The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, November 16, 1916, Image 3

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lust a Few of Our Specials For Monday, Nov. 20th. Oar store last Monday was one sign of busy times because of the beginning of our Monday Specials. The special for the one day only, next Monday November 13th wall be as follows. We call especial attention to the Figaro Meat Pre server. Every farm that kills hogs will be inter ested in that. L-dies Dresses, $15 value for 1 day, 20 per cent off Figaro Preserver, to cure meats per bottle 7 Packages Washing Powder 25c inch flower pot for 13 Bars Soap, no less sold,for 50c 9 inch flower pot fo, 29c 7 inch flower pots for 12k 10 inch flower pot for E. J. Belcher Co. Bainbridge, . , Georgia. THE FARRAR LUMBER VV E desire to correct Impression th&.t we are burned out &nd out of the g&me. Ve did h&.ve & disastrous fire; losing Pkning Mill fcnd Kilns, but Skved our shed full of dressed stock fcnd our s^w mill. Ve h&ve Jxdded numerous cars from our connections &nd secured some eight hundred thousand feet a.t the ptant of Stuart Lumber Co., Brinson, &.nd &.re nov better prepared to serve our friends th&n &.t any time since ve come to Bddnbridge. Ve c&.ter to Iocfcl tr&.de &nd &.t the sfcme time are shipping houses to Athens, Greece. Farrar’s are born Lumbermsn aind cfcnt quit. THE FARRAR LUMBER CO. mammmmm co. I yrup Corks ALL SIZES -- AT — Chrlich ‘Drug Company The Store, CHIEF OF POLICE 00T ill FACTS Popular Official Was Con fined to Bed Three Months. Now Hale and Hearty Since Taking Tanlac. If there is a man in Macon who is universally known and liked, that man is Geo. Samuel Riley, the popular and efficient Chief of folice of that city, Chief Riley has been prominently identified with Macon’s public affairs for a number of years, and is highly esteemed and respected for his high character and integrity by all who know him. in an inter esting interview with Dr. W. B. Logan at the Taylor-Bayne Drug Company Thursday morning, Chief Riley said: v “I came to Macon when I was only a 16-year-old boy from Hous ton county, and have been living here for 38 years. I have always enjoyed every good health, and have been what you would con sider a strong, healthy man. Last June I was taken very sick, and was confined to my bed for three months with a trouble that developed into pleurisy with serious complications, and I had to undergo several operations. For a while I was entirely help less. “Aftei getting out my right side continued to pain me. My Mv breath would get short, and I had terrible pains and swellings in mv legs and feet and catching pains in my back. This trouble made me very ner vous and I lost sleep. To tell you the truth, I was in mighty bad shape and nothing in the way of medicine seemed to do me much good. “My kidneys bothered me a great deal and my whole sys tem seemed to be filled with Uric Acid poison. For a while I had little control over my kid neys and this bothered me a great deal. Like everybody else I got to reading about Tanlac and decided to give it a trial. I can understand now why every body is praising this medicine, for it helped me right from the start. The pains in my side have left me entirely and I now have control over my kidneys. The swellings have all gone down and I feel like a now man in every way. "Yes, sir, this Tanlac just filled me with new life and energy and I feel more like my self than in months. Everyone has noticed the wonderful im provement in my condition and I am only to glad to say a good word for Tanlac. I had taken medicines every since I was taken sick and nothing seemed to help me, • but two bottles of Tanlac has put me on my feet and I feel like myself again.” Tanlac is sold in Bainbridge exclusively by Willis Drug Co., in Donalsonville by the Palace Drug Co; Climax by the Climax Pharmacy; Iron City, by Strick land & Cordell; Brinson, by H. B. Harrell Supply Co; Babcock, Ga, by Babcock Bros. Lumber Company; Eldorendo, Ga.,J. L. Smith. FOR SALE Believing that penuls must take the place of cotton in the boll weevil section and lest there be a scarcity of seed for plant ing, we have left off crushing for 30 days and will offer our stock of Spanish peanuts for seed at 6c per pound F. O. B. Shellman, Ga They are White Spanish, the kind that find ready cash sale at the oil mills. Orders filled as received, while stock lasts, prior to Dec. 1st Shellman Oil Mill. Shellman, Ga. Phone 355-J for paper hanging and painting. Don’t fail to see •jr nice line of of wallpaper. Dixon and Mills II REMEDY FOR MU. WEEVILS After having many fakes pre petrated on them, the cotton pro ducers seem at last to be facing the prospects of an effective re lief from the boll weevil. Of course there has always been a remedy in the methods of the farm demonstrators whereby a partial crop can be raised, but the new remedy seems to pro mise a full crop and destruction and expulsion of the pest so hazardous in the past. The most convincing evidence of the lack of fake in the remedy produced by a local man is that it is not being offered for sale and no effort is being made to exploit it among the farmers until a thorough demonstration i has been made of it another | year. This year’s trial was con- ' vincing in every respect and next year it is proposed to try in still a larger scale. The remedy, whose chemical analysis is not made piAlic, is a harmless looking substance and the smallest application kills a boll weevil in a few seconds, and when sprayed on a stalk full of them they immediate take their departure. These two facts have been demonstrated repeatedly here in Bainbridge in the last few weeks and all who have seen the demonstration are con vinced. Furthermore it has been tried on growing cotton and proved to entirely effacious in prevent ing the ravages of the pest. A small tract was tried this year after the weevils had gotten into the cotton to the extent that all of the first bolls were destroyed. The stalks thus treated made a splendid top. crop, some having as many as two dozen bolls well matured and full of cotton. Next year it is understood that a ten acre field of cotton will be grown under this treatment with a view to showing that the plan is feasible on a large scale. It is believed that this weevil remedy can be made cheaply enouge to render it entirely practical as a means of relief of the past. The genius of man has risen superior to almost every pest with which crops have had to contend and it is not to be doubted that the boll weevil will succumb to the same influence, and that this influence should have its beginning in Decatur county is not impossible. If this remedy does prove successful and practical, and of this its owner and all who have seen it are sanguine, the production of cotton will be revolutionized. SOMETHING CONVENIENT In this issue is found the an nouncement of the Callahan Hotel in which they are speci alising on the Sunday (pinner problem. This is a new depar ture of the Callahan but it seems to be one that Iwill meet with the approval and the con venience of the small family A small family or a man with one child can get a splendid dinner for less money than it would cost him to prepare it at home and the wife has a chance to enjoy it. Few ladies enjoy a meal when they have to work their heads off preparing it and this announcement of the Calla han means that the women will get a chance to enjoy their Sun day dinner. The menu as an nounced in this opening state ment of the Callahan looks mighty good for a dinner for the fellow that loves good eating. The registration books of the city of Bainbridge are now open in the office of the Clerk. All qualified voters are given notice that the books will remain open during the month of November. W. O. Fleming. a> C/3 C/3 CD • • o 2“ t-* cd ?r O <z> p c-F p •-1 Cl P o e - % o tr cr <D CD C/3 CD hh 03 P 3 o £ 3 n > r 1 r* > S3 £ > ciq 25 ST ~ H g S3 % w • G© r-h ** n P P g 3 d & f* p p P 2L R “ P <C hi ct» pi co £L P 5* Grq ^ » § h-b P-* p m p p. 2 3 i t i r > z n x m ►—»• 3 i—i • a P P P- co C+- p % P- zo ft- o a cr ffi ci o c-F o »-$ S’ p - a> CD S F