The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, November 16, 1916, Image 4

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THE POST-SEARCH LIGHT Published Every Thursday at Bainbridge, Georgia. E. H. GRIFFIN Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Postofflce in Bain- bridge, (in., as second clasH mail matter under Act of Congress March 18th, 1897. Subscription Rates ONE YEAR *100 SIX MONTHS 60c Advertising Rates Advertising rate depends on position, number of insertions and other requirements, anti will be furnished at the business office. OKKIC'IAI. OKIIAN OK TUB CITV OK IIAIN1IKIDOK AND DECATUR CO I! NTY. Telephone No. 239 Nobody at home but the voters and they have all gone to Wilson. The Grand Jury is in session some of the brethren are in the woods. “Jess so, jess so ” The Carnival is in town. We had the tiger to begin with and the menagerie is complete. The silence coming from some quarters in this county is some what deadening. .Wonder why so much noise? The Wilson demonstrations over the country came a little late but more pleasantly than not to come at all. We woke up Monday morning with big court, a carnival a dead woman on hand. That’s starting off a strenous week is’ni it? Two democratic nomines in Valdosta were beaten as a result of not attending to the duties of the office. Some of the Florida papers passed up crow and eat Catts and a large bushel of them if any one makes inquiry. It is hard but may be fair. Every time a few fellows have a little social game of craps the grand jury gets in session right away. Georgia showed by her vote last week that she had spewed the bolters ar.d the luke warm from out of her mouth. So mote ,it be. With our she-congressman on the job in Washington and Dick Russell at work trying to make an honest living things ought to pick up right now in this country. — ■ IV 1 The election of Wilson will put an end to the growling of the element in this state that can see no good in anything that they do not start. A celebration week and no elephant. Bah; Won a presidency and no time to celebrate. What’s the use? Who on earth can enjoy himself in any such shape. Old Powder DuPont got beat for Senator from Deleware. And now if we could see that three ringed circus this servant could depart in peace. Religious intolerance has about run its riotous race in this state and the grand High Priest of it hajs been lepudiated lock stock and barrell by the people by that big vote for Wilson. Honest now bub, if you had to spend - the entire day with a he- grouch or a she-gossip which would you choose. Referred to the Thomasville I’rpss for infor mation. Will the Editor of the of the Soperton Sentinel kindly inform us whether that water from the Minnehaha springs in his county makes a man happy, hilarious or hysterical and what he sees after drinking a jug ot it? See where they have a lady lawyer at Cuthbert. Hope that she will prosecute old Howell of the Leader for failure to recog nize one part of the Scripture where it says that is not good for a man to be alone. We published that Wilson was elected before it was settled be cause we knew that if he was it was right and that if he was not he ought to be so we had it com ing our way anyhow. Wilson’s re-election was a glorious thing but how much joy, oh how much joy we can get out of the crimp that it put in Teddy and Tom Watson. The only two angels of destruction and venom ous hatred in the country. The foreman of this shop is some possum hunter having caught 48 this fall and his old dog just beginning to get in working order. Another efFect of the high price of meat and scarcity of paper. A fellow wants sister Harris and George Long to clean out the Methodist church or words to that effect. Sis Harris may want the job but we bet a coon dog that George wil 1 be among the missing when the stunt starts. It is not surprising that a lazy man voted for Hughes as Wilson has kept things moving so and wages go so high that a man could not afford to lose a day to go fishing. Cant well blame them. Judge Cox delivered one of his famous and able“charges to the Grand jury Monday morning. The Judge knows how to do that as well or better than any man that we know of. A most com prehensive discourse on the duties of any citizen. Thi, election will mean that the Democrats of Georgia will in the future have their own pri maries and let the bolters, in dependents, progressives and populist have theirs if they wish to. There will be a big change in the rulings ot the party yet. Grave robbing as a political game proved to be a very dis astrous one. If Watson had stop ped before he got to that point he might have gotten a better vote against Wilson but that stunt infuriated all the honest men of the state and they resent ed it. There has never been a better or more glorious victory for the people of the U. S. in the election of Woodrow Wilson. We do most sincerely wish that we had time to “go to Jacksonville and pitch one” in commemoration but our wife objects. Democracy will never know another leader like Woodrow Wilson and the men in the south that knifed him will live to re gret their action as sure as the sun rises. The greatest Ameri can of the age to be the target of the parlor rifles is a shameful thing. . ■ -O- ■ ■ ' ■ - Georgia handed the Watson- Progressive bunch one large lemon. They had a fairly good vote on the way until Watson forgot his manhood and brought the dead into his slime and then they lost it. Had Watson been more of the man than he was he could have delivered