The Times and state's right advocate. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1833-1833, February 06, 1833, Image 1

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VOL. 1 THE TIMES &stj> aaonyt’a WILL be published once a week, in the Town of MilUdve Tille at THREE DOLLARS per annum, if paid in advance or FOUR DOLLARS, at the end el the year. dy Advertisements inserted ai the usual rates: those sent without a specified number of insertions, will be pub ished until ordered out and charged accordingly. Sales of Land, by Administrators, fixicutors, or Guardians, are re quired, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the court-house in the county in which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must be given in a public gazette sixty days previous to the day of sale. Sales of negroes must be at public auction, on the first Tuesday of the month, between the usual hours of sale, at the place of public sales in the county where the letters Testamentary of Administration or Guardianship, may have been granted first giving sixty days notice thereof, in one of the public imzettes «f this State, and at the door of the court-house, where such sales arc to be held. Notice'for the sale of Personal Pro perty must be given in like inarm orty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an LVate must he published for fortydays. Notice that appli cation ivill be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to I sell Land, must be published four months. Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must ho published for four months, before any order absolute shall be made thereon by the Court. SEW CT.OTIII.Hi STOKE. MILLKDGEViLLE. THE Subscriber has just received, and is now opening a very extensive assortment of READY-HADE CEO THING. (the work of which is warranted,) viz: Gentlemens cloth, camhlet and plaid Cloaks. Ladies plaid and cirrassion do Children’s do do Olive, brown, blue, green and inixt Frock Coats, do do do do do black dress do. Blue, black, brown, olive, mixt and drab Cloth Pantaloons do do do do do do eassi mere do VESTS. Blue and Mack cloth, Plain and figurod velvet. Valencia do do Marseiles, Ac. Ac. Ac. cut in various ways, some of which cannot fail to please. A! so, a good assortment of Hats, Boots, Shoes, Pumps and Slippers. Fine linen, cotton, and Flannel Shirts. do do do do Drawers. Studs, Bosoms,Collars, silk and cotton Cravats Bombazine, velvet and silk Stocks, Pongee handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Gloves, Hosiery, Ac. Ac. Also, an assortment of boys clothing, consisting of Cloaks, Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Hats, Shoes, £?e. ZJc. Ac. ABEL C. VAIL. ! Nov. 8, 31 ts CIIEAI* STOKE.—Macon, Geo. TWENTY’— FIVE per cent cheaper than ever. JOB MAGIE is just opening a very extensive and splendid assortment of Goods, which has been selected in the New York market by himself, from the latest importations, which are particularly calculated for this market, and-which will be disposed of fully twenty five per cent, cheaper than ever.— These goods arc of the latest style and most fashionable pat terns, and are offered to his friends and the public with con fidence fully assured, that not only the style but prices will fully meet their approbation. Their attention is requested o the same—a few of the articles are mentioned, viz : 200 pieces calicoes and prints, some very rich. Extra fine furniture callicoesand common. 50 pieces fine parish muslins and ginghams, plain and striped, figured and striped mandarines, saragoses blsck and purple Grodeswissand itallian silks watered grodenap, black and brow n colored do. hernani gauzes, Orleans robes, paint ed palmarinesand crape deleon, black arid colored silk, cam bists and princettas, fine french bombazines, blond gauze veils (some extra sizes.) Satin straws, scarfs, fancy hand kerchiefs and shawls, very rich, sett cap and belt ribbons new patterns, thread laces and insertings, also edgings and footings, checked and striped muslins, jackonet, Swiss and Cambric do. one case grass bleached irtsli linens assorted, long lawns, linen cambrics and cambric handkerchiefs, super, vestings, plaid and plain drillings and fine french linens, pongees and ponge handkerchiefs, bandanna and flags, gloves znd mitts assorted. 50 dozen silk, cotton, randon hose and half hose assorted. 100 parasols and umbrellas, very neat and rich 100 pieces mosquito netting. Bead hags 'ml purses, shell tuck and side combs, cambric and furniture dimities and cotton fringes, C, 7,8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 by 4 damask table cloths, table covers, dunstable and 6traw bonbets, palm leaf hats, black and drab beaver hats la test fashions, travelling caps and trunks. 10 bales sheetings and shirtings ami plaids. 