The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, November 16, 1916, Image 1

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ro. 1( BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA THURSDAY NOVEMBER Hi, 1916 $1.00 PER YEAR | l p Monday Night peek’s Engage- fin the City. Good Ids Attend. letr.politan Shows ar- Bainbr.'dire Monday ! and opened up their the baseball park. It i dean aggregation of 111 all their crowd look I, They have a good fractions and there lias ■thing shown on their |that cauld offend any 1. have had good music L hit of free amuse- |deveryday their crowds Twn fairly well each day. Lnv has been in this ire and they have a lowing of local friends. Ling is the list of their Ins and they have beer. mized as some of them Ian educative turn. Ihows are as following: Ministrel, Merry-Go- ■10in 1, Athletic Show, ■ty Mysteria, 5 in 1, ■heel, Camp 49, Ocean I'enitiaie Swing, Monco, land the Baby, Snake Barden of Alii. SOFT DRINK WITH A PONCHJJSES TALK Has Taste and Smell of Pare goric, And Officials Lay Plans to Stop Sale. Atlanta, Nov. 15.—A new bev erage which is neither beer nor whiskey nor wine, but yet con tains a kick like an army mule, has appeared in Atlanta simul taneously with its appearance in other towns and cities over the State. The police are puzzled. They neither know where the drink comes from, nor whether it comes within the prohibited confines of the Georgia liquor laws. One thing they do know, however, and that is that the drink meets I all requirements of a person who is looking for something that | wili make him drunk. The taste and smell resemble paregoric, but the drink is a mil ky, white in color. A little of it goes a long way, according to the description of its after-ef fects which the police have se cured from users of it. With the appearance of the drink both here and elsewhere, it will doubtless not be long be fore steps will be taken by the authorities to have it analyzed. JOHN MIDDLETON, HAND RECRUITER BOUND OVER PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO WAKE UP TO LABOR SITUATION AS IT IS GETTING VERY SERIOUS. A LEADER WANTED COLD SPELL LA1LQ HEREjftST NIGHT Promised Change in Weather Came Suddenly—More Cold Expected During Day. fiiarriage of Mr. Drane Attepulgus and Miss |ughtry of Allentown that yesterday morning at Idence of the bride in that Jibe of interest to both of |ng folks friends over the | Mr. Smith is the oldest n. W. E. Smith, one of Iniinent citizens of the land is a young man of f qualities that have made host of friends. Miss Iry has taught school in Inty for a few years and W lady that is loved by Jher acquaintances. Mr. ■Smith and wife and Mr. Tbliaison accompanied Mr. pith to Allentown. The farchlighf as well as num- friends extend to Mr. land iiis bride their very lishes and hope for them ■good things of this life. Jer friend, a better citizen a [honorable or high toned man does not live than I Smith and he deserves Bendid girl that he brings Pome with him as a his pnd they both deserve the [ 'vishes that their many nave showered upon Opened Monday morning with Judge Cox presiding and Soli citor Bell in charge of the state’s interest. The court was immedi- atediy organized, the Grand Jury charged in a most able manner by Judge Cox and the work of the term went into. The , dockett is well filled with busi- ' ness and it is the aim of the ! court to get as much of it off ' as possible. The first day of the ; court was taken up with di- ] vorce cases. It is expected that j the Grand Jury will have a busy time of it- fITrugk hits ford The fire truck had its first ac cident this week. On Monday morning the truck while going down Water street hit a Ford owned by Mr. Sawyer, of Vada and knocked one wheel complete ly off and scattered eggs all over the street. A negro man on the back ot the Ford was thrown out and pretty badly hurt. The gong on the engine truck was not ringing as it went down the street and the driver of the Ford did not hear it coming. Very fortunately Mr. Sawyer escaped injury. Paul Middleton, a negro was tried here Tuesday afternoon for violating, the immigration laws. He was one of the negros charged with recruiting hands for the Northern cities. The case was the first of the kind tried in the county. The turpen tine and mill interests of the county have been hit hard by the labor disturbances and it is a difficult matter to get at the bot tom of the wholesale exodus of negoes into northern points. There has been a disposition to interfere with the matter but there seems to be no concert of action on the parts of those, in terested. In the beginning of the matter it was looked on lightly by the folks, many of them thinking that the negros were being carried north for election purposes but that idea has been discarded. The extreme cost of living, the high price of rations made things look pretty bad for the negro, the same high price made it look pretty bad lor the negro’s boss and the negro had | to look around for chance to [make enough to eat on. The smooth tongue labor broker came | to him with promise of doing bet ter and he swallowed the line, danger ahead of us in this mat ter and it will net help matters any by hard words. The best way for us to do is find out the truth of just what the negro is going into and let him see and i know