The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, December 07, 1916, Image 1

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M 'L-4/w ! [ A a- If HE POST-SEARCH LIGHT ,UME- 2 - N0 - 37 BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA THURSDAY DECEMBER 7, 1916 $1.00 PER YEAR ISI ON PROBE ireds Telephone The ws Congratulating It Its Stand and Urging KJStigation. ers which were sent out lonth by Prof. R. J. Coats pal of the Lanier High 1, telling the parents of hildren that unless there marked improvements in Is of the children during n ber that the children be demoted, is still one main topics of conversa- in the city. mdreds of people have tele- to the News and con- jlated the paper for the d it has taken in the matter, y people have told of in- es occurring in the high jl that should be probed he principal and by the i of education. merous instances of flat re- the part of the teachers id the children in their have come to light, h beans out the the editorial iry of The News several ago to the effect that the lers seemed to be imbued the idea that their duty is id out how little the child- :now, instead of explaining r intricate matters to them, ny parents have informed News that their children absolutely no time for re ion at home, that they have MATTOX MULE CO TOJCATE HEBE A well known mule concern of Moultrie, will have stock on hand from now on in Bainbridge at the Brackin Stables. The grade of stock they handle is of the right kind for this sec tion and the prices of the right shade for the man that has to buy. They are a well establish ed firm with a reputation for fair dealing and will be welcom ed into the local field. Mr. Mattox is an experienced stockman and knows the needs of this territory. They are in viting the public to look over their stock and make their selec tions at any time. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS Through some misapprehen- tion it has been reported that the tax book will not close until the first of April. They will however, close as the law directs on the 20th day of December, T. M. Battle, T. C. accused of “idling and trifling when she was ill and under the care of a physician. But that is what the letter her father receiyed said. The following letter has been received by The News from a parent of one of the girls in the High school. THANKS THE NEWS. Editor Macon News: “I just want to thank you for giving the people an opportunity to express their opinion in regard to those letters parents received from the principal of the High main at home afternoons' School. I received one concern- venings themselves in as-1 mg my daughter. I can speak ig their children to get their tor her. She certainly does ns and then when they do J study. There are many days them the children come \ when she does not have time to from school and inform | get out of the house on account that they were all wrong. | of the lessons that she is re heir interpretation of the j quired to get. The students at ns. u'LDN’T work problem. e parent reports that in one e arithmetic classes there a certain example his son I not work. The parent it himseli and Jwas unable nd a solution. He called veral of his neighbors who experts in figures and they not solve the problem, dd his son to get the teach- work it. The teacher has lone so yet and the parent *** the opinion that he '°t believe that the teacher how. A number of in- es of this sort have been re- d. originally stated by The i there are some children are naturally backward in studies and who never are to keep up with their class. Vnen it is necessary for W50 8 to be sent out calling tion of parents to the fact Ban y children are not mak- ^•sfactory grades, it is ap- "• *hat some thing is radi- wrong with the system of lln £or the curriculum. s now claimed by the school >ntles that only 73 children toade marks that were not lent to Promote them. But |Ue stion *s being asked if 18 true why- were the * ^nt out to parents call- ontion to the fact that children were “idling and and “clogging the ' v ‘On they were making sufficient to promote. Parent received a letter n> 5 daughter who had been ^ 1 ' n bed for more than ee ks and was still cou- her room at the time e er was received. Sure- 6 io ung gi r i j|o u id not be latttbnftgg Mortal Doings Among Those That See and Know. (4^ BY SELENE MR. CRAY RETIRES the school have too many lessons in my opinion. Either that or the lessons they are required to learn are entirely too long. My daughter came home the other day with 33 examples to get in arithemetic. This in addition to fhe other studies kept her busy the entire afternoon and far into the night. “Just to go to school and re cite lessons to the teachers is not in judgement the proper policy for any school to pursue. If the children do not know their lessons they are given bad marks. If they are required to get everything perfect at home. Ido not see any reason for having teachers. I have nothing against any of the teach ers, but I do think they should have a little mercy on a child. I know of one pupil who asked one of the teachers to explain a certain proposition, stating that she just could not work it and the teacher told her that he would explain nothing. You will have to get your lessons at home or miss them, he said and he Refused to help her at all. It strikes me that it is the duty of the teachers to render all the assistance they can to the- child ren, so that they would be able to understand the various matt ers. In my opinion the fault at the high school in mainly with the ^teachers. They give the children lessons that are too long and.then refuse to help them at school.’’ “I want to thank The News for calling attention to the letters and for giving the parents an opportunity to express them selves in regard to conditions at the school. Yours Truly, “a parent.” (From The Macon News.) . Mr.^nd Mrs. J. B. Herron of Quincy spent Thursday the guest of the Callahan Hotel. Mr. and Mrs; W. Pray of Bos ton, arrived Wednesday to spend the winter at the Callahan Hotel, Mr. 0. T. Barr of Atlanta, spent the week-end in the city. Miss Myrtle Kornman after a pleasant week-end visit to her brother Mr. I. N. Kornman of Valdosta has returned to her home. Mr. L. A. Friedman left Sun day for a business trip through New York State. Mrs. Leo Wise after a pleasant visit to her sister Mrs. M. E. Nussbaum left Thursday for Chicago, to spend the winter. Mr. Chas Aushurst, Represent ing the Maryland Casuality Co. of Atlanta, spent the week-end here. Miss Veech oY Americus is spending a few days the guest of her brother J. Veech. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hagan and Miss Kennell of Donalson- ville spent Saturday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Jennings. Mrs. C. O. Niles of Americus after a weeks visit to Mrs. & O. Fields, has returned to her home. Miss Edith Taylor of Atlanta has returned home after a visit, to Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker, has returned home after spend ing the Thanksgiving Holidays in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. May enter tained with a bird supper, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Pray of Boston, on Friday evening. Mrs. Thresa Caldwell has re turned to her home in Douglas, after a pleasant visit to Miss Lida Lee Bruton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Perry, Mr, and Mrs. R. H. May. Mrs. Harry Gammage. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nussbaum, Mrs. Pearl Meyers, Messers. Julina Kwilecki, and Robert Wimberly attended the dance in Quincy, Fla., on Thanks giving Eve. ‘ Robert Monroe spent Sunday in Tifton the guests of friends. Mr. H. J. Bruton left Tuesday on a business trip through the East. The many friends of little Miss Dorothy Cohen will be pleased to hear that she is steadily improv ing after a serious spell of ill ness. Mrs. M. E. Tolson is visiting her sister in Cairo. Miss Lula Mae Morgan spent the week end in Tifton the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Morgan. Miss Nan Phipot after spend ing the summer the guest of her brother Mr. Walter Philpot ar rived Tuesday to spend the winter the guest of Mrs. Geo. Fields. Mr. W. W. Wright Jr. of Quicy spent the week end the guest of his father Mr. W. W. W right Sr. /Miss Frances Kwilecki left Friday for a weeks visit to New Orleans. Mr. A. C. Soule gave a delight ful Theatre party in honor of Miss Mattie Ball of Moultrie, the guest of Miss Cecil Harrell. Those invited were: Miss Miriam McCelian, Katherine Chestnut, Estelle Dorsey, Cecil Harrell, Cora Clark, Mattie Ball, Messers, Charlie Chestnut, Willie Kwilecki Trevor Battle, Loyd Rich, Ralph Kwilecki, 0. T. Barr of Atlanta, and Richard Hartt. Mrs. Mercer Baggs entertained the Friday afternoon Bridge at her home on Academy Ave. Miss Laurel Tonge made top score. Those playing were: Mesdames. H. M. Richardson, Charlie Har rell, H. L. Hans, Laurel Tonge, C. O. Charltt.n, Mercer Baggs, Misses Stella and Edna Nuss baum. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Fields gave a theatre party for Mr. and Mrs. Pray, of Boston, those in vited were: Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Varner, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Hawes, Mr. and Mrs. Pray, Mr. and (Mrs. R. H. May, Mrs. Walter Perry. At the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners Mon day Mr. Joe Gray sat for his last session and will be succeeded by Mr. G. H. Cook. In the retiring of Mr. Gray he carries with him the respect of every citizen that had any dealings with him in his capacity as an official. He has made the county a good servant, honest and very careful. Some of the citizens may differ with him from time to time on public matters but .none have ever questioned his intense desire to the right thing and to ‘.look well after the interest of the county. He has done some constructive and lasting work on the board and that class of work that will long be remembered. His many friends and his public associates wish for him a long and happy life in whatever field he places his activities in the future. A good, honest, clean, square man leaves the public service in him and he will be more appreciated as time shows the good he has done his county in the past four years. FARMERS MET Excessive Hog Stealing Necessitate the Co-oper ation of the City Officers, and Farmers. N. J. SMITH AND TO N. J. Smith &' Son will move their jewelry store across the street from where they are now located on January 1st. The build ing formerly occupied by Tonge Brothers is being fixed up in the most modern and uptodate man ner and when finished will be one of the real swell stores of that kind-in the south? They carry a magnificent line of stuff that will please everybody. TRADE BAZAAR The Young Woman’s Circle of the Baptist church will have a bazaar next week in the Callahan Block, beginning Tues day morning December 12th. Things useful, things ornamental and things beautiful will be sold, Things for the young, the middle aged and old. Tuesday afternoon a salad course, will be served. Come and buy of these many things a few. OR. PARIS COMING Dr. J. P. Parks eye sight Specia list will be at the Jewelry Store of C. C. Norris, Monday Dec. 18th, for one day only. If you are having trouble with you eyes dont fail to take ^vantage of this oppertunity. BILLY CLIFFORD HERE T0NI6HT » ■ Billy Clifford is here tonight with a show