500 lbs spun cotton, tickings, osnaburgs, cotton cards Ac. Also, an extensive assortment of perfumery, eoaps, oils, powder; powder boxes and puffs, erasive balls, cologne, honey and rose waters, otto of roses, Ae. Ac. Also, 5000 pair shoes and pumps assorted, and 100 pair morocco and calf skin boots, same very neat and fine. And a very large supply of saddles, bridles, martin gals, saddle and travelling bags, Ac. Ac. Ac. Together with a general assortment of hardware and cutle ry of all kinds that is wanted in this market; also carpen ter’s tools of all kinds. Blacksmith's tools, cross-cut and mill saws, guns, rifles, Ac. Also a supply of crockery,china and glass ware, Also 10 doz. superior calf skin, gining and bii ding skins, sole leather, gin band leather, Ac. and a supply of groceries, family medicines Ac. Ij* L. YOUNG A CO. inform their friends and the pub- A • lie in general that they have received their Fall and of Winter Stock, consisting a general assortment of Dry Goods,; Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Blank- i ets, Bagging, Ac. They have also received 200 bags COFFEE, 3 teirccs do CO coils Bale Rope 15 hhds. St. CROIX SUGAR, 10 tierces Loaf do 1 pipe MADEIRA WINE, 10 bbls. Malaga do 100 bbls. GIN, RUM, and WHISKEY, 10 “ Rectified Whiskey, Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin, Cog. Brandy Together with an assortm’t. of Ironmongery, Ac. consisting of LBS. of flat and square liar Iron German. Uaat and Blistered Steel, Nails, Nail Rods, Sheet Iron, Blacksmith’s Bellows, Ajivils, Vices, Hammers, Powder, bhut, Lead, Ac. Cj* The ahove articles were selected in particular refer ence to the up-country and will be sold as cheap as they can *>e had in this market. Macon. Geo. January 9, 1833 I—ts COOKE N: SPEAR, Wo- fOO, Broad- Way, New- York. IIAVE constantly on hand, and are manufacturing a large •T assortment of Cabinet Furniture of every description, consisting of double and single scroll Sofas, spring ami hair Seats, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Secretary, Book Cases, dres *J n B and plain Bureaus, Pembroke Case, dining and toilet Tables, marble top Centre and Pier Tables, Mahogany, curled Maple and fancy Chairs, Ac. Ae. Also, pure curled •p Matirassea, feather Beds, Cushions, Ae. They are constantly manufacturing the Patent W mdlass 1 edsteads, with w hich they have furnished most of the Ilo ’ aßt l Public Houses in the Union. * hey ate now prepared to fill all orders either for cash or ,lmf ' They refer to Messrs. Cooke A T'evpi, Mnecn. fBl fHig AJ%D ST.MTE KtGJMT’g ADVOCATE. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY .’H.IRJI.tDI EE L SL IDE, AT THREE DOLLARS PER AWf TI. _ e J* EVKR DSSPAIIt 0t AXV TUINI ' l ill Tl! RKIXo OUR GUIDE, WE SHaLL SAIL UNDER LIEU AUSPICES.”—HORACE. RLA A < OTTON,—Macon, Georgia. : I II.RS for sale on accommodating terms, ! 500 pieces Hemp Bagging m a . dy r. m . a^ uco,t °u hags (best quality) 100 bbls. Baltimore, N. Orleans and Gi'orgia V hiskey 6 10 hhds. northern Rum (colored) 10 casks Marseilles Madeira Wine 30 boxes manufactured Tobacco 35 hhds- fit. Croix aud Poet* Rice, Sugars 5 bids. Copperas 2 bales Blankets 3 box Saddlery 1000 bushels alum Salt a small invoice of Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, tfc suitable for a country store, will be sold on a credit of 6 months. Pet. 1832. 2r> __ clothing store. I _ MACON, GEO. LUIS FITCH, Merchant Tailor, is now opening, at Ath * Macon (lot lung Store, anew and splendid assort ment o Goods and Clothing, in his line, consistingof super, blue, black, brown, green, diva, claret, mulberry, invisible grepn, and mixt London Cloths ; stiped cassimere, a now ar article; Petersham’s Oxford mixt atiuet, first rate; fashionable figured and plain Velvet, Satin, Florentine, Marseilles and Valencia vestings; blue, black, orange, drab, bull’, white, and steel mixt Cussiineees; silk Italian, and fig. fancy A white ere vats; English and India handkerchiefs; duck, horse and lined gloves ; lack and white silk stockings; silk, cotton and worsted random hall host ; French fancy velvet suspen’- ders; silk, webbing arid cotton suspenders; shirt bosoms and shirtcollars; velvet and bombazine stocks, and stiff ners; linen cambric handkerchiefs; silk umbrellas; cloth caps, children’s fancy and hair seal flannel, brown shirtim* A sheeting; gold and silver epaulets, stars; tassels, lace! buttons, Ac. READY -MADE CLOTHING.—Fine blue, brown, green A olive frock and dress coats, and coatees! mixed over coats and pea coats ; fine blue, black, brown, drab, orange and mixed pantaloons; blue and mixed sattiriet pantaloons; cord and bcrcniine pantaloons ; line figured, plain, velvet, iloremine, Marseilles, bombazine and cloth vesls; draw ers, shirts, monkey and short jackets ; trowsers; fustian pantaloons ; goat’s hair Cantoons, Indigo blue and Cam- Met cloaks ; ladies goats hair, camblct, silk and plaid cloaks: all of which are made up in the best manner, and will be sold cheap 'for CASH. TAILORING, in all its branches, carried on as usual. Having the latest fashions and good workmen, my work shall not be inferior to any. I solicit the patronage of my friends and the public generally. All orders thankfully re ceitedand promptly attended to. sots AUCTION, BROKERAGE, AND (Jam miss ion linsi n css. THb undersigned has taken the spacious fireproofbrick store, in the south end of Ellisfihotwell A Co’s range, for the purpose of transacting Auction, Brokerage and Com mission Business, generally-—He will be aided in the manage ment of any business confided to him, by bis brother J. 