more of his brethren into the hands of the aliens but his littleness had to come to the top at a good time for the Democrats to sit down on ihim. ] Bud Taylor, a well known , negro around town says that he is going to New Jersey when the monument man in the park goes. That he will carry that iman’s grip for him. A wise saying and Bud seems to know the best moves to make as well as where to catch the best fish. Henry S. Jackson wants to con test the Georgia election because he said that hundreds of men promised to vote for Hughes and did not do so. If that fool stunt was allowed every defeated can didate in the state for fifty years would have grounds to contest. We wonder if Judge Hardeman would rule that a man has any rights at all in his family affairs. He says that a man cant let his child go to a picture show with out loosing his right to go to the public schools. The tax payers of that circuit are certainly up against it with that kind of gink to pass on them. When in the course ot time, or in the course of human events it becomes neccessary forthebelly- achers to bunch and form a party we herewith suggest that they do so under the banner of Tom Watson and get all the grouches to working in harmony. Let them float their own colors and stay by their own standard. We rise to remark that it was some race that President Wilson made and it will go down in history as the most remarkable in our history. The greatness of men lives behind them, the littleness of men dies in odor and the littleness of the attacks on the President will bring to a set of men in this country a sad day of reckoning. Mr. Catts rode his religigious hobby into the Governor’s chair and then he immediately rises to remark that no foolish or sumptu ary laws will be offered by him. He says that he will not attempt to force his religious views on the body politic of Florida. That sounds like a big man talking and we can prove it by all that the Florida Record said he was a little man. Well Mr. Watson can walk away back and sit down. Begin ning away back yonder in the fight for the nomination to black guard the president he has seen it all go to nought and the people of his own state go overwhelming ly for Wilson twice. Any man with a grain of common sense would bow to the will of the people as expressed at the ballot box twice and let the great Man of America rest in peace as well as let his wife ashes enjoy the same repose. —O — - Catts, the people’s Democratic nominee for governor of Florida defeated the Machine nominee Knott so far that the machine will not soon try to hook any more elections. Catts first state ment, fairly reported by the papers that warped everything he said up to that hour showed a spirit that exists only in big men and we believe that Florida has got a bigger man than the machin ery wanted the outside world to know. The Savannah Press says that its ambition will be satisfied to see Pennsylvania and Vennont go Democratic. We dont see why because they know that an erring bunch like those two turning over would make us leary ot our own party. Nope bud, if those two rank old republican states were to go Democratic we would get scared of onr old party right then and there and look for the nigger in the wood pile. We DONT want that pair at all, at all. Let the Republicans keep the old sinners, we have gotten along without them thus far and let's continue to shine politically without them'in our crown. Auto accident Sunday, another Monday and the bullies will keep on until some man is killed yet. Korns are on the cars, they blow them everywhere but a crossing where danger lurks. There has never been an accident in the town of Bain'bridge that a- strict observance of the auto laws would not have averted. If some of the blowing of horns that is done at night after every body is asleep was done in the day time accidents would not occur. A stranger was in town Sunday afternoon and walked out on the park and made the following ob servation. ‘‘You have a pretty little town, a nice band, a swell band stand, nice seats for the men to sit and plenty of grass for the ladies to spread down newspaper to sit on” We sadly admitted the force of his remarks for looking over the crowd we saw most ot the seats filled with bo-loafers and the ladies all sit ting on grass. Just a living ex ample of Bainbridge Gallantry, that is all. The past week has brought forth more determined talk by the Democrats of Georgia about pulling down the strings on their primaries and making the party stand for something than we have heard in ten years or more. It is high time that we stopped this business of being a Sunday Methodist and a Monday Baptist or to be more plain to be a state Democrat and a national Republi can. We contend now as we have always there ‘ ‘aint no such thing” as one of these. No animal of that kind roams even the plains of mugwurfipery that we can find. Judge Bob Hardeman says that the school trustees have a right to suspend children that go to moving picture shows. Just bears out our long cherished idea that a dude had no brains. There never was a bigger dude than this Hardeman in the Georgia legislature and it seems not a bigger fool on the bench. We would like to see some fool judge tell the crackers over this part of the country that they could not take their children to the picture shows without losing their pri vilege as tax payers in the com mon schools just once. A school trustee does not supersede the rights ot parents. Such fool no tions are sickening. That circuit ought to be proud