Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 2 NO. 23
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HAIL AND FAREWELL -- Aneraends, anew day begins
as Atlanta’s first new mayor in 23 years, Ivan Allen, Jr.,
takes the oath of and the all but lengendary William
B. Hartsfield waves a jaunty goodby in front of City Hall
where he has been King of the Hill longer then any chief
executive of a major American city. - Photo by Dodson.
You Made 25 Homes Happy
Christmas really came to twenty-five worthy Atlanta
Families through the generosity of citizens of Atlanta.
The writer of this article
personally visited eleven of
the families. The other four
teen were visited by iour
other professionally trained
social workers who made
social studies of the families
and recommended help ac
cording to need Becaus: we
are professionally trained
people and with permission
of the executive committee
of the Inquirer Christmas
fund we feel that the names
of families should remain
anonymous Their pover
ty, need and their general
condition is no cause for
them to be publicized. We
hope that our stories will
convince you of their appre
ciation and great joy.
Every home we visited
was spotlessly clean. True
there were many children,
many beds and not enough
fire but the spirit of Christ
Distributed Each Thursday Afternoon Price 10¢ Qutside Metropolitan Atlanta 15¢
By An Atlanta Social Worker
" i | THE
B ! ‘ “To Seek Out the Truth and Report It Without Fear Or Favor”
mas was present.
In one home visited two
small boys had just come
in from the woods, their
shoes were almost worn thin,
their overcoat were non
existent, yet they were
dragging a medium sized
pine tree which was larger
than both of them together,
They had no lights, or orna
ments, but theyhadaChrist
mas tree We thought about
the Dbeautifully decorated
trees in other homes, the
shiny aluminum ones, the
beautifully sprayed white
ones our own included, and
tears filled our eyes; how
much we have, so little they
We did not get to all the
families, the money ran out.
But as late as seven o’ clock
Continued On Page 12
Hint New Shotgun-Well
Victitims In Rockdale
Special to the Inquirer
ALBANY, GA, -- Jan. 3
Four of the 20-odd Albany
State College students sus
pended “‘infifinitely’’ with
out hearings as a result of
their participation in there
cent community wide civil
rights demonstrations were
granted hearings today.
Their suspensions were up
held by a committee con
sgisting of the President,
Dean of Students and Direc
tor of Public Relations of
the college, meeting inclos
ed sessions.
Students and community
leaders termed the hearings
a ‘“‘cruel mockery’’ noting
that the usual practice is
to have a discipline com
mittee of 4 faculty mem
bers, 4 administrators and
the immediate advisor of the
student involved present.
‘““The students were refused
counsei; though counsel was
"available in ‘the ‘building
throughout the time o the
hearing,”” an adult leader
stated. l
Meanwhile, arrangements
have been completed to sub
stitute security bonds for
cash bonds put up earlier,
following meetings with city
Though no overtactionhas
been taken by Negroleaders,
most Albany Negroes con
tinue to stay away from
downtown stores in what has
been described as ‘‘spont
aneous selective buying.”’
Atlanta NAACP
Pushes Drive
James Gibson, executive
secretary of the Atlanta
Branch NAACP, issued acall
to every Atlantan of good
will to join the NAACP’s
drive for members during
Membership Month of Jan
uary. He also cited the gains
in civil rights by Negroes
and the part played by the
‘“‘Certainly the NAACP has
done more in the field of
civil rights,”” he stated,
‘“‘than any other single group.
It deserves the support of
all, for the fight is far from
being over. I especially urge
every Negro to become a
member.”’ =
Gibson said that the NAA
CP is still the leading or
g.nization in the field, and
that the legal victories in
desegregation of the schools,
golf course and library were
spearheaded by NAACP law
‘He said that January has
Continued On Page 6
COVINGTON, Ga. -- Police here reported that they are
still searching for the body of a dead Negro, or possible
missing Negro allegedly killed by one of the three white
teenagers now being held for the murder of two white boys
two weeks ago. Covington police, contacted by Inquirer
reporters Wednesday night, said that no new leads had
turned up to support the allegations.
A spokesman stated that
Rockdale County authorities
are investigating reports
that one of the youths now in
custody admitted killing a
Negro prior to the slaying
of the two white teens, and
dumping his body inthe same
well that the two other bodies
were dumped.
The spokesman also stated
that police are investigating
the reports that the same
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Transit Co. Denies Freeze
On Negro Bus Drivers
Applicants Dropped Before Make Payroll, Vet Charges
AN s lonyary.a-- i
'~ The Atlanta Transit Company today denied charges
of a deliberate freezeout of new Negro applicants for
bus operators’ jobs. The charge was levelled by a
young Army veteran with over two years experience
driving buses in the U, S. and Germany without an
accident. .
Lester B, Minor, 1483
Joyland Street, reported that
he applied for a job as bus
driver after learning that
two longtime Negro em
ployees of the company had
been hired as operators. ‘‘I
took a series f tests, a
physical exam, and was given
a job as a cleaner in the
Maintenance department,”’
Minor said. ‘“‘But justbefore
I would have completed the
90-day trial period that
would qualify me for join
ing the union I was let out,
Continued On Page 6
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(‘““Mr. 1962°’) The first baby born in the New Year,
January 1, 1962, arrived in Atlanta at one second after
midnight, as the Inquirer photographer stood by. The
in-newest child of proud parents Mr. and Mrs. Jubie
Morris, his name is Christopher Marcelle Morris. He
weighed 9 1lbs. and 6 ozs. at birth. Photo by Dodson.
young prisoner admitted
killing another white youth
and also getting rid of the
body. A police of.icer said
that they have the name of
the other missing white
youngster, :
A Covington resident told
the Inquirer that ‘‘the word
around here is that the body
Continued On Page 6
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