'l'. Tow-land, and respectfully solicits a share of the pat ronage of thier respective friends, and the public.... Until the store is completed his Counting room will be kept over the Commercial Bank, WILLIAM P. ROWLAND. N. B. Cotton will be bought or sold for a moderate commission. Oct. 3, 05 lI.ME. —The subscriber still continues manufacturing Jl -ime at his plantation in Crawford county, where it can be had a' all times in quantities to suit purchasers and upon accommodating terms—to wit: By the barrel in the rock at S3 50 “ “ “ slacked 1 50 By the bushel in the rock 50 “ “ “ slacked 25 It may also be had at the following plsccs at the undermen tioned prices—to wit: At Esq. Bell’s in Talbotton in the rock per barrel $ 1 50 slacked S3 50 • At C. M. Norwood, Talbot county in the rock per barrel $4 50 slacked S3 50 At T. Bryant’s, McDonough in the rock, per barrel $5 00 slacked $ 1 00 At J. U. Wick’s, Thomaeton in the rock per barrel Si 00 ' slacked S3 00 At Cullodcnsville in rock per barrel S3 00 slack ed $2 00 At 13. Pye’s, in Forsyth in the rock per barrel $1 slack ed S3 00 And in Macon at Messrs. Ellis, Sliotwell A eo. per barrel in the rock S3 75 slacked !$2 50 Also, at the subscribers in Macon per barrel in the rock S3 75 slacked $2 50. The increased demand has enahled me to put the prices at a reduced rale, and 1 think 1 may venture to assert that from the improvements I have been daily making in the burning together with my selection of rock, that I now have Lime e qual to any Thoinaslou Lime, except its whiteness, and this 1 hope to improve. I believe for brick work and co me!: no lime on earth is superior, but that part lam dis posed to leave with the public, and if it does not sustain it clf, I want nothing for it. 1 deem it unnecessary to trouble the community w ith a long list of certificates vouching for the virtues of the lime, when I propose a trial and if not good—no pay —more is unne cessary. All orders from the country thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. J. BENNETT. Macon Aug. 07, 1832. 20-ts ~ Ml. CO.HFOKL SURGEON DENTIST. OERFORMfi nil the various operations in the Dental A Branch, at his rooms opposite the Darien Batik where Mrs. llugon formerly resided—Dr. C. has a composition for i the cure of the Tooth Ache of his own invention and pre paration, which when applied, in all cases of simple caries aud most of the complicated ones of the teeth, obviates the necessity of the painful operation of extraction, none of the acids, (all of which are more or less destructive to teeth) enter into the composition of this invaluaule medicine. The most desperate pains of the Teeth and Jaw yield in a short time to its medicinal pow er without the slightest injury to (he Teeth. Those who are troubled with this terrible, sleep less complaint, perhaps would prefer this mode of relief, to ' the sad exterminator of the. Dental organs, the Turn Key. Milledgeville Nov. 4, 1832. 30— *&i»WiuNrw Macon, Georgia. The Proprietor having made large addition? to his house j in Macon, is now prepared toenteitain Boarders and Trav I filers, a: all times. | During the summer he will be generally at the Indian ! Springs, whore bis establishment will be kept up as liereto i fore. In bis absence it will be under the direction of a ! voting man of good character. ; L. A. ERWIN. \ N. R. The Stage Office is kept at his house in this place, j Macon, June 7 1832. Btf JOHN F. B. BESSON of Harris county, Gw. has for sale this year 600,000 cuttings and6oO rooted vines.— | The whole is of different kinds and best qualities to plant ' and well adapted to the soil and climate of this State ; lie 1 has now in hand a Treatise on vine culture, and the art of | making Wine, which lie will sell at a lair price, to accom modate the public in general. ! November 27. 1832. 37 MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 6, 1833. 1 .... 