it. Send a man to these sections and see whether or not he has improved his condition and if he lias not let the others know it. The negro inis been our laborer so long that we fear that some of us have lost sight of the fact that he really lias a right to leave it he wants to and we have not made an earnest effort to keep him here. Abuse and calling him a’D nigger is not going to make much headway in re lieving the labor situation as so many folks are prone to do. Every tiling in the animal king dom will try to better iiis own condition and you cant blame a negro from wanting to do the same thing. If he is misled, it is the Recruiter that ought to lie caught and punished for violat- ingRhe law. We think that he is misled but we have not gone to any trouble to show him tiiat he is. What are we going to do about the matter? Are we going The promised cold [spell struck Bainbridge last night with a vengeance. After a day of clou dy sky and unsettled weather rain began to fall late Tuesday afternoon. The downpour was slow but steady and 1 nearly all the night. INC ALU1DUCE Bainbridge Business Men Are Making An Effort to Buy Everything That a Farmer Has to Sell. The local markets are looking better for the farmer when he asted thro conies to Bainbridge than it has Shortly af- looked for many years. ter the rain started the weather: The Farmers Seed Company began to grow cooler and by are buying corn, oats, peanuts", morning there was a noticeable cotton seed, turkeys and chickens drop in temperature. Today the .and nearly everything that a mercury has been steadily going I farmer has to sell and giving down. 1 them tip top cash prices. The The rain and cold weather was I Flint River Milling Company is badly needed, particularly the 1 offering a splendid cash market rain. Farmers and gardeners I for corn. The Oil Mill is buying report their crops badly injured (seed, peanuts and beans as fast as the result of the prolonged I as they can get them and all the dry weather, While the rain I way round it seems that our last night was a great help it business men have woke up to was not sufficient to meet all the | the tact that this is the only way requirements. The drops tell in I for them to hold the trade of the the way to do tile most good, slowely and steadily hut did not last long enougli to entirely fix things. Road work, which has been seriously interfered with on account ot the lack ot rain, has not yet had enough rain to do a great deal of good. However, that which fell last night helped a great deal. Clothing merchants and other retail tradesmen are highly pleas ed with the cooler weather. They report their business at a standstill so far as winter sup plies were concerned for nearly all this fall. The drop in the to take any studied or reasonable hook and all and it remains to be (step to keep him here or are we seen whether he has bettered j just going to say “let the darned himself or not. But in the mean-1 negro go’. Everybody’s concerned time, the timber interests of this!as much as the turpentine, mill section as well as the cotton | or cotton man. The merchant farmer will feel the scarcity of j is deeply interested. Will a con- labor very keenly. What can be centrated effort to stop recruiters 1 ni j n( j s of - j oca | re . ; j ( i en t s done is now on the lips of every j be made or not? There is the citizen? The situation seems'place to begin for a negro ' farmers in this section. The wholesale grocers are buy ing some classes of produce and giving the best market prices in money. This is a great step forward and when our retail grocers make a specialty of handling the produce of the farm er on a reasonable profit as some of them are doing, it will be the best local market in this part of tile country. No one can fail to see the importance “of these firms taking the steps they have without wondering why it has not, been done before. The strongest commercial moral that temperature today however, was) we know anything about is “the just what was needed to put tire | farmer buys iiis goods where he thoughts of winted clothing and sells his produce, other winter supplies in the thus, the local man can not pay any more wages for he is caught by the increase in prices as much so as the negro and the negro thinks that he can do better. The men of the section business men of all classes will do well to or ganize and take the matter up. There is no legal way to keep a negro here if he wants to leave and he will surely leave if he thinks that he can help himself by doing so. There is a grave human enough to want to get more money if lie can and no sensible man deep down in heart blames him for wanting more money, we all do. He may be following a wil’o’ the wisp’ and his chase may cost the labor ot the county a lots of money but what is to be done. Somebody will have to take the matter up. Who will lead? Middleton was bound over. y POLICE ENDEAVOR 10 STOP E FROM THE WESLEYAN F' Dn^ Company have T;"ftisment in this issure to I ec t that they are real dis- T C J’ S of canned music. | have all an d every kind. F a nd, the flute, the ukeleie, ® ee ’ the banjo and even iS'Mng low sweet chariot I" h e y have the ’ tor the famous Victrola Machine. If you can’t F.tney will make you fiddle foe other fellow fiddle for -plete line ot machines f'-o-.