of such a judge and present him with a wrist watch and a pair of pink garters. Result of the vote in Albany Judicial Circuit on the constitu tional Amendment to abolish fees of Solicitor General. Every county voted a majority against the amendment as shown by the following table; For amendment. Against amendment Counties Decatur 225 453 Grady 188 229 Mitchell 146 214 Baker 24 40 Calhoun 75 86 Dougherty 123 494 What ever may be the the vote of the state, this is an expression of the people of this {circuit, and as the new system will be op tional with the representatives of the particular circuits, the Al bany Circuit will not likely be put on the salary system, since the representatives will be gov erned by the vote on the question in this circuit. Bad Colds From Little Sneezes Grow Many colds that hang on all winter start with a sneeze, a sniffle, a sore throat, a tight chest. You know the symptoms of colds, and you know prompt treatment will break them up. Dr. King’s New Discovery, with its soohing antiseptic balsams, has been breaking up colds and healing coughs of young and old j for 47 years. Dr. King’s New! Discovery loosens the phlegm,! clears the head, soothes the irritated membrane and makes breathing easier. At your drugg- ; 1st, 50c. (2) A JOB FOR TOM WATSON. Bainbridge, Nov. 9.—A touch humor was added to the tense anxiety over the presidential election today when a negro woman near here received a tele gram from her husband in New Jersey sayiny: ‘ ‘Sell the old horse and cows. Send me the money. I am in jail for voting.” This negro recently left for the north and other negroes re cently just from the north said the were asked to register as soon as they stepped from the train. Practically airDecatur county negroes who went north are bitterly disappointed. The above clipping from the Macon Telegraph about a Bain bridge negro that got his hook hung running off after Hughes brings the suggestion to us that in all fairness Tom Watson ought to volunteer his services and go to New Jersey and defend this coon free of charge. He has tried to lead the white folks of his state, his blood, bone and sinew into the same boat. He ought to do it, it would be so much more lofty than grave rob- ding and filching the names of dead folks. Much more genteel and decent than concocting lies on the head of the Nation. It would be more honorable than trying to participate by warping and twisting words in a white de mocratic primary. This is Tom’s chance to do something real big, one of the many many chances that he has had but alas we fear that he will fail his fellow wor- No journal or lished in this "state'shaH* clared or made theory Of any county for the nl of Sheriffs sale) " ,p ““ citations or any other adi commonly known and * official or legal advertisj required by law to be D in such county official new unless such newspaper sha! been continuously published mailed to a list of bona fide scribers for a period 0 years, or is the direct SUo of such journal or and no change shall be ma official organship of any ( except upon the concurrent of the ordinary, sheriff and of the superior court ot county, or a majority of sai fleers: Provided, That in cod where no journal or news has been established for years the official organ designated by the ord sheriff and clerk of the suj court, a majority of these; governing.-6065 Code of gia. Our reason for publishing law is merely to correct that was gotten out a few ago by local publication, is the law of the state at have not the least idea tha official of the county would take to set' aside the law felt so disposed and we has heard that any of them w< shipper at the shrine of Eastern Gold impersonated by Hughes. He will, we fear leave his black! brother in limbo to eradicate by hard labor one short space of 12 months. Dont you know Tom will bellyache when he thinks that this coon will have to help build roads in New Jersey for Woodrow to rjde over but he will have to do that very thing unless Tom will raise his big voice in this bleak day of democracy and get his shining cohort off with less time. Poor negro, deluded by big talk and big words, led off by promise ,iust like Tom led off some of the white men that fol lowed him. He is more sinned against than sinning. Tom ought to get that coon alose and save that old cow and horse if he ever does anything more in life aside from abusing the democratic party. ONE MORAL stands and that is, the negro got as much in New Jersey as the man in Georgia will get that follows Tom Watson off into the Republican camp. satisfied with the work ol Post Search-light. The notices will appear in this [ for the next two years an; hope longer if it be the piei of the officials which we thii will be. Sloan’s Liniment f Neuralgia Aches. The dull throb of neuralgi quickly relieved by Sloan’s ment, the unversal remedy pain. Easy to apply; it qu penetrates without rubbing soothes the sore muscles. C er and more promptly effe than mussy plasters or ointn does not stain the skin or the pores. For stiff mus chronic rheumatism, gout, bago, sprains and strains it quick relief. Sloan’s Linii renuces the pain and inflami in insect bites, bruises, bi and other minor injuries toe ren. Get a bottlr today at druggist, 25c. WELL MADE; ACTIVE; SEATS 7; $1280 Quality runs through the 7 passenger 6-30 Chal mers like a vein of gold in a mine. That is one reason for its supreme ability in action. The price is very low on this car-—$1280 until November 30. After that $1350. (All prices f.o.b. Detroit.) FUNDERBURK & HARGAGE