21. D. HI’SOY .A * k Milledgevi|le, and his mother, have taken the if-«»? Bta * ls kj? ent * n Macon, formerly kept by Charles W llliarnson, Lsq. known as the WASHINGTON RAIL. The house has undergone thorough s pair, and with other improvements, a Dining Room, eight* feet in length, has been added to the south wing of thu buildim*. The bed chambers have been re-painted,and tin furniture is entirely new, particularly beds. His servajua, the same as were employed in Ins house at Milledgeville. From the central situation of his cstihlishment and his DUST experience in the business, he confidently locks to the public for a liberal share of pattronajjc. ■Macon, Oct. 1832. * 30— iLjryaM<£ asgAi T n . E sub ® cribe . r ' VO “'J inform the citizens of Macon, and X those whose business brings them hither, that he Ins now competed his Stable on Second street, in a style in ft, not 0 but few nil. « Southern country. He has also been iLu.y, and will eontmue to do so, ail that is neces sary to the comfort of the man of plea tire, and for depatch to the traveller. lie has now on hand, used in the Livery, some forty head ot horses, w ith a number of Barouches, t.igs, fiiilkeys, Ac. which are mostly new, and others are undergoing repairs nee ssary for the' st Ist ~; besides w hich, I ?. " | !l receive an additional supply ul Gigs and I Sulkies, well suited to the taste and wants of the nlaee. j Attached to the Livery Stable, u- a coach-maker’s, pain !iii rS ’i trlm . mers ’ :im ' harness manufactory, as well as a j Blacksmith shop ; and having been e.t much trouble and cx | pise in procuring good workmen, for all ilu-se different branches, wnl enable the subscriber at all times to keep bis vehicles and harness in perfect repair. Every care and pains will lie taken to promote the interest comfort and convenience of the Patrons of the Establish ment : but the subscriber has been taught by experience, thai persons hiring must make good all these delays, and in juries, which may happen. It is proper Here to remark, that all carriages, gigs, or oilier vehicles, orhorsc, being injured -. accident, ill-usage, or other cause, the person iiaviie* hi ret the same, will be held liable therefore, for each davTthe article or horse is withheld as unfit for service; anil also tor repatnrg and feeding, during such delinquency. lhe hereto.ore established Prices will continue to govern, amt may be seen at the Livery Stable ; they are as moderate as the times will admit. STAGE TO MONTPELIER SPRINGS. During the ensuing summer and fall, the aubscri’ ,r will run a daily lack between this place and the Montpelier Springs; commencing on the first day of June—leaving Washington Hall, in Macon, at 3 o’clock, P. M. where seats cun be procured, at the usual stage rates, to-say, fcl - ,5 per seat, payable in advance. THE INDIAN SPRINGS, \\ ill also be visited twice a week, by backs running from my stable leaving Erwin's Hotel, in Macon, every Tues day and Saturday, at 8 o’clock, A. M. and leave the Springs at 8 o clock, oil Thursdays and Monday’s ; price of a seat S5 in advance. JOSEPH BENNETT. Macon, Jiinuary 1, 1833. l TO THE PUBLIC. HOWEVER obscure the character; and humble the name of an individual he is still entitled to justice;— J and bis complaints or appeal for justice, w hen addressed to | the enlightened and impartial tribunal of public opinion, is entitled to the same consideration and should he treated J w-iih the same respect as if his pretentions were backed, by | all the factitious aid, which wealth and honors and widely ! extended reputation could give him. Justice, strict, harsh justice if it pleases, is all that is de ; manded from the community lam now addressing. If this ; is granted me, I do not fear the result of the issue, pending : before the public, notwithstanding the fearful odds arranged against me in tne character, the power and official influence of my accusers. My accusers are a committee, ora portion of a committee, appointed by the Legislature to investigate the affairs of the Lank of Macon and the cause of its failure and the grounds ofaccusation will be found in a report, made to that body by j said committee. The charge against me, though not distinctly made—May be stated in its full force thus;-a violation of a contract with the Bank of Macon to furnish said Bank (.’old bullion I at the price or sum of 98 cts. per dw-t. which it is alleged in ! the report, is one of the causes though one of ” minor impor- i | lance,” that tended to produce the present disastrous state of j * affairs, growing out of the recent failure of the “Bank of I j Macon.” Had the committee confined itself to the establish-! | .cent of this charge, by a fair, decent comment on the testi | mony, which was adduced, the reply it would have elicited, j would have been much leS3 painful both to the members of I that committee and myself. If the ascertainment of plain, j simple honest truth had been their object and hail they been j disp.