-ds are j- e p t at a jj They are in the business e tiie folks that can’t pull 1 nausic stand on the same 5 tnos e that can. A visit ' C: ”OP. is invited. CHERB-GOLA SHOWS HERE NOVEMBER V Albany, Nov. 15.—Efforts of Albany police to put stop to wholesale deportations of negro labor from this section are begin ning to bear fruit. Yesterday a negro, said to he from the north, was arrested on a charge of en ticing labor to depart from Geor-j gia. He gave his name as Olenjw 1 ' 3 ™ says WE RAISE THEM The following telegram was received by Major A. S. McBride from his son D. B. McBride wko lives in Charlotte N. C. Maj. A. S. McBride, Bainbiidge, Ga. You have a grand son, a De mocrat. D. B. McBride. The young Democrat’s father is well remembered here in Bain bridge, having been raised here and raised a Democrat it is natural that the strain will con tinue in the family as this tele- Major McBride is Johnson. The officers claim to| rec » vin K the congratulations on against 1 y° un ff man’s arrival but as LUKEGETS SIX-YEAR TERM Atlanta, Nov. 15 —At a con ference here today between Governor N. E. Harris, members of the state court of appeals and the three new appellate judges elected last week, it was decided that Judge Roscoe Luke should serve six years; Judge W. F. George four years, and Judge W . Frank Jenkins two years. The newly elected judges drew lots, as provided by the law enlarging the court, to determine the length of their service. | A Primitive Baptist church in i Marion county this state, is be- | ing divided into two hostile fac tions. And it is all because one I party desires to use an organ and the other thinks it awfully sin ful to have instrumental music in divine worship. Strange as it ! may seem, we remember the day i when organs in our Methodist 1 churches were not regarded by isome of the best men that lived las being the proper thing. It is handed down as a tradition among us that one of the Georgia preachers entering the church and seeing in the choir a person with a violin said when he announced his hymn; us fiddle and sing.”. John Drake and E. A. &I " City were in the - attending court this week. COTTON EINNEO There were 9117 bales of cotton counting round as half bales, ginned in Decatur county from ihe crop of 1916 prior to Novem ber 1, 1916 as compared with 11861 bales ginned to November 1, 1915. Charlie Trulock of Climax was over a short while Friday. ‘‘Let PRIZE PANCAKE EATER OEfiO East St. Lot is, III.—Ensh Braatz, Illinois’ champion pancake eater, is dead. He was 35 years old. His best record at eating the flapjacks was sixty- four at one sitting. His only stipulation when signing for a contest was that his wife pre pare the batter. On Monday November 27th, the Chero-Coia Company here for the week. The show carries a good bunch of performers and has been getting record break ing crowds everywhere the com pany has placed them. Our old friend Searcy, the local mana ger of the Chero Cola folks says that he will have the very best bunch of entertainers that have j ( | a y ever been here to advertise his l^ose lea V ir»pr from this city came drink. Not that the drink needs j from other C outies, hut now it but he just feels like .the many Albany negroes are leaving, hundreds of Chero Cola drink- well because of his politics. Joe Mayoof Camilla was in the city this week looking after his work in the Superior court. have enougli evidence the negro to convict him. j Several other negroes recently I arrested on the same charge were dismissed for iack of evi-1 denee on which to hold them, j Johnson is believed to be t,lie| same negro who induced so| Mr. Al Hurst, a prominent many negroes to leave Dothan, i farmer of Mitchell county spent Ala., coming to this city after| Sunday in the city with his his operations there. Negroes: daughter who is one of the continue to leave Albany every j nurses at the Bainbridge Hos- For some time most of j pital. ers are entitled to a little real amusement. Searcy is some en tertainer himself and means to give his old friends and patrons a week of fun. Watch for their announcement next week. Hattie Nettles, a colored wo man living on the edge of the Hons. Robin Cox, Charlie Rey nolds and will Cherry held down the Donalsonville end the court this week. THANKSGI Washington, Nov. 15.—The formal Thanksgiving Dav procl- city was found dead Monday | amution is to be issued from the morning, having been shot dur- tr „ .... ... ing the night by Frank Brown WIi |te House within the next few They were heard in the night days. 1 resident Wilson told in: quarreling, so it is said and at a very late hour a pistol shot was heard. The woman was killed by the shot and the offic ers immediately went after the man Frank Brown. quivers to-day that he would fol: low tile usual custom and design ate the last Thursday of the month, November 30th. as the nation’s Thanksgiving Day. IS “T Swainsbora, Nov. 15. — Seven persons reported having their pockets picked this week when the circus came to town. The smallest loss was $5 taken from Franc Mangum, editor of the Forest-Blade and the largest was $55, sustained by Tom High, a negro. Mr. Billy Warren lost a purse containing $35. A white man was caught in the act of rifling a negro’s pocket. He gave a fictitious name, furnished bond in the sum of $100 and immedi ately left the city.