The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, November 16, 1916, Image 6

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PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. E. C. SMITH DENTIST Office Upstairs, Belcher Building Bainbridge, Ga. H. B. SPOONER ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in all State and Fedcra. Courts Except City Court Bainbridge OFFICE 225 BROUGHTON ST. Bainbridge, - Georgia. M. E. O’NEAL ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbridge, - Georgia J. C. KALE ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE • Bainbridge, - Georgia W. M. HAKREI.L I NO. K. WILSON HARRELL & WILSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbridge, • Georgia W. V. CUSTER ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in all Courts Albany Circuit and all Federal Courts Office Opposite Court House Bainbridge, - Georgia. D. R. BRYAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in court House Bainbridge, Georgia. DR. S. EHRLICH PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phones 358, 4G and 18 Office 312 Clark St. Bainbridge, .... Georgia. C.W. WIMBERLY, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in O’Neal Building Next to Court House Bainbridge, - Georgia. H. G. BELL ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE Olllcca In Chnson Iluildlnu Opposite Court House Bainbridge, • - - Georgia. J. M. FLOYD ATTORNEY AT LAW and Dealer in Real Estate office'2nd. Floor Racket store BAINBRIDGE, GEGRGIA F. E. STRICKLAND ATTORNEY AT LAW Office with Hon. H. B. Spooner Bainbridge, Ga. W. M. ARLINE COUNTY SURVEYOR OEOATUR COUNTY P. 0. Stricklan, Ga. Will run levels for Terracing, Ditching and Draining. All let tent and inqurues will be prompt ly attended to. R. M. WALSH D. V. M. GRADUATE VETERINARIAN Cairo, . . . Georgia, Quarterman’s Pressing Clnb —Is the Place for Good Work.— Clothes, Hats and Kid Gloves Cleaned All Kinds of Busheling Work. —All Work Guaranteed— Phone No. 264-L. nainbndge, ov HOLLY CAMP NO. 2S. Woodmen ottiie World Meets Second and Fourth Monday Nights. Visiting Sovereigns Always Welcome. c. a. o’nkil council commander, j. H. HANCOCK, clerk. No. 666 FIELDS “The Store for the Young Man and His Daddy” FIELDS MEN’S and BOYS SWEATERS All colors and stripes, weights and styles, ’ ranging from $1.50 to $7 At Fields Overcoats Elegant Line from $15 $25 Mackinaws $7.50 to $10 At Fields For the consideration of the Young Men—the Beau Brummel, Storrs, Schaefer & Co., famous style suit for young men of discrimination. You can’t help looking well in these clothes. We have your exact size— from 10 At Fields The greatest selection of Men’s All Wool Sweater Vests and Scarfs Very warm-especially fine for winter auto driving—fit just like a glove-superior quality $3.50 to $6 At Fields The Time Has Arrived Arrow & Wilson SHIRTS in every pattern and colors guaranteed The shirt that gives perfect wearing satis faction under all con ditions. $1 TO $5 At Fields s first-grade UNDERWEAR Kid Gloves and in the city. Full stock of Shirts and Drawers and STETSON Auto Gloves Union Suits. ®ifip tn V? SO % HATS $1.50 to $5 Neckwear New and Original uUu (U “Comfy” Pajamas and Bath Robes-for “HIM” at Shoes From Geo. H. Color Combinations 50c to $2.50 • At Fields Fields $3 to $8 At Fields “The Store lor the Young Man and His Daddy*" TUi i* ■ prescription ptepsred MpeeiaBf far MALARIA or CHILLS A FCVKR. • ire or ux dorea will break any caar, mmt it taken then aa a tonic the Fever will no return. It acta on tha I tear batllr than Calomel and doca not f ripe or etches. ** J. W. Callahan, of’Bainbridge, and Messrs. E. P. Dobbs of Marietta; J. R. Smith, E. L. Wight, H. M. Stanley, E. Lee Worsham, Clifford Walker, C. S. Arnow of Atlanta; J. S. Davis and Ben Sims of Albany; G. O. Persons, of Forsyth, Orrin Rob erts; and H. W. Hopkins, of Thomasville, composed a party that went down on the east cost Sunday to be gone a week on a fishing and hunting trip. Senator Callahan promising to bring the editor a hind leg of a buck deer, not a buck rabbit and con sequently we are wishing the luck of Nimrod on the party. Profs. Lester and Fitts of Donalsonville spent Sunday afternoon in the city. Catur Cox of Mitchell was in the city a short while Sunday with old friends and acquaint* ancea, Now Lookout. When a cold hangs on as very often happens, or when you have hardly gotton over one cold be fore you contract another, look out for you are liable to contract some very serious disease. This succession of colds weakens the system and lowers the vitality so that you are much more liable to contract chronic catarrh, pneumnnia or consumption. Cure your cold while you can. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has a great reputation. It is re lied upon by thousands of people and never disappoints them. Try it It only cost a quarter. Ob tainable everywhere. pecans: Will buy your pecans and pay cash for them as delivered. Maddox Grocery Co. Bainbridge, Ga. ROUTE B. NEWS The debate was very interest ing to all who attended, but the crowd was small. There will be another debate before the 4th Sunday in November. Tom Burke and wife attend ed the debate at Fairchild last Friday night. We are glad to report that little Kenneth Kidd who has been very sick is improving. We are sorry to note the sick ness of Watt Poston and son, Josiah. Messrs. James Thomas and J. L. Earnest are attending court in Bainbridge this week. Last Friday morning the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Hill and claimed one of their precious ■little twin babies. The sad parents have many friends that sympathize with them in their sad hour of trouble. rna ge, I a a week°wft and Mrs. Tom ^ Chattahoochee. Messrs. E. E R-u. „ day Julian Hodges and] \ C f °* of Don alsonvilie J short time with D Tin-’ week. luri « The debate at a Th "W* i ed b? towe who „ te * J. T. Saunders and s Mullen and family atten’ West Florida Fair last f C. J. Butler. 0 f Butl« and Mrs. A. M. Turn' Miss Velma Turn? to Marianna last Thun visit the fair. We people of Fairchil seeing so much passing our community and wish of them to boost Butler’ for safe reliable convenie crossing the river. Thi the best ferryman, Mr. and he knows how to ace people that cross the Butler’s. Emmett Johnson is this writing. J. F. Marchant, L -- his position and is his parents. “THE DUPE” As the central figure in absorbing domestic Blanche Sweet in “The her latest production 1 Jesse L. Lasky Feature Company for the Parai Program, is seen man which her extradordinar; trionic abilities are presenl the best advantage. “The Dupe is a story young country girl who con New York seeking a po and is engaged as secreta Mrs. Strong, a wealthly a woman. Mrs. Strong is ved in a love affiair with a millionaire, Jimmy Regan, has flirted with her men a pasttime. She However lieving he is in love with h anxious to secure a divoce her husDand but can fin cause. Jimmy meets the young retary and attracted ber simple manner falls in love her. He feels that he have an understanding Mrs. Strong before he asks to marry him. Mrs. Strong gives an tainment and Ethel who is oqs to look her prettiest b Jimmy and whose simple cl are old-fashioned, takes n belonging to Mrs. Strong to a new dress. The theft is covered. The girl begs Strong not to disgrace her promises to work until she back the money. The the flashes through Mrs. Sti mind that this girl can be to help her get a divorce promises not to publicly dis her if she will help her by mitting herself to be found ing alone with Mr. Strong, events following form a n mg climax to this inter* FOR THE THANKSGIV ING TABLE Nothing sets it off like hand some silver. Forks, knives, spoons, ladles, as well as the heavier pieces are its greatess ornament Our showing of table silver is very complete and re plete with examples of the finest silversmithing art. We invite you to see and to fill your re quirements from it N. J. SMITH A SON OMest and Best Jewelers Story. c,h See this picture aw night at the Callahan ' Sufferer From IndigeSlion Rd* “Before taking Chamber Tablets my husband su for several years f r0 ™. tion, causing him to nave in the stomach and . after eating. Champ Tablets relieved Jum*» spells right away, Thomas Casey, Geneva, Obtainable everywhere, Mr. A1 Hurst, a pro® farmer of Mitchell c0U ® Sunday in the city , daurtter who » «