-cd to make no other impression on the public mind, thaiaavhat was natural from such a source, they would | scarcely have buen so lost to self-respect, and have departed ! so far from common decency in argument, as to descend to a ! mere quibble, one of the answers in iny testimony and from | ; w hich loosing sight of the main accusation, they pretend to j deduce the charge of “ gross ignorance or gross corruption.” { The alternative pressed upon me by the committee, ibev doubtless believe very charitable and may be astonished to' learn that it cannot be accepted. If Ido not shew clearly that the author of that report, at least, is justly obnoxious to the first branch of bis alternative, I shall be perfectly w il ling to acquiesce in the applicate u of the lattlr to myself. They have a recital of the whole of my answer to the seventh interrogatory upon which the charge is founded, will be en tirely sufficient to shew that no equivo-ation or evasion was intended. it is as follows “ I have taken up a large amount of Macon Tills; I am not able to slat, how much ; neither do I know how- much I had on hand at the time of the failure. I paid, part of the Bills on my receipts, the balance I have on hand, mid inthe hands of agents that l have Hot settled with." In the re-' capitulation of my testimony in the body of the report, the committee have attempted to do me great injustice. They say “ in the answer of R. S. Patton to the 7th int.” he swears “ that I am not ab'e to state how much, neither do I know i how much 1 had on hand at the time of the failure,” and thir. answer they alledge affords abundant grounds to answer me | “fur gross ignorance or gross corruption.” Omitting calire | ly the last branch of my answer, which I have inserted in! | italics, that it may receive particular notice, which fully re- ■ j conciles every apparent difference in any of the parts and ; \ clearly establishes the truth of the whole, the committee have | seized upon a garbled extract from ray answer and altempt -1 ed by arts, that would disgrace the lowest pettifogger in a ! court of justice, to make an impression on the public mind! against me. which the testimony when taken together ;md : considered justly, will n l warrant. Why did 1 not know j “ how much Macon money I had on hand at the time of the : | Banks failure!” The reason is given inthe same answer i from which tiie garbled extract lias besu made, and that part which has been suppressed by the committee; simply because , I had money in the hands of agents with whom l hud not settled. Aud yet the committee would require that I should know to j a cent, on a particular day named by themselves; how much money in bills on a specified Bank, I bad on hand, notwith standing too 1 had put large amounts in the hands of agents,! w ho were at distance from me and with whom 1 bad made no settlements. They would require that 1 should be able to tel! promptly, what sum i I'money I had in iny pockets, on every occasion—really ibis is demanding a great deal from uny man, certainly mure than could be expected from one, according to their own statements, who was in the habit of daily irafiie and who used from one tfl one hundred and for ty-five thousand dollars. But 1 do not believe, that the disposition of the committee ■ to do uie injustice, by this inisrsprcsentatioii of my testimo ny, can escape the observation of any person of common sa gacity, who will give the subject a moments consideration, ’ l will not therefore, consume more time in exposing that, which must be obvirns to all. I cannot consent how ever t lose this opportunity 0 f presenting; principally for their com mittees own benefit, St specimen of their undoubted impartiality it tnay serve to console them, for the errors which they them selves may hereafter detect in their report. It has pleased the committee to speak in terms of approbation of the con doetot I . Atkinson, Esq. late Cashier, of the Macon Hank, and to endorse his administration of the affairs of that institu tion as "luir and correct.” In their comment on his testimo ny too, every thing was fair and correct ; the most eenetrating subtlety could not detect an inconsistency. Nothin" was found in his testimony, not even agnrbbd extract, which would authorize the committee to press upon them the unpleasant alternative of “gross ignorance or gross corruption” Vet the following extract, from his testimony, w ill shew that the committee had the same grounds lot censuring Mr. Atkiuson, for whiclta they condemned me. The 3d interrogatory ad dressed to Mr. Atkinson, is ns follows, “have any notes or bills of llie Dank of Macon bean cancelled an.! burned, or oth er') ise withdrawn from circulation, during your being in office —’fony, what amount ? I'he answer is “ I'atrc have eome," Now it must be obvious that the answer does not afford the information to any extent, called for by the interrogatory ihe object of the committee must havo been to ascertain w hut niuouat of hi 1! s had been destroyed; this was necessary to arrive at the very important knowledge, what amount were still in eirct latioit. It cannot ba pretended that Mr. Atkin son who was the Cashier, could be ignorant on this subject. It was his duty to possess a fair record of every bill that bad been burned or otherwise withdrawn from circulation and no one can doubt if this duty had been performed and the wit ness allow ed time tor examination “be could iiave