE RECORD The Way, a paper published' by Marion Jackson et el, has considerable to say about the candidates for governor and charges them all with being liquor candidates, except Gover nor Harris and calls on the pro hibitionists to vote for him be cause of him signing a bill for prohibition that was rammed down his throat and over his protest. The Record is this. When the 97 members determined to be heard on the prohibition bill they held a causcus and dertermined to force the extra session. Gov. Harris sent a note to that cau cus imploring them ‘‘not to do this thing” and they did it over his protest, then again he sent a message to the House asking them not to it They did and forced the extra session over the Governor’s protest. Then when he halted about putting it in the call for the extra session he was promptly told that unless he did they would meet at his call and then adjourn again on his hands. He again bowed to the inevitable and now his friends, Tom Felder, Marion Jackson and a few more ask the prohibitionists to support him because he finally gave into what he could not help. Does he have any right to ask for their vote when he only yielded under a club axe. This is the record and all the ingenuity of the Way in twist ing and warping the truth can not change it. If such action on the part of the Governor en titles him to the vote of the prohibitionists, what is the man entitled to, that did it of his own free will? Mr. Marion Jackson ought to tell the truth. The writer knows that this is the truth for he was ONE of the NINETY SEVEN. Bishop Kelly of Savannah may be indignant and riled but he will gain very little by his in sulting references to the Legis lature. The Legislature may have been intolerant according to his view but that does not make it at all necessary for him to be insulting. There are many just as good and just as clean men in the Georgia legislature as he is. His record is not such a sweet one. A lady can. be trust ed with a.member of the house with just as much safety as she could be with him and he makes a sad mistake to deliver such sweeping insults. The House meets again next year. The Planters of Gadsden and Leon counties in Florida are tired of the negroes of that sec ion being carried to Conneeticutt for tobacco work. It will shorten the supply of labor in those e>.unties and were it not for that we would say let Conneeticutt • learn the same lesson that other states have learned that is to know how to handle the negro laborer. No yankee can get along with a negro. They like one another far away. The negro himself has very little patience with the yankee, if he gets in trouble he is looking for the southern man right now. Hat Cleaning done by experts give us a trial. Junan Houges. There never has been a more tolerant man on religion than the editor of this paper. We dont care whether a man is a Methodist, Baptist, Catholic or a Hottentot just so he pays his debts, treats his fellow man right and stays out of jail but we must confess that we dont like the remarks of Bishop Kelly of Savannah as to the Georgia Leg islature. He is not likely to gain anything by such remarks. He is about as abusive on one side as Watson is on the other and neither of them are doing any good, not by such abuse as they use. the nna agafn he > pardon convicts.- Here’s one that he k that work right now. H the price of ues downward and '«j drops, the street car! ^ av ® to set up and tak —Macon News. What. The Ford will g 0 • Hon M. j. Yoemansi ly in the race f or j ud , court of appeals. Col' is one of the most D members of the bar of Ga., and in addition to man from South Geor usually gets it i n the political way, but i s e qualified for the position count ol his long and Vai perience in the practice and his real worth as We ieel sure that the p ( the state will honor hi this position. — Dawson Mr. Yeomans is a citizen son and a son in-law- fellow townsman Captai R. Sharpe. Captain Shai been quietly and modest! ing his aid to the dev< of this section for a nu: years and he has a friends in the county as well as Mr. Yeomans w. take interest in this ca and see that Mr. Yeoml taken carp of in Decatur Stop using this dange drug before it saliva! you! It’s horrible! You’re bilious, sluggish' e pated and believe you need dangerous calomel to start liver and clean bowles. Here’s my guarantee! Ask druggist for a fifty cent bott Dodson’s Liver Tone and t spoonful! to-night. If it do start voi r liver and &traig you up better than calomel without griping or making sick 1 want you to go back to store and get your money Take calomel to day and morrow you will feel weak sick and nauseated. Don’t a days work. 1 ake a spoonfu harmless Dodson’s Liver ~ toi.i. i.c wake up fee great. Il’s p-. rfectlv harmli so give it to your children time. It can’t salivate, so them eat anything afterwards ’MONTEVALLO”—The Words Best Coal. Bainbridge Ice Company, Exclusive Agents. atlR AUTOMOBILE OWNER Hot weather is coming. Your Tires will heat. The rubber will softee and b come more elastic. Greater tension will be throw on the fabric. You will not dare run them so and you will not dare inflate the hard. The result will be a set BLOWN-OUT-TIRES. USE RIM-GRIP SUB-CASINGS and head ot this annoyance am expense. Rim-Grip Sub-Casings will so? ply that additional strength neC' essary to, carry a full intiaucr without danger of blowing on the tires. This small outlay will insui' you for the season as the tire can then be worn out- The Sub Casings can be used in other tires. Sold by—- Brooks Garaev