bunch in “Linger Longer Lucy.” We don’t know what kind of a show Billy has but we know that he is a good fellow and deserves patronage because he tries to earn it and appreciates it. He usually carri es a pretty good aggregation along. His show is not intend ed for instruction, only for amusement and his claim is that he will make you smile. He is a regular visitor to Bain bridge and has some good friends here. CITY COURT NOTICE The second week or civil week of the December Term of the City Court of Bainbridge will be adjourned over to the Second Monday in January 1917. The first week or criminal week of said court will convene on the 3rd Monday in December 1916 as provided by law. Let Jurors, witnesses and parties take due notice. By order of the Hon. H. B. Spooner, Judge city court of Bainbridge this 7th, day of Dec. 1916. C.1W, Wimberley, Clerk. Major Jno P. Miles, of Atlarv- la. Bft a™ Council met in regular session Monday Dec. 4th, 1916. Those present were Mayor Callahan, Alderman Laing, Lane, Carter, Fields and Nussbaum. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approv ed. Resolutions were read and passed renewing notes at the Bainbridge State Bank and the First National Bank, copies be ing hereto attached 'marked ex hibits ‘A’ and ‘B’ ann *C\ An ordinance was passed amending Sec. 593 of the city code, mak ing said ordinance include with in its provisions hogs, sheep, goats, lambs and other animals sold by butchers for eating. Said ordinance being inscribed in the book of ordinances of the city. An ordinances was passed re pealing the special tax of $25.00 per day for carnivals or aggre gations of shows. Said ordinance being inscribed in the book of ordinances. There being no furh- er business council adjourned. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Alderman in council as sembled taat Sec. 593 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Every licensed butcher or deal er in cattle, hogs, goats, lambs, sheep or Other animals sold for eating, shall keep a . book in which he shall enter the njark and brand and general marks of discretion of each and every animal aforesaid salughtered by him or purchased by him for sale, giving the name of the person from whom same was purchased, and describtion of the animal, in so full and ample t a manner as to identify the animal m case it should be stolen or disputed property, which re cord shall be subject to the in spection of anyone. It shall further be unlawful for any butcher to purchase any of the aforesaid animals except be tween sun rise and sun set. Any violation of this ordinance shall be purnished as prescrib ed in Sec. 430 of the City Code. Passed in open council and ap proved this Dec. 4, 1916. W. 10. Fleming, Clerk. . J. W. Callahan, Mryor. Dr. Parks the eye man will be back in the city shortly as he announces. Doctor Park has not been making his regular rounds lately because of illness, but from now on hfa patrons can Hook for him trf give them Messrs. G. A. Perkins, John Dean, J. M. Dollar, C. E. Dollar, Carl Brock, Wesley Martin and other gentlemen, farmers from the northeastern section of the county came down Monday night and met with the city council, asking for some protection from the sale of stolen hogs along the line mentioned in this paper several weeks ago. The city Fathers were ready to assist the farmers in any manner they could and Mayor Callahan hav ing invited the visit from the farmers to discuss the matter had already prepared an o^liance affording them the needed pro tection which appeals in the council proceedings published on another page in this paper. This situation has been very grave in some parts of the county as men have been missing their hogs and considerable amounts of thieving was believed going- on. The selling of hogs with their heads cut off, removing all marks was going on to such an extent that the farmers asked the council to give them an ordinance preventing the markets from I buying such hogs and prohibiting I the buying of hogs between ! Sundown and Sunrise. They are also going to ask the councils of ! the adjacent towns to aid them in their effort to break up this ! hog stealing. It the adjoining j towns will also pass an ordinance of this nature they will help the I farmers in this crusade. The ! city council seemed very desirous of co-operating with the farmers in this matter and immediately passed the ordinance requested. DEATH OF ASA FAEEMAI ; On November 30th, the death 'angel visited the home of Mr. I and Mrs. Mitchell Freeman, of 'Chattahoochee, and bore away j the spirit of their son, Asa, to a home above. He was about : seventeen years old. Asa was a ' very quiet manly boy, I only j knew him a short while, but al ways found him pleasant, he had a smile for everyone, and he gladly took part in anything he ! was asked to do which pertained to good. He was sick only nine Idays and everything was done for his comfort and relief by his friends and physicians, but God . claimed him. He was laid to rest on the first day of December in {thefamily burial grounds near Dell, by the side of his mother and grandparends. A large crowd of friends and relatives were present and the school children whom he daily associated with marched with casket, each with an armful of flowers with which they covered the grave. It was sad to give up one so young and useful, but it made me rejoice to see he had so many friends. May his life, though so short be the means of others trying to live better lives. May God bless the family and help them to follow in the footsteps of their loved one. “For death is only a dream.” A Friend. Dont forget that Dr. Parks will be at my Jewelry Store for just one day Monday Dec. 18th, ■SSLSLSS' ““