answered the question to the satisfaction of any one, without any kind of difficulty whatever. ’ \et the committee required, that I should ho able, at tne moment to say w hat amount of money 1 had in my hands on a particular day, i r submit to a charge of “gross ignorance or gross corruption ;” whilst they permit another individual who held “ the truly delicate and respon sible situation” of cashier to the Hank, and who could not tell what amount ol the bills of that bank had been destroyed or withdrawn from circulation, not only topdks w ithout cen sure, hut as it to make thcil partiality men. have endorsed his whelo conduct as perfectly “fair and correct.” I certain ly have no disposition to find fault with the approbation, bes towed by the committee upon the conduct of Mr Atkinson ; I hcliave he deserves it, if the committee had extended to me the same justice and judged my conduct by the same stan dard they did Iris', I should have no cause to find fault myself— as it is. there is an obvious distinction made between us; ei ther. Atkinson has great reason to Licit their merry, or 1 have abundant cause to caret their injustice. - Leaving the Committee to reconcile in the best manner they can, to their own consciences and to the just sense of the community—a tribunal to which they, as well as myself are responsible—this flagrant act of partiality and injustice, I shall proceed, with all practicable brevity, to reply to the only remaining part ol (be Jleport w hich duty to myself the quires that I should notice. The Report if the Committee discloses the fact, that on the IGth day of February, 183'A 1 made a c ntraet with the Hank of Macon, to furnish said Hank, gold bullion at the price of ninety-eight cents perdw t.; and the belter to enable me to make the purchase, the Hank agreed to advance, from time to time, such sums of money as were necessary for that purpose. This contract 1 continued strictly to fulfil up to the period of the failure of the Bank, and even a few days before its failure, I paid in a sum exceed ing the enormous amount of $30,000 in gold, SSOOO of which was paid the day before the failure was announced; but be cause I did not still go on to purchase and deliver to the Bank, large sums of gold, after it had stopped payment and was notoriously insolvent, the Committee have charged me with lad faith in the execution of my contract. To this it would appear necessary only to reply, that rny contract with the Hank was not limited to an v particular period ;—the Bank had a right at any time to notify me that the contract was at an end, and stop lnv ; —1 surely had the same right w henever I thought proper, to cease all further operations un der the contract, and to refund to the Bank any amount of mo ney I had on hand. But the Committee, in order to sustain the charge again*; me of lad faith in the execution of my con tract, have been driven to assume the ground, that I acted as the mere agent of the Hank, and was bound in all my opera tions by its instructions. This fact, it will appear from the testimony appended to the Report, they dil'ger.tly sought to establish bv every witness at all acquainted w ith the tran sacticn. The question was addressed directly to Mr. Atkin i son, the Cashier, in the Isth interrogatory—“llad the Bank j of Macon any agent or agents during the spring and sum mer of 1532. engaged in the pcrchas* or conn 1” The an swer was, “There was a contract entered into with Robert is. Patton.” So did every man who at any time borrowed money from the Bank of Macon, for the purpose of purebas log g°M, or fur any other purpose, make a contract with the Bank, which lie v. as hound to redeem at the time of the con tract, by the payment f gold or silvet; (not bullion) butcoin ; —yet there cannot be found a single individual, wno became indebted to the Bank of Macon previous to its failure, who has not, subsequent to that event, availed himself of the riglu to discharge his debts in bills upon that Bank. The annexed certificate of Mr. Atkinson, marked [A] will shew conclusive ly that I was not considered, by the officers of the Bank at least, its agent, lie says there was no correspondence between ■ the Bank and myself—-that no instructions were at any lime given me by the Hunk—that no control was pretended to be excr ised by the link over my conduct and that / was left entirely to my own government, and that no compensation ivas allowed j me, but what / could make by purchasing gold for less than its I real value. With this statement Os the Cashier before him, it ■ is difficult to conceive how any man can arrive at the couclti- j sion that 1 acted in the character of agent to the Bank. There | was not only no intercourse between us, no institruuctions I given me, no control exercised over my conduct, but there was no pretence of any authority to control me — all right of di rection over my conduct, in relation to that transaction, is ex ; prestly disclaimed. To establish, then, the fact that I was the agent of the Bank, it must be shewn that the agent is entire ly distinct and independent of his principal. W henever the “gentleman from (Irecue,” may choose to employ his pro ; fessional acuteness in the attempt to establish such a doc trine, he may add to a reputation already acquired as the au thor of his celebrated “Macon Bank Report.” To elucidate stßl farther, the character of my ronnexioii with the Macon Bank, 1 beg leave to call the attention of the auh'oined certificate (BA (1.) the former a cashier of the Ma rine, the latter of the Darien Bank, by which it will heshown that 1 was furnished money, by each of those Inslitutitions, for precisely the same object I received it from the Mar.oy j Bank and that I never was considered an .Igent by either of | them. Upon the reading of these certificates, I do not be lieve any man will be able to distinguish between Hie nature ! of my connexion with the Marine and Darien Banks, and the relation I bore the Bank of Macon. From the two former l borrowed a sum of money to ho applied, to the purchase of gold—from the Inst 1 done the same to all, I gave my receipts, und each made the loan free of interest. The only difference which exists, is, ns to the mode of The Marine and Darien Banks requires payment in Savannah funds, the “premium on j which was Considered equivalent to the interest.” The Ma- j con Bank preferring gold bullion at its own door, which w as also worth a premium equivalent to the interest. Suppose it! had been out of my power, or from some other cause I had j failed to pay the Marine and Darien Banks in checks on S tv- i annali, what would have been the consequence T Would 1 they not have been compelled to receive their own hills with j the interest! Could they have objected to this! Surely not.! The premium on the Savannah funds would be only equiva I i lent to the interest; and the payment of the interest would make up for the loss of l\ivpremium ! Could the Macon Bank j rer/uirc more If I was unifhle to purchase the gold or did \ not comply with the engagement, to deliver it; what wn« the j necessary consequences ! What would 1 he told by the Bank! ! “We loaned you money free of interest, with the expectation it would ho applied to a particulr object; it lias not been so applied—you must therefore return tin the money with the in- j tercet !" This the Bankcould force me to do, hut neither law 1 nor justice could require me to do more. The pretence by the Committee, that in t's settlement of' my accounts with the Bank, a fraud u as committed and a se. | n .-as injury and : r the hill held r». «>ey i»*. •to be ur.f-urMr 1. was made with a competent agent, appoin <d by die Hank fur that special purpose, and. if any advan lage was allowed me in that settlement, the responsibility cannot rest on my shoulders. But the truth is, no advaolagi was allowed me responsibility; rests no where, because in refa .ton to that matter, ,here is noguilt-and I would never offer •1. " ,y9Cl I f , or 'i l T r e whom 1 believe as innocent as I it cl that I am. Hut 1 defy the committee by the severest scrutiny into the settlement of my account with the Bank of Macon, to shew any fraud or the slightest injury to the bill holders. Suppose for a moment, I had at the time of .he fail ure of the Bank, all the gold suspected by the committee or twice as much, and had paid it into the Bank, would it not have been paid otit.tothc bill holders* could have redeemed a greater amount of hills, than it was worth! Or suppose 1 had retained the gold and employed it myself in the purchase of the hills from the hands of the holders, would not the same amount be redeemed! and can it bo considered of eons*- quence, who redeems the bills! It is * p ] u i tl matter, and eve ry man must understand it who will give it a moment’s reflec tion. The puldie are now in possession of the principal ground, ofmydelrnee, to the accusations contained in a R.port to the Legislature, by a Loramitteo of that body, appointad to ‘ V lB U cause 0, ‘ thfi the Ma* eon Bank. In submitting this defence, which every consid eratjon dear to *a man v. ho values his reputation, cafled upon tne to make. I ask font only a candid, impartial and unpreju diced consideration by the l’ubltc to whom it is addressed ~ . , ROBERTS. PATTON. Macon, January 4th 1633 „ .CA] _ . . Georgia, Bibb County, Dee. 23, Iglo I jus is to certify that there was no correspodence between the Bank ot Bank of Macon and Robert N. Patton in rela tion to the contract to purchase gold: that no instruction was y Sa ' d U i" k t(,Siaid Patton » |lf, r any con hv said Bank , f°M eexcrc, “ ,l .° w tl I , ° «“»"<>•*« <*f said Patton bys. id Bank of Mae o ", within my knowledge, and that the f;‘‘ and * r “ was left entirely to his discretion in tho applica tion of the money furnished him by said Bank of Mace., in 1 , P urt: J iaise °J | ul that no compensation was allow edsaffi Alton by said Bank, other than the differencs be wet n the price lie gave | or t! le g o ;j auJ lhe j( .