The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, August 31, 1916, Image 9

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lai itbriiut? Mortal Among „ Those That See and Know. gy SELENE 'fc*i J) . c innes entertain- lkS imr in a most ff ® ner a? Mill’s Phar- J "nr of her house guest raves of Daytona, suited to meet Mrs. r *' Mrs Lester Fried- fe'» K ng 'uure1i t K. Farrar, D. I£s Maggie Peabody philpot. , e Townsend enter- L’ umber of children Mon- * nn in celebration of Millie's third birthday. ® played and latter n " a s served. Those ,vere Louise Hawes, [Wheeler, Little Misses Friedman. May Frances Hamil, Virginia Croc- " May Smith, Mary rffheeler. Eugenia and LS Laura Dell Parker lyter Mary Elizabeth I Mary Russell, Cornelia 1 Cornelia Coombs, Elinor Mary Hinel.v Brinson, lv Cohen, Mary Agnes l Anna Grace Baggs, i’Garrette. Elizabeth Gnf- h .Q‘ P a Py, Mesdames. Anna Griffin M. L. Tollar, T. S. Hawes, "* r - and Mrs. C. L. Harrell, Mr. uo Er *nson, Mr. and Mrs. rJ'-ri Piohardson, Mr. and Mrs. C H. Fields, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mathis. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Var ner, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gam- mage, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Park er. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Fields entertained at a dinner party 1 hursday evening in honor of Edwin Perry’s house guests, Miss Charlotte Wilkens, Miss Rudene B. Becht of Atlanta, Miss Floreed Randall, Mr. George Ticnor, Sam Shank, Randolph Whitehead, Owen Fields. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Richardson entertained delightfully Thurs- nay evening with a dance at the Elks Club in honor of Mr. Edwin Perrys house guests. Those dancing were: Misses Florence Hawes, Floreed Randall. Char lotte Wilken, Rudene Becht, Edna Nussbaum, Mesdames Mercer Baggs, Anna Griffin. W. 0. Charlton, Miss Nan Philpot. Messrs. Oliver Flemming, Twitty Harris, C. L. Senter, II. Coch ran, George Ticnor, Max Kwi- v * ~ r> •«: ou fn'iy L e , cki ’ P an( i°lph Whitehead, Sam Misses Kate Griffin, Sheffield, j Shank, Edwin Perry Mr and of Tampa, Fla., Florence Hawes, iMrs. E. J. Perry Mr’ and Mrs Floreed Randall of Madison, Fla.,'Frank S. Jones, Mr and Mrs f Clara Sutherland, Ruth Hines of,S. Hawes, Mr, and Mrs Glen Jacksonville, Emma Sutherland, Mathis, Mr. and Mrs Ernest Messers. Carl Lee Senter, D. R. | Graves of Daytona. Fla Mr and Bryan, Ben Russell, Owen Fields, i Mrs. G. H. Fields, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Soule, Livsie Shackleford, I Jack Bower. Mrs. Frank S. Jones invited eight of her friends to meet Mrs. Ernest Graves of Daytona, Fla. The party was entertained at Mills Pharmacy. The tables were beautifully decorated in Zenia and ferns. The guest were Mesdames Gordon Chason, D. D. Boozer, George H Fields, E. J. Perry, T. S. Hawes, A. B. Belcher, R. W. Jackson, and Miss Caroline Williams. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Perry en tertained with a picnic and swim ming party Wednesday at Rhodes Ferry in honor of their son Ed win’s house party, which was composed of Miss Charlotte Wilkens and Miss Rudene Becht of Atlanta, Mr. George Ticnor and Randolph Whitehead of Al bany and Sam Shank of Charlotte, N. C. Other guests invited were: Mrs. Melvin H. Nussbaum en-1 Mrs. Charles Parker was tertained \Vith two tables of J hostess at a delightful affair Fri- ijcewandin. “cic.. XV.VV,, Brjdge Thursday afternoon in day evening. The table was de- !sh f rrih'ini little honor of Mrs. E - E- Shyer of corated in garden flowers. Those u'hL innings Ber-1 At,anta > Mrs. I. N. Kornman,! invited were: Mesdames H. D. k m Tim Hamil Tohn an< ^ Mrs. E. Kronhiem of New i Walker of Macon, K. A. Mc- liXin Nussbaum Jr' of New Orleans. Miss Stella! Caskill, G. T. Mathis, E. C. &” e u O Coombs 'Nussbaum won first prize and Smith, Glen Darbyshire, W. S. Marion Brad-'Mrs. E - E Shyer won the guests'Townsend, W. G. Mathis, A. B. Tonge I ouis ! P rize - 'Those playing were: Belcher. E. J. Perry. S. S. Brin- Samuel ionge, ^ 0U1S , Megdames Gus Kornmalli Max son, L. C. Brinson, E. S. Varner, | .Nussbaum, Leo Wise of Thomas- D. T. Sutherland, M. E.Tolsome,: Edwin ferry was host at a; ville, I. N. Kornman, S. Kron 'Edna Williams, Lester E'riedman ’ narty this past week. His hiem, E. E. Shyer, and Misses and Miss Clara Sutherland. ' I,: " Edna and Stella Nussbaum. After j ^ ths game a delightful buffet lunch i „ The Fnday afternoon Silk was served. i Stocking Club was delightfully | entertained at the home of Mrs. Miss Florence Hawes has re-.Laurell Tonge on Acadmey St. turned home a three weeks visit Miss Edna Nussbaum made top to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wright score. Others playing were: in Quincy, Fla.. Mesdames Glen Tonge, H. L. Gans, W. 0. Charlton, H. H. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Coleman Coombs, C. L. Harrell, M. B. left Saturday for an pxtented Baggs, and Miss Stella Nuss- trip. baum. Miss Myrtle Kornman enter tained a few friends Saturday afternoon with a peanut hunt in honor of her cousin Rose Shyer of Atlanta, Max Nussbaum Jr., won the prize. Others present were: Euginia Harrell, Helen Reid, Cornelia Coombs, Dorothy Harrell, Hebert Nussbaum, John Kied, Benton Nussbaum, Myran Kronhiem of New Orleans, and Melvin Nussbaum Jr. Mrs. D. F. Crenshaw of Jack sonville is the guest of Mrs. J. N. Mathews. Miss Olive Morgan is spending her month vacation in the mountains of N. C. Mr. Edgar Shyer of Atlanta is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kornman. Mrs. Albert Russell of Calvary who has been visiting Mrs. John Flemming has returned home. Miss Bessie Mayes is spending a month at St. Georges Island. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crum, Ramsey Crum, and Mrs. H. C. Gammage left Sunday to spend a month with relatives in Ohio. Mrs. J. M. Simmons has return ed from a visit to Dublin. Mrs. Lee Parker and family have returned from a week stay at Lanai k. Mrs. Leo Wise of Thomasville is the guest of her sister Mrs. Nussbaum. L. G. Pappy spent Saturday and Sunday in Atlanta combining business with pleasure. Miss Sheffield of Tampa is the very attractive guest of Mrs. To lar . Mrs. D. A. Cohen and children have returned from a visit with relatives in Mississippi. luarty this past were: Miss Charlotte *s of Atlanta, Miss Rudene ■of Atlanta. Mr. Randolph head of Albany, Mr. Sam I of Charlotte, N. C. and leorge Ticnor of Albany. . S. Kronniem and son has returned to their lin New Orleans after a Ivisit to Mr. and Mrs. H. We sell tires for $1.75 and up. The Motor-Bicycle Company. Mr. J. W. Burns who has been located at Reynoldsville for several years past has gone to Vada where he has put in a stock of general merchandise. Mr. Burns has a host of friends in this city that wish for him a splendid business in his new home. § PONT NEGLECT | The Children’s Teeth J T is highly essential that care be given to children’s teeth, for at this stage the foundation is laid for good or bad health in a lifetime to come. And good teeth are recog nized as a strong factor in the condition of a person’s health. Take care of the “Baby Teeth and the second teeth will be all the better for it DR. H. F. HAMIL HAMIL BUILDING BAIN BRIDGE, GA Big Labor Day Excursion SEPTEMBER 4TH, TO. JACKSONVILLE, FLA- St. Augustine, Pablo, Atlantic and Manhattan Beaches. -VIA- Georgia, Florida & Alabama Ry. Through Cars Special Train Low Round Trip Rate $4~From Bainbridge~$4 Further information furnished by Agent. THE WONDERFUL NEW DRINK BOTTLES 5c IN BOTTLES 5c In Lime Cola You will Find a Delicious Combination of Cola and Lime in Just the Right Proportion. Properly blended &nd tkged Lime Cota is just the drink you htkve &.lw&ys v Dinted. Lime Cota hks met with instant success where ever introduced not only be cause of its deliciousness, but because of its healthful qualities. It contains nothing thtxt will disa.rra.nge a weak stomach and Lime Coia drinkers are not troubled with sleepless nights. Lime Cola the New Healthful Cola is the Drink for You. We invite you to try our new Drink which we hope to have on sale Friday Morning, September l^t. LIME COLaIkUTLING CO. w j. we\therly Bainbridge, Oa. r. j* weathetly In Connection With the Opening of the New Lime Cola Bottling Company SEE T1IE “ROMANCE M MONTGOMERY” A Good Amateur Photo Play Miss Bessie Brockett Leading Lady <Formerly of^Bainbridgej Thomas L. Hackett Leading Man Callahan Theatre Friday Night, September 1st, In Connection With THE SEVENTH EPISODE OF “The Mysteries of Myra” The Great Film Play. Also a Screechingly Funny KEYSTONE COMEDY Featuring Harry Gibbon, Title “The Perils of the Park” ADMISSION 10 AND I5C