„ ,■ . the Bank to rcceeive it from him. L.ATKISON. [U] leal ll6 /* l '* eerUf >.»j>at*onje time about the 2S;h January. 63 a man was made to If. ert S. Patton by the Branch if the M. h . Insurance Hank in this place, of which Iw vs buvln-TwV'v ° Burs, to bp employed m buy ing gold, fer which Ins receipt was taken—the oavment . * ' “amount where i afht.-ty days, in check* on Savannah Hn* ?>’ C °?* uni bn them was,: Si *|. .1 e T ivale.Tt to the iuwre’sl tyre none was charged on the lease.-!,, this transaction, Mr. I niton was not the agent ol tin, Hank, net haJ it any control over his operations in the disbursement of the mey lnanod * _ J. WASHBURN. B «ANCH BANK OKIMRIEN. ' ,, Macon, 8/A Oct. 1833. g , n jr, iu* C f‘ V r and ofSc r t | t , Cra >-' K-q- Cashier, Three Tho rn r°, ,ar - 9 I 1 L, i lrlen blll ». *or the purpose of purchasiiur gold in Carroll and Habersham, and for which I promise to re uru gold at it, value, or give Checks at sight t harleitonor New-\ork, within thirty days. . Robert is. Patton. Georgia, Bibb County, to th«n«ie iat n h, !f bor j'*. 0 recei ) ,t « ivt ‘n by Robert Pniteo to the Darien iianx, anJ that no interest was charged eaid ered asTlm 'Jn»' and ‘ l !' at ,f ai,J I>aUon was no ” consid ered as tho agent of the Bank of Darien. SCOTT CRAY former Cashier Ware-House and Comm’snon Merchants, MACON, GEORGIA. I* LAN”] ON * SMI IT I, l Care- House and Commission Mer' -LP c.iante , Macon, make liberal advances on Citton iu store, and on shipments; also on NOTES and other proper tj deposited in their hands. * ‘ Their U .ire-Houses are more convenient to the business part of town than any other, possessing the advantages of u W harf, and are more exempt from danger by fire than any other in M.:con. J AD.MINIS TR A TOR S SALE. t GREK ABLE to an order of the honorable Inferior Court a *j « f Harris county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the iirst I uesdav iu .March next at tho Court House in Burke countv, the follow-in.- Tracts of Land be longing to the estate of Littleberry Marsh, dec. 800 acres of laud more or less, well improved, adjoining Skinner and oth ers.ona other tract containg 17 acres more or less, adjoining Skinner and others, one traet containing 30 acres, adjoining the heirs of-Martin, also, one-fourth of an undivided tract containing 1)0 acres, adjoining Marshall and others; all of the above tracts lying m llie county of Burke. Also will be sold on the first I uesday in April next at the Court House iu Morgan county lot No. “LX-in the HI, distri. t ori-inaily Baldwin, now Morgan county—on the first Tuesday in May next, will bo sold at the Court House iu Campbell county. ntNo. 103, iu the 9th district of originally Fayette, now < ampbcll comity. All of the above sold as the property of LttHeherry Marsh, deceased, for the benefit of the heir. « said Littleberry Marsh. Terms cf sale made known on the day of sale. JOHN MURPHEY, A.lm’r. ELIZABETH M. MARSH, Admr’x Dec. I I, 1833. 33—vds-p PROPOSALS /or Publishing at Macon, Oa. an Agricultural ,Ye cs pajwr, to be entitled UWliaa ii'y ffflHE Soiitliejn lilanter will be devoted exclusively to the 1 Agricultural interest, of the country ; including Hor ticulture, management of Stock, making of Wine Silk, Gardening, Domestic Economy, useful Vrts, Household Expenses, Health, Fruit Trees, Ac. Ac. Ac. It will he issued (at first,) every other week—on a modi uiu sheet, and qurto lonn—on good paper and new type, procured expressly for the purpose. To be improved and’ enlarged as the extent of patronage shall warrant. The form will he convenient for I inding;and each volume will he accompanied with a copious Index. Political and sectarian subjects will bo excluded. It is the design of the publisher to make the work inter esting to all classes of the community ; particularly to those in any wise connected with gardening, mechanics, &e. Communications are solicited. Agricultural Se. ielie*, and friends of the planting interest ge..urally, are requested’ to aid us in our undertaking. Essays on law, medical and scientific subjects, wil be received- Premimns will be given far the best written essays ou particular subjects- Any well written communication ou any subject connected with the objects of this publication, will entitle the author to ayejr’s subscription. I he publisher will he assisted in the Editorial department by several Bleary gentlemen. Terms. —Two dollars per annum, in advance, or $3 30 at the end of the year. To subscriber* to the Macon Tele graph the price will be one dollar and a half, in advance, or twodollars at the end of the year. The paper will bo eonomenced as s.-.oii as sufiien nt ene-niragemeet - fer*. Editors throughout the Mu ru i-titcs are rtspectf* ly requested to give the above * few iu.tsnion*. M. BARTLETT. tfa